Starting SQL: How Parameters Can Change Which Indexes SQL Server Chooses

Down And Out

There are lots of different ways that parameter sniffing can manifest in both the operators chosen, the order of operators chosen, and the resources acquired by a query when a plan is compiled. At least in my day-to-day consulting, one of the most common reasons for plans being disagreeable is around insufficient indexes.

One way to fix the issue is to fix the index. We’ll talk about a way to do it without touching the indexes tomorrow.

Let’s say we have this index to start with. Maybe it was good for another query, and no one ever thought twice about it. After all, you rebuild your indexes every night, what other attention could they possible need?

    ON dbo.Votes(VoteTypeId, CreationDate);

If we had a query with a where clause on those two columns, it’d be be able to find data pretty efficiently.

But how much data will it find? How many of each VoteTypeId are there? What range of dates are we looking for?

Well, that depends on our parameters.

Cookie Cookie

Here’s our stored procedure. There’s one column in it that isn’t in our index. What a bummer.

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.VoteCount (@VoteTypeId INT, @YearsBack INT)

SELECT TOP (1000) 
        SELECT v.VoteTypeId,
               COUNT_BIG(v.PostId) AS TotalPosts,
               COUNT_BIG(DISTINCT v.PostId) AS UniquePosts
        FROM dbo.Votes AS v
        WHERE v.CreationDate >= DATEADD(YEAR, (-1 * @YearsBack), '2014-01-01')
        AND   v.VoteTypeId = @VoteTypeId
        GROUP BY v.VoteTypeId,
    ) AS x
ORDER BY x.TotalPosts DESC;


That doesn’t matter for a small amount of data, whether it’s encountered because of the parameters used, or the size of the data the procedure is developed and tested against. Testing against unrealistic data is a recipe for disaster, of course.

Cookie Cookie

What can be tricky is that if the sniffing is occurring with the lookup plan, the optimizer won’t think enough of it to request a covering index, either in plan or in the index DMVs. It’s something you’ll have to figure out on your own.

SQL Server Query Plan
i said me too
SQL Server Query Plan Tool Tip
oh yeah that

So we need to add that to the index, but where? That’s an interesting question, and we’ll answer it in tomorrow’s post.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Starting SQL: What Happens When You Don’t Parameterize SQL Server Queries?

Nothing, Nothing, Nothing

Aside from the obvious perils of SQL Injection, parameterizing queries can be helpful in other ways.

Not to downplay SQL Injection at all, it’s just that fixing code is only one part of the equation. Vendor applications often need to do some pretty administrative things, and require elevated permissions.

Just last week I was looking at an application that had a stored procedure which took a parameter that was the name of an executable. There were no checks on the name. You could put in quite not-figuratively anything you wanted, and xp_cmdshell would run it.

All the parameterization in the world won’t help that.

Well, you get what you get.

Of Parameters And Plans

This can happen in three common ways:

  • You have an interface that accepts user-entered values
  • You have an ORM where you haven’t explicitly defined parameter types and precisions
  • You have dynamic SQL where values are concatenated into strings

Since I spend all my time in the database, I’m going to show you the third one. I wouldn’t normally format a query like this, but I’m trying to keep it web-friendly.

DECLARE @StartDate DATETIME = '20130101';
WHILE @StartDate < '20140101'
SELECT SUM(c.Score) AS TotalScore
FROM dbo.Comments AS c
WHERE c.CreationDate 
    BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ''' + RTRIM(@StartDate) + ''') 
    AND CONVERT(DATETIME, ''' + RTRIM(DATEADD(DAY, 11, @StartDate)) + ''')
AND 1 = (SELECT 1);

EXEC sys.sp_executesql @NoParams4u;
RAISERROR('%s', 0, 1, @NoParams4u);

SET @StartDate = DATEADD(DAY, 11, @StartDate);


To make things interesting, I’ve created a non-covering index on the Comments table:

CREATE INDEX c ON dbo.Comments(CreationDate);

I’ve also had to use an oddly specific number of day increment in order to get some good plan variety because of that index. If you ever wonder why some blog posts take three hours to write, the most likely cause is finding the right number.

