How Do I Estimate How Much Memory My SQL Server Needs?

It’s Brand New

If you’re looking to scope out hardware for SQL Server, whether it’s in the cloud, or… not in the cloud, you’re gonna wanna get memory right.

Lots of people complain about SQL Server being a memory hog, without pausing to reflect on the fact that they’re data hogs.

You don’t like SQL Server taking up all that memory? Drop all those big databases.

Problem solved.


There are a number of things you can look at on your current server that tie in to how much memory you’ll need in the future:

  • Wait Stats
  • Size of data
  • Current indexing
  • Data growth rate


I have wait stats there because the first thing you should look at to see if you have adequate memory is PAGEIOLATCH_** waits. If they’re more than 10% of your server’s uptime, you might be losing a whole bunch of query performance to getting the data you need into memory. Of course, from here you need to monitor when those waits are happening to figure out if they’re affecting critical user queries, or just happening overnight during maintenance.


The size of your data is going to depend on how big your tables are, and how many indexes you have on them. If you have a lot of unused or duplicative indexes, you’re going to have a much bigger database than is necessary. That’s going to inflate the amount of memory you currently “need”, because all of those cruft indexes are going to be competing for space in the buffer pool.


An easy first step to making the best possible use of the RAM you currently have is to make sure you have only the most beneficial indexes in place. Once you’ve got that done, you can go even further by looking at compression. Compressed indexes squish things down on disk and in the buffer pool.


Some database have predictable growth patterns based on regular usage. It’s up to you to trend that stuff for the most part.

There’s a disk usage report under each database’s standard reports that you can get to with a right click, but it only has growths that are currently in the standard trace file currently. They could be aged out when you go looking for them.

Another idea would be to look at backup sizes over the past year or so to see how they’ve grown.

Other databases are unpredictable based on acquisitions, large customer onboarding, big sales, sudden success, etc.

Of course, if you haven’t tended to indexes or compression like I listed above, these trends may not hold up well compared to after doing them. This is something I’d do last, after taking care of the index stuff.

All This And More

An additional consideration that adds quite a bit of complication is query memory grants.

The difficulty here is twofold, because you may have query and index tuning to do to reduce the memory grants queries ask for, and when memory pressure arises on a server the plan cache (where most people wanna go look for queries asking for large memory grants) will be getting cleared out constantly. That can make tracking them hard.

I know, you’re thinking that Query Store is awesome for this, but it’s not. It only tracks memory that queries used, not what they were granted. A query can ask for a huge memory grant, only use a small fraction of it, and there’s no sign of that in Query Store. Brick and mortar, indeed.

Most people aren’t ready to truly speculate on hardware needs when I talk to them, but they can get there. If you want a basic guess? Try to get enough memory to cache 50-75% of your server’s data in memory. That should get you enough to cache what you need, deal with memory growth, and deal with memory grants.

And you know, you’ll probably wanna pad that a little bit if you’re going to the cloud, where storage gear and networking is basically electric porridge.

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Replacing Unique Constraints With Unique Indexes In SQL Server

Wouldja Shouldja?

I do love appropriately applied uniqueness. It can be helpful not just for keeping bad data out, but also help the optimizer reason about how many rows might qualify when you join or filter on that data.

The thing is, I disagree a little bit with how most people set them up, which is by creating a unique constraint.

Unique constraints are backed by nonclustered indexes, but they’re far more limited in what you can do with them.

For example, you can’t apply a filter definition, or have any included columns in them. And a lot of the time, those things make the data you’re identifying as unique more useful.

Included Battery

Here’s what I see quite a bit: A unique constraint on a single key column, and then a nonclustered index on that column, plus included columns.

So now you have two indexes on that column, only one of them is unique, and only of them gets used in queries as a data source.

The unique constraint may still get used for cardinality estimation, but the structure itself just sits around absorbing writes all the live long day.

In this case, you’re almost always better off using a unique nonclustered index with includes instead.

Sure, this doesn’t work if you have one column that needs to be unique, but you want multiple columns in the key of a nonclustered index, but that’s not what I’m talking about here.

Feelings Filter

That you can add a where clause to indexes is still news to some people, and that’s fine.

Often they’re used to isolate and index certain portions of your data that are frequently accessed, or that benefit from having a statistics histogram built specifically on and for them, which don’t have any of their 201 steps tainted or influenced by data outside of the filter.

