SQL Server Community Tools: sp_PressureDetector Shows You Running Queries Taking Up CPU And Memory

One For The Money

This post describes a little more of the philosophy behind sp_PressureDetector more than anything technical about it. Maybe.

I write this at the outset, but who knows where it’ll end up. Might even delete the whole thing and look at expensive cheese.

ANYWAY! If you’ve been following my posts this week, you’ll be painfully aware that sp_PressureDetector looks at things in your SQL Server that could indicate CPU or memory pressure.

Of course, very few servers will experience either of those issues without queries running, and so my dear friend sp_PressureDetector will show you which queries are in the danger zone.

And since it may be different queries causing problems, I show you two different sets of queries in two different ways.

Two For The Memory

The memory grant section shows you queries ordered by highest current memory grant. It will show you stuff you’re accustomed to, like session id, database, query text, query plan, and all that stuff, but it’ll also break down important stuff about what’s going on with memory.

SQL Server Memory Grant Query

There are four queries running on my demo VM. Three of them asked for and received memory grants, but one of them didn’t!

  • The first three queries have all requested and been granted memory and are slowly using it
  • The fourth query hasn’t gotten a grant yet, but is sitting in a queue waiting for memory to free up

While that fourth query waits for memory, it’s sitting around on RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE.

You may not always see this happening, but even without hitting the global limit for memory grants, you can still get pretty valuable data about queries running asking for memory.

Three To Get CPU Ready

Just like the memory grant query output, the CPU section will show you familiar and helpful columns to identify and analyze the query, but the section that will show you which ones are chewing up CPU is here:

SQ: Server CPU Query

In this cap, there are five queries running (all of them are parallel). You can see associated waits, cpu time, elapsed time, and other resource usage.

You can also see just how parallel a query went. Because there is only one “branch” in this query plan, DOP and parallel worker count are equal. In larger plans, worker count can be a multiple of DOP.

SQL Server Parallel Query Plan
woah mama

In this query plan, there are four parallel exchanges, which means four branches, so we get four x dop 8 parallel worker threads, totaling 32. Only 8 can be active concurrently, but all 32 are reserved by the query until it completes

On really overworked servers, SQL Server will downgrade DOP to preserve worker threads. Screenshots don’t really do that justice, but I demo it at the main page for sp_PressureDetector in the video.

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SQL Server Community Tools: Detecting Memory Pressure In SQL Server With sp_PressureDetector


People are always surprised by how SQL Server uses, and misuses, memory. First, there are misconceptions about how much memory Standard Edition can use — everyone thinks it’s 128GB — but that’s just for the buffer pool.

Sometimes they have no idea that…

  • SQL Server caches data pages in memory (buffer pool)
  • SQL Server doesn’t work with pages on disk (except to read them into memory)
  • SQL Server queries can ask for TONS of memory that gets pulled from the buffer pool
  • SQL Server uses memory to manage other things, like locks, caching query plans, compressed backups, and more

So that’s the type of stuff that I thought would be good to expose with sp_PressureDetector.

To look at just memory stuff with it, run this:

EXEC sp_PressureDetector
    @what_to_check = 'memory';

Simple as.


When SQL Server is under memory pressure, it can show up in a few different places, just like CPU pressure.

SQL Server Wait Stats
lucky strike

The arrows are pointing to two wait types that are directly related to queries waiting on memory. Read the description column for more detail ;^}

But that’s not the whole story, because like I said above, SQL Server uses memory for a bunch of stuff. If there’s memory pressure on the server, you’ll also see SQL Server having to go out to disk a whole bunch.

SQL Server Wait Stats
human mind


SQL Server surfaces what things are consuming memory, too. I show that early on in the results.

SQL Server Buffer Pool

My server isn’t very busy at the moment, so these numbers are fairly low, but this gives you a pretty good breakdown of:

  • How much memory is dedicated to the buffer pool
  • How much memory is stolen from the buffer pool
  • How much memory other consumers are taking up

You can match some of that up with other results that get returned that show more detail on query memory grants:

SQL Server Semaphores

It doesn’t match exactly because there’s a little time between when each query runs, but the granted_memory and used_memory columns are close-enough to the MEMORYCLERK_SQLQERESERVATIONS and Stolen Server Memory (KB) lines in the other results shown here.

