Separating Long Running Queries From Modifications To Fix Blocking Problems In SQL Server

Let’s Say We Have A Bad Query

I know you don’t have bad queries. You’re smart people. But some people do!

Let’s also say that bad query is taking part in a modification.

SET u2.Reputation *= 2
FROM Users AS u
JOIN dbo.Users AS u2
ON CHARINDEX(u.DisplayName, u2.DisplayName) > 0
WHERE u2.Reputation >= 100000
AND u.Id <> u2.Id;

This query will run for so long that we’ll get sick of waiting for it. It’s really holding up writing this blog post.

Let’s try something a little different.

SELECT u.Id, u.DisplayName
INTO #Users
FROM dbo.Users AS u
WHERE u.Reputation >= 100000;

SET u2.Reputation *= 2
FROM #Users AS u
JOIN dbo.Users AS u2
ON CHARINDEX(u.DisplayName, u2.DisplayName) > 0
AND u.Id <> u2.Id;

This time, the query finishes in 43 seconds.

Plans and Events

The query plan looks like this:

SQL Server Query Plan
You’re not cool.

Extended events can tell us when locks were taken and released to perform the update.

SQL Server Extended Event Lock Escalation
Ducked out

An exclusive lock was held on the table for over 35 seconds, so all but ~7 seconds of the plan has locks on the table we’re updating.

In real life, that’d probably mean a lot of blocking.

Alt Rock

Another way to handle this is to remove the long-running query from the update, and take advantage of the Primary Key/Clustered Index on the table.

First, isolate the rows we care about:

SELECT u2.Id, u2.Reputation * 2 AS DoubleRep
INTO #Updater
FROM #Users AS u
JOIN dbo.Users AS u2
ON CHARINDEX(u.DisplayName, u2.DisplayName) > 0
AND u.Id <> u2.Id;

Then do the update:

SET u2.Reputation = u.DoubleRep
FROM #Updater AS u
JOIN dbo.Users AS u2
ON u.Id = u2.Id;

This query only runs a few hundred milliseconds, so the locks taken are shorter.

Keep in mind, though, that the first insert query is still horrible.

It runs for ~40ish seconds, but at least we don’t lock any objects that other queries might care about.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

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