The latter scenario is good for skewed or lumpy data that isn’t accurately depicted in a histogram on a full (probably rather large table) even with a full scan.

But another good use is filtering data down to just the portion of unique data that you care about. An example is if your table has multiple rows for a user’s sessions, but only one session can be active. Having a unique filtered index on users, filtered to just what’s active, can get you down to just the stuff you care about faster.

Clean Up

If you ever run sp_BlitzIndex and see duplicate or borderline duplicate indexes, some of them may be on unique constraints or indexes.

Don’t be afraid to merge semantically equivalent constraints or indexes together. Just be sure to obey the rules of key column order, and all that.

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Steps For Getting Rid Of NOLOCK Hints In SQL Server Queries

Way Out

Whenever I see people using NOLOCK hints, I try to point out that they’re not a great idea, for various reasons explained in detail all across the internet.

At minimum, I want them to understand that the hint name is the same as setting the entire transaction isolation level to READ UNCOMMITTED, and that the hint name is quite misleading. It doesn’t mean your query takes no locks, it means your query ignores locks taken by other queries.

That’s how you can end up getting incorrect results.

That warning often comes with a lot of questions about how to fix blocking problems so you can get rid of those hints.

After all, if you get rid of them, your SQL Server queries will (most likely) go back to using the READ COMMITTED isolation level and we all know that read committed is a garbage isolation level, anyway.

Cause and Wrecked

An important thing to understand is why the hint was used in the first place. I’ve worked with some nice developers who slapped it on every query just in case.

There was no blocking or deadlocking. They just always used it, and never stopped.

Not that I blame them; the blocking that can occur under read committed the garbage isolation level is plain stupid, and no respectable database platform should use it as a default.

In many ways, it’s easier for a user to re-run a query and hopefully get the right result and shrug and mumble something about computers being awful, which is also true.

So, first step: ask yourself if there was ever really a blocking problem to begin with.

Bing Tutsby

Next, we need to understand where the blocking was coming from. Under read committed the garbage isolation level, writers can block readers, and readers can block writers.

In most cases though, people have added the hint to all of their queries, even ones that never participated in blocking.

  • If the problem was writers blocking writers, no isolation can help you.
  • If the problem was readers blocking writers, you may need to look at long running queries with Key Lookups

If the problem was writers blocking readers, you’d have to look at a few things:

If you have query store enabled, you can use sp_QuickieStore to search it for queries that do a lot of writes. If you don’t, you can use sp_BlitzCache to search the plan cache for them.

Best Case

Of course, you can avoid all of these problems, except for writers blocking writers, by using an optimistic isolation level like Read Committed Snapshot Isolation or Snapshot Isolation.

In the past, people made a lot of fuss about turning these on, because

  • You may not have tempdb configured correctly
  • You have queue type code that relied on blocking for correctness

But in reasonably new versions of SQL Server, tempdb’s setup is part of the install process, and the wacky trace flags you used to have to turn on are the default behavior.

If you do have code in your application that processes queues and relies on locking to correctly process them, you’re better off using locking hints in that code, and using an optimistic isolation level for the rest of your queries. This may also be true of triggers that are used to enforce referential integrity, which would need READCOMMITTEDLOCK hints.

The reason why they’re a much better choice than using uncommitted isolation levels is because rather than get a bunch of dirty reads from in-flight changes, you read the last known good version of the row before a modification started.

This may not be perfect, but it will prevent the absolute majority of your blocking headaches. It will even prevent deadlocks between readers and writers.

No, Lock

If your code has a lot of either NOLOCK hints or READ UNCOMITTED usage, you should absolutely be worried about incorrect results.

There are much better ways to deal with blocking, and I’ve outlined some of them in this post.

Thanks for reading!

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Signs It’s Time To Switch From ORMs To Stored Procedures In SQL Server Development

Meet Wall

There are, unfortunately, some times when developers refuse to put the ORM down.

I mean, it’s mostly unfortunate for them, because they’ll continue to have performance problems.

Me? I’ll be okay.

The items in this post are issues I’ve run into constantly when working with people who use ORMs, but don’t spend any time looking at the queries they generate.

I expect this list to grow. Heck, maybe it’ll even get some good comments that I can add to the list.

I know, I know. Good comments.


