Introducing sp_QuickieStore: What You Can Filter

Safe Words

What good is writing all this dynamic SQL and whatnot if you’re just going to firehose data at people?

None. None at all.

You’re going to want to answer questions about what happened and when, and you’re not going to want to struggle with it.

So what can you do?

Answer Me

First, you can control how many queries you’re going to get back in your result set:

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @top = 10;

You can also filter on start and end times. These filters are applied to the last_execution_time column in avg_duration in query_store_runtime_stats.

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @start_date = '20210101',
    @end_date = '20211231';

If you want to target queries that execute a lot, or that run for over a certain amount of time, you can use filter like this.

These filters will be applied to count_executions and avg_duration respectively, also in query_store_runtime_stats.

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @execution_count = 20;

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @duration_ms = 1000;

Targeting a specific stored procedure can be done like this. If you don’t specify a schema, I’ll assume you’re looking in dbo.

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @procedure_schema = 'some_schema',
    @procedure_name = 'some_procedure';

To include or ignore a single or list of query or plan IDs, you can use these parameters. Spaces and other whitespace should be handled alright.

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @include_plan_ids = '1,2,3,4,5';

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @include_query_ids = '1,2,3,4,5';

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @ignore_plan_ids = '1,2,3,4,5';

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @ignore_query_ids = '1,2,3,4,5';

Finally, if you want to search for query text, you can do this. I’ve found this search to be a bit unreliable, unless you’re generous with wildcards. If you don’t add them at the beginning and end, I’ll do that for you.

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @query_text_search = 'some text here';

Over And Out

I think that covers most of the important filtering you’d want to do in Query Store. Of course, if you think anything else would be useful, you can request it here.

Tomorrow, we’ll look at some formatting options available.

Thanks for reading.

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Introducing sp_QuickieStore: What The Results Show You

Dos Equis

There are two ways to run sp_QuickieStore for your chosen database that alter the total results you get back. It’s controlled by a parameter called @expert_mode.

To get more concise results:

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @expert_mode = 0;

To get a whole lot more:

EXEC dbo.sp_QuickieStore
    @database_name = 'StackOverflow2013',
    @expert_mode = 1;


Under the more concise mode, you get one set of results back that combines metrics from query_store_runtime_stats, along with query text, query plan, and context settings. Some previews below. There’s a lot more in the actual results, but the screen caps would get very repetitive.

sp_QuickieStore Results
big time
sp_QuickieStore Results
selected markets
sp_QuickieStore Results
coming your way
sp_QuickieStore Results
contextual healing


Under the more verbose output option, you get additional result sets back. Don’t worry, it’s not a bunch of extra columns tacked onto the end so you end up in an infinite side scroll. They show up underneath so you can, like, actually be aware that they show up. Again, these screen caps don’t show absolutely everything, they’re just here to get you comfortable with what you see.


These are metrics about query compilation, so you can figure out if your long-compiling queries are causing you problems.

sp_QuickieStore Results
sp_QuickieStore Results

It Came From The Cache:

One thing that’s really annoying about Query Store is that it provides less information about queries than the plan cache. More specifically about thread and memory usage.

You get zero thread information back from query store, and very limited information about memory, specifically only what the query used. Not what the full grant was or anything else.

To remedy this, I query dm_exec_query_stats to try to locate additional details about returned queries. I can’t promise anything will be here, because most plan caches are about as stable as the South Pacific.

sp_QuickieStore Results
sp_QuickieStore Results
threadly weapon

Waits By Query And Total:

In 2017+, when the option is enabled, I’ll pull back wait stats for the queries that show up in the results. The top waits show up in the normal result set, but in this mode there are two separate results that show wait stats per-query and also in total for the window of time that was examined.

sp_QuickieStore Results


The last additional result here shows what your current Query Store settings are. You may be surprised!

sp_QuickieStore Results


This set of information should be enough to get you started on figuring out which queries to go after. It’s pretty complete, especially if you use set expert mode to 1.

