Let’s Stop Calling Queries “Expensive”

Bad Names

When we talk about finding queries to tune, there’s an unfortunate term that gets thrown around: Expensive Queries.

Why is it unfortunate? Well, it reinforces the wrong mindset when it comes to query tuning, and leads people down the wrong path, looking at the wrong metrics.

SQL Server does have a cost-based optimizer, but those costs don’t mean anything to your hardware, or even to how long a query runs for.

Those costs are all estimates, based on two-decade old computer specs. There are many times when they’re wrong, or not properly aligned with reality.

Worse, it leads people to want to do crazy things like sort the plan cache by query cost to find things to tune.

Worse than that, they’ll look at “query cost relative to batch” to compare two queries for efficiency.

Ethically Sourced

There are many sources to find queries eating up your server hardware.

The point of this post isn’t to teach you how to use any of those things, but to teach you how to be smarter about using them in whatever way you’re comfortable.

My two favorite metrics to look at when looking for queries to tune are CPU and RAM. I explain why in the post, but the short story is that they’re reliable, real-life metrics that can be directly measured before and after to gauge progress.

I don’t look at things like reads, because those might go up or down while your query runtime doesn’t change at all.

They’re also pretty misleading if you’re looking at STATISTICS IO in a lot of circumstances, like with lookups.


A while back I recorded a bunch of videos that show how cached/estimated plans can be really misleading when it comes to costs and all that stuff.

You can find it here:

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Some New Stuff In SQL Server 2022 CTP 2.1

New Baby

SQL Server 2022 CTP 2.1 dropped recently, and there’s some new stuff in it! What kind of new stuff?

Well, there’s some linguistic stuff:

  • Bit manipulation:
    • GET_BIT
    • SET_BIT

How useful any of that will be depends on how you use SQL Server. I’ve never heard anyone yearning for bit manipulation functions, but perhaps I travel in the wrong circles.

Inside You

As far as “unannounced” stuff, here’s some of what I noticed:

There’s a new database scoped configuration called LEDGER_DIGEST_STORAGE_ENDPOINT. The name seems fairly self-documenting, but I can’t picture myself using ledger enough to explore it further.

There are a bunch of new objects, too:

|                            name                            |            type_desc             |
| dm_db_xtp_hash_index_approx_stats                          | SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION |
| dm_tran_distributed_transaction_stats                      | VIEW                             |
| extgov_attribute_sync_objects_synchronizing                | VIEW                             |
| sp_change_feed_configure_parameters                        | SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE             |
| sp_dw_physical_manifest_file_table_insert                  | EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE        |
| sp_dw_physical_upsert                                      | EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE        |
| sp_help_change_feed_table                                  | SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE             |
| sp_manage_distributed_transaction                          | EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE        |
| sp_md_discovery_stats_staleness_detection                  | EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE        |
| sp_reset_dtc_log                                           | EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE        |
| sp_trident_create_credential_to_access_internal_md_storage | EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE        |

Again, their usefulness will depend on how you use the product.

Here are some new extended events:

  • query_ce_feedback_telemetry
  • query_feedback_analysis
  • query_feedback_validation
  • resumable_add_constraint_executed

I don’t think I’ll need to add any of these to sp_HumanEvents, but I’m sure you’ll see them in lots of Microsoft demos.

There are also some new wait stats, but I think I’ll be ignoring them.

  • DW_DB

Nothing all that juicy this time around. Maybe next time!

Thanks for reading!

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How SQL Server 2022’s Parameter Sensitive Plan Feature Can Make Query Store Confusing


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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Be Careful With Memory Recommendations When Installing SQL Server Standard Edition

Friday I’m Not Here

This is a short post to warn you about the memory recommendation tab in the SQL Server installer.

Let’s say you’re doing the smart thing and giving your Standard Edition install 192 GB of RAM:

WIndows Task Manager

Why is this smart? Because Standard Edition’s 128GB memory limit is only on the buffer pool. SQL Server can use memory over and above that for other stuff, like:

  • Query memory grants
  • Compressed backups
  • Other caches/Lock memory, etc.

The problem is that the installer’s recommendation only reflects the buffer pool limit. It doesn’t actually consider that memory can get used over that, and you end up with this recommendation:

SQL Server Installer

That’s 128GB exactly, which is daft to the back teeth.

The number I usually start with here is 184320, which is 180GB. That gives Windows about 12GB to work with.

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Stored Procedures vs sp_executesql In SQL Server: Is One Better Than The Other?


