SARGability Week: Max Data Type Columns And Predicates Aren’t SARGable


When you sit down to choose data types, max really should be last on your list. There are very few legitimate uses for them.

Start by asking yourself if someone may ever throw in a string over 4000 or 8000 characters, you’re storing XML or JSON, or some other foolish endeavor.

If the answer is “no”, or “just to be safe“, stop right there. Put that max datatype down. You’re really gonna hate when they end up doing to your memory grants.

But you’ll also hate what they do to queries that try to filter on them.


No matter how much you scream, holler, and curse, when you try to filter data in a column with a max type, that predicate can’t be pushed to when you touch the index.

Leaving aside that max data types can’t be in the key of an index, because that would be insane, even if you stick them in the includes you’re looking at a lot of potential bulk, and not the good kind that makes you regular.

Let’s look at these two queries. The first one hits the Body column, and the second one hits the Title column.

    c = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.Body = N'A';

    c = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.Title = N'A';
SQL Server Query Plan

Both of these queries suck because we have to scan the entire Posts table, but at least the second one would be indexable if we cared enough to add one.


Starting off clear: This will happen regardless of if your search argument is a variable or a parameter, regardless of recompile hints.

DECLARE @A nvarchar(MAX) = N'A';
    c = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.Title = @A;

DECLARE @A nvarchar(MAX) = N'A';
    c = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.Title = @A
SQL Server Query Plan
one time

I see this quite often in ORMs where people don’t explicitly define datatypes, and stored procedures where people are being daft.


This is the sort of stuff you have to deal with when you use max data types.

They really are a pain, and the larger your tables are, the harder it can be to make changes later. Add in any sort of data synchronization and it all gets much worse.

In tomorrow’s post, we’ll look at how user defined functions can make things horrible.

As usual.

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Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SARGability Week: Using Dynamic SQL To Fix Non-SARGable Queries


The non-SARGABLE pattern that dynamic SQL helps you deal with is the the catch all query pattern, which can look like:

  • col = @parameter or @parameter is null
  • col = isnull(@parameter, col)
  • col = coalesce(@parameter, col)

Or any similar variation of null/not null checking of a parameter (or variable) in the where/join clause at runtime.

Dynamic SQL allows you to build up the specific where clause that you need for the non-NULL set of search filters.

But First

Let’s look at one of my favorite demos, because it very simply shows the goofy kind of things that can go wrong when you don’t practice basic query hygiene.

I’m going to create these two indexes:

CREATE INDEX osc ON dbo.Posts
    (OwnerUserId, Score, CreationDate);

CREATE INDEX po ON dbo.Posts
    (ParentId, OwnerUserId);

They are fundamentally and obviously different indexes.

The query has a where clause on OwnerUserId and CreationDate, and an order by on Score.

The select list is, of course, everything.

    @OwnerUserId int = 22656,
    @CreationDate datetime = '20190101',
    @SQLString nvarchar(MAX) = N'
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE (p.OwnerUserId   = @OwnerUserId  OR @OwnerUserId IS NULL)
AND   (p.CreationDate >= @CreationDate OR @CreationDate IS NULL)

EXEC sys.sp_executesql 
  N'@OwnerUserId INT,
    @CreationDate DATETIME',

But when we execute it, it uses the index on ParentId and OwnerUserId.

This is completely bizarre given the requirements of the query.

SQL Server Query Plan

Now Second

Yes yes, I know, Captain Recompile. A hint will fix this problem. But then you might have another problem. Or a whole bunch of other problems.

Here’s an example of nice, safe dynamic SQL that gets the correct index used and a much more efficient query overall.

