Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Wrap Up – For Now!

Finger On It

All good things must come to an end. When I started this series, I wasn’t entirely sure where that would be.

Turns out, seven weeks about covers all the major stuff I see regularly when working with clients.

And this is just the code and indexes; it doesn’t even start on the SQL Server settings, maintenance practices, table design, and hardware configurations I see getting in the way.

Perhaps there is a part 2, but I’m going to let this stand for now.

Happy clicking! Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Not Enforcing Code Formatting

On Top Of Spaghetti

I’m going to start sending dead fish to anyone who tells me that a Common Table Expressions make queries more readable. If your code is formatted like crap, they don’t do anything.

Good formatting is the basis for code consistency. If things are a sloppy mess, no one will ever want to fix them.

In this post, I’m going to cover two things:

  • What you should always do to make code easy to understand
  • What you should consider doing to format your code so it’s easy to understand

The first is fact, the second is opinion. Laziness is not an argument in opposition to either one.

Let’s boogie.

SQL Formatting Facts

Here are a list of things that make your code look good:

  • Capitalize things consistently: SELECT, select, SeLeCt — pick one and stick to it
  • Schema prefix all of your objects, even if everything is in dbo
  • Alias columns consistently, and…
  • Give your tables meaningful aliases, not just a, b, c, d
  • Embrace new lines for things like FROM, JOIN, ON, WHERE, etc.
  • Indent things appropriately so logically connected blocks are easier to spot
  • Ending your queries with a semicolon (;) makes it easier to figure out when a query actually ends

Sure, there’s probably more for specific things like stored procedure, where I’d say you should handle all your variable declarations and table creations in the same blocks of code, but whatever.

SQL Formatting Preferences

Here are a list of things that make your code look good to me:

  • Putting commas at the end of column names
  • Indenting columns four spaces in from select
  • Using alias = expression rather than expression AS alias
  • Consistently upper casing key words
  • Not upper casing data types
  • Using TOP (n) rather than TOP n
  • Putting the ON clause of joins on a new line

There’s more, and some of proper formatting is situational. For example, I like to really use new lines and indenting for complicated expressions with nested functions to make the inputs clear, but for short ones I usually won’t spread things out.

All this has developed over years of writing and reading code to learn what works best for me, and what I think looks right. I don’t expect everyone to agree on every point, of course, but things like old-style joins and ordering by ordinal positions just looks bad.

I have a long-standing disagreement with a dear friend about table aliases being capitalized. I don’t think they should be; he thinks they should.

Despite that, I can still read his code just fine.

Not A Nit Pick

I have these opinions because I write and review a lot of T-SQL. The harder code is to read, the harder it is to tune, rewrite, or spot nonsense.

These days, there’s almost no excuse for it, either. There are a half-dozen free and paid T-SQL formatters that work with a variety of IDEs.

I don’t have a specific recommendation here, because I haven’t been able to find a single tool that gets things right. Most get you 80% of the way there, and the rest is up to you.

What I’d really like is a tool that could also format and make suggestions in dynamic SQL, but I can’t imagine there’s enough money in that to warrant the effort.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Not Enforcing Code Consistency

Practice Makes Perfect

Often when working with clients, the coding practices read like geological stratum. You can tell when and who wrote something based on the practices they used.

This is bad news, though, because it speaks to lone-wolf style development. That might be okay if all your SQL developers are well-trained, etc. But that’s mostly not the case.

It’s especially important for junior developers to have code reviewed by others so they don’t introduce bad/worst practices into production code, and for legacy code to get reviewed to make sure it’s up to current best practices.

Otherwise, you’re always going to have problems. Here’s where I see folks making mistakes, mostly because they don’t have any internal “style guide” for queries.

I don’t mean formatting — we’ll talk about that tomorrow — I mean the choices you make while you’re writing queries.

The Style Council

Consider just some of the options you have when writing queries:

  • Temp Table or Table Variable
  • Common Table Expression or Derived Table
  • Inline Table Valued Function or View
  • Cursor or Set-Based Code

For all of these options, there are good use cases, and bad ones.