Here’s the stuff I see quite frequently causing issues with ORM code, in no particular order, and they’re quite often signs that you’d be better off with a stored procedure.

1. Your select list doesn’t fit in the cached plan

Developers using ORMs often have to learn the hard way that when they poke an object, all the columns come out. Not only does the lesson seem hard to learn, the behavior seems hard to change. I’ve worked with people months and years apart and found the same bad habits over and over again, and this isn’t an exception. Not only can this hurt query performance for a number of reasons, but it also makes reproducing any issues really difficult because you can’t get the full query text easily.

2. Your queries generates long IN lists

It’s bad enough that most ORMs don’t deal gracefully with  this by parameterizing the IN clause values. Even if you do parameterize them all, SQL Server might have different ideas about how best to apply that IN clause. Scroll down to the “Complexity” section in this blog post. You can get wildly different plans depending on how many search arguments you pass in. This is one of those times where a table valued parameter, temp table, or other materialization of the list is a way better idea.

3. You don’t understand the query it generates

Because you-know-who, did you-know-what, with you-know-who, but let’s keep that between me and you isn’t a good way to send queries to SQL Server. The number of far overly-complicated queries that generate unrecognizable logic that I’ve seen have, at this point, probably generated physical weight in the world beyond mere electrons. The 20 lines of code you wrote to explain what you want have turned into a 200 line query full of derived left joins to every single imaginable relation in the database. Why? I don’t know. You don’t know either.

4. You can’t get a good query plan

You see that paragraph up there? That’s why you can’t get a good query plan. The optimizer spent a reasonable amount of time assessing all of the crazy semantic needs of your query and came up with a reasonable plan as quickly as possible. But somewhere along the line, it misjudged something, or didn’t have time to explore that one last join reordering that would have made everything okay. Or maybe, like a query that generates a long IN clause, this monster would benefit from breaking the million-layer-dip of logic up by dumping some initial results into a #temp table.

5. You can’t get developers to fully parameterize queries

When you write queries that take parameters, whether it’s a stored procedure or dynamic SQL, you get better plan re-use. When you throw literal values into the mix, the optimizer is far less charitable, and will treat each query like it has never seen it before and go about compiling a brand new execution plan for it. Even if you turn on Forced Parameterization, your semi-parameterized queries won’t be parameterized. And of course, Optimize For Ad Hoc Workloads won’t help once the plan moves beyond stub-status.

Move On

There are many ways to tune a query, but unfortunately a good portion of them are unavailable while using ORMs in their natural code-only state. Sure, you can write custom queries in the code, but that has a lot of potential downsides, too. Depending on how the code is constructed, and if parameters are strongly typed, you may not get consistent plan re-use.

I’m all for application developers using tooling that enables them to work on new features quickly and in a way that they’re comfortable with. But at some point, SQL developers or DBAs need to step in and enforce coding standards. At some point, mom and dad have to the keys away and implement something that performs beyond just what “works”.

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Why Single Key Column Indexes Aren’t Good Choices

Choose To Lose

Most tables you encounter in SQL Server will have a clustered row store index on them, and probably some nonclustered row store indexes too.

If you live in the data warehouse world, you’ll probably see more and more column store indexes (hopefully), and if you need to report straight from your OLTP tables, you might even see some nonclustered column store indexes.

If your non-staging tables are heaps, you’ve probably got other things you should be doing than reading this post, like figuring out a good clustered index for them.

But anyway! Let’s focus on the most common types of tables, so that most everyone can happily follow along.

Drown Out

When you’ve got a table with a row store clustered index, all of your nonclustered indexes will “inherit” the keys of the clustered index. Where they end up depends on if the nonclustered index is defined as unique or not.

  • Non unique nonclustered row store indexes will store them in the key
  • Unique nonclustered row store indexes will store them as includes

There are times when a single key column index can be useful, like for a unique constraint.

But for the most part, outside of the occasional super-critical query that needs to be tuned, single key column indexes either get used in super-confusing ways, or don’t get used at all and just sit around hurting your buffer pool and transaction log, and increasing the likelihood of lock escalation.


I can hear a lot of you saying that you use them to help foreign keys, and while a single key column index may get used for those processes, you most likely have many other queries that join tables with foreign key relationships together.