The first thing you should notice is that even using sp_executesql doesn’t help when our code isn’t parameterized. The second thing you’ll probably notice is 1 = (SELECT 1) at the end of the query. Past me has answers to all those questions, if you click on the links.


If I run that loop, I get back 34 results. Each query gets an individually compiled query plan, though there are only three “different” plans used.

SQL Server Query Plan

Notice that each plan has different literal date values passed in to it, and different estimates. If we created a covering index, we’d get plan stability across executions, but then we’d still have to compile it when these literal values get passed in. I did it like this to reinforce my point.

We can validate that by looking in the plan cache and surrounding DMVs, using sp_BlitzCache.

Planimal Activist

If you have code like this, one good way to find culprits is by running it like this:

EXEC sp_BlitzCache @SortOrder = 'query hash';

A zoomed-in snapshot of the part of the results that prove my point looks about like this:

SQL Server Query Results
aye yi yi

This is just the top 10 results. You can see a warning about multiple plans, and that each query has a single execution.

I mentioned before that if we add a covering index, we’ll get plan stability. That’s true, but specific to this demo on SQL Server 2019, there’s an alternate plan available for executions that qualify for Batch Mode On Rowstore (BMOR):

SQL Server Query Plan
i’m in it

In prior versions of SQL Server in row mode only plans, we could only have a stream aggregate. But even getting the same plan most of the time, we still need to compile it every time. SQL Server still thinks each of these queries is “new” and needs to get a plan compiled.

Fixing It

There are two options for fixing this. If you need to do it quickly, at scale, the database level option FORCED PARAMETERIZATION can take care of most of these problems. Just make sure you read up on the limitations. To fix it for just a couple problem queries, you need to fix the dynamic SQL.

SELECT SUM(c.Score) AS TotalScore
FROM dbo.Comments AS c
WHERE c.CreationDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND DATEADD(DAY, 11, @StartDate)
AND 1 = (SELECT 1);

EXEC sys.sp_executesql @NoParams4u, N'@StartDate DATETIME', @StartDate;

I’m not concatenating values into the string anymore, and I’m passing the @StartDate value in when I execute the dynamic SQL.

One point I want to make is that it’s generally safe to do date math on the parameter. I’m not doing date math on the column, which would generally be a bad idea.

But anyway, now our plan gets used 34 times.

SQL Server Query Results
damn family

In this case, plan reuse works out well. Every query is looking at a sufficiently narrow range of data to have it not matter, and the longest running execution is around 31ms.

But what about when that doesn’t work out? When can parameterization backfire? We’ll find out tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Starting SQL: What’s The Difference Between Parameters And Local Variables In SQL Server?

Parameter Positive

There are many good reasons to parameterize a query, but there are also trade-offs. There’s no such thing as a free parameter, as they say.

In this post, we’re going to discuss what is and isn’t a parameter, and some of the pros and cons.

What’s important to keep in mind is that good indexing can help avoid many of the cons, but not all. Bad indexing, of course, causes endless problems.

There are many good reasons to parameterize your queries, too. Avoiding SQL injection is a very good reason.

But then!

What’s Not A Parameter

It can be confusing to people who are getting started with SQL Server, because parameters and variables look exactly the same.

They both start with @, and feel pretty interchangeable. They behave the same in many ways, too, except when it comes to cardinality estimation.

To generalize a bit, though, something is a parameter if it belongs to an object. An object can be an instance of:

  • A stored procedure
  • A function
  • Dynamic SQL

Things that aren’t parameters are things that come into existence when you DECLARE them. Of course, you can pass things you declare to one of the objects above as parameters. For example, there’s a very big difference between these two blocks of code:

DECLARE @VoteTypeId INT = 7;

FROM dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE v.VoteTypeId = @VoteTypeId;

FROM dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE v.VoteTypeId = @VoteTypeId;
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@VoteTypeId INT', @VoteTypeId;

But it’s not obvious until you look at the query plans, where the guess for the declared variable is god awful.

