No, Not That Bug
There’s a known bug with partitioned tables, but this is different. This one is with rows in the delta store.
Here’s a quick repro:
USE tempdb; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.busted; CREATE TABLE dbo.busted ( id BIGINT, INDEX c CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE ); INSERT INTO dbo.busted WITH ( TABLOCK ) SELECT TOP ( 50000 ) 1 FROM master..spt_values AS t1 CROSS JOIN master..spt_values AS t2 OPTION ( MAXDOP 1 ); -- reports 0, should be 50k SELECT CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(OBJECT_ID('dbo.busted'), N'Cardinality') AS BIGINT) AS [where_am_i?]; SELECT COUNT_BIG(*) AS records FROM dbo.busted; INSERT INTO dbo.busted WITH ( TABLOCK ) SELECT TOP ( 150000 ) 1 FROM master..spt_values AS t1 CROSS JOIN master..spt_values AS t2 OPTION ( MAXDOP 1 ); -- reports 150k, should be 200k SELECT CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(OBJECT_ID('dbo.busted'), N'Cardinality') AS BIGINT) AS [where_am_i?]; SELECT COUNT_BIG(*) AS records FROM dbo.busted; SELECT object_NAME(csrg.object_id) AS table_name, * FROM sys.column_store_row_groups AS csrg ORDER BY csrg.total_rows;
In Pictures

This is the interesting bit, because you can obviously see the difference between open and compressed row groups.

The 50k rows in the delta store aren’t counted towards table cardinality.
Thanks for reading!
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