Common SQL Server Consulting Advice: Setting Lock Pages In Memory

Locked Up

It seems lately that every time I get someone to enable lock pages in memory on a server with a lot of memory, things change for the better.

Not because SQL Server is some how holding onto memory better, but because it gets direct access to physical memory without having to muck about with a bunch of virtual memory first. SQL Servers with large amounts of memory can especially benefit from this setting, because it allows them to access memory via a different API. The easy way to think of it is that SQL Server will get direct access to physical memory, instead of virtual memory.

Allocates physical memory pages to be mapped and unmapped within any Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) region of a specified process.

The AllocateUserPhysicalPages function is used to allocate physical memory that can later be mapped within the virtual address space of the process. The SeLockMemoryPrivilege privilege must be enabled in the caller’s token or the function will fail with ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD.

I generally advise people with good chunks of memory to enable this setting. There are very few good reasons not to on big boxes, and that’s why it should be called out in the installation process. Enabling it later means rebooting, and that sucks.

Let’s figure out if we’re using that setting!

    locked_page_allocations_gb = 
            (38, 2), 
            dopm.locked_page_allocations_kb / 1024. / 1024.
    large_page_allocations_gb = 
            (38, 2), 
            dopm.large_page_allocations_kb / 1024. / 1024.
    memory_model = 
            FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info AS dosi
FROM sys.dm_os_process_memory AS dopm;

This will tell you how many gigs of pages and large pages are currently locked in memory, along with the memory model in use for your server.

Most common are:

  • Conventional (boo, probably)
  • Lock Pages (yay, definitely)

You may see large pages if you use lock pages in memory alongside trace flag 834, but that’s less common.

In my experience, you’ll see large page allocations even without that trace flag if column store indexes are in use. There may be other factors, but that’s what I’ve noticed.

Locked Down

If you’re into PowerShell, you can use this command from dbatools to set “LPIM”.

I usually go in the ol’ fashioned way.

The first thing you need to do is get the login that SQL Server uses. You can get this from:

  • SQL Server Configuration Manager
  • The Services control panel
  • The below query
FROM sys.dm_server_services AS dss;

I don’t care which one you use. I think the control panel route is more reliable, because like 9000% of the time when I search the *&^(*&% search bar for configuration manager it can’t find it, and then when it does you get some snap error.

So, services it is. Copy that haughty chieftain down somewhere. Then type “secpol.msc” into the search bar, because somehow Windows can always find that.

Security Policy
tell somebody

Click on “User Right Assignment”, Then find the “Lock Pages In Memory” entry in the Policy list, and pop your SQL Server login in there.

Security Policy
ride with

Cool. Great. You’re done, right?

Wrong. You need to recycle SQL Server services for it to kick in.

But you can do that whenever, right?

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Common SQL Server Consulting Advice: Setting Min Server Memory And Max Server Memory

The Max For The Minimum

I’ve written several hundred thousand times about how important memory is to SQL Server, and to most databases in general. But once you have it, how do you make the most of it?

Well, there’ll be a few posts in this series that cover different ways of doing that, but we’re gonna start with some basic ones that I see folks tinker with in all the wrong ways.

If you don’t know how to change these settings, here are some example commands. Note that the max server memory command is supplied with -1, which will throw an error.

Why? Because this is highly dependent on Local Factors©

EXEC sys.sp_configure
    @configname = 'show advanced options',
    @configvalue = 1;

EXEC sys.sp_configure
    @configname = 'min server memory (MB)',
    @configvalue = 0;

EXEC sys.sp_configure
    @configname = 'max server memory (MB)',
    @configvalue = -1;

Let’s figure out those local factors!