    @OwnerUserId int = 22656,
    @CreationDate datetime = '20190101',
    @SQLString nvarchar(MAX) = N'
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE 1 = 1' + NCHAR(10)

    SET @SQLString += N'AND p.OwnerUserId   = @OwnerUserId' + NCHAR(10)

IF @CreationDate IS NOT NULL
    SET @SQLString += N'AND p.CreationDate >= @CreationDate' + NCHAR(10)

SET @SQLString += N'ORDER BY p.Score DESC;'


EXEC sys.sp_executesql 
  N'@OwnerUserId INT,
    @CreationDate DATETIME',


SQL Server Query Plan
new age

And On The Seventh Day

The title of this series is SARGability week, and at first I had five posts set to go on this. As I was writing, I realized there were a few other things that I wanted to cover.

Next week I’m going to talk about max data types, user defined functions, and implicit conversions, then wrap things up.

Unless I think of something else. After all, I’m writing this on the 9th. Time travel, baby!

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Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SARGability Week: Using Index Column Order To Fix Non-SARGable Queries In SQL Server

Query Bum

Quite a bit, I find myself working with people who are able to change indexes, but unable to change queries.

Even making small, sane changes would nix their support, should they ask for it. I do sometimes have to laugh at the situation: if support were that great, they wouldn’t need me, and if we made the change, they probably wouldn’t need support.

Oh well, though. Keep me employed, ISVs.

When we are allowed to change indexes, sometimes we can fix problems enough to avoid needing to change the code.

Big Time

Let’s start by creating two different indexes. They have the same key columns, just in different order.

    (UserId, CreationDate);

CREATE INDEX vv ON dbo.Votes
    (CreationDate, UserId);

The query that we care about it this one:

    c = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE ISNULL(v.UserId, 0) > 0
AND   v.CreationDate >= '20180601';

I know, you’re smart, you’re savvy, you’d never write a query like this. But I see it constantly.


If we compare query performance using the two different nonclustered indexes, the one that leads with CreationDate is the clear winner.

SQL Server Query Plan
swished up


The main advantage of a Seek here is we’re able to seek to a much smaller range of rows first, and then apply the non-SARGable predicate to UserId.

SQL Server Query Plan
no touching

Obviously, scanning 182,692,000 rows is a bit slower than seeking to 32,411,155 rows and applying the residual predicate.


If you can rewrite queries like this, you absolutely should. That people still write queries like this is a sad testament to… Well, I’m not sure what.

In tomorrow’s post, we’ll look at how dynamic SQL can help ward off non-SARGable predicates.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SARGability Week: Using Temp Tables To Fix Non-SARGable Query Performance Problems In SQL Server


This post is especially interesting because it highlights the oddball performance situations you can run into when you write the type of All-In-One™ queries that the optimizer is typically not very good at handling, and also rely on expressions calculated at runtime as predicates.

I mean, it’s especially interesting if you’re into this sort of thing. If you’re not into this sort of thing, you’ll probably find it as interesting as I find posts about financial responsibility or home cooking.

I’ve seen query patterns like this while working with clients, and they’ve always ended poorly.

Anyway, on with the post!


To make sure we have a good starting point, and you can’t tell me that “scanning the clustered index is bad”, let’s create an index:

ON dbo.Posts 
    (OwnerUserId, Score DESC)
WHERE PostTypeId IN (1, 2);

Now let’s take a look at this query, and what gets weird with it.

WITH top_questions AS
        QuestionScore = 
        tq = 
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER
                PARTITION BY
            	ORDER BY p.Score DESC
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1
    AND   p.Score > 1
     top_answers AS
        AnswerScore = 
        ta = 
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER
                PARTITION BY
            	ORDER BY p.Score DESC
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    WHERE p.PostTypeId = 2
    AND   p.Score > 1
FROM top_questions AS tq
JOIN top_answers AS ta
    ON  tq.OwnerUserId = ta.OwnerUserId
    AND tq.tq = ta.ta
    tq.QuestionScore DESC,
    ta.AnswerScore DESC;

The non-SARGable portion is, of course, generating and joining on the row_number function. Since it’s an expression that gets calculated at runtime, we have to do quite a bit of work to execute this query.