In the next post, we’ll look at some of the filters you can use.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Introducing sp_QuickieStore: Find Your Worst Queries In SQL Server’s Query Store

Querying Query Store Sucks

If you’ve ever tried to write a query to find stuff in Query Store and quickly gotten frustrated, you’re not alone.

Whomever designed that schema hates you. It’s probably the same person who designed Extended Events.

I know, there’s a GUI. The stuff you can find in there is definitely useful, but I often find myself wishing it did a little bit more. Asking for additional features often feels like porridge-begging, and even if something new did get added eventually, it wouldn’t help you in the moment.

With all that in mind, I wrote sp_QuickieStore to try to take some of that pain away. As of this post, it’s V1. There will likely be changes and fixes and all that good stuff, but right now it’s good enough for an introduction.

You can get it here.

What You Can Do

Out of the box, you get a lot of choices about what you want to get and how you want to get it.

You can choose:

  • Which metric you want to focus on:
    • CPU, duration, reads, writes, memory, tempdb, executions
  • How many queries you want to get back
  • The start and end dates of your search
  • Minimum number of executions
  • Minimum duration
  • A specific stored procedure
  • Plan IDs to include or ignore
  • Query IDs to include or ignore
  • Query text to search for
  • Additional query details
    • Compilation metrics, wait stats (2017+), plan cache data, query store options
  • If you want your numbers formatted

Where You Can Do It

sp_QuickieStore is compatible with SQL Server 2016 SP2+, 2017 CU3+, any version of 2019, and probably Azure SQL DB. I designed it to work there, but long term who knows what changes will occur that make support not possible. No promises.

It’ll take advantage of new columns added to SQL Server 2017 and 2019, and the wait stats tracking added in SQL Server 2017.

Testing on my end is done on case-sensitive instances from 2016 up. If you find bugs, please report them on GitHub. I do not offer private email support.

GitHub is also where you can go to ask for features, with the usual caveats that open source is not free development or consulting.

Thanks for understanding, and all that.

Getting Started

sp_QuickieStore has a bunch of documentation built in to the procedure, and there are a number of example calls in the repo.

Now, I know. It’s called sp_QuickieStore, so you expect it to be fast. I’ve done what I can to make things as efficient as possible, but gosh darn it all, sometimes Query Store is just gonna be Query Store.

SQL Server Query Plan

It would be nice if the maintainer of a database that promises high performance maybe put some useful indexes on their views to analyze performance so the queries that touch those views to analyze performance run quickly.

I know, I know. Take off your Crazy Pants, Erik.

Anyway, I’ll have some more posts coming this week to fill in details.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Common Query Plan Patterns: Cursor Weirdness

Why Are You Here?

Within the realm of cursor-y oddness, there are a couple things to be extra-aware of.

Yes, I know that Aaron Bertrand has written about cursors. Thank you, Aaron.

This post is about a slightly different set of things that I want you to be aware of.

Not So Fast

First, FAST_FORWARD cursors force your queries to run serially, and plan quality may suffer if a dynamic cursor is chosen.

Take this query for example:

FROM dbo.Posts AS p

By itself in the wilderness it gets a parallel plan and runs for under 1 second.

SQL Server Query Plan
thanks, parallel

But in the grips of a fast forward cursor, we’re not so lucky.

DECLARE @i int;

FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    FROM c INTO @i;

    PRINT @i;
SQL Server Query Plan

Other Problems

Sometimes, the default cursor, along with several other cursor types, will lead to a CHECKSUM being generated.

This can happen when you:

  • Declare a cursor that will do writes
  • Declare a cursor for a select but don’t define it as read only

Here’s a breakdown of how that works if you don’t have a rowversion column in the table(s) that your cursor is touching

options, please

Son Of A Check

What can happen to performance if you use one of these types of cursors that does require a checksum?

Well, remember the query up there that took about a second with no cursor?

