It’s Not Always A Parameter Sniffing Problem In SQL Server

But It Used To Be Fast

Parameter sniffing gets blamed for a lot of things, and, well, sometimes it is parameter sniffing.

It’s probably not parameter sniffing if:

  • You use local variables
  • You use optimize for unknown
  • You’re recompiling anyway


While working with a client recently, they were absolutely sure they had a parameter sniffing issue.

The general proof given was that as the day went on, queries got slower and slower.

The next day, they’d magically be fast again, and then the same slowdown would happen.

When we looked at the stored procedures in question, it looked like they might be right.

So I set up a test.

Pile and Recompile

We stuck a recompile hint on a stored procedure that people are always complaining about, and watched the runtime throughout the day.

Sure enough, it got slower and slower, but not because it got a bad plan. The server just got busier and busier.

  • 6am: 2 seconds
  • 7am: 6 seconds
  • 8am: 15 seconds
  • 9am: 20 seconds
  • 10am: 30 seconds

I left out some details, and I’m sorry about that. You probably want the last 2 minutes of your life back.

Get in line.

Missing Persons

This poor server had hundreds of database totaling almost 4TB.

With 96 GB of RAM, and 4 cores, there was no good way for it to support many user requests.

When things got slow, two wait stats would tick up: PAGEIOLATCH_SH, and SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD.

SQL Server had a hard time keeping the data people needed in memory, and it got really busy trying to make sure every query got a fair amount of CPU time.

In this case, it wasn’t parameter sniffing, it was server exhaustion.

Last Farewell

Wait stats aren’t always helpful, but they can help you with investigations.

This kind of resource contention won’t always be the issue, of course.

But when you’re investigating performance issues, it’s important to know what things look like when the server is running well, and what things look like when the’re not.

That includes

  • Wait stats
  • Query plans
  • Overall workload
  • Blocking

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server 2019: Are Query Plans For Big Values Better For Performance


In SQL Server 2019, a few cool performance features under the intelligent query processing umbrella depend on cardinality estimation.

  • Batch Mode For Row Store (which triggers the next two things)
  • Adaptive Joins
  • Memory Grant Feedback

If SQL Server doesn’t estimate > 130k(ish) rows are gonna hop on through your query, you don’t get the Batch Mode processing that allows for Adaptive Joins and Memory Grant feedback. If you were planning on those things helping with parameter sniffing, you now have something else to contend with.


Sometimes you might get a plan with all that stuff in it. Sometimes you might not.

The difference between a big plan and little plan just got even more confusing.

Let’s say you have a stored procedure that looks like this:


    SELECT OwnerUserId, 
		   SUM(Score * 1.0) AS TotalScore,
		   COUNT_BIG(*) AS TotalPosts
	FROM dbo.Posts AS p
	JOIN dbo.Users AS u
	    ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id
	WHERE PostTypeId = @PostTypeId
	AND u.Reputation > 1
	GROUP BY OwnerUserId,


There’s quite a bit of skew between post types!

SQL Server Management Studio Query Results
Working my way down

Which means different parameters will get different plans, depending on which one comes first.

EXEC dbo.lemons @PostTypeId = 4;

EXEC dbo.lemons @PostTypeId = 1;

Fourry Friends

When we run four first, this is our plan:

SQL Server Query Plan
Disco Dancer

It’s not “bad”. It finishes in 116 ms.

But when we run 1 next, it’s fewer well.

Less gooder?

You decide.

SQL Server Query Plan
Inching along

At 12 seconds, one might accuse our query of sub-par performance.

One and Lonely

When one runs first, the plan is insanely different.

SQL Server Query Plan
22 2s

It’s about 10 seconds faster. And the four plan?

Not too shabby.

SQL Server Query Plan
Four play

We notice the difference between 116ms and 957ms in SSMS.

Are application end users aware of ~800ms? Sometimes I wonder.

Alma Matters

The adaptive join plan with batch mode operators is likely a better plan for a wider range of values than the small plan.

Batch mode is generally more efficient with larger row counts. The adaptive join means no one who doesn’t belong in nested loops hell will get stuck there (probably), and SQL Server will take a look at the query in between runs to try to find a happy memory grant medium (this doesn’t always work splendidly, but I like the effort).

Getting to the point, if you’re going to SQL Server 2019, and you want to get all these new goodies to help you avoid parameter sniffing, you’re gonna have to start getting used to those OPTIMIZE FOR hints, and using a value that results in getting the adaptive plan.

This has all the same pitfalls of shooting for the big plan in older versions, but with way more potential payoff.

I wish there was a query hint that pushed the optimizer towards picking this sort of plan, so we don’t have to rely on potentially changing values to optimize for.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

How Parameter Sensitivity Can Change SQL Server Query Plans And Index Choices


Rounding out a few posts about SQL Server’s choice of one or more indexes depending on the cardinality estimates of literal values.