  • Most of the time you want to use #temp tables, but code executed at high frequency could benefit from @table variables
  • Common Table Expressions can be re-used, but the entire query inside them is executed every time they’re referenced
  • SELECT INTO is convenient and may get a fully parallel insert without a tablock hint, but may also incorrectly interpret certain attributes like data type or length
  • Views may be more intuitive to write, but inline table valued functions can be more useful for parameterized queries
  • ISNULL is easier to spell, but it only takes two arguments and there are differences in how data types are interpreted between the two
  • Often, set-based code will be more efficient, but there are many valid uses for cursors


If your application is using newer versions of SQL Server:

Or are you still using older methods to split strings or aggregate strings?

You could extend this to a few other things, too, like the additional programmability features added to SQL Server 2016 starting with SP1.

There’s a lot to consider and keep up with in SQL Server. Having internal documentation about this stuff is the key to making sure your code:

  • Aligns with current best practices
  • Comments thoroughly on deviations
  • Takes advantage of new paradigms and patterns in SQL Server

If that’s the kind of thing you need help with, hit the link below to set up a free sales call to discuss your needs.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Not Using Batch Mode

Just Add Batch Mode

There are a few ways to get Batch Mode involved in a query:

  • Be on SQL Server 2019+ Enterprise Edition and hope Batch Mode On Rowstore heuristics think your query is eligible
  • Be on any supported version of SQL Server Enterprise Edition and…
    • Left join to an empty table with a column store index on it on 1 = 0
    • Create an empty filtered nonclustered columnstore index on a table in your query
    • Create an actual columnstore index on your table

Since I’ve used the prior tricks in many posts many times, I’m going to actually create an index this time:

    ON dbo.Posts
    OwnerUserId, PostTypeId, Score

And now our query plan looks like this:

SQL Server Query Plan

When Should I Use Batch Mode?

Batch Mode can be really powerful under the right conditions, especially when you have a column store index as a data source for your query.

Here’s some generic guidelines for when you should try things out:

  • Column store indexes
    • Big tables, over a couple million rows or so
    • Tables in data warehouses
    • Tables that support custom user searches
    • That wouldn’t otherwise fit in the buffer pool uncompressed
  • Queries
    • That process millions of rows
    • With multiple DISTINCT aggregate
    • That aggregate large numbers of rows
    • That are generated from custom user searches
  • Query plans
    • That have a tough time figuring out the right memory grant and would benefit from Batch Mode Memory Grant Feedback
    • That may be parameter-sensitive and benefit from Adaptive Joins
    • That use windowing functions and may benefit from Window Aggregate operators

Even if the end query result is not millions of rows, Batch Mode can be useful to get you to your result faster.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Not Indexing For Windowing Functions


Windowing functions solve a lot of interesting problems, and allow for some useful query rewrites at times.

The problem is that you’ve been sold a bill of goods by people using preposterously small databases. Today’s laptop hardware swallows little sample databases whole, and doesn’t expose the problems that data to hardware mismatches do.

Here’s a somewhat extreme example, by way of my home server, which is a Lenovo P17 that I bumped up until I hit around the $5000 mark. Here’s what I ended up with:

To put that in perspective, most cloud cost estimators will put you at around $5000 a month for similar hardware. I get it — no one pays list — but you get the idea.

But I said all that to say this: you take all those fabulous lessons about amazing window functions from the blog post to work with you and try to apply them to your data and… gee, we’ve been waiting an awful long time here, haven’t we?

Truth Poster

I’m not gonna do that to you. After all we’ve been through together! How could you ever think that?

First, let’s talk about some thing that will screw windowing function performance up:

  • Having columns from different tables in the partition by or order by clause
  • Not specifying ROWS instead of the default RANGE to avoid an on-disk spool
  • Applying system or user defined functions to columns in the partition by or order by clause
  • Selecting unnecessary columns along with the windowing function (makes indexing more difficult why, we’ll talk about that in a minute)

If you’re doing any of those things, it’s gonna be a rough ride indexing your way out of performance problems.

Let’s look at why!


We’re going to use this handsome devil as an example.

I’m using a little trick on SQL Server to return no rows to SSMS, but still have to process the entire ugly part of the query first.