I get this question a lot while working with clients, largely in a couple specific contexts:

  • Me telling someone they need to use dynamic SQL in a stored procedure
  • Applications sending over parameterized SQL statements that are executed with sp_executesql

Often, the dynamic SQL recommendation comes from needing to deal with:

  • IF branching
  • Parameter sensitivity
  • Optional parameters
  • Local variables

Even in the context of a stored procedure, these things can really suck performance down to a sad nub.

But The Code

Now, much of the SQL generated by ORMs terrifies me.

Even when it’s developer misuse, and not the fault of the ORM, it can be difficult to convince those perfect angels that the query their code generated is submaximal.

Now, look, simple queries do fine with an ORM (usually). Provided you’re:

  • Paying attention to indexes
  • Not using long IN clauses
  • Strongly typing parameters
  • Avoiding AddWithValues

You can skate by with your basic CRUD stuffs. I get worried as soon as someone looks at an ORM query and says “oh, that’s a report…” because there’s no way you’re generating reasonable reporting queries with an ORM.

Procedural Drama

The real upside of stored procedures isn’t stuff like plan reuse or caching or 1:1 better performance. A single parameterized query run in either context will perform the same, all things considered.

Where they shine is with additional flexibility in tuning things. Rather than one huge query that the optimizer has to deal with, you can split things up into more manageable chunks.

You also have quite a bit more freedom with various hints, trace flags, query rewrites, isolation levels, etc.

In other words: eventually your query needs will outgrow your ORMs ability to generate optimal queries.

Until then, use whatever you’re able to get your job done with.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server 2022: Database Scoped Configurations And Feature Accessibility


In my quest to tell you about new stuff in SQL Server 2022, I forgot to take a look at new things in sys.database_scoped_configurations.

It turns out that’s important, because some stuff has to be turned on if you want it to work. Here’s a list of new database scoped configurations for SQL Server 2022:

| configuration_id |                     name                      | value | is_value_default |
|               29 | ASYNC_STATS_UPDATE_WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY       |     0 |                1 |
|               31 | CE_FEEDBACK                                   |     1 |                1 |
|               37 | DOP_FEEDBACK                                  |     1 |                0 |
|               26 | DW_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL                        |     0 |                1 |
|               27 | EXEC_QUERY_STATS_FOR_SCALAR_FUNCTIONS         |     1 |                1 |
|               34 | MEMORY_GRANT_FEEDBACK_PERCENTILE_GRANT        |     1 |                1 |
|               33 | MEMORY_GRANT_FEEDBACK_PERSISTENCE             |     1 |                1 |
|               35 | OPTIMIZED_PLAN_FORCING                        |     1 |                0 |
|               28 | PARAMETER_SENSITIVE_PLAN_OPTIMIZATION         |     1 |                1 |
|               25 | PAUSED_RESUMABLE_INDEX_ABORT_DURATION_MINUTES |  1440 |                1 |

Some stuff is on by default, some stuff isn’t. You might notice DOP_FEEDBACK and OPTIMIZED_PLAN_FORCING are both off by default, here (even though I turned them on).


Invitation Only

You might think that Microsoft is so excited about new features (especially in CTP builds) that they want them to be easy to preview and test by people who care enough to do that stuff.

No so much, it turns out.

Heck, I’ve seen several presentations that said Query Store would be on by default in new databases created on SQL Server 2022 instances, but I haven’t had that happen yet and that’s not even a new feature.

Perhaps, like the daftly-hidden Azure Nonsense© in the installer, this will be changed in a future version, but no one tells me anything.

Anyway, not much here beyond this. Mind your database scoped database configurations when you’re testing out new features. Also make sure to check for extended events that help you track down if/when heuristics for those features kick in.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

This OVERPOWERED Hint Will Break NOLOCK Hints In SQL Server


    id int NOT NULL


FROM dbo.viewed AS v WITH(NOLOCK);

Msg 4138, Level 16, State 1, Line 22

Conflicting locking hints are specified for table “dbo.view_me”. This may be caused by a conflicting hint specified for a view.

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Updates To sp_HumanEvents

Touchy, Touchy

I’ve made some slight tweaks to sp_HumanEvents.

One of them fixes a bug with view creation when you use a custom schema. The rest are minor tweaks and fixes that you (hopefully won’t notice one bit), but make me feel a little bit better about the state of the code.

You can learn how to use the procedure, and download the latest version over here.

I took a look through SQL Server 2022’s new Extended Events, and haven’t seen anything in there that would warrant the amount of work it takes to add something new just yet. Maybe at some point, I suppose.

Some folks had asked about adding lightweight query profiling etc. as an option, but it still doesn’t return the kind of details that make it useful for query tuning.