If you’re paying really close attention, you may notice that 17GB of memory has been given to three queries, and 197 queries are waiting on memory.

In tomorrow’s post, we’ll look at how sp_PressureDetector surfaces queries that are most likely involved in CPU and memory pressure.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: Detecting CPU Pressure In SQL Server With sp_PressureDetector

Playing Favorites

I absolutely adore sp_PressureDetector. It’s short, it’s sweet, and it returns so many great details about what sort of pressure a SQL Server is under.

Today, we’re going to look at various ways that CPU pressure can be exposed.

You know, those expensive things that you license from Microsoft that make your database run?

They seem important.


There are precious few parameters to sp_PressureDetector. The only one you might use is @what_to_check.

EXEC sp_PressureDetector
    @what_to_check = 'cpu';

By default, the value is “both” — meaning you check CPU and memory — but you can choose to check one or the other.

Running that is going to show you all of the following things, as long as you’re on the latest version.

First, you might see signs in wait stats:

SQL Server Query Results

My demo VM hasn’t been up terribly long, and I threw a ridiculous CPU workload at it. Basically one parallel query that exhausts worker threads.

All of the waits there can be signs that your server CPU is overworked. They’re not too bad here, but if the hours_wait_time column is much greater than the hours_uptime column, that could be a pretty good indication.

Of course, because I’m throwing a horrible parallel workload at it, some of the other sections are gonna have really obvious problems.

Take this section, for instance.

SQL Server Query Results
open world

The negative available_threads column, plus the high runnable columns. Having lots of runnable queries means you have a lot of queries waiting to get on/back on a CPU.

Long lines there can mean that your CPUs are way too busy.

When things are really bad, you might see a bunch of queries that are waiting a really long time to get a CPU, resulting in gobs of THREADPOOL waits.


These are the places that signs of CPU pressure can prop up. If you need help fixing that, young and good looking consultants are standing by.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: How To Dig Deeper With Expert Mode With sp_QuickieStore

Perfect Crime

As much as I’d love to think that the normal set of results in sp_QuickieStore is sufficient, sometimes you need a little bit more to figure out what’s going on.

That’s where Expert Mode comes in. Or, as I lovingly call it, @expert_mode.

Quality engineering, there.

Most normal people don’t like a flood of information all at once. That’s why I tend to write shorter blog posts, and I write short sentences in small paragraphs.

In case you were wondering.

More Better

To summon @expert_mode all you have to do is ask nicely.

EXEC sp_QuickieStore
    @expert_mode = 1;

What you get back is stuff that wouldn’t be useful when you’re just trying to find some queries to tune, but might be really useful when you’re trying to dig deeper into why a specific query was slow.

  • Compilation Statistics: Here you get stuff like how many times, how long, how much memory, and other details around plan compilation.
  • Resource Statistics: This data comes from the plan cache and is largely for additional memory grant details that aren’t available in Query Store, like the actual grant, and not just what was used.
  • Query Store Wait Stats By Query: Up top, you get the three most prolific waits that a query was hit with; down here you get all of them ordered from highest to lowest
  • Query Store Wait Stats Total: At the database level, all of the wait stats that queries have generated
  • Query Store Options: How you set up Query Store, because sometimes you might wanna tweak those

Like I said, you won’t always need that stuff, but it can be useful at times in some scenarios.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: Formatting sp_QuickieStore Output So It’s Easier To Understand


I am not great at numbers. Especially big numbers, or numbers that need to get converted, like going from KB to GB.

Not KGB. I don’t wanna ever end up there.

Being but a mere mortal, I always find it a whole lot easier to figure out what I’m looking at when there are some separators in there.

For me in all my American Glory, that’s properly placed commas.



Some queries can rack up some pretty impressive resource consumption numbers, especially in Query Store where historical data is held for much longer times than the plan cache.

