Recent Updates To sp_QuickieStore, sp_HealthParser, And A New Contributing Guide

Work Work Work

If you’re the kind of person who needs quick and easy ways to troubleshoot SQL Server performance problems, and you haven’t tried my free scripts yet, you’re probably going to keep having SQL Server performance problems.

I don’t get a lot of visitor contributions to my code (and here I thought it was just because it’s perfect), but I had a couple cool recent additions to sp_QuickieStore, my free tool for searching and analyzing Query Store data.

First, Ben Thul did a great job of simplifying the process of searching for only for queries that run during configurable business hours. I had gone through a whole process of creating a lookup table with times and a bunch of other nonsense. Ben, being smart, converted that over to just using parameters with a time type, so it doesn’t matter if you use 12- or 24-hour time. Thank you, Ben.

Second, Bill Finch dropped a really interesting pull request on me that allows for searching for query text that includes square brackets. I had no idea that didn’t work, but apparently I don’t go searching for Entity Framework created query text all that often. Very cool stuff, and a thank you to Bill as well!

Third, since I keep running into databases where Query Store is in a weird state, I added an initial check to see if it’s read only, if the desired and current state disagree with each other, or if auto-cleanup is disabled. Of course, I haven’t run into that since. Lucky me.

Fourth, Cláudio Silva added a new parameter to search Query Store for only plans that have hints (2022+, probably whatever Azure nonsense). An idea so cool, I expanded on it to also allow searching for queries with feedback and variants (also 2022+, probably whatever Azure nonsense)

Fourth Part Deux, I made a few tweaks to sp_HealthParser:

  1. Numbers are now nicely formatted with commas, so it’s easy to identify the precise scale of misery you’re experiencing.
  2. A Friend At Microsoft told me that wait durations should already be in milliseconds in the system health extended event, and that I didn’t need to divide those numbers by 1000 to convert them from microseconds. This change is somewhat experimental, because some awfully big numbers show up. If you happen to know better, or feel like testing to verify the change, give the latest version a run.
  3. If you’re searching for warnings only, I added a parameter (@pending_task_threshold) to reduce the number of warnings lines from the cpu task details results. You’ll get a warning here even if there’s one pending task, which isn’t very useful. You usually want to find when LOTS of pending tasks were happening. The default is 10.

Finally, I added a contributing guide. It’s not very extensive (which prevents it from being exhausting); the main point I’m trying to get across is that forks and pull requests must be made from and to the dev branch only. Committing directly to main is verboten. Totes verbotes, as they say in Germany and surrounding German-speaking countries, I’ve been informed by Reliable Sources.

If you have questions, run into bugs, or think adding some code to any of my procedures, open up an issue. I don’t do support via email or blog comments.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

3 thoughts on “Recent Updates To sp_QuickieStore, sp_HealthParser, And A New Contributing Guide

  1. “In which one contributor trips over his own feet multiple times trying to submit a PR”. What is it the kids say these days? Oh yeah… “git good”.

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