Community Board

The query plan for this is all over the place, and also bad. Parallel merge joins were a mistake.

SQL Server Query Plan

The portions of the query plan that are particularly interesting — again, if you’re into this sort of thing — is that there are four Repartition Streams operators, and all of them spill. Like I said above, this is the sort of thing you open yourself up to when you write queries like this.

In all, the query runs for about 50 seconds. This can be avoided by hinting a hash join, of course, for reasons explained here.

But good luck figuring out why this thing runs for 50 seconds looking at a cached, or estimated execution plan, which doesn’t show you spills or operator times.


One way to avoid the situation is to materialize the results of each CTE in a #temp table, and join those together.

WITH top_questions AS
        QuestionScore = 
        tq = 
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER
                PARTITION BY
            	ORDER BY p.Score DESC
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1
    AND   p.Score > 1
INTO #top_questions
FROM top_questions;

WITH top_answers AS
        AnswerScore = 
        ta = 
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER
                PARTITION BY
            	ORDER BY p.Score DESC
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    WHERE p.PostTypeId = 2
    AND   p.Score > 1
INTO #top_answers
FROM top_answers;

FROM #top_questions AS tq
JOIN #top_answers AS ta
    ON tq.OwnerUserId = ta.OwnerUserId
    AND tq.tq = ta.ta
    tq.QuestionScore DESC,
    ta.AnswerScore DESC;


The end result takes about 10 seconds, and has no exchange spills.

SQL Server Query Plan


For completeness, hinting the query with a hash join results in just about the same execution time as the temp table rewrite at 10 seconds. There are also very strong benefits to using Batch Mode. The query as originally written, and with no hints, finishes in about two seconds with no exchange spills, and I absolutely love that.

In tomorrow’s post, we’ll look at how we can sometimes adjust index key column order to solve SARGability issues.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SARGability Week: Using Computed Columns To Fix Non-SARGable Queries


We’re going to start this week off by using a computed column to fix a non-SARGable query, because there are a few interesting side quests to the scenario.

Here’s the starting query, which has a few different problems:

    c = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE LEN(p.Body) < 200
AND   p.PostTypeId IN (1, 2);

Let’s say we’re doing this to audit short questions and answers for quality.

Since SQL Server doesn’t retain any precise data about string column lengths, we don’t have an effective way to implement this search.

Worse, since the Body column is a max datatype, no expression (SARGable or not) can be pushed to the index scan.

Maxed Out

The query plan shows us a full scan of the clustered index where the filters on PostTypeId are applied, and later on a filter operator that applies the len filter:

SQL Server Query Plan

This is an ugly query, and if it’s one that we were going to make part of a regular review process, we probably don’t want users to sit around waiting 42 seconds on this every single time.


To get this query cranking, we need to add a computed column — note that it doesn’t need to be persisted — and index it.

    ADD BodyLen AS 

CREATE INDEX bodied ON dbo.Posts
    (BodyLen, PostTypeId);

Now our query looks like this:

SQL Server Query Plan

Prize Money

A lot of people are afraid of computed columns, because they think that they need to be persisted in order to get statistics generated on them, or to index them. You very much do not.

The persisted attribute will write the results of the expression to the clustered index or heap, which can cause lots of locking and logging and trouble.

Indexing the computed column writes the results only to the nonclustered index as it’s created, which is far less painful.

Tomorrow, we’ll look at how we can use temp tables to fix issues with SARGability.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SARGability Week: What Is It, Anyway?

Sake Of

SARGability is the in-club way of saying that a search predicate(s) can be used to seek through the key(s) of an index.

Some things that mess it up are:

  • function(column) = something
  • column + column = something
  • column + value = something
  • value + column = something
  • column = @something or @something IS NULL
  • column like ‘%something’
  • column = case when …
  • value = case when column…
  • Mismatching data types

Yes, this has all been written about quite a bit — here and elsewhere — but it’s a query pattern that I still spend a lot of time fixing.

So here we are. More writing about it.