First, let’s get a stupid query to see what you have things set to:

    percent_of_total_memory = 
        (x.value_in_use_gb / x.total_physical_memory_gb) * 100
        value_gb = 
            ) / 1024,
        value_in_use_gb = 
            ) / 1024,
    FROM sys.configurations AS c
            total_physical_memory_gb = 
                    dosm.total_physical_memory_kb / 1024. / 1024.
        FROM sys.dm_os_sys_memory AS dosm
    ) dosm
        N'min server memory (MB)',
        N'max server memory (MB)'
) AS x;

This will tell you what you have min and max server memory set to, what the total physical memory in the server is, and what percent of the total memory each setting is.

Now that you have those numbers in mind, let’s talk about them.

Min Server Memory

This section can be nice and short: If you have this set to a number other than zero (which is the default, don’t play with me on this one), someone either changed the wrong setting, or took all their goofy pills.

Or both. One thing leads to another, as they say.

There are some weird cases where you might see 16, which shows up on some servers running 64bit versions of SQL Server.

If you see an 8 here, that means you’ve temporarily spawned in the wrong timeline and you need to speak to your handler about being sent back to when 32bit software was acceptable.

The worst case here is having min server memory set equal to max server memory, which prevents SQL Server from using dynamic memory, and can cause all sorts of weird issues. Bottom line: don’t do it.

If the same value is specified for both min server memory and max server memory, then once the memory allocated to the SQL Server Database Engine reaches that value, the SQL Server Database Engine stops dynamically freeing and acquiring memory for the buffer pool.

If you have weird stuff going on with your server, like the plan cache throwing up constantly, queries that are struggling with memory grants, or other oddities, you should check to make sure min server memory is not set to max server memory.

Max Server Memory

Okay, let’s make this creakin’ easy, too. If the percent_of_total_memory column is over 100% then we’re back to the goofy pills theory of database administration.

If it’s a number between 70 and 90%, you’re probably in okay shape. Any lower, and you’re probably doing something asinine like stacking SQL Server instances and we’re back to the goofy pills theory of database administration.

But look, there’s all sorts of stuff you have to think about when you set max server memory in some situations:

  • Is SSAS, SSIS, or SSRS installed?
  • Are you running a workload with column store and/or batch mode components?

I’ve never opened up any SS*S component, so I’m not going to tell you how much memory you should set aside for them. I also don’t want to get in the habit of giving the wrong advice, either. You should install these things on their own server where they can use their own local resources and be much less of a bother to your production workload.

The middle point is becoming more and more of an issue though. Column store indexes and Batch Mode query execution are… different about memory.

You’ll either need to over-provision memory for those workloads, or set max server memory to a lower number than you’d would usually to accommodate them.


That’s recap backwards, in case you were wondering.

Hopefully this post gives you a useful query to look at memory settings, and how they compare to the memory your SQL Server has in it.

Tomorrow, we’ll talk about Lock Pages In Memory. It’s one of my favorite settings.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Common SQL Server Consulting Advice: Setting MAXDOP And Cost Threshold For Parallelism

Dirty Work

There are three classes of administrator when it comes to parallelism settings

  • Never changed the defaults
  • Changed the defaults to something wacky
  • Changed the defaults to something safe

The beginning of this post is for the first couple of genus of administrator.

Even though Microsoft added a MAXDOP calculation to the installer starting with SQL Server 2016, I’ve seen cases where the recommended setting was wrong because hardware changed after the initial config.

As an example: Your VM admin created the smallest possible machine to get things set up for you, and added CPU and memory later on, and you ended up with MAXDOP set to 1.

The installer still doesn’t let you change Cost Threshold For Parallelism at setup, which is plum bizarre. I get why making a recommendation here is hard (and I’ll talk about that later on), but you should at least give folks the option.

I want to add this here, before we get too far along: The point of adjusting these values is not “because there’s too much parallelism” or “because there’s too much CX… waits”. The goal is to increase concurrency by only allowing queries that benefit from parallelism to use it, because parallel queries can reserve many CPU threads (DOP * parallel branches), and if you throw enough of them at a server you can end up running out of worker threads, and hitting THREADPOOL waits.