Making matters worse is that it makes sense to scale things to precise numbers that can look really confusing when they hit anything more than eight or nine digits.

That’s why I wanted to make sure sp_QuickieStore had a way to make things easier on us numerically-challenged public school kids.

EXEC sp_QuickieStore
    @format_output = 1;

Any number that meets the prerequisites for comma insertion will get one. here’s a small example:

SQL Server Query Results

Isn’t that nice?

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: How To Find Specific Queries With sp_QuickieStore

Stinky And Gross

Query Store gives you no way to really search through it. There are knobs and you can filter to specific times and stuff, but… That’s not really helpful most of the time.

If you need to find information about a particular query, but it’s not showing up in the places that it should be showing up, you’re screwed.

Unless you wanna write a bunch of horrible queries to dive into the Query Store DMVs on your own, or you’re the kind of Awesome Blossom who uses sp_QuickieStore.

Then you can find queries in a bunch of different ways.

It’s fun. You’ll love it.

Positive ID

In query store, most of the views are related by a couple different things:

  • query id
  • plan id

One query id can be attached to many plan ids, and what often happened to me is wanting to filter in to a specific set of query and plan ids.

With sp_QuickieStore, you can do that really easily.

  • @include_plan_ids
  • @include_query_ids
  • @ignore_plan_ids
  • @ignore_query_ids

Note that these parameters are all pluralized, which means you can pass in a list. That’s particularly helpful when you team the plan id parameter up with the all_plan_ids column in the procedure’s output.

SQL Server Query Results
bang on

You can copy and paste those out and use them directly to search through Query Store with sp_QuickieStore.

EXEC sp_QuickieStore
    @include_plan_ids = '156, 157';

You can do that with any of the other parameters too, to include or ignore certain queries.

Handle Hash Mustache

More recently, I added the ability to track down queries in Query Store by different hashes and handles in Query Store, using sp_QuickieStore.

  •     @include_query_hashes
  •     @include_plan_hashes
  •     @include_sql_handles
  •     @ignore_query_hashes
  •     @ignore_plan_hashes
  •     @ignore_sql_handles

Just like with the ids above, these accept CSV lists of hashes and handles to include or ignore.

But why? Well… Troubleshooting blocking and deadlocks is a whole lot easier when you can see query plans. You might see something obvious like…

  • A bunch of foreign keys need to be validated on modification
  • Some god awful trigger fires off
  • Modification queries don’t have useful indexes

The problem is that neither the blocking or deadlock XML reports give you query plans. You only get ways to identify them — you might get the full query text if you’re lucky — but no query plans to give you more information.

Here’s an XML fragment from the blocked process report:

    <frame line="1" stmtstart="24" stmtend="122" sqlhandle="0x020000005925de23bc428090e9810564087d8586724c38f30000000000000000000000000000000000000000" />
    <frame line="1" stmtend="86" sqlhandle="0x020000009002241ac985854546b21510bb975e36399c7f790000000000000000000000000000000000000000" />

So uh, cool! But now what? Well, get with the program:

EXEC sp_QuickieStore
    @include_sql_handles = 

Now you can find query plans by handle and hash really easily in Query Store.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: How To Filter What sp_QuickieStore Shows You

Wide Open

I try not to make too many assumptions about what you might want to see. The only real restrictions out of the box with sp_QuickieStore are:

  • It only looks at one database at a time
  • It only shows you the top 10 sorted by average cpu
  • It only shows you the pas 24 hours of data

These were design decisions made in order to help sp_QuickieStore live up to its name.

But of course, you can tinker with these things with the following parameters:

  •     @database_name: the name of the database you want to look at query store in
  •     @sort_order: the runtime metric you want to prioritize results by: cpu, logical reads, physical reads, writes, duration, memory, tempdb, executions
  •     @top: the number of queries you want to pull back
  •     @start_date: the begin date of your search
  •     @end_date: the end date of your search    
  •     @execution_count: the minimum number of executions a query must have                 
  •     @duration_ms: the minimum duration a query must have                    
  •     @wait_filter: wait category to search for;  cpu, lock, latch, buffer latch, buffer io, log io, network io, parallelism, memory

These can be useful things to tweak based on your situation.