If you’re sick of hearing about it, stop doing it.


So let’s say we’ve got this table:

    id int PRIMARY KEY,
    start_date date,
    end_date date

Right now, the only index on this table is on the id column. Since it’s the clustered index (by default, since it’s the primary key), it also “includes” the start_date and end_date columns. Conversely, this also means that any nonclustered indexes we create will have the id column automatically added to them. In the case of a non-unique index, it will be in the key. In the case of a unique index, it will be in the “includes”.

I once had someone go back and forth with me quite a bit about that last point, insisting that the clustered index didn’t have all of the table’s columns in it. But you know, if we run this query, we only touch the clustered index:

FROM dbo.sargability AS s;
SQL Server Query Plan


This means two things: as long as we avoid the lapses in judgement listed up above, we can seek to a single value or range of values in the id column. The index has put the data in order (in this case ascending).

It also means that start_date and end_date are not in a searchable order, so any query we write that attempts to search/filter values there will have to scan the index (unless we also search/filter the id column).

FROM dbo.sargability AS s
WHERE id = 1;

FROM dbo.sargability AS s
WHERE s.start_date = '20210808';

FROM dbo.sargability AS s
WHERE s.end_date = '20210808';
SQL Server Query Plan
three times a lady


Even though the equality predicates on start_date and end_date are perfectly SARGable, there’s no index for them to use to seek to those values in. They’re only in the clustered index, which is ordered by the id column. Other columns are not in a helpful order.

The fact that both of these queries end up scanning the clustered index may leave you under the impression that the isnull version is an acceptable practice.

FROM dbo.sargability AS s
WHERE s.end_date = '20210808';

FROM dbo.sargability AS s
WHERE ISNULL(s.end_date, '19000101') = '20210808';

But with an index on the column the problem becomes more apparent, with the “good” query seeking and the “bad” query scanning.

CREATE INDEX s ON dbo.sargability(end_date) INCLUDE(start_date);
SQL Server Query Plan


For the rest of the week, we’re going to look at various ways to fix non-SARGable queries with things like computed columns, temp tables, index key column order, and dynamic SQL.

These are the approaches I normally take in my query tuning work, so hopefully others will find them helpful.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

On Entity Framework And SQL Server


I know there are other ORMs in the world, but since my working life is spent performance fixing SQL Server, I end up seeing Entity Framework the most.

This isn’t going to be an Entity Framework bash-fest (that’s what Twitter is for), it’s more a critique of the way developers blindly trust this abstraction layer to always do the smart and sensible thing.

After all, I’ve seen applications using Entity Framework quite successfully. Part of what made it successful was the developers being comfortable with the database, figuring out how what they do with code gets translated into a query, and when that ends up going terribly long.

One of  the big lightbulb moments they had was realizing that maybe doing it all in one big query isn’t always the best option.

Until It Doesn’t

On small databases, perhaps with uncomplicated schema and application requirements, you can get by without giving much of a care about these things.

However, as databases grow up, more tables get added, and all that, you need to start paying more attention. I’ve said it before: abstraction isn’t magic, and that holds true for Entity Framework, too.

I totally understand: you might not know anything about databases, might not  have any interest in learning more about databases, and your job is to focus on the code to develop new features. Because of that, you put your faith and trust into Entity Framework to do things the best, most correct way.

That isn’t always what happens, though. It might work, but it might not work well. Not being an Entity Framework expert, I’m not always sure if the disconnect is in the way Entity Framework is designed, or in the way the developer used it.

Funny Valentine

For transactional queries, you’ll generally be okay so long as you obey common database decency rules around table and index design.

What is usually overly-ambitious is reporting and dashboard population queries. They’re often interpreted poorly, with dozens of left joins and nested derived tables.

And look, no, I don’t expect someone coding those types of queries in Entity Framework to be able to write better T-SQL queries. They probably have even less training and experience there. I’m basically repeating myself: abstraction isn’t magic.