Some folks do Good Enough© with the stock advice of a max degree of parallelism of 4 to 8, and cost threshold for parallelism of 50. Others have a harder time finding a sweet spot that properly balances performance and concurrency.

But you need to start somewhere.

If you truly have no idea how to change these settings, review these example commands, but don’t just blindly run them.

EXEC sys.sp_configure
    @configname = 'show advanced options',
    @configvalue = 1;

EXEC sys.sp_configure
    @configname = 'cost threshold for parallelism',
    @configvalue = 50;

EXEC sys.sp_configure
    @configname = 'max degree of parallelism',
    @configvalue = 8;

Read the rest of the post first.


The easy way to see your settings and if they’re relatively sane is like so:

    socket_count = 
             WHEN N'max degree of parallelism'
             THEN osi.socket_count
             ELSE NULL
    cores_per_socket = 
             WHEN N'max degree of parallelism'
             THEN osi.cores_per_socket
             ELSE NULL
FROM sys.configurations AS c
    FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info AS osi
) AS osi
    N'cost threshold for parallelism',
    N'max degree of parallelism'

Whenever I query sys.configurations, I get the value and value in use, because sometimes folks forget to run RECONFIGURE; after they change something.

But back to the point! Whatcha got here?

  • Is Cost Threshold For Parallelism a number higher than 5 and lower than 200?
  • Is Max Degree Of Parallelism an even number between 4 and 8?

If so, you probably don’t need to make any changes here, unless something else is going on.

And hey, if you’ve got one of those really awful vendor products that tells you to set MAXDOP to one, you should be using database scoped configurations for that, these days.

For most folks, this will get you to an okay place. You may have some other considerations based on the number of cores and/or sockets, and that can get pretty confusing.

Changing these setting will clear out the plan cache, so you should be a little careful when you do it, but you don’t need to restart or anything.

Thinking Harder About Cost Threshold For Parallelism

Many folks who end up here are already pretty sophisticated when it comes to SQL Server, and I’d hate to leave them hanging.

Let’s talk more about each setting, and how they interact with your server and queries.

First up, alphabetically, is cost threshold for parallelism. Right now, you can only set it at the server level. You can technically remove it from the equation by:

  • Setting MAXDOP to 1
  • Using undocumented trace flag 8649, or…
  • Using undocumented query hint ENABLE_PARALLEL_PLAN_PREFERENCE to force a parallel plan

It would be neat if you could set it at the database level, like MAXDOP, but whatever.

One thing that comes up consistently when talking about this setting is that folks often see parallel queries with costs lower than the cost threshold for parallelism. All that means is that the serial query plan broke the threshold, and the parallel plan was chosen because it was cheaper. Cheaper can be lower than cost threshold for parallelism.

When a query executes, assuming there isn’t some parallelism-inhibiting factor in place (scalar UDFs, table variable inserts, etc.), it has to “cost” more than this threshold for a parallel plan to get considered. If it does, and the optimizer can come up with a parallel plan that’s cheaper than the serial plan, then you can pretty well count on it being chosen.

This is where things get tricky! Right off the bat!

See, query costs are all estimates, and there’s no actual counterpart to them in your query plans. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably seen some low “cost” queries run for a really long time.

Many things contribute to pinning this setting down being difficult:

  • Incorrect assumptions about too much of a CX wait (this goes for MAXDOP too)
  • Untuned workloads having consistently high cost queries
  • Wasting time looking at the plan cache for average costs
  • Changing the setting not having an appreciable effect
  • Misunderstanding what costs actually mean

What does it all mean for you? Well, usually increasing the setting from the default — which is 5 — to a meaningfully higher number, will reduce the total number of queries that are eligible for a parallel plan.

This doesn’t mean performance is doomed for those queries, heck, they may not have needed a parallel plan to begin with. The optimizer is pretty good at costing queries generally. But it’s not perfect, and that’s where generalized workload settings need to be overridden or changed.