Details, Details

You can do some really cool stuff with these to narrow search results to things you care about. I’m gonna highlight those here, even if they may seem obvious.

  •     @database_name: some databases are more important than others
  •     @sort_order: if your server has a particular bottleneck, it can be useful to find queries using the most of that bottleneck
  •     @top: sometimes there’s red meat beyond the top 10, like when you’re looking at high execution counts
  •     @start_date: know when you had a problem? start here.
  •     @end_date: know when the problem stopped? stop here.
  •     @execution_count: you may not want to see queries with low execution counts, because they might just run once at night
  •     @duration_ms: low duration queries may not be tunable, and you may not want to see them
  •     @wait_filter: does a particular wait stat stick out on your server? Find the queries responsible for it!

I tried to give you plenty of options to focus in on high-level things that can help lead you to queries that are causing you problems.

You can also zoom in to specific queries using a few different searchables, and we’ll talk about that tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: Using sp_QuickieStore To Find Your Worst Performing Queries

Mind Loss

Microsoft has invested some engineering time in the plumbing behind Query Store in SQL Server 2022. Really cool stuff, like the ability to add hints to a query and force it to use the plan with that hint in place.

That’s going to solve a crazy amount of problems for me, with queries that I can’t actually touch (and not because they’re priceless works of art).

But… the front end of Query Store still hasn’t changed. It’s clunky, it’s ugly, it’s not very configurable, and I find it downright unfriendly.

It can also be really slow and, golly and gosh, the number of times I’ve seen the queries that fill in the GUI show up in there is sort of depressing.

So I wrote sp_QuickieStore to fill in the gaps. No, it doesn’t populate a GUI (I don’t have those chops), but it does get you actionable results pretty quickly.

Explain Plan

By default, sp_QuickieStore will give you the top ten queries in query store by average CPU over the last 24 hours. I’m going to talk about other things you can do with it later this week.

For now, let’s just look at the first thing you see when you run it without any additional parameters. Most folks will stick sp_QuickieStore in the master database, but Query Store can only be turned on in user databases.

Of course, sp_QuickieStore has a parameter to tell it which database you want to analyze (@database_name). It’d be utterly insane for me to ask you, dear user, to install it in every user database.

The nice thing is that if you run sp_QuickieStore from a user database context, it will assume that that’s the database you want to analyze Query Store in.

EXEC sp_QuickieStore;

Right up front, you get the stuff that helps you figure out if you want to dig any deeper:

SQL Server Query Results
big machine

There’s a lot more information if you keep scrolling to the right that’ll tell you about resource usage, but here’s what you get:

  • query_id: how Query Store identifies the query text
  • plan_id: how Query Store identifies the query plan
  • all_plan_ids: if your query has generated multiple plans, you’ll get a CSV list of them here
  • execution_type_desc: if you query ran successfully or not
  • object_name: if your query came from a store procedure
  • query_sql_text: XML clickable of the query text
  • compatibility_level: uh… compatibility level
  • query_plan plan_forcing_type_desc: if Query Store is forcing a plan
  • top_waits: the high-level wait stats that your query has generated
  • first_execution_time: um… c’mon
  • last_execution_time: don’t make me say it
  • count_executions: oh gosh darn it to heck.

By The Numbers

There’s plenty for you to think about up there. Most folks know if they care about something by looking at some combination of object_name and query_sql_text. Sometimes count_executions will come into play.

Other times, you might have no idea what you’re looking at or why it’s showing up here. And baby. Baby, baby, baby. I am here for you.

SQL Server Query Results

These results are sorted by average CPU (that’s the default, remember), but there’s plenty of other memes here like logical reads for you to nod at sagely.

Something for everyone, really.

All this stuff is nice, but… Maybe you need something more. Maybe you’re searching for something in particular, maybe you want the results to look a little different, or uh… maybe you want to be an expert.