Those queries aren’t gonna sit around with just join columns. You’re gonna select, filter, group, and order those columns too, and wider indexes are gonna be way more helpful for that, and wider indexes are just as useful for helping foreign keys do their job.

If you have a single key column index, and a wider index that leads with the same key column, you really need to ask yourself why you have that single key column index around anymore.

In extreme cases, I see people create a single key column index on every column in a table. That’s beyond absurd, and a recipe for disaster in all of the ways listed above.

If you truly need an index on every single column, then you need a column store index.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

I/O Bound vs CPU Bound Queries In SQL Server


When you’re looking for queries to tune, it’s important to understand which part is causing the slowdown.

That’s why Actual Execution plans are so valuable in newer versions of SQL Server and SSMS. Getting to see operator timing and wait stats for a query can tell you a lot about what kind of problem you’re facing.

Let’s take a look at some examples.


If you’re looking at a query plan, and all the time is spent way to the right, when you’re reading from indexes, it’s usually a sign of one or two things:

  • You’re missing a good index for the query
  • You don’t have enough memory to cache data relevant to the query

If you run the query a second time, and it has the same characteristics — meaning we should now have the data cached in the buffer pool but we don’t — then one or both of those two things is true.

If you run the query a second time and it’s fast because all the data we care about is cached, then it’s more likely that only the second thing is true.

SQL Server Query Plan

For example, every time I run this query it takes 20 seconds because every time it has to read the clustered index from disk into memory to get a count. That’s because my VM has 96 GB of RAM, and the clustered index of the Posts table is about 120 GB. I can’t fit the whole thing into the buffer pool, so each time I run this query has the gas station sushi effect on the buffer pool.

If I add a nonclustered index — and keep in mind I don’t really condone adding single key column nonclustered indexes like this — the query finishes much faster, because the smaller nonclustered index takes less time to read, and it fits into the buffer pool.

CREATE INDEX pr ON dbo.Posts
SQL Server Query Plan

If our query had different characteristics, like a where clause, join, group by, order by, or windowing function, I’d consider all of those things for the index definition. Just grabbing a count can still benefit from a smaller index, but there’s nothing relational that we need to account for here.

Proc Rock

Let’s say you already have ideal indexes for a query, but it’s still slow. Then what?

There are lots of possible reasons, but we’re going to examine what a CPU bound query looks like. A good example is one that needs to process a lot of rows, though not necessarily return a lot of rows, like a count or other aggregate.

SQL Server Query Plan
splish splash

While this query runs, CPUs are pegged like suburban husbands.

SQL Server Query Plan
in the middle of the street

For queries of this stature, inducing batch mode is often the most logical choice. Why? Because CPU instructions are run over batches of rows at once, rather than a single row at a time.

With a small number of rows — like in an OLTP workload — you probably won’t notice any real gains. But for this query that takes many millions of rows and produces an aggregate, it’s Hammer Time™

SQL Server Query Plan
known as such

Rather than ~30 seconds, we can get our query down to ~8 seconds without making a single other change to the indexes or written form.

Under Compression

For truly large data sets, compression indexes is a great choice for further reducing I/O bound portions of queries. In SQL Server, you have row, page, and column store (clustered and nonclustered) compression available to you based on the type of workload you’re running.

When you’re tuning a query, it’s important to keep the type of bottleneck you’re facing in mind. If you don’t, you can end up trying to solve the wrong problem and getting nowhere.

Thanks for reading!

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Forced Parameterization vs Optimize For Ad Hoc Workloads

Shredded Cheese

I often speak with people who are confused about what these settings do, and which one they should be using to fix certain problems.

The first myth is that Optimize For Ad Hoc Workloads has some special effect on queries run outside of stored procedures: it does not. It’s very poorly named in that regard. There are no special optimizations applied because of that setting.

If you hit up the documentation, there’s no mention of it, but because it’s named how it is, people think YEAH IT’LL MAKE MY AD HOC QUERIES FASTER!

But no. It does not.

Add Chalk

Optimize For Ad Hoc Workloads mainly helps servers where the plan cache is unstable because it gets full of plans that don’t ever get reused. You end up with a lot of churn.

Why don’t they get reused? There are a lot of reasons, but often it’s because queries either aren’t parameterized, or because parameters aren’t explicitly defined in the application.