Having fewer queries be eligible for gobbling up a whole bunch of CPU threads is one way of increasing overall concurrency. Individual query performance may change for better or worse, and you may need to raise or lower the number you picked here, but that’s part of the process.

Thinking Harder About Max Degree Of Parallelism

The second option you have to address concurrency and performance issues stemming from parallelism is setting an upper limit on the number of cores, and threads per parallel branch that a parallel query is allowed to engage and acquire.

In a way, this setting is a little easier to settle on than Cost Threshold for Parallelism, but there are some things you should be aware of:

  • The parallel version of a plan isn’t just the serial version with parallelism; you can end up with a very different set of operators
  • The optimizer may choose a serial plan if DOP is set too low for a parallel plan to make sense
  • Whatever you set DOP to, parallel plans will use at least one extra coordinator thread to manage DOP threads
  • Leaving this set to zero is only really dangerous on servers with > 8 cores
  • Setting this to an odd number is generally not a good global setting, though it can be useful in edge cases for a single query

There have been times when I’ve suggested MAXDOP of 4 on servers with a single 8 core processor, but that was mostly a temporary fix until some more meaningful tuning work could be done.

It’s okay to use these settings as band aids, just don’t let them be habit-forming.

How can you tell if a parallel query plan is effective, and how can you decide if you need higher or lower DOP? Great question(s)! Look at you. I’m so proud.

  • If your parallel and serial plans have roughly equivalent CPU and duration, the parallel plan isn’t better
  • If your parallel plan isn’t anywhere near DOP faster than your serial query, the parallel plan probably isn’t better
  • If your parallel plan hits exchange spills or deadlocks, buckle up, you’re in for a fun day (of MAXDOP 1 hints)
  • If your parallel plan gets slower as you touch more data, you might want to try hinting a higher DOP

I know, it sounds kooky, but this is all stuff I have to think about and mess with when I’m tuning queries for clients. Many times, it seems like an attractive concept to force a parallel plan on a slow query, but the end result isn’t necessarily better.

It’s sort of like when I expect a query to use a nested loops join, but it doesn’t. If you hint the query to do the loop join, you might get a missing index request that lead the optimizer to think that a different join type was cheaper. Or you might just find out the optimizer was wrong. Again.

Getting back to the main point, though: parallelism is a very effective equalizer for the right kind of queries. It just doesn’t necessarily help every query.

Slug Away

To summarize and recap a little bit, here. Most SQL Server users out there will do fine following basic advice about cost threshold for parallelism and max degree of parallelism.

There will be outliers, edge cases, and times when you need to work outside of those settings for particular queries to run optimally. Heck, if a client tells me they’re running a data warehouse, the last thing I’m going to get hung up on is cost threshold for parallelism.

If you change those settings away from the defaults, and you’re still for some reason dissatisfied with the amount of CX_ waits on your server, try focusing on the queries that are going parallel and tuning them to reduce their estimated costs to lower numbers.

Sometimes those waits really are your fault.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Working With A SQL Server Consultant Checklist: Patches, Patches, Patches


It’s obvious to most that you should keep some track of SQL Server patches. You don’t need to install them all the hot minute that they drop, but staying within range of current is pretty important.

If you have an extra 5-10 minutes a month, read the Cumulative Update notes that Microsoft adds along with releases and see if any of the issues sound like ones you’re hitting.

I’m not gonna pretend that the release notes are getting better — in fact they’ve really gone downhill over the last few years — but you can scan through them and get a reasonable idea of what’s in the update as far as fixes and improvements go.

What no reasonable consultant wants to see is a SQL Server that has been up and unpatched for a year. That messes you up in two ways:

  • Your problems could be solved by patching SQL Server
  • Your server metrics are all gonna be cumulative since your last patch

That makes any recent problems really tough to makes heads or tails out of, without a monitoring tool that breaks things down by time.

Remember when I said monitoring tools are important?

They still are.