SQL Server Query Plan

You could put together a query that resembles what happens here by doing something like this:

    unfair = 
FROM dbo.Posts AS p

But as all non-Australians agree, this is unfair because when the cursor does it in the query above, it’s the storage engine computing the checksum and the row data is all there locally. When the optimizer does it, it has to go through extra steps.

But Why?

When you don’t tell SQL Server that your cursor query is read only, it will generate row version checksums to compare on subsequent to assess if rows changed. If your cursor query contains multiple table references, each table will receive a row checksum that doesn’t have a rowversion column already in it.

For example, this is what the next fetch looks like after the poorly-performing query:

SQL Server Query Plan
complicated game

You can see the cursor snapshot table joining back to the Posts table, along with an update of the cursor snapshot table.

The fetch query from the cursor query that performs well looks only like this:

SQL Server Query Plan
simple times

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Common Query Plan Patterns: Sorts From Nowhere

Choices, Choices

The optimizer has a lot of choices. As of SQL Server 2019, there are 420 of them.

You can see how many are available in your version of SQL Server by doing this:

        = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_transformation_stats;

Then you can change the query to actually select columns and view all the available rules.

Pretty neat.

Ten Hut

One thing the optimizer can do is order data to make things more efficient, like we saw with Lookups.

That choice, like nearly every optimizer choice (barring ones based on product or feature limitations), is based on costing. Those costs could be right, wrong, lucky, unlucky, or anything in between.

One of those options is to use an operator that requires sorted input, or sorts input on its own.

Why do we care about this? Because Sorts ask for memory, and memory can be a contentious subject with SQL Server. Not only because Sorts often ask for size-of-data memory grants

Here are some common examples!

Distinctly Yours

If you ask for a set of data to be distinct, or if you group by every column you’re returning, you may see a query plan that looks like this:

SQL Server Query Plan
this is it

The details of the operator will show you some potentially scary and hairy details, particularly if you’re asking for a large number of columns to be made distinct:

SQL Server Query Plan Tool Tip

All of the column that you have in your select list (Output) will end up in the Order By portion of the Sort. That could add up to quite a large memory grant.

Ex-stream-ly Necessary

If the Almighty Optimizer thinks that a Stream Aggregate will be the least-expensive way to aggregate your data, you may see a plan like this:

SQL Server Query Plan

Of course, not all Stream Aggregates will have a Sort in front of them. Global Aggregates will often use them.

SQL Server Query Plan
you’re great

Rows from the Hash Aggregate flow into the Stream Aggregate, but order doesn’t matter here.

SQL Server Query Plan
double saturday

What is the Hash Match hashing? Apparently nothing! Good job, hash match.

Nasty Loops

Just like with Lookups (which also use Nested Loops), SQL Server may choose to Sort one input into the Nested Loops Join.

SQL Server Query Plan
beef smells

Orderly data is apparently very important to all sorts of things. If you see a lot of this in your query plans, you may want to start thinking about adding indexes to put data in required order.

And Acquisitions

Likewise, Merge joins may also show a Sort on one or both inputs to put data in the correct join order:

SQL Server Query Plan

Maybe not great:

SQL Server Query Plan

That Tree

Sometimes these Sorts are harmless, and sometimes they’re not. There are many situational things about the queries, indexes, available resources, and query plan appropriateness that will lead you to treating things differently.

Parameter sniffing, cardinality estimate accuracy, query concurrency, and physical memory are all potential reasons for these choices going great or going grog.

Of course, parallel merge joins are always a mistake.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Common Query Plan Patterns: Spools From Nowhere

Stuffy Bear

The first time I heard the term “common subexpression spool” my brain went numb for a week.

It’s not a particularly mellifluous phrase, but it is helpful to understand what it is.

One easy way to think about it is a temporary cache for the result of a query, like a temp table inside your execution plan:

INTO #a_temporary_table
FROM dbo.a_really_complicated_query AS a
WHERE a.thing = 'stuff';

If you were to do this, and then use that temp table to feed other queries later on, you’d be doing nearly the same thing.