That’s the point of filtering to where the row number equals zero. No time to wait for all that.

    p AS
        x = 
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER
                PARTITION BY
                ORDER BY
                    p.Score DESC
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    WHERE p.OwnerUserId = 22656
WHERE x = 0;

Here’s the query plan without a useful index, just to set the stage for why we want to tune this, and what we want to fix:

SQL Server Query Plan

To paraphrase:

  • The clustered index of the Posts table doesn’t fit in the 96GB of RAM I have assigned to this VM, so we do ~25 seconds of reading from disk
  • Since we don’t have an index that presents data in the order requested by the query, SQL Server has to get it lined up for us

All worthy reasons to tune thing, I’d say. Our goal is to give SQL Server an object that fits in memory to read from, which also stored data in the order we need for the windowing function.

What’s The Wrong Index?

Precision is the name of the game, here. These indexes won’t help us.

With partition by columns out of order:

    Score DESC

With Score in ascending order:


While it’s possible that swapping PostTypeId and OwnerUserId would yield the same results, it’s better to tailor the index to the query as it’s written if we’re creating a new one.

If we already had an index in place, I might consider testing altering the query. Looking at these, though, you can start to get a sense of how writing a windowing function that spans columns in multiple tables will cause problems with ordering.

Now, either one of those indexes would at least give the query a smaller object to initially access data from, which will improve performance but still not get us where we want to be.

Here’s the query plan shape for either of those indexes:

SQL Server Query Plan

What’s The Right Index?

Finally, this index will help us:

    Score DESC

This arranges data just-so, and our query happily uses it:

SQL Server Query Plan
loud noises

It’s difficult to argue with the results here! This finishes in 25 milliseconds at DOP 1, compared to ~550ms at DOP 8 with the other index.

You Don’t Write Queries Like That, Though

When I have to fix these performance issue for clients, I usually have to do one of the following things:

  • Rewrite the query to use a smaller select list
  • Create a wider index if I can’t rewrite the query (but I’m not doing this here, because it’s a really bad idea for a table as wide as the Posts table)
  • Get Batch Mode involved (on Enterprise Edition, anyway. Don’t bother with it on Standard Edition.)

Let’s switch the query up to something like this:

    p AS
        x = 
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER
                PARTITION BY
                ORDER BY
                    p.Score DESC
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1
WHERE x = 0;

When we select everything from the Posts table and use a less selective predicate, the optimizer stops choosing our index because it estimates the cost of doing a bunch of lookups higher than just scanning the clustered index.

SQL Server Query Plan

A couple things happen, too:

  • Selecting all the columns asks for a huge memory grant, at 17GB
  • We spill, and spill a ton. We spend nearly a full minute spilling to disk


Rewriting The Query

We can use the primary key of the table to create a more favorable set of conditions for our query to run by doing this:

    p AS
        x = 
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER
                PARTITION BY
                ORDER BY
                    p.Score DESC
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1
LEFT JOIN dbo.Posts AS p2
    ON p.Id = p2.Id
WHERE x = 0;

It’s a common enough pattern, but it pays off. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like, etc.

SQL Server Query Plan
beef kitchen

Future Days

We’ll cover that in tomorrow’s post, since I think it deserves a good bit of attention.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Dealing With Bad Parameter Sniffing

Bad Wrap

When people hear the words “parameter sniffing”, there’s almost a universally bad reaction. They lose their minds and start raving about how to “fix” it.

  • Recompiling everything
  • Using optimize for unknown hints
  • Using local variables
  • Clearing the plan cache

In today’s post, I’m gonna show you two videos from my paid training:

  • Intro to parameter sniffing
  • Parameter sniffing recap

Those explain why parameter sniffing is so tough to deal with, and why all the stuff up there in that list isn’t really the greatest idea.

There’s a whole bunch of stuff in between those two videos where I’ll teach you specifics about fixing parameter sniffing problems.

If that’s the content you’re after, hit the link at the very end of the post for 75% off my entire training catalog.

Intro To Parameter Sniffing

Parameter Sniffing Recap

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Writing And Optimizing Paging Queries

Paging Doctor Darling

Words I’ll never hear, at least in reference to me. I’m sure there’s a Darling out there who is a doctor. A real doctor, too. Not one of those “I went to college for 7 extra years” doctors who don’t know anything about the human body.

But I digress! Today we’re gonna learn about paging queries. Why? Because I see people screw them up all the gosh darn ding-a-ling time.