I would also love to be an expert. I would tell people expert things like “don’t throw eggs”.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: Capturing Query Wait Stats With sp_HumanEvents


I have sort of a love/hate relationship with wait stats scripts and analysis. Sometimes they’re great to correlate with larger performance problems or trends, and other times they’re totally useless.

When you’re looking at wait stats, some important things to figure out are:

  • How much of a wait happened compared to uptime
  • If the waits lasted a long time on average

And you can do that out of the box with SQL Server. What you can’t get are two very important things:

  • When the waits happened
  • Which queries caused the waits

This stuff is vitally important for figuring out if wait stats are benign overall to the workload.

For example, let’s say your server has been up for 100 hours, and you spent 50 hours waiting on PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits. Normally I’d be pretty worried about that, and I’d be looking at if the server has enough memory, if queries are asking for big memory grants, if important queries are missing any indexes, etc.

But if we knew that all 50 of those hours were outside of normal use activity, and maybe even happened in a separate database for warehousing or archiving off data, we might be able to ignore it and focus on other portions of the workload.


With sp_HumanEvents, you can get all of those things!

EXEC sp_HumanEvents 
    @event_type = 'waits',
    @seconds_sample = 60;

When this finishes running, you’ll get three results back:

  • Overall wait stats for the period of time
  • Wait stats broken down by database for the period of time
  • Wait stats broken down by database and query for the period of time

And because I don’t want to leave you hanging, you’ll also get details about the waits themselves, like

  • How much of a wait happened compared to sampled time
  • How long the waits lasted on average in the sampled time

If you need to figure out which queries are causing wait stats that you’re worried about, this is a great way to get started with that investigation.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: Capturing Which Queries Are Recompiling And Why With sp_HumanEvents

Classic Espionage

Like query compilations, query recompilations can be annoying. The bigger difference is that even occasional recompiles can introduce a bad query plan.

If your monitoring tools or scripts are warning you about high compiles or recompiles, sp_HumanEvents can help you dig in further.

We talked about compilations yesterday (and, heck, maybe I should have added that point in there, but hey), so today we’ll talk about recompilations.

There are a lot of reasons why a query might recompile:

  • Schema changed
  • Statistics changed
  • Deferred compile
  • Set option change
  • Temp table changed
  • Remote rowset changed
  • For browse permissions changed
  • Query notification environment changed
  • PartitionView changed
  • Cursor options changed
  • Option (recompile) requested
  • Parameterized plan flushed
  • Test plan linearization
  • Plan affecting database version changed
  • Query Store plan forcing policy changed
  • Query Store plan forcing failed
  • Query Store missing the plan
  • Interleaved execution required recompilation
  • Not a recompile
  • Multi-plan statement required compilation of alternative query plan
  • Query Store hints changed
  • Query Store hints application failed
  • Query Store recompiling to capture cursor query
  • Recompiling to clean up the multiplan dispatcher plan

That list is from SQL Server 2022, so there are going to be some listed here that you might not see just yet.

But let’s face it, the reasons you’re gonna see most often is probably

  • Schema changed
  • Statistics changed
  • Temp table changed
  • Option (recompile) requested

Mad Dog

To capture which queries are recompiling in a certain window, I’ll usually do something like this:

EXEC sp_HumanEvents 
    @event_type = 'recompiles',
    @seconds_sample = 30;

Sometimes recompiles can be good:

  • Schema changed: use a new index that suits the query better
  • Statistics changed: use newer statistics that more accurately reflect column data
  • Temp table changed: use a new histogram for a temp table more relevant to the query
  • Option (recompile) requested: burn it flat, salt the earth

But of course, there’s always an element of danger, danger when a query starts using a new plan. What if it sucks?

To cut down on recompiles, you can use this stuff:

  • Plan Guides
  • Query Store forced plans
  • Keep Plan/KeepFixed Plan query hints
  • Stop using recompile hints?

One thing that can be a pretty big bummer about recompiles is that, if you’re relying solely on the plan cache to find problem queries, they can leave you with very little (or zero) evidence about what queries are getting up to.

Query Store and some monitoring tools will capture them, so you’re better off using those for more in-depth analysis.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.