If you’re going to work heavily with Entity Framework code that hits SQL Server, you need to:

  • Get into databases
  • Get someone who’s into databases

You need someone who can get in there, find problem queries, review indexes, and help track down which sections of the code generate them.

Whether some portions of the application need to be replaced with stored procedures, or you write custom SQL that can take advantage of a different approach to accessing the data, you need someone with the skills to write that T-SQL well, or you’ll just end up with the same problem in a different way.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Finding Queries With Multiple Plans In Query Store

Cached Out

There are lots of examples of how to do this with the plan cache, but, well, the plan cache can be an awfully unstable place.

Query store being a bit more historically reliable, we can use some of the same tricks to track them down there too.

    query_plan =
        distinct_query_plans = 
            COUNT_BIG(DISTINCT qsp.query_plan_hash),
        total_query_plans = 
    FROM sys.query_store_query AS qsq
    JOIN sys.query_store_plan AS qsp
        ON qsq.query_id = qsp.query_id
    HAVING  COUNT_BIG(DISTINCT qsp.query_plan_hash) > 1
    AND     COUNT_BIG(DISTINCT qsp.query_plan_hash)
                <= COUNT_BIG(qsp.query_plan_hash)
) AS x
    SELECT TOP (x.total_query_plans)
    FROM sys.query_store_query AS qsq
    WHERE x.query_hash = qsq.query_hash
) AS qsq
    FROM sys.query_store_plan AS qsp
    WHERE qsp.query_id = qsq.query_id
) AS qsp
    x.total_query_plans DESC;

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Finding Single Use Queries In Query Store

Caching The Line

This metric gets looked at a lot in the plan cache to see how effective it is. The main problem is that with high enough churn, you might not catch all the queries involved in the problem. Here are a couple ways to look at this in Query Store.

        single_use_queries = 
                    WHEN qsrs.count_executions = 1 
                    THEN 1 
                    ELSE 0 
        total_queries = 
    FROM sys.query_store_runtime_stats AS qsrs
    percent_single_use_plans = 
            single_use_queries / 
                    1. * 
                ) * 100.

FROM sys.query_store_query_text AS qsqt
          FROM sys.query_store_query AS qsq
          JOIN sys.query_store_plan AS qsp
              ON qsq.query_id = qsp.query_id
          JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats AS qsrs
              ON qsp.plan_id = qsrs.plan_id
          WHERE qsqt.query_text_id = qsq.query_text_id
          AND   qsrs.count_executions = 1

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Things SQL Server vNext Should Address: Unify Paid Editions

Cloudy With A Chance

The more I work with Standard Edition, the more frustrated I get, and the more I have to tell people about the cost difference between it and Enterprise Edition, the more people start asking me about Postgres.

I wish that were a joke. Or that I knew Postgres better. Or that I knew the PIVOT syntax

(That was a terrible joke)

Mold And Musted

I’ve written about my Standard Edition annoyances in the past:

In the past I’ve thought that offering something between Standard and Enterprise Edition, or add-ons depending on what you’re after would be a good move.

For example, let’s say you want to unlock the memory limit and performance features, or you want the full Availability Group experience, you could buy them for some SA-like tax. But that just… makes licensing more complicated, and it’s already bad enough.

One install, one code base, one set of features, no documentation bedazzled with asterisks.

Perhaps best of all, everyone can stop complaining that Developer Edition is misleading because you can’t turn off Enterprise Edition features.

And you could better line the bits up with that’s in Azure SQL DB and Managed Instances.


I have no idea how to handle the pricing, here. Perhaps that could also better line up with Azure offerings as well.

At any rate, something here has to give. Standard Edition is entirely uncompetitive in too many ways, and the price is too far apart from Enterprise Edition to realistically compare. That $5,000 jump per core is quite a jaw-dropper.

One option might be to make Express Edition the new Standard Edition, keeping it free and giving it the limitations that Standard Edition currently has.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.