More Than One

Monitoring tools are also useful for patching, not because they help you monitor for updates or tell you when things are out of date, but because a good monitoring tool will help you baseline to see if there’s any difference after patching.

That can help you just as much when things go well as when things go poorly. Even if it wasn’t the patch — maybe a bad plan got in the cache after you rebooted or something — you have a much earlier warning system.

But what’s really important is having that reservoir of information about your SQL Server.

This is where I get selfish.

If you patch SQL Server, you have to restart it. If you restart it, all the good stuff goes bye-bye, then we might have to delay working together for metrics to build back up.

So pretty and please, patch that thing regularly.

And get a monitoring tool.

For both of us.

Not Just SQL Server

I’ve seen lots of folks using really old versions of SSMS for no good reason. You should keep that up to date, too. Just don’t forget to skip the Azure Data Studio install, if you don’t need it.

There have been a lot of important improvements and fixes to SSMS, especially since version 18. If you’re not running at least that, go grab it.

Especially if we’re going to be working together, because I’ll stop and make you get it if you don’t already have it.

And get a monitoring tool.

For both of us.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Working With A SQL Server Consultant Checklist: Tools Of The Trade


There are thousands of scripts out there on the internet that tell you different things about SQL Server.

Some are packaged nicely into a stored procedure, and others… aren’t. I like to make things as easy as possible for folks to take and run, without worrying about database context or  SQL Server version/edition compatibility.

In shops with DBAs on staff, I get nervous when I see (or don’t see) certain things:

  • sp_WhoIsActive isn’t installed
  • sp_Blitz scripts are years out of date
  • They’re using maintenance plans instead of Ola’s scripts

You don’t have to look every day, but you should check in every three months or so to see if your favorite troubleshooting scripts have any updates to them.

Thankfully, GitHub makes this really easy.

Repo City

A lot of folks went and embraced GitHub as an easy way to release up to date scripts to the masses, with the ability for them to open issues for new features, bugs, and Q&A.

  • sp_WhoIsActive: Get tons of detailed information about queries currently executing
  • First Responder Kit: Basically anything you need to do a health and performance check of your servers
  • Ola Hallengren’s Maintenance Solution: Backups, CheckDB, Index and Stats maintenance, highly configurable
  • sp_HumanEvents: Easily set up and analyze Extended Events to troubleshoot common issues like blocking, compilations, query performance, and more
  • sp_PressureDetector: Detect memory and CPU pressure on SQL Server really fast
  • sp_QuickieStore: Get all the important stuff out of Query Store with the press of a button

With the exception of Ola’s scripts, I contribute code to all of the procedures listed above, and I use them in just about every engagement.

In tomorrow’s post, I’m gonna cover a few other things you should do to get ready for someone to look at your SQL server.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Working With A SQL Server Consultant Checklist: Monitoring Tools And Query Store


I get called in to help with a lot of interesting performance problems. I’m gonna say something that sounds harsh right up front: very few people are prepared for sudden issues.

After the fact (and usually after a reboot that clears out all the useful information) people start doing all sorts of things, like logging sp_WhoIsActive to a table.

Consider a couple things for a second though (aside from the fact that rebooting clears out all your important server metrics)

  • Nothing captures blocking by default (you need the blocked process report for this)
  • The system health session keeps limited information in it about things like deadlocks
  • SQL Server doesn’t time-slice wait stats or any other metrics
  • The plan cache is usually highly volatile for a number of reasons

With SQL Server, you need to prepare today for emergencies tomorrow.

Query Store

One way you can get some of this stuff is by enabling Query Store on your important databases.

It’s not perfect, and there’s certainly a risk of introducing unacceptable observer overheard in environments with a really high rate of transactions.

But it’s a whole lot better than the plan cache for looking back in time at query performance issues, and starting with SQL Server 2017 we started getting high-level waits stats too.