Far and away, I think the worst problem starts at the beginning — the SELECT list — where people try to get every single possible column. There’s a much better query pattern available to you, if you’re open to writing a little bit more code.

Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any ORMs able to handle this method natively. Hard to believe developers developed the same performance-killing method in C# that they did in T-SQL.

Okay, maybe not so hard to believe. But follow along to see a much better way of doing it in the video below. It’s just a small part of my paid training, and if you like what you see there’s a link at the end of the post for 75% off the whole package.

Optimizing Paging Queries Video

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Handling Optional Parameters

Optionally Yours

You’ve got tables. So many tables And columns. So many columns.

Users — demanding as they are — might wanna see, search, and order by all sorts of things in those many columns in those many tables. Writing a query to do that is hard at first, especially if you’re afraid of dynamic SQL.

Over the years, developers have come up with all sorts of “workarounds” for handling optional search parameters. The problem is that none of them work, whether it’s:

  • column = @parameter or @parameter is null
  • column = isnull(@parameter, column)
  • column = coalesce(@parameter, column, ‘magic’)

Or any variation thereof. Doing this can (and will!) screw up query performance in all sorts of ways that sneak up on you.

  • Bad cardinality estimates
  • Scanning instead of Seeking in indexes
  • Using the “wrong” indexes

In the video below, I’ll show you how to use dynamic SQL the right way to handle optional parameter search scenarios. This video is a small part of my paid training. If you like what you see, there’s a link for 75% off the entire package at the bottom of the post.

Optional Parameters Video

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Writing Unsafe Dynamic SQL

SQL Injection

The first thing that comes to mind when you mention dynamic SQL is SQL injection. That makes sense! It’s a scary thing that has messed up a lot of people, places, and things.

Imagine how scary it would be to wake up one day and find there had been a data breach, defacement, server takeover, or ransomeware-d.

All of these things are possible if you write the bad kind of dynamic SQL, or think that typing square brackets will save you.

If I had my way, there would be more way more invested in making safe dynamic SQL easy to write, debug, and maintain. But I don’t have my way, and Microsoft is more focused on defrauding you with shoddy cloud performance than anything else.

To define the problem:

  • You write code that accepts user input
  • The input is a string with a non-arbitrary length
  • Which is concatenated into another string for execution
  • And not parameterized, properly quoted, etc.

Building A String

This can be done in the application, in SQL Server, or a mix of the two.

Since I’m not an application developer, I’m going to scope this to how it looks in a T-SQL stored procedure.

    @injectable nvarchar(100)

/*Our placeholder variable for the string we'll build*/
    @sql nvarchar(MAX) = N'';

/*The start of our query-building*/
    @sql = N'
FROM dbo.hax AS H
WHERE 1 = 1

This is where things first go wrong,
concatenating input into the string
IF @injectable IS NOT NULL
        @sql += N'AND H.user_name = ''' + @injectable + ''';';

PRINT @sql;

This is where things continue to go wrong, 
using EXEC against the variable


There’s not much complicated here. The comments tell the story:

  • Concatenating the @injectable parameter into the string means it can bring anything the user wants into your query
  • Using EXEC directly against the @sql variable means it can’t be parameterized

Before we can run this, though, we need a table and some dummy data.

Dummy Data And String Things

Here’s a simple table, with a single row in it. I don’t think this needs much explanation.

    id int PRIMARY KEY,
    user_name nvarchar(100),
    points bigint,
    location nvarchar(250),
    creation_date datetime,
    last_login datetime

    N'Rick Ross',
    'Port Of Miami',

As a note here, this is another good reason to reasonably scope string column lengths. The shorter they are, the shorter search parameters are, and that limits the amount of potentially malicious code that can be stuffed into them. A 10-byte length string is a lot harder to cause problems with than a string with a 50-byte length, and so on. I’ve oversized a couple columns here as examples.

Is there any value in a 100 character user name, or a 250 character location? I sort of doubt it.

Executed Normally

When we execute the stored procedure as-is, searching for our lone user, we get a single result back:

EXEC dbo.haxer
    @injectable = N'Rick Ross';

The current query result isn’t important, but the result of the PRINT statement is.