Then again, if you read the post I linked to up there, you already knew that. Nice how that works.

If you’re too lazy to click, I’m too lazy to repeat myself.

SQL Server Query Plan

What’s the point? Variables, things you declare, are treated differently from parameters, things that belong to a stored procedure, function, or dynamic SQL.

Parameter Problems

The problem with parameterization is one of familiarity. It not only breeds contempt, but… sometimes data just grows apart.

Really far apart.

    COUNT_BIG(*) AS records
FROM dbo.Votes AS v
GROUP BY v.VoteTypeId
ORDER BY records;
SQL Server Query Results
pattern forming

Natural Selection

When you parameterize queries, you give SQL Server permission to remember, and more importantly, to re-use.

What it re-uses is the execution plan, and what it remembers are cardinality estimates. If we do something like this, we don’t get two different execution plans, or even two different sets of guesses, even though the values that we’re feeding to each query have quite different distributions in our data.

The result is two query plans that look quite alike, but behave quite differently.

SQL Server Query Plan

One takes 23 milliseconds. The other takes 1.5 seconds. Would anyone complain about this in real life?

Probably not, but it helps to illustrate the issue.

Leading Miss

Where this can get confusing is when you’re trying to diagnose a performance problem.

If you look in the plan cache, or in query store, you’ll see the plan that gets cached for the very first parameter. It’ll look simple and innocent, sure. But the problem is with a totally different parameter that isn’t logged anywhere.

You might also face a different problem, where the query recompiles because you restarted the server, updated stats, rebuilt indexes, or enough rows in the table changed to trigger an automatic stats update. If any of those things happen, the optimizer will wanna come up with a new plan based on whatever value goes in first.

If the roles get reversed, the plan will change, but they’ll both take the same amount of time now.


SET @VoteTypeId = 16

FROM dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE v.VoteTypeId = @VoteTypeId;
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@VoteTypeId INT', @VoteTypeId;

SET @VoteTypeId = 7;

SET @sql = N'
FROM dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE v.VoteTypeId = @VoteTypeId;
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@VoteTypeId INT', @VoteTypeId;
SQL Server Query Plan

Deal With It ?

In the next few posts, we’ll talk about what happens when you don’t parameterize queries, and different ways to deal with parameter sniffing.

  • A recompile hint can help, it might not always be appropriate depending on execution frequency and plan complexity
  • Optimize for unknown hints will give you the bad variable guess we saw at the very beginning of this post

We’re going to need more clever and current ways to fix the issue. If you’re stuck on those things recompiling or unknown-ing, you’re stuck not only on bad ideas, but outdated bad ideas.

Like duck l’orange and Canadian whiskey.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

How Parameter Sniffing Impacts Locking In SQL Server

Make It Out

I’m going to show you something bizarre. I’m going to show it to you because I care for your well-being and long term mental health.

Someday you’ll run into this and be thoroughly baffled, and I want to be here for you. Waiting, watching, lubricating.

I have a stored procedure. It’s a wonderful stored procedure.

But something funny happens when a parameter gets sniffed.

Wrote A Little Song About It

It’s not the usual parameter sniffing thing, where you get different plans and blah blah blah. That’s dull.

This is even more infuriating. Here’s the part where care about, where we read data to insert into the #temp table.

SQL Server Query Plan
something new

This is the “small” version of the plan. It only moves about 8200 rows.

Now here’s the “big” version of the plan.

SQL Server Query Plan
practice makes

We move way more rows out of the seek (9.8 million), but doesn’t it seem weird that a seek would take 5.6 seconds?

I think so.

Pay special attention here, because both queries aggregate the result down to one row, and the insert to the #temp table is instant both times.

Wanna Hear It?

Let’s do what most good parameter sniffing problem solvers do, and re-run the procedure after recompiling for the “big” value.

SQL Server Query Plan

It’s the exact same darn plan.

Normally, when you’re dealing with parameter sniffing, and you recompile a procedure, you get a different plan for different values.

Not here though. Yes, it’s faster, but it’s the same operators. Seek, Compute, Stream, Stream, Compute, Insert 1 row.