Let’s look at some common-ish examples of when you might see one.


This is the most common one, and you’ll see it in “wide” modification query plans. Or as they’re sometimes called “per index” plans.

This screenshot is highly abridged to focus in on the part I care about.

SQL Server Query Plan
pretty though

There’s a clustered index update, a Split operator, and then an Eager Table Spool. There’s also four more Eager Table Spools underneath it, but none of them have child (preceding) operators. Each one of those Spools is really the same Spool being read from over again.


If you have foreign keys that enforce cascading actions, you’re likely to see a query plan that looks like this:

SQL Server Query Plan

The clustered index delete feeds into an Eager Table Spool, and that Spool is read from in the child portion of the plan to track rows to be deleted from the child table.


A smiliar-ish scenario is when you use recursive CTEs.

SQL Server Query Plan

Though this time the Spool is Lazy rather than Eager, there’s something else interesting. They’re Stack Spools!

SQL Server Query Plan

The Lazy Index Spool has a Node ID of 2, and With Stack set to True.

The Lazy Table Spool is linked to the Lazy Index Spool by its Primary Node ID.

The actual Node ID of the Lazy Table Spool is 9. It also has the With Stack property set to True.

The description of a Stack Spool from the linked post above:

Unlike ordinary common subexpression spools which eagerly load all rows into the worktable before returning any rows, a stack spool is a lazy spool which means that it begins returning rows immediately.  The primary spool (the topmost operator in the plan) is fairly mundane.  Like any other lazy spool, it reads each input row, inserts the row into the spool, and returns the row to the client.  The secondary spool (below the nested loops join) is where all the interesting action is.  Each time the nested loops join requests a row from the secondary spool, the spool reads the last row from the spool, returns it, and then deletes it to ensure that it is not returned more than once.  Note that the term stack spool comes from this last in first out behavior.  The primary spool pushes rows onto the stack and the secondary spool pops rows off of the stack.


There are other places where you might see this happen, like in row mode execution plans with multiple DISTINCT aggregates.

You might also see them for queries that use CUBE in them, like so:

    COUNT_BIG(*) AS records
FROM dbo.Badges AS b
WHERE b.Date >= '20131201'

These Spools are often necessary to not get incorrect results or corrupt your database. You’d probably not enjoy that very much at all.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Common Query Plan Patterns For Joins: Prefetching Lookups


Shockingly, there hasn’t been a lot written about Prefetching. Hard to imagine why.

Women want it, men want to be it, James Bond goes to see movies about it, and so forth.

The few reliable sources of information out there are these articles:

One sort of interesting point about prefetching is that it’s sensitive to parameter sniffing. Perhaps someday we’ll get Adaptive Prefetching.

Until then, let’s marvel at at this underappreciated feature.


The difference between getting ordered and unordered prefetch typically comes down to the data needing to be ordered for one reason or another.

It might be an order by, or some other operator that expects or preserves ordered input.

The easiest way to see that is just to use order by, like so:

/*Unordered prefetch*/
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.CreationDate < '20100801';

/*Ordered prefetch*/
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.CreationDate < '20100801'
ORDER BY p.CreationDate;

Here’s what we get from the nested loops properties:

SQL Server Query Plan

You may notice that the top query that uses unordered prefetch read 1399 rows from the seek, and takes 43ms vs the ordered prefetch query’s 1000 rows and 5ms runtime.

That tends to happen with a cold cache (DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS;) , and it exacerbated in parallel plans:

SQL Server Query Plan

In this case, both queries read additional rows from the index seek.


But what about all that parameter sniffing stuff? Check this out.

    @date datetime


    SELECT TOP (1000)
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p WITH(INDEX = x)
    WHERE p.CreationDate < @date
    ORDER BY p.Score DESC


I have an index and MAXDOP hint in there so we do an equal comparison across executions.