FROM dbo.hax AS H
WHERE 1 = 1
AND H.user_name = 'Rick Ross';

There are two issues, here because of the lack of parameterization

  • It can lead to generating multiple execution plans for the same query
  • Users can substitute the legitimate search with a malicious query

Unfortunately, neither the Optimize For Ad Hoc Workloads nor the Forced Parameterization settings can protect you from SQL injection. Forced parameterization can help you with the second problem, though.

Executed Abnormally

When we execute the stored procedure with a slightly different value for the parameter, we get into trouble:

EXEC dbo.haxer
    @injectable = N'%'' UNION ALL SELECT object_id,name,schema_id,type_desc,create_date,modify_date FROM sys.tables --';

We’re not trying to do anything too crazy here, like drop a table or a database, change a setting, or other thing that you might need a lot of control of the server, database, or schema to do. We’re querying a pretty standard system view.

Now, I’m not big on security, permissions, or any of that stuff. It has never captured my fancy, so I don’t have any great advice about it. I will make a few points though:

  • Most applications have a single login
  • A lot of the time that login is given sa-level permissions
  • Even when it’s not, that login may need to do routine database things:
    • Check if databases, tables, columns, or indexes exist (especially during upgrades)
    • Create or drop all of those things
    • Execute database maintenance procedures
    • Mess with settings or Agent jobs

Without really tight control of a whole bunch of permissions, you’re gonna end up with applications that can do a ton of crazy stuff, including a list of tables in the database from this query.

FROM dbo.hax AS H
WHERE 1 = 1
AND H.user_name = '%' UNION ALL SELECT object_id,name,schema_id,type_desc,create_date,modify_date FROM sys.tables--';

All of this fits well within the 100 characters available in the search parameter, and the entire query is executed as one.

From here, a mean person could take one of the tables names and list out the columns (using the sys.columns view), and then use that to grab data they wouldn’t normally be allowed to see.

This how user data ends up on the dark web. Passwords, credit cards, social security numbers, phone numbers, addresses, childhood fears. You name it.

Protecting Yourself

Sure, you can steam yourself up and encrypt the crap out of everything, not store certain personal or processing details in the database, or a number of other things.

But before you go and dump out the bag of golden hammers, let’s start by eliminating the risks of dynamic SQL. We’re gonna need to rewrite our stored procedure a bit to do that.

    @injectable nvarchar(100)

/*Our placeholder variable for the string we'll build*/
    @sql nvarchar(MAX) = N'';

/*The start of our query-building*/
    @sql = N'
FROM dbo.hax AS H
WHERE 1 = 1

This changed: the parameter is embedded in the string
instead of being concatenated into it
IF @injectable IS NOT NULL
        @sql += N'AND H.user_name = @injectable;';

PRINT @sql;

This also changed: we're using EXEC against
the system stored procedure sp_executesql,
and feeding it parameters 
EXEC sys.sp_executesql
  N'@injectable nvarchar(100)',


In this version, here’s what we’re doing different:

  • The parameter is inside of the string, instead of concatenated in from outside
  • We’re using the system stored procedure sp_executesql to execute the string we’ve built up

It’s important to note that just using sp_executesql won’t protect you from SQL injection attacks unless the strings are parameterized like they are here.

Any Execution

No matter how we execute this, the query that gets generated and executed will look the same.

EXEC dbo.no_hax
    @injectable = N'Rick Ross';

EXEC dbo.no_hax
    @injectable = N'%'' UNION ALL SELECT object_id,name,schema_id,type_desc,create_date,modify_date FROM sys.tables--';
FROM dbo.hax AS H
WHERE 1 = 1
AND H.user_name = @injectable;

The important thing here is that the second execution does not result in successful SQL injection, but the first query returns correct results.

The second query returns no results this time, because the entire search string is parameterized, and no names match the supplied value.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: IF Branching In Stored Procedures

What Goes Wrong

I still see people calling into this trap when writing stored procedures. What no one seems to realize until it’s too late data grows past a toy data base size, is that SQL Server’s query optimizer doesn’t respect IF branches as boundaries in the way you’d expect.

Sure, the control-flow logic boundaries are respected, but the big surprise to most people comes from how the optimizer treats query plans in IF branches: It compiles them all no matter what.

In the video below, I’ll show you exactly what that means, and how it can really screw up performance. This video is a small part of my paid training offering, and if you enjoy it, there’s a link at the end of the post to get 75% off.

IF Branching Video!

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.