I mean, I guess if you believe in memes it’s okay, but… Maybe you should stop that.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Updates To sp_PressureDetector

All Good Things

I haven’t run into a bug with this thing in just about… Well, ever. This procedure has been pretty solid.

As I use it though, especially in front of clients, I find myself wanting some additional data points all in one place. With this release, I’ve added a few small things.

  1. Total physical memory in the server (not just max server memory)
  2. CPU details (NUMA nodes, schedulers; if they’re off line, etc.)
  3. A debug mode for the dynamic SQL

The CPU details column is an XML clickable that will look something like this:


This is an example from my test VM. Please don’t think less of me.

You can find out more, and download the script over here.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

New Wait Stats In SQL Server 2022

Patiently Waiting

This is just a quick post to list out new wait stats in SQL Server 2022. How many will be useful, time will tell.

Some waits that I think might be interesting:

  • CXSYNC_CONSUMER (Currently in Azure)
  • CXSYNC_PORT (Currently in Azure)

It looks like maybe automatic seeding for Availability Groups is getting the ability to process multiple databases at once, and we’re getting some parallel query waits that used to be Azure only.

I’m really scratching my head about PLPGSQL though. That’s the “programming language” that Postgres supports, which is sort of like what Oracle supports.

Time will tell!

|                      wait_type                      |
| ARC_IMDS_RESOURCE_INFO                              |
| BABYLON_POLICY_UPDATE                               |
| BABYLON_PULL_TASK                                   |
| BACKUP_LOG_IO_STALL                                 |
| BLOB_LIST_LIMIT_IO_REQUESTS                         |
| BLOB_LIST_RWLOCK                                    |
| BUFFERPOOL_SCAN                                     |
| CDC_SCHEDULERCACHE_ACCESS                           |
| CDC_THROTTLE_LOG_RATE_LOG_SIZE                      |
| CMEMDETOUR                                          |
| COLLECTOR_VIEW_LIST                                 |
| COLUMNSTORE_CSI_CACHE                               |
| COSMOSDB_INIT_MUTEX                                 |
| CXSYNC_CONSUMER                                     |
| CXSYNC_PORT                                         |
| DATA_EXPORT_COMPLETION_SYNC                         |
| DIFF_BACKUP_SELF_THROTTLING                         |
| DIRECTORY_CONTENT_LIST_CLERK                        |
| DIRTY_PAGE_THROTTLING                               |
| DISPATCHER_JOIN                                     |
| DTC_INFO_DMV                                        |
| DTC_PRECOMMIT                                       |
| DTCNEW_DWSHELLDB_PROPERTIES                         |
| EDC_DOPP_BACKGROUND                                 |
| EDC_DOPP_LOCK                                       |
| EDC_INIT_RWLOCK                                     |
| EMC_EXEC                                            |
| EMC_FABRIC_RESOLVE_SERVICE_URI                      |
| EMC_INIT_MUTEX                                      |
| EXECUTED_REQ_TABLE_STATE_RWLOCK                     |
| EXTERNAL_SERVICE_BLOB_MESSAGE                       |
| EXTGOV_ATTR_SYNC_BACKGROUND                         |
| FABRIC_ENDPOINT_SYNC_EVENT                          |
| FCB_DISKSPACE_COUNTERS_RWLOCK                       |
| FIDO_AUTOSTATISTICS_TASK                            |
| FIDO_CLIENT_STARTUP                                 |
| FOREIGN_FILE_VALIDATION                             |
| FULL_BACKUP_SELF_THROTTLING                         |
| GLOBAL_QUERY_EXTRACTOR_EXECUTE                      |
| HADR_THROTTLE_REFRESH_MAX_SIZE                      |
| HTTP_EXTERNAL_CONNECTION                            |
| LCK_REQ_TSK_PROXY                                   |
| LEDGER_BLOCK_GENERATION                             |
| LEDGER_TRUNCATION                                   |
| LOCK_SAFEMODE                                       |
| LOCK_UPDATE                                         |
| LOGPOOL_CONSUMER_DELETABLE                          |
| LSN_LOC_MAP_LOCK                                    |
| MANAGED_DISKS_CONFIGURATION                         |
| NATIVE_SHUFFLE_OPEN_HANDLE                          |
| ORDLOCK_POPULATE_SYNC                               |