Important to note here is that the two stream aggregates take around the same about of time as before too.

The real speed up was in the Seek.

How do you make a Seek faster?


Three Days Later

I just woke up from beating myself with a hammer. Sorry about what I wrote before. That wasn’t funny.

But okay, really, what happened? Why is one Seek 4 seconds faster than another seek?


All queries do it, and we can prove that’s what’s going on here by adding a locking hint to our select query.

Now, I understand why NOLOCK would set your DBA in-crowd friends off, and how TABLOCK would be an affront to all sense and reason for a select.

So how about a PAGLOCK hint? That’s somewhere in the middle.

SQL Server Query Plan
what we got here

The Seek that took 5.6 seconds is down to 2.2 seconds.

And all this time people told you hints were bad and evil, eh?


It’s pretty simple, once you talk it out.

All queries take locks (even NOLOCK/READ UNCOMMITTED queries).

Lock escalation doesn’t usually happen with them though, because locks don’t accumulate with read queries the way they do with modification queries. They grab on real quick and then let go (except when…).

For the “small” plan, we start taking row locks, and keep taking row locks. The optimizer has informed the storage engine that ain’t much ado about whatnot here, because the estimate (which is correct) is only for 8,190 rows.

That estimate is preserved for the “big” plan that has to go and get a lot more rows. Taking all those additional row locks really slows things down.

No Accumulation, No Escalation.

We stay on taking 9.8 million row locks instead of escalating up to page or object locks.

When we request page locks from the get-go, we incur less overhead.

For the record:

  • PAGLOCK: 2.4 seconds
  • TABLOCK: 2.4 seconds
  • NOLOCK: 2.4 seconds

Nothing seems to go quite as fast as when we start with the “big” parameter, but there’s another reason for that.

When we use the “big” parameter, we get batch mode on the Seek.

SQL Server Query Plan Tool Tip

Welcome to 2019, pal.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Forced Parameterization Doesn’t Fix SQL Injection Problems In SQL Server

Short and Sweaty

If you have stored procedures that do things like this:

   SET @Filter = @Filter + N' AND p.OwnerUserId = ' + RTRIM(@OwnerUserId) + @nl;
IF @CreationDate IS NOT NULL
   SET @Filter = @Filter + N' AND p.CreationDate >= ''' + RTRIM(@CreationDate) + '''' + @nl;
IF @LastActivityDate IS NOT NULL
   SET @Filter = @Filter + N' AND p.LastActivityDate < ''' + RTRIM(@LastActivityDate) + '''' + @nl;
   SET @Filter = @Filter + N' AND p.Title LIKE ''' + N'%' + @Title + N'%''' + @nl;
   SET @Filter = @Filter + N' AND p.Body LIKE ''' + N'%' + @Body + N'%'';';    
   SET @SQLString += @Filter;

EXEC (@SQLString);

Or even application code that builds unparameterized strings, you’ve probably already had someone steal all your company data.

Way to go.

But Seriously

I was asked recently if the forced parameterization setting could prevent SQL injection attacks.

Let’s see what happens! I’m using code from my example here.

EXEC dbo.AwesomeSearchProcedure @OwnerUserId = 35004, 
                                @Title = NULL, 
                                @CreationDate = NULL, 
                                @LastActivityDate = NULL, 
                                @Body = N''' UNION ALL SELECT t.object_id,, NULL, NULL, SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) FROM sys.tables AS t; --';

If we look at the printed output from the procedure, we can see all of the literal values.

SELECT TOP (1000) p.OwnerUserId, p.Title, p.CreationDate, p.LastActivityDate, p.Body
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE 1 = 1 
AND p.OwnerUserId = 35004
AND p.Body LIKE '%' UNION ALL SELECT t.object_id,, NULL, NULL, SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) FROM sys.tables AS t; --%';

But if we look at the query plan, we can see partial parameterization (formatted a little bit for readability)

where @0 = @1 and p . OwnerUserId = @2 
and p . Body like '%' union all select t . object_id , t . name , null , null , SCHEMA_NAME ( t . schema_id ) from sys . tables as t

Slightly More Interesting

If we change the LIKE predicate on Body to an equality…

   SET @Filter = @Filter + N' AND p.Body = ''' + @Body + ';';

The parameterization will change a little bit, but still not fix the SQL injection attempts.