It’s not a replacement for a monitoring tool, and there’s enough functionality missing that I wrote a stored procedure called sp_QuickieStore to search through it, but it’s better than nothing.

The odds of relevant query plans from a performance meltdown being in the plan cache several days later is nearly zero. People just do too many bad things that make it fill up or clear out:

  • They don’t parameterize queries
  • They turn on optimize for ad hoc workloads
  • They don’t give SQL Server enough memory
  • They stack dozens of databases or schema

SQL Server 2019 added a bunch of switches you can tweak to reduce the overhead and the queries you collect in Query Store, which is super helpful.

Monitoring Tools

I hear a lot of people say they have SQL Server monitoring tools, but they either:

  • Are really crappy and impossible to use
  • Don’t really monitor SQL Server well

That doesn’t even begin to account for end-user issues, like:

  • Broken monitoring tool installs not collecting data
  • Software being way out of date, or…
  • Them not not knowing what to look at because they’ve never opened it

But if you have a good monitoring tool collecting a variety of important SQL Server metrics, you have a much better chance of being able to root cause performance issues:

  • Blocking
  • Deadlocks
  • Wait Stats
  • Query Performance
  • Disk Stuff
  • Memory Stuff
  • CPU Stuff

You get the idea — your monitoring tool should collect a wide enough variety of metrics that common problems don’t totally escape it — but probably not show you every single meaningless metric that you can possibly collect.

Easy Street

As a consultant, I love having these things to comb through to either troubleshoot a past performance issue, or just find candidate queries to tune for clients.

Without them, it makes my job a lot harder — or even impossible sometimes, when data is gone for good — and I have to spend a lot of time waiting for an issue to crop up again to see what was involved, or do a bunch of generalized performance tuning in order to hopefully avoid future issues.

In tomorrow’s post, I’m going to talk about some of the common tools and scripts that I use while consulting (though not how to use them). If you’re talking to anyone in the SQL Server consulting space, these are good tools to have available.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Working With A SQL Server Consultant Checklist: Getting Access To SQL Server


Working with clients long term presents some different options for how I interact with their SQL Servers.

  • Working on a web meeting with the team watching
  • Having them give me direct access to SQL Server

While everything kicks off with some analysis done all together, different teams have different ways of working with me after that.

It really depends on the point of the engagement.


Some companies have teams of folks that want to:

  • Have me look at and work on specific things
  • Ask me questions about a bunch of topics
  • Learn how I do things so they can analyze and tune on their own

For those clients, we schedule meetings for a block of time, and someone shares their screen so I can take remote control.

It’s less messy, because everyone can see what I’m running, ask questions about the options and output, and I don’t need any credentials.

This way is my favorite, because it’s less for me to keep track of, and more interactive.


Other companies either don’t have time for all that, or are using me to do things they don’t have staff to do. Competency, or something.

For those folks, there’s usually a few things involved:

  • VPNs
  • Jump boxes
  • Authenticator apps

Only two clients have ever sent me a computer to work on. For everyone else, I set up a VM specific to them to use and work on.

It helps me keep things separated, and it makes getting rid of all the evidence assets when the engagement is done, and after everything has been handed over.

This way is more secure for everyone, but I have had issues with a couple VPN providers not liking connections from a VM, because they detect it as a RDP session.

You can work around that by using Team Viewer or another remote access app, but thankfully those issues are sporadic.

While this isn’t my favorite way to work, it does allow me to work asynchronously. I sometimes keep weird hours, and it’s nice to be able to get things done on my own schedule.

It’s also nice to be able to hand someone a flawlessly tuned query without them having to see all the different things I tried to get there.

Party Of One

Since I’m a one man party, I can’t really offer on-call or emergency hours.

I also tend to focus exclusively on SQL Server performance issues, and not security, corruption or server-down issues. I respect people who want to deal with those issues, but the liability is too big, and I’d much rather stick to the performance tuning stuff that I’m passionate about.