| PARALLEL_DB_SEEDING_SEMAPHORE                       |
| PLPGSQL                                             |
| POLARIS_TSQL_TASK                                   |
| POPULATE_LOCK_ORDINALS                              |
| PREEMPTIVE_AAD_HTTP_EVENT_WAIT                      |
| PREEMPTIVE_COSMOSDB                                 |
| PREEMPTIVE_EMC                                      |
| PREEMPTIVE_FILE_MAPPING                             |
| PREEMPTIVE_OS_PDH_WMI_QUERY                         |
| PREEMPTIVE_PREDICT_API                              |
| PREEMPTIVE_REPORTING                                |
| PREEMPTIVE_RG_HTTP                                  |
| PREEMPTIVE_SNI_SOCKET_BIND                          |
| PREEMPTIVE_SNI_SOCKET_LISTEN                        |
| PREEMPTIVE_XCS_SNAPPY                               |
| PREEMPTIVE_XCS_THRIFT                               |
| PRU_PAGE_LSN_CACHE_LOCK                             |
| PVS_TRACK_PAGES_MUTEX                               |
| PWAIT_AUTO_START_AUDIT_SESSIONS                     |
| PWAIT_DBCC_FREEZEIO_MUTEX                           |
| PWAIT_DBCC_THAWIO_MUTEX                             |
| PWAIT_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_HUB                          |
| PWAIT_FCS_MD_READ_AHEAD                             |
| PWAIT_LATCH_ONLY                                    |
| PWAIT_PS_RBPEX_HOT_PAGES_RWLOCK                     |
| PWAIT_RBIO_IC_ACQUIRE_PAYLOAD                       |
| PWAIT_SBS_API_STATS_PUBLISH                         |
| PWAIT_SBS_IOAPI_STATS_PUBLISH                       |
| PWAIT_SYNAPSE_LINK_CAPTURE                          |
| PWAIT_SYNAPSE_LINK_COMMIT                           |
| PWAIT_SYNAPSE_LINK_DB_CLEANUP                       |
| PWAIT_SYNAPSE_LINK_GET_DB_LIST,                     |
| PWAIT_SYNAPSE_LINK_LZN_API_CALL                     |
| PWAIT_SYNAPSE_LINK_PUBLISH                          |
| PWAIT_TOAD_CELL_ZONE                                |
| PWAIT_TOAD_DELTA_FORCE_ZONE                         |
| PWAIT_TOAD_OCCI_ZONE                                |
| PWAIT_TOAD_STAR_CELL_ZONE                           |
| PWAIT_TOAD_TUNING_ZONE                              |
| PWAIT_XLOG_POOL_EVICT_SLEEP                         |
| RBIO_AWAIT_RESPONSE                                 |
| RBIO_COMM_RETRY                                     |
| RBIO_COMM_UNINITIALIZE                              |
| RBIO_COMPLETE_LOG_READ                              |
| RBIO_CONNECTION_MGR                                 |
| RBIO_DB_RESTART                                     |
| RBIO_DB_TRANS_PRIMARY                               |
| RBIO_DBTRANSPRIMARY_SYNC                            |
| RBIO_FCB_DEFERRED_IO                                |
| RBIO_FCB_DEFERRED_IO_FN                             |
| RBIO_INITIALIZE_MUTEX                               |
| RBIO_PS_ACTOR_COLLECTION_RWLOCK                     |
| RBIO_RG_DESTAGE                                     |
| RBIO_RG_GEOREPLICA                                  |
| RBIO_RG_LOCALDESTAGE                                |
| RBIO_RG_MIGRATION_TARGET                            |
| RBIO_RG_REPLICA                                     |
| RBIO_RG_STORAGE                                     |
| RBIO_RG_STORAGE_CHECKPOINT                          |
| RBIO_UNINITIALIZE                                   |
| RBPEX_CHANGE_FILE_SIZE_MUTEX                        |
| RBPEX_CREATESNAPSHOT_RETRY                          |
| RBPEX_WRITEBEHIND_DB_STATE                          |
| RBPEXSHRINKTASK_SHUTDOWN                            |
| REPORTING_EXEC                                      |
| RG_MANAGER_VHD_GROWTH                               |
| RG_SERVER_CONFIGS                                   |
| ROW_GROUP_POPULATION                                |
| SBS_CONTEXT                                         |
| SBS_LRU_EVICTION                                    |
| SEEDING_COMPLETED_MUTEX                             |
| SEEDING_SELF_THROTTLING                             |
| SESSION_MGR                                         |
| SLEEP_RBPEXSHRINKTASK                               |
| SLEEP_SAFEMODE                                      |
| SOS_RG_MEM_TARGET_LOCK                              |
| SP_RESOLVE_DEFERRED                                 |
| SQLPAL_PREEMPTIVE_WAIT                              |
| SQP_STATS_REPORTING                                 |
| START_BACKGROUND_TASK_MUTEX                         |