When you turn Optimize For Ad Hoc Workloads on, first-time plans are stored as stubs. That’s all. If they get used a second time, the full plan is stored.

This is great, unless all your plans have a low rate of reuse anyway, like < 10 or so.

Paramesan Cheese

First, the documentation for Forced Parameterization is hard to find.

Second, it’s usually a *wonderful* setting for queries that are fully unparameterized. One of the limitations is that if a query is only partially parameterized, it won’t parameterize the unparameterized bits.

That kinda sucks, but I understand why it doesn’t: Microsoft thinks you’re smart and you know what you’re doing, and there must be a *very good reason* for you to only have partially parameterized a query.

For instance, to get a filtered index used, or to avoid some parameter sniffing issue with skewed data.

Which One Do You Need?

Focus on the problem you’re trying to solve.

  • If you have a lot of single use plans clogging up your plan cache and forcing a lot of churn, then Optimize For Ad Hoc Workloads can be great
  • If you have a lot of unparameterized queries creating loads of duplicate plans (maybe even single use), you want Forced Parameterization

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Replication Deadlocks In SQL Server, And How To Fix Them

As If

Replication is one of my least favorite things, and I go out of my way not to deal with it. I have had a few clients now that have run into problems with deadlocks arising from it doing Replication-y things.

If you use Plan Explorer to look at deadlocks, which you should because SSMS sucks at it, you’ll see stuff that looks like this:

i am deadlock

You’ll see deadlocks on things like LockMatchID, sys.sp_MSrepl_changestatus, and sp_MSrepl_addsubscription.

i am deadlock

You may also see weird looking ones like this on sp_addsubscription.

i am also deadlock

If you see deadlocks that involved Database Id 32767, and a negative object ID like -993696157, it’s going to be some weird replication stuff. That’s the Id of the Resource Database, which you can’t really get at without the DAC, or copying and attaching the files for it as a user database.

i too am deadlock

You may also see deadlocks on things like sp_replupdatechema coming from mssqlsystemresource.

Fixing It

The official line from Microsoft Support is that you can usually fix the deadlocks by running these commands:

EXEC sp_changepublication
  @publication = N'yourpublication',
  @property = N'allow_anonymous',
  @value = N'false';

EXEC sp_changepublication
  @publication = N'yourpublication',
  @property = N'immediate_sync',
  @value = N'false';

In practice, the clients I’ve had do this have had their Replication Deadlocks resolved. Hopefully if you’re hitting the same problems, you’ll find them useful.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Index Key Columns And Data Access Patterns In SQL Server

Financial Advice

When I talk about “data access patterns” in relation to databases, it’s often met with blank stares.

What is a data access pattern? What does it have to do with indexes?

Well, my dear friend, today you’re gonna learn it good and hard.

Medical Doctor

Data access patterns refer to the most common ways that queries filter, join, order, and display data.

The earliest point of a data access pattern is your where clause. Different queries may have different patterns of data to look for.

Giving some generic OLTP-ish examples, you might have queries that look for:

  • Customer orders
    • Within a date range
    • Ordered by most recent
  • Items in a customer order
    • With the total price
    • Plus shipping
    • Plus tax
  • Items in stock
    • Total quantity

Depending on how normalized your data is, getting some of this stuff will likely require 2-3 tables getting joins together in some manner.

But all of these different scenarios define your data access patterns, and this is how you need to gear your indexes.

A lot of people get caught up on the minutiae of indexes without taking care of any of the basics, worrying about foreign keys, GUIDs, fragmentation, and other ridiculous memes.

Personal Trainer

Your data access patterns should define your indexes, because that — along with well-written queries to use those indexes most efficiently — is what’s going to make your application fast.

I’ve blogged about some of the fundamental concepts behind this in the past:

If you still need help with your index design after reading those, drop me a line! That’s the kind of thing I love helping people out with.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

The Academics Behind FROID

I am a heading

If you’re curious about all the stuff behind FROID, I’d highly suggest checking out this video by Andy Pavlo (b|t). It’s a great talk based on the academic material written about it, and made quite approachable and understandable even if you don’t understand all those fancy symbols that math people tell me are really numbers.


If you like this video, I’d highly suggest following Andy’s classes on YouTube. While they’re pretty database agnostic, they’re still awesome to watch to get a better understanding of how and why databases work, and do what they do. And there are some hot beats, to boot.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.