Today we’re going to look at how indexes can contribute to parameter sniffing issues.

It’s Friday and I try to save the real uplifting stuff for these posts.


Here’s our stored procedure! A real beaut, as they say.

    SELECT TOP (1000)
				   ) AS LastActivityDays,
	FROM dbo.Posts AS p
	JOIN dbo.Users AS u
	    ON u.Id = p.OwnerUserId
	WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1
	AND   p.Score > @Score
	ORDER BY u.Reputation DESC;

Here are the indexes we currently have.

    ON dbo.Posts(Score, OwnerUserId);

    ON dbo.Posts(OwnerUserId, Score)
	INCLUDE(AcceptedAnswerId, AnswerCount, CommentCount, CreationDate, LastActivityDate);

Looking at these, it’s pretty easy to imagine scenarios where one or the other might be chosen.

Heck, even a dullard like myself could figure it out.

Rare Score

Running the procedure for an uncommon score, we get a tidy little loopy little plan.

EXEC dbo.lemons @Score = 385;
SQL Server Query Plan
It’s hard to hate a plan that sinishes in 59ms

Of course, that plan applied to a less common score results in tomfoolery of the highest order.

Lowest order?

I’m not sure.

SQL Server Query Plan
Except when it takes 14 seconds.

In both of these queries, we used our “smooth” index.

Who created that thing? We don’t know. It’s been there since the 90s.

Sloane Square

If we recompile, and start with 0 first, we get a uh…

SQL Server Query Plan
Well darnit

We get an equally little loopy little plan.

The difference? Join order, and now we use our chunky index.

Running our proc for the uncommon value…

SQL Server Query Plan
Don’t make fun of me later.

Well, that doesn’t turn out so bad either.

Pound Sand

When you’re troubleshooting parameter sniffing, the plans might not be totally different.

Sometimes a subtle change of index usage can really throw gas on things.

It’s also a good example of how Key Lookups aren’t always a huge problem.

Both plans had them, just in different places.

SQL Server Query Plan Tool Tip
Which one is bad?

It would be hard to figure out if one is good or bad in estimated or cached plans.

Especially because they only tell you compile time parameters, and not runtime parameters.

Neither one is a good time parameter.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

How SQL Server’s Missing Index Requests Can Hurt Performance


Thanks for watching!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Why Not Just Go For The Big Plan To Improve SQL Server Query Performance?


Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Common Parameter Sniffing In Entity Framework Queries For SQL Server

Still Not A Developer

I’m going to use a funny example to show you something weird that I see often in EF queries.

I’m not going to use EF to do it, because I have no idea how to. Please use your vast imagination.

In this case, I’m going to figure out if a user is trusted, and only if they are will I show them certain information.

Here goes!

Trust Bust

The first part of the query establishes if the user is trusted or not.

I think this is silly because no one should ever trust users.

DECLARE @UserId INT = 22656, --2788872
        @PostId INT = 11227809,
		@IsTrusted BIT = 0,

SELECT @IsTrusted = CASE WHEN u.Reputation >= 10000 
                         THEN 1 
						 ELSE 0 
FROM   dbo.Users AS u
WHERE  u.Id = @UserId;

The second part will query and join a few tables, but one of the joins (to the Votes table) will only run if a user is trusted.

SET @SQL = @SQL + N'
SELECT p.Title, p.Score,
       c.Text, c.Score,
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
LEFT JOIN dbo.Comments AS c
    ON p.Id = c.PostId
LEFT JOIN dbo.Votes AS v
    ON p.Id = v.PostId
    AND 1 = @iIsTrusted
WHERE p.Id = @iPostId
AND   p.PostTypeId = 1;

EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL,
                       N'@iIsTrusted BIT, @iPostId INT',
					   @iIsTrusted = @IsTrusted,
					   @iPostId = @PostId;

See where 1 = @iIsTrusted? That determines if the join runs at all.

Needless to say, adding an entire join in to the query might slow things down if we’re not prepared.

First I’m going to run it for user 2788872, who isn’t trusted.

This query finishes rather quickly (2 seconds), and has an interesting operator in it.

SQL Server Query Plan
Henanigans, S.
SQL Server Query Plan Tool Tip
Pump the brakes

The filter has a startup expression in it, which means it’s sort of a gatekeeper, here. If the parameter is 0, we don’t touch Votes.

If it’s 1… Boy, do we touch Votes. This is another case of where cached plans can lie to us.

Rep Up

If we run this for user 22656 (Jon Skeet) afterwards, we will definitely need to touch the Votes table.

I grabbed the Live Query Plan to show you just how little progress it makes over 5 minutes.

SQL Server Query Plan

The cached plan will look identical. And looking at the plan, it’ll be hard to believe there’s any way it could run >5 minutes.

