Bite Sized Gripes
I sat down to write this blog post, and I got distracted. I got distracted for two hours.

So, pretty obviously, we have a query performance issue.
What’s the cause of this malady? OR. Just one little OR.
It’s not like I don’t have indexes. They’re fabulous.
CREATE INDEX c ON dbo.Comments (PostId, UserId); CREATE INDEX v ON dbo.Votes (PostId, UserId); CREATE INDEX cc ON dbo.Comments (UserId, PostId); CREATE INDEX vv ON dbo.Votes (UserId, PostId);
Look at those things. Practically glowing.
But this query just wrecks them
SELECT records = COUNT_BIG(*) FROM dbo.Comments AS c JOIN dbo.Votes AS v ON c.UserId = v.UserId OR c.PostId = v.PostId;
That’s the plan up there that ran for a couple hours.
A general transformation that the optimizer can apply in this case is to union two result sets together.
SELECT records = COUNT_BIG(*) FROM ( SELECT n = 1 FROM dbo.Comments AS c JOIN dbo.Votes AS v ON c.UserId = v.UserId AND c.PostId <> v.PostId UNION ALL SELECT n = 1 FROM dbo.Comments AS c JOIN dbo.Votes AS v ON c.PostId = v.PostId AND c.UserId <> v.UserId ) AS x;
The following are two executions plans for this transformation. One in compatibility level 150, where Batch Mode On Row Store has kicked in. The second is in combability level 140, in regular old Row Mode. Though the Row Mode only plan is much slower, it’s still a hell of a lot faster than however much longer than two hours the original query would have run for.

The reason the Row Mode plan is so slow is because of a god awful Repartition Streams.

This is one of those “easy for you, hard for the optimizer” scenarios that really should be easy for the optimizer by now.
I don’t even care if it can be applied to every instance of this — after all there may be other complicating factors — it should at least be available for simple queries.
Thanks for reading!
Going Further
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Great serie of posts for vnext Erik !!!
Thanks! Glad you’re enjoying it!
You’d think that as often as this problem and solution show up on the interwebs that one of Satya’s peeps would have noticed. Sure, it is fun to be the guy who solves the issue and changes the execution time from days to seconds but solving the same problem over and over is the definition of insanity. Or perhaps long-term income stream.
Still it is just an exercise that the optimizer is familiar with.
1.Try some solutions.
2. Find one that works pretty well.
3. Get new query and return to step 1.
I mean yeah, it keeps me working, but this has to be incredibly frustrating for inexperienced query developers.
Just to confirm, are you using the Comments and Votes tables from the StackOverflow2013 download?
I don’t recall — I wrote this last August, sorry.