How To Fix Performance Problems With Sorts Without Changing Indexes (In SQL Server)

How To Fix Performance Problems With Sorts Without Changing Indexes (In SQL Server)


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3 thoughts on “How To Fix Performance Problems With Sorts Without Changing Indexes (In SQL Server)

  1. Hi Erik
    Thank for your great tips, everyday I am learning something new.
    One question, when you re-write the query to use CROSS APPLY do you have also WHERE condition Reputation>=10000 as it was in the first query? Does it make difference? Thanks

    1. Both queries should be the same, but it doesn’t ultimately make a difference for what I’m trying to show here, which is how using cross apply lets you split one big sort into many little sorts.

  2. Great video Erik. I’m forwarding the link to our Dev team. The bit of advice on using CROSS APPLY : genius.

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