In tomorrow’s post, I’ll talk about some things you can do to get prepared to work with a consultant to make their jobs easier.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Working With A SQL Server Consultant Checklist: Who Should Attend Meetings, And When?

This Week Only

I’m going to be running some posts about working with clients, which might be sort of specific to the way I tend to work with people.

I realize it’s not my usual technical content, but every once in a while the brain needs a break from writing about that stuff all the time.

Anyway, the first post up is about who should attend meetings.


Usually there’s a mix of people who are potentially invested in SQL Server.

  • Technical staff, like DBAs, developers, and sysadmins
  • Executives and managers
  • Customer support to advocate for client issues
  • Third party developers who build the product

Sometimes there are other people involved, but that covers the most common mix.

I like working with people who work with the server and product directly, because they have the best domain knowledge about why things are the way they are, and where the bodies are buried.

Working In The Dark

I tell everyone I work with that I don’t like working in the dark. That means a couple things:

  • I don’t want my process to be a black box, I want to build self-sufficiency where I can
  • I don’t want to wander blindly through a server, I want to focus on the pieces where the pain is

That’s why I kick off every engagement by working via web meeting with anyone who’s interested. We look at everything all together.

If it touches the SQL Server, it’s in scope:

  • Hardware
  • Settings
  • Queries
  • Indexes
  • Monitoring data

Other stuff sometimes comes into the mix, like looking at application code and servers, but there’s not a ton I can do to fix those directly. It’s mostly just advice.

I save any scripts we use so folks can run them later, on any other SQL Server. That’s part of building self-sufficiency, but not working in the dark isn’t just for your benefit, it’s for me too.

Anyone can find a slow query, but I like to focus in directly on the queries that are causing the business pain I’m getting paid to solve.

Even with Query Store or a monitoring tool, you’re only guessing at exactly which queries users are complaining about.


The thing is, not everyone needs to attend every minute of every meeting.

Executives and managers very rarely have the time and technical knowledge to make attending start to finish. They might care very much about the product, and making sure the engagement is successful, but I usually save their time for delivery of findings.

After the initial analysis, I write detailed findings about the issues that get uncovered during the initial meeting, and I start them off with an executive summary.

You know, for executives.

That gives the really busy, non-technical folks a chance to hear high level pain points, and to ask questions about them without having to sit through all the technical voodoo behind them

After that, I get into all the gory details with the folks who have the best chance of understanding them.

In tomorrow’s post, I’ll talk about how I get access to client SQL Servers in different circumstances.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Darling Data Three Years In: Some Cool Stuff

Been A While

I wrote one of these after six months of independent consulting, and then never cared to do one again. You might find the April 1 timing of this weird, but there’s no additional Fools here, just me as usual.

Why bother now? Well, after three years, I figure I’m probably too much of a dandy to ever get a real job again. Since that’s the case, I’ve done a couple things:

  • I purchased the domain for a stupid amount of money
  • I hired some nice gals from Brooklyn to make it look professional

Now, here’s the thing: many times in my life spending a significant amount of money on things signaled me about to quit doing that thing. I have many thousands of dollars worth of hobby equipment that sits forgotten in various bags, boxes, and closets.

But not this time! Unless this here PowerBall ticket is lined up with the stars.

When I first started getting set up to do this, I bought an easy domain, hooked it up to WordPress, designed some logos myself that I thought evinced a SQL coach aesthetic or some such, and let it ride.

Turns out that very few people want a SQL coach. They want someone to work out for them.

I never said I was a fast learner.

Number Signs

Since that first section isn’t much of a blog post, I’ll talk a little about how things are doing business-wise.

I’ve worked with over 500 consulting clients, and I’ve sold training to over 1,500 people. Most of the training sales are fairly low dollar value, but I’m hoping that changes with the move to Podia.

For consulting, I’ve got a couple basic products: a two-day performance analysis, or a bucket of hours. I still don’t do on-call or night/weekend work, but I found that a lot of shops out there want the insurance policy that comes with having time on the clock to use.