EXEC dbo.Dated
    @date = '20080731';

EXEC dbo.Dated
    @date = '20190801';

If we run the “small” version first, we won’t get the benefit of readaheads. This query runs for a very long time — nearly 2 hours — but most of the problem there is the spill at the end. If we run the “big” version first, we get unordered prefetch, and the time is significantly improved.

SQL Server Query Plan

Thanks, parameter sniffing.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Common Query Plan Patterns For Joins: Sorting Lookups


Most people see a lookup and think “add a covering index”, regardless of any further details. Then there they go, adding an index with 40 included columns to solve something that isn’t a problem.

You’ve got a bright future in government, kiddo.

In today’s post, we’re going to look at a few different thingthat might be going on with a lookup on the inside.

But first, we need to talk about how they’re possible.

Storage Wars

When you have a table with a clustered index, the key columns of it will be stored in all of your nonclustered indexes.

Where they get stored depends on if you define the nonclustered index as unique or not.

So you can play along at home:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #tabs, #spaces;

    next_id int NOT NULL,
    INDEX t (next_id)

    next_id int NOT NULL,
    INDEX s UNIQUE (next_id)

    #tabs (id, next_id)
VALUES (1, 2);

    #spaces (id, next_id)
VALUES (1, 2);

Here are two tables. Both definitions are identical, with the exception of the nonclustered index on #spaces. It is unique.

Like you.

You’re so special.


These queries are special, too.

FROM #tabs AS t WITH(INDEX = t)
AND   t.next_id = 2;

FROM #spaces AS s WITH(INDEX = s)
AND   s.next_id = 2;

The query plans for these queries have a slight difference, too.

SQL Server Query Plan
trust us

The non-unique index supports two seek predicates. The unique index has one seek plus a residual predicate.

No lookup is necessary here, because in both cases the clustered index key columns are in the nonclustered index. But this is also how lookups are made possible.

We can locate matching rows between clustered and nonclustered indexes.

Unfortunately, we’re all out of columns in this table, so we’re gonna have to abandon our faithful friends to the wilds of tempdb.


I’m sure I’ve talked about this point before, but lookups can be used to both to output columns and to evaluate predicates in the where clause. Output columns can be from any part of the query that asks for columns that aren’t in our nonclustered index.

SQL Server Query Plan

The Seek predicate you see at the bottom of both of these tool tips is the relationship between the two indexes, which will be the clustered index key columns.

Big More

We’re going to start and end with this index:

ON dbo.Posts(CreationDate);

It’s just that good. Not only did it provide us with the screenshots up above, but it will also drive all the rest of the queries we’re going to look at.


The clustered index on the Posts table is called Id. Since we have a non-unique index, that column will be stored and ordered in the key of the index.

The things we’re going to look at occurring in the context of lookups are:

  • Explicit Sorts
  • Implicit Sorts
  • Ordered Prefetch
  • Unordered Prefetch

You’ll have to wait until tomorrow for the prefetch stuff.

Banned In The USA

Let’s start with this query!

    AverageWhiteBand = 
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.CreationDate >= '20190323';

Since we have an inequality predicate on CreationDate, the order of the Id column is no longer preserved on output.

SQL Server Query Plan

The query plan, from right to left:

  • Seeks into our magnificent index
  • Sorts the output Id column
  • Seeks back into the clustered index to get the Score column

The sort is there to put the Id column in a friendlier order for the join back to the clustered index.

Implicit Lyrics

If we change the where clause slightly, we’ll get a slightly different execution plan, with a hidden sort.

    AverageWhiteBand = 
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.CreationDate >= '20190923'

In the properties of the nested loops join, we’ll see that it has consumed a memory grant, and that the Optimized property is set to True.