Instead of the ‘%’ literal value after the like, we get @3 — meaning this is the third literal that got parameterized.

where @0 = @1 and p . OwnerUserId = @2 
and p . Body = @3 union all select t . object_id , t . name , null , null , SCHEMA_NAME ( t . schema_id ) from sys . tables as t

But the injecty part of the string is still there, and we get the full list of tables in the database back.

Double Down

If you’d like to learn how to fix tough problems like this, and make your queries stay fast, check out my advanced SQL Server training.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

What’s The Point of 1 = (SELECT 1) In SQL Server Queries?

In Shorts

That silly looking subquery avoids two things:

  • Trivial Plan
  • Simple Parameterization

I use it often in my demo queries because I try to make the base query to show some behavior as simple as possible. That doesn’t always work out, but, whatever. I’m just a bouncer, after all.

The problem with very simple queries is that they may not trigger the parts of the optimizer that display the behavior I’m after. This is the result of them only reaching trivial optimization. For example, trivial plans will not go parallel.

If there’s one downside to making the query as simple as possible and using 1 = (SELECT 1), is that people get very distracted by it. Sometimes I think it would be less distracting to make the query complicated and make a joke about it instead.

The Trouble With Trivial

I already mentioned that trivial plans will never go parallel. That’s because they never reach that stage of optimization.

They also don’t reach the “index matching” portion of query optimization, which may trigger missing index requests, with all their fault and frailty.

	/*Nothing for you*/
	FROM dbo.Users AS u
	WHERE u.Reputation = 2;

	/*Missing index requests*/
	FROM dbo.Users AS u
	WHERE u.Reputation = 2
	AND 1 = (SELECT 1);
SQL Server Query Plan

Note that the bottom query gets a missing index request, and is not simple parameterized. The only reason the first query takes ~2x as long as the second query is because the cache was cold. In subsequent runs, they’re equal enough.

What Gets Fully Optimized?

Generally, things that introduce cost based decisions, and/or inflate the cost of a query > Cost Threshold for Parallelism.

  • Joins
  • Subqueries
  • Aggregations
  • Ordering without a supporting index

As a quick example, these two queries are fairly similar, but…

	/*Unique column*/
	SELECT TOP 1000 u.Id --Not this!
	FROM dbo.Users AS u

	/*Non-unique column*/
	SELECT TOP 1000 u.Reputation --But this will!
	FROM dbo.Users AS u
	GROUP BY u.Reputation;

One attempts to aggregate a unique column (the pk of the Users table), and the other aggregates a non-unique column.

The optimizer is smart about this:

SQL Server Query Plan

The first query is trivially optimized. If you want to see this, hit F4 when you’re looking at a query plan. Highlight the root operator (select, insert, update, delete — whatever), and look at the optimization level.

SQL Server Query Plan Properties

Since aggregations have no effect on unique columns, the optimizer throws the group by away. Keep in mind, the optimizer has to know a column is unique for that to happen. It has to be guaranteed by a uniqueness constraint of some kind: primary key, unique index, unique constraint.

The second query introduces a choice, though! What’s the cheapest way to aggregate the Reputation column? Hash Match Aggregate? Stream Aggregate? Sort Distinct? The optimizer had to make a choice, so the optimization level is full.

What About Indexes?

Another component of trivial plan choice is when the choice of index is completely obvious. I typically see it when there’s either a) only a clustered index or b) when there’s a covering nonclustered index.

If there’s a non-covering nonclustered index, the choice of a key lookup vs. clustered index scan introduces that cost based decision, so trivial plans go out the window.

