How I Set Up Debugging In SQL Server Stored Procedures

How I Set Up Debugging In SQL Server Stored Procedures

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2 thoughts on “How I Set Up Debugging In SQL Server Stored Procedures

  1. in a stored procedure that uses dynamically built SQL, I might have the dynamic SQL in this form:
    SELECT /*short name*/ Col1 FROM ….
    note: if your comment is before the SQL, its actually part of the previous statement.
    I don’t put the comment at the end because I am usually returning a list of heavy SQL, and I want to see the name in the visible portion of the SQL text column.
    another point: how many people set the Application Name in the connection string? I have always advocated setting this for each major element of your app so you can aggregate data based application.
    also consider a debug switch in your app. if debug is set for a specific session, then all calls made by that session have a different AppName, allowing you to trace/extended event only for particular session

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