| STRIPE_META_UPDATE                                  |
| SYNAPSELINK_FAILBATCH_ACCESS                        |
| TELEMETRY_SNAP                                      |
| THROTTLE_LOG_RATE_LOG_STORAGE                       |
| TOAD_AUTOSTATISTICS_ZONE                            |
| TOAD_DELETEBITMAP_ZONE                              |
| TOAD_DISCOVERY                                      |
| TOAD_FUTURE                                         |
| TOAD_QUEUE                                          |
| TOAD_RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE                             |
| TOAD_SHUTDOWN                                       |
| VERSION_LEASE_HASH_LOCK                             |
| VLDB_DUMP_LOG_LOCK                                  |
| VLDB_SNAPSHOT_MUTEX                                 |
| WAIT_AE_KEYADD                                      |
| WAIT_AETM_CRITICAL_SECTION                          |
| WAIT_AETM_ENCLAVE_WORKER_SLEEP                      |
| WAIT_AETM_HOST_WORKER_SLEEP                         |
| WAIT_DELTA_CACHE                                    |
| WAIT_FCS_MD_RESOLVE                                 |
| WAIT_FIDO_GLMS_ASYNC_WORKER                         |
| WAIT_FIDO_GLMS_SYNC                                 |
| WAIT_FIDO_GLMS_UT                                   |
| WAIT_FOR_MS_POLL                                    |
| WAIT_FULLTEXT_CRAWL_MANAGER                         |
| WAIT_GC_IO_COMPLETION                               |
| WAIT_GLM_CONTROLLER                                 |
| WAIT_GLM_DB                                         |
| WAIT_GLM_DEK_LIST                                   |
| WAIT_GLM_SYNC_CLIENT                                |
| WAIT_GLMS_ACCESS                                    |
| WAIT_GLMS_LOG                                       |
| WAIT_GLMS_LOG_BLOCK_IO                              |
| WAIT_INDEXSTORE_LIMIT_REQUESTS                      |
| WAIT_LCKMGR                                         |
| WAIT_LM_CREATE                                      |
| WAIT_LOG_REPLICA_MGR_HASH_LOCK                      |
| WAIT_ODBC                                           |
| WAIT_PHYSICAL_CATALOG                               |
| WAIT_RBAC_PROVIDER                                  |
| WAIT_RBAC_SESSION_AUDIT                             |
| WAIT_RBAC_SESSIONS_AUDIT                            |
| WAIT_RETENTION_POLICY                               |
| WAIT_RM_RBIOCONNECTION_INIT                         |
| WAIT_SEQUENCE                                       |
| WAIT_SYNC_LAG_PARTNERS_LIST                         |
| WAIT_TRANSPORT                                      |
| WAIT_TSQL_TASK                                      |
| WAIT_VLF_IO_TRACKER_DRAIN_IO                        |
| WAIT_XCS_LOCATOR_FETCH                              |
| WAIT_XLOG_REPLICA_BG_TASK_LOCK                      |
| WMI_REGISTRATION                                    |
| XDB_PKG_LAUNCHER_CONNECTION                         |
| XE_LIVE_TARGET_MUTEX                                |
| XE_PREDICATE_HEAP_ALLOC                             |
| XE_PREDICATE_HEAP_FREE                              |
| XE_RING_TARGET_MUTEX                                |
| XE_SQL_TEXT_HEAP_ALLOC                              |
| XE_SQL_TEXT_HEAP_FREE                               |
| XE_SQL_TEXT_PREDICATE                               |
| XFILE_CACHE_XACT                                    |
| XFILE_DISPATCH                                      |
| XFILE_OBJECT_POOL                                   |
| XFILE_TASK_PROXY_ABORT                              |
| XLOG_BGTHREAD                                       |
| XLOG_BROKER_WAIT_PAGE                               |
| XLOG_BROKER_WAITFULL                                |
| XLOG_BROKER_WAITMAXALLOWED                          |
| XLOG_EOL_REQUEST_NOTIFICATION                       |
| XLOG_GAPFILLERTHREAD                                |
| XLOG_LC_FWD_SEEDING                                 |
| XLOG_LC_REVERSE_SEEDING                             |
| XLOG_LC_SEEDING_VDL_ADVANCE                         |
| XLOG_POOL_FILLER_SLEEP                              |
| XLOG_POOL_QUERY_WAIT                                |
| XLOG_POOL_SHUTDOWN                                  |
| XLOG_SPACEMGR_INITIALIZE                            |
| XLOG_TOSFILE_GET_ITER_PROXY                         |
| XLOGREAD_SIGNAL                                     |

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.