Here’s an example:

	CREATE INDEX ix_creationdate 
	    ON dbo.Users(CreationDate);

	SELECT u.CreationDate, u.Id
	FROM dbo.Users AS u 
	WHERE u.CreationDate >= '20131229';

	SELECT u.Reputation, u.Id
	FROM dbo.Users AS u 
	WHERE u.Reputation = 2;

	SELECT u.Reputation, u.Id
	FROM dbo.Users AS u WITH(INDEX = ix_creationdate)
	WHERE u.Reputation = 2;

With an index only on CreationDate, the first query gets a trivial plan. There’s no cost based decision, and the index we created covers the query fully.

For the next two queries, the optimization level is full. The optimizer had a choice, illustrated by the third query. Thankfully it isn’t one that gets chosen unless we force the issue with a hint. It’s a very bad choice, but it exists.

When It’s Wack

Let’s say you create a constraint, because u loev ur datea.

	ALTER TABLE dbo.Users
        ADD CONSTRAINT cx_rep CHECK 
			( Reputation >= 1 AND Reputation <= 2000000 );

When we run this query, our newly created and trusted constraint should let it bail out without doing any work.

	SELECT u.DisplayName, u.Age, u.Reputation
    FROM dbo.Users AS u
    WHERE u.Reputation = 0;

But two things happen:

SQL Server Query Plan
my name is bogus

The plan is trivial, and it’s auto-parameterized.

The auto-parameterization means a plan is chosen where the literal value 0 is replaced with a parameter by SQL Server. This is normally “okay”, because it promotes plan reuse. However, in this case, the auto-parameterized plan has to be safe for any value we pass in. Sure, it was 0 this time, but next time it could be one within the range of valid reputations.

Since we don’t have an index on Reputation, we have to read the entire table. If we had an index on Reputation, it would still result in a lot of extra reads, but I’m using the clustered index here for ~dramatic effect~

Table 'Users'. Scan count 1, logical reads 44440

Of course, adding the 1 = (SELECT 1) thing to the end introduces full optimization, and prevents this.

The query plan without it is just a constant scan, and it does 0 reads.

Rounding Down

So there you have it. When you see me (or anyone else) use 1 = (SELECT 1), this is why. Sometimes when you write demos, a trivial plan or auto-parameterization can mess things up. The easiest way to get around it is to add that to the end of a query.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

What Happens When You Don’t Parameterize Dynamic SQL In SQL Server?

Unskinny Top

When I blogged about passing parameters to TOP, we ran into a problem that has many possible solutions.

Perhaps the least complex answer was just to fix the index. Nine times outta ten, that’s what I’d do.

Since I offered some other possible solutions, I do wanna talk about the pros and cons of them.

In this post, I’ll talk about using slightly less than fully parameterized dynamic SQL, which will, of course, terrify even people who live in Baltimore.


While I’m not smart enough to figure out a SQL injection method without altering the stored procedure, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen.

It might be more difficult, but not impossible. Here’s our prize:

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.top_sniffer (@top INT, @vtid INT)


SET @sql = @sql + N'
    SELECT   TOP (' + RTRIM(@top) + ')
    FROM     dbo.Votes AS v
    WHERE    v.VoteTypeId = @i_vtid
    ORDER BY v.CreationDate DESC;

    PRINT @sql;
    EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, N'@i_vtid INT', @i_vtid = @vtid


If we fully parameterize this, we’ll end up with the same problem we had before with plan reuse.

Since we don’t, we can can use a trick that works on filtered indexes.

But There’s Another Downside

Every different top will get a new plan. The upside is that plans with the same top may get reused, so it’s got a little something over recompile there.

So if I execute these:

/*Run me*/
EXEC dbo.top_sniffer @top = 1, @vtid = 4;

/*Run me*/
EXEC dbo.top_sniffer @top = 5000, @vtid = 4;

They each get their own plan:

SQL Server Query Plan

And of course, their own plan cache entry.

SQL Server Query Results
I am your neighbor.

If lots of people look for lots of different TOPs (which you could cut down on by limiting the values your app will take, like via a dropdown), you can end up with a lot of plans kicking around.

Would I Do This?

Likely not, because of the potential risk, and the potential impact on the plan cache, but I thought it was interesting enough to follow up on.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.