There’s no need to get into great detail here, because I often tweak things in response to individual clients, but this has been working out really well.

Anyway, keep an eye out for a SEAMLESS TRANSITION to the new website over the next month or so, and uh… I dunno.

Other stuff.

We’ll see.


Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server Query Store Improvements I’d Like To See

Not Love Or Hate

I like Query Store, I do. I don’t love the GUI, though. In fact, I kinda hate it — enough that I spent a hundred or so hours writing a script called sp_QuickieStore to avoid it — which should prove a point.

In the war of Chicken v Egg, one might say that it’s not worth developing a feature that isn’t exactly widely in use. Of course, the reason for that might be that… What got developed isn’t what people need.

Here are some similar examples:

  • Chicago Pizza
  • Tabs
  • Cats
  • Chunky peanut butter

See what I mean? I want better for Query Store.

With that said, here’s what I think it should do better.


Query Store needs to give you a way to search for things you care about. A few of the things sp_QuickieStore lets you search for:

  • Query Ids
  • Plan Ids
  • Object names (functions, procedures)
  • Query Text

I built that because I need that, and so do a lot of other people. Just opening up a GUI and sorting by some metrics doesn’t help you when you need to find a specific thing that’s causing a problem.

If I can write queries to do that, I’m sure the fine folks at Microsoft can manage. I’m not that bright.


Some queries you don’t care about. At all. Ever.

You know how you can track some queries? I’d love a way to unsubscribe from some queries, too.

And uh, sp_QuickieStore lets you ignore a list of Query and Plan Ids in the output.

It should also ignore a few other things that you can’t really tune:

  • Index maintenance
  • Statistics updates
  • Query Store Queries

If you’ve ever looked in Query Store, seen some crazy outlier, and found one of the queries you just ran to populate the GUI, you’re not alone.


In SQL Server 2017, Query Store started collecting high level wait stats. I’m not asking for anything more granular, but how about giving me an option to see them broken down over time?

Right now, you open that view up and there are some columns that show you the highest waits, but not when they happened.

When is pretty important! You might wanna see things that use high CPU, but only during the day. Sure, that’s easy if you know when you want to look at, but if you just wanna get a sense of how things ebbed and flowed over the last day or week, you’re outta luck.

A nice line graph that you can choose which waits to include in broken down over time would be awesome, especially if you could zoom in to find out what was running during a window.

The reports now are all very rudimentary. Maybe Microsoft is being nice to monitoring tool companies and not stepping on their toes, but not everyone has one of those.

Or will ever have one of those.

Please, help!


I’ve griped before about this, but Query Store doesn’t collect one of the most useful metrics from a query: the granted memory. It only collects used memory.

You can get that from the Plan Cache, but that thing is an unreliable grump. And yeah, you can get that if you look in the query plan, but… If I want to do some analysis and quickly figure out which queries asked for huge grants and then didn’t use them, it’s not very practical to open every query plan to do it.

I’d also love if it stored some of the actual/runtime metrics. Not every one. Maybe the last 1-5 plans, either for tracked queries, or for ones that meet a certain threshold for resource usage.

Imagine if you could get the compile and runtime parameters for a query you know is sensitive to parameter sniffing, so that you could easily reproduce the issue?

Your life would get a whole lot easier.


Since Query Store is somewhat asynchronous, it would be helpful if you could get some advice about some of the gremlins in your Query Plan.

There’s a ton of detail and data in those query plans that’s ripe for analysis. If you’ve ever looked at the Warnings column in sp_BlitzCache, you’ll understand what I mean.

Yeah, that all comes from a bunch of terrible XQuery, but dammit… Normal folks looking at query plans don’t always know what to look for.

Heck, I’d forget to look for everything on that list, too, and I spend a good chunk of my days staring at these darn things.

It doesn’t have to be as exhaustive, but it would give civilians a fighting chance of understanding why things are bonked.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.