SQL Server Query Plan
long gone

Much more common memory grants are for Sorts and Hashes. The details are available on Craig Freedman’s blog:

Notice that the nested loops join includes an extra keyword: OPTIMIZED.  This keyword indicates that the nested loops join may try to reorder the input rows to improve I/O performance.  This behavior is similar to the explicit sorts that we saw in my two previous posts, but unlike a full sort it is more of a best effort.  That is, the results from an optimized nested loops join may not be (and in fact are highly unlikely to be) fully sorted.

SQL Server only uses an optimized nested loops join when the optimizer concludes based on its cardinality and cost estimates that a sort is most likely not required, but where there is still a possibility   that a sort could be helpful in the event that the cardinality or cost estimates are incorrect.  In other words, an optimized nested loops join may be thought of as a “safety net” for those cases where SQL Server chooses a nested loops join but would have done better to have chosen an alternative plan such as a full scan or a nested loops join with an explicit sort.  For the above query which only joins a few rows, the optimization is unlikely to have any impact at all.

The reason I’m fully quoting it here rather than just linking is because when I went to go find this post, I realized that I have four bookmarks to Craig’s blog, and only one of them works currently. Microsoft’s constant moving and removing of content is a really frustrating, to say the least.

Looky Looky

Lookups have a lot of different aspects to them that make them interesting. This post has some additional interesting points to me because of the memory grant aspect. I spend a lot of time tinkering with query performance issues related to how SQL Server uses and balances memory.

In tomorrow’s post, we’ll take a high-level look at prefetching. I don’t want to get too technical on the 20th day of the 4th month of the calendar year.

It may not be the best time to require thinking.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Troubleshooting Security Cache Issues: USERSTORE_TOKENPERM And TokenAndPermUserStore


I’ve been seeing this issue on newer versions of SQL Server, from 2016 to 2019, particularly where some form of Auditing is running. What happens next is either the plan cache totally clearing out, and/or queries taking a long time to compile.

I’m still digging in more on the “why” here, but I have a decent amount of confidence in what I’ve found so far. This has occurred on several servers at different client sites, and doesn’t appear to be isolated.

Anyway, using this query to hit the RING_BUFFER_SECURITY_CACHE was helpful in figuring out when things were happening.

You can see a limited historical view of cache sizes and the number of entries in those caches.

    event_time = 
            x.xml_record.value('(//Record/@time)[1]', 'BIGINT') - osi.ms_ticks, 
    tokenandperm_userstore_gb = 
        x.xml_record.value('(//Record/TokenAndPermUserStore/@pages_kb)[1]', 'BIGINT') / 1024. / 1024.,
    acr_cachestores_gb = 
        x.xml_record.value('(//Record/ACRCacheStores/@pages_kb)[1]', 'BIGINT') / 1024. / 1024.,	
    SELECT TOP (5000)
        xml_record = 
    FROM sys.dm_os_ring_buffers AS dorb
    WHERE dorb.ring_buffer_type = 'RING_BUFFER_SECURITY_CACHE'
    ORDER BY timestamp DESC
) AS x
CROSS JOIN sys.dm_os_sys_info osi
ORDER BY x.timestamp DESC

Memory Clerks

Likewise, this much shorter query can be used to see how large your security cache currently is.

The ring buffers are written to at intervals, and may not be up to date.

    TokenAndPermUserStore = 
        CONVERT(DECIMAL(38, 2), (pages_kb / 1024. / 1024.))
FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
AND   name = 'TokenAndPermUserStore'

This is a more current view of things, and can be used to trend cache sizes. It will only work on SQL Server 2012 and up.

If you’re on a version of SQL Server prior to that, that’s your problem.

“Tipping Points”

While I don’t have any precise guidance on when the size or entries will cause an issue, it seems that the cache needs to hit several GB or more.

If it regularly does that and you experience performance issues when it does, then you might try running this to clear out the security cache:


I’ve tried using Trace Flags 4610 and 4618, and found 4610 made things worse, and 4618 made things exactly the same. Keep in mind that these are startup trace flags, and enabling them on the fly (even globally) may not have any immediate effect.

You can also tweak the access check cache server configuration options.


Because I’ve found a job to fix things more reliable, I’ve published one on GitHub. You can stick it in an agent job. You can run it on whatever schedule you want, at whatever cache size threshold you want, and it will log its activity to a table.


My friend Josh (b|t) hooked me up with a way to repro a growing security cache, if you want to test things out.

    FROM sys.database_principals AS dp
    WHERE dp.type = 'A'
    AND = 'your_terrible_app'
    CREATE APPLICATION ROLE your_terrible_app
        WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = [dbo], 
        PASSWORD = N'y0ur_t3rr1bl3_4pp';

    @counter INT = 0;

    @holder table
        cache_size DECIMAL(10,2),
        run_date DATETIME 

    @counter <= 20000
        DECLARE @cronut VARBINARY(8000);
        DECLARE @bl0b_eater SQL_VARIANT;

        EXEC sys.sp_setapprole 
            @rolename = 'your_terrible_app',
            @password = 'y0ur_t3rr1bl3_4pp',
            @fCreateCookie = true,
            @cookie = @cronut OUTPUT;

            @bl0b_eater = USER_NAME();

        EXEC sys.sp_unsetapprole 

            @bl0b_eater = USER_NAME();

        IF @counter % 1000 = 0
                @holder(cache_size, run_date)
                cache_size = 
                        decimal(38, 2), 
                        (domc.pages_kb / 1024. / 1024.)
                run_date = 
            FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks AS domc
            WHERE domc.type = 'USERSTORE_TOKENPERM'
            AND = 'TokenAndPermUserStore';
            RAISERROR('%i', 0, 1, @counter) WITH NOWAIT;

            @counter += 1;

    DBCC FREESYSTEMCACHE('TokenAndPermUserStore');

    FROM @holder AS h 

    DBCC TRACEON(4610, -1);
    DBCC TRACEOFF(4610, -1);

    DBCC TRACEON(4618, -1);
    DBCC TRACEOFF(4618, -1);

    DBCC TRACEON(4610, 4618, -1);
    DBCC TRACEOFF(4610, 4618, -1);

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

Common Query Plan Patterns For Joins: Index Union

I’m On My Smoke Break

Index union is a little bit different from index intersection. Rather than joining two indexes together, their result sets are concatenated together.

Just like you’d see if you wrote a query with union or union all. Crazy, huh?

As with index intersection, the optimizer has a choice between concatenation and merge join concatenation, and lookups back to the clustered index are possible.

Here are the indexes we’ll be working with:

CREATE INDEX po ON dbo.Posts

CREATE INDEX ps ON dbo.Posts

Let’s jump right in!

Big Run

The main difference between when you’re likely to get index union vs index intersection is if your predicates use AND or OR. Index intersection is typically from AND predicates, and index union is typically from OR predicates. So let’s write some OR predicates, shall we?

    COUNT_BIG(*) AS records
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.OwnerUserId = 0
OR    p.Score > 10;

First, using one equality and one inequality predicate:

SQL Server Query Plan

Since we lose the ordering on the inequality predicate, this is our plan. Note he hash match aggregate after the concatenation, too.

No arrow for that, though.

More Wedding

If we use two equality predicates, we’ll get more orderly operations, like merge join concatenation and a stream aggregate.

SQL Server Query Plan

What a nice plan.


If we add in a column that’s not in either index, we’ll see a similar lookup plan as yesterday’s query.

    COUNT_BIG(*) AS records
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.OwnerUserId = 22656
OR    p.Score > 10
GROUP BY p.PostTypeId;

Woah baby look at all that sweet parallelism.

SQL Server Query Plan
boing boing boing

Big Time

Both index intersection and index union are underappreciated query plan shapes, and represent some pretty cool optimizer strategies to make your queries not stink.

Of course, there are cases where it might make more sense to have one index that covers all necessary key columns, but it’s not always possible to have every index we’d like.

Tomorrow we’ll look at lookups, and some of the finer details of them.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.