SQL Server Query Plan

If we clear the cache and run this for 22656 first, the plan runs relatively quickly, and looks a little different.

SQL Server Query Plan
Bag of Ice

Running it for an untrusted user has a similar runtime. It’s not great, but it’s the better of the two.

Fixing It?

It’s difficult to control EF queries with much granularity.

You could branch the application code to run two different queries based on if a user is trusted.

In a perfect world, you’d never even consider that join at all, and avoid having to worry about it.

On the plus side (at least in this case), the good plan for trusted users runs in the same time as the good plan for untrusted users, even though they’re different.

If you’re feeling extra confident, you can try adding an OPTIMIZE FOR hint to your code, or implementing a plan guide.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

What Parameter Sniffing Looks Like In SQL Server’s Plan Cache

A Plan Has No Name

There are so many ways this question gets phrased.

  • Why is my query sometimes slow?
  • Why does restarting SQL Server make my query fast again?
  • Why does clearing the plan cache fix performance?

A while back, I put together a pretty good rundown of this on the DBA Stack Exchange site.

In the plan cache, it’s really hard to tell if a query is suffering from parameter sniffing in isolation.

By that I mean, if someone sends you a cached plan that’s slow, how can you tell if it’s because of parameter sniffing?

Cached Plans Lie

Here’s a simple example with a simple index:

CREATE INDEX ix_grindr 
    ON dbo.Users (CreationDate);

This query will return a couple days of data:

DECLARE @CreationDate DATETIME = '2013-12-30'
FROM dbo.Users AS u
WHERE u.CreationDate >= @iCreationDate
ORDER BY u.CreationDate DESC;

EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, 
                       N'@iCreationDate DATETIME', 
					   @iCreationDate = @CreationDate;

This query will return a year and a couple days worth of data:

DECLARE @CreationDate DATETIME = '2012-12-30'
FROM dbo.Users AS u
WHERE u.CreationDate >= @iCreationDate
ORDER BY u.CreationDate DESC;

EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, 
                       N'@iCreationDate DATETIME', 
					   @iCreationDate = @CreationDate;

Time After Time

If we run those one right after the other, the query that returns a year of data will use the query plan of the query that returns a day of data.

This is what performance tuners call “bad”.

Let’s look at the cached plan!

SELECT ds.execution_count,
       ds.min_worker_time / 1000000. AS min_worker_time_ms,
	   ds.max_worker_time / 1000000. AS max_worker_time_ms,
	   ds.min_elapsed_time / 1000000. AS min_elapsed_time_ms,
	   ds.max_elapsed_time / 1000000. AS max_elapsed_time_ms,
       SUBSTRING(st.text, (ds.statement_start_offset / 2) +1,   
                 ((CASE ds.statement_end_offset  
                       WHEN -1 
				       THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)  
                       ELSE ds.statement_end_offset  
                   END - ds.statement_start_offset) / 2) +1) AS text,
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS ds
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ds.plan_handle) AS st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(ds.plan_handle) AS dp
WHERE st.dbid = DB_ID()
AND ds.query_plan_hash = 0x2D530BDF87345191

This query will go look at some details about the queries I ran.

Since my code is parameterized, the cached plan for both executions looks like this:

SQL Server Query Plan
So cute though

How could this plan cause any trouble?

Metric System

The plan isn’t telling us everything, though.

Look what those other columns have to say:

SQL Server Query Execution Details

We have two executions, which we knew! We ran it twice.

But the min and max for many important metrics are very different.

CPU, wall clock time, reads, rows… They all tell me that this query has wild swings in performance.

On Your Own

One simple way to go about finding queries with parameter sniffing issues might be to just look for ones with much different CPU usage.

You could easily do with this other metrics; I just like CPU as a measure of these things.

SELECT TOP (100) ds.execution_count,
       ds.min_worker_time / 1000000. AS min_worker_time_ms,
	   ds.max_worker_time / 1000000. AS max_worker_time_ms,
	   ds.min_elapsed_time / 1000000. AS min_elapsed_time_ms,
	   ds.max_elapsed_time / 1000000. AS max_elapsed_time_ms,
       SUBSTRING(st.text, (ds.statement_start_offset / 2) +1,   
                 ((CASE ds.statement_end_offset  
                       WHEN -1 
				       THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)  
                       ELSE ds.statement_end_offset  
                   END - ds.statement_start_offset) / 2) +1) AS text,
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS ds
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ds.plan_handle) AS st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(ds.plan_handle) AS dp
WHERE st.dbid = DB_ID()
AND ds.execution_count > 1
AND (ds.min_worker_time / 1000000.) * 100. < (ds.max_worker_time / 1000000.)
ORDER BY max_worker_time_ms DESC

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Are Self Joins Ever Better Than Key Lookups In SQL Server?

Sorta Topical

Like most tricks, this has a specific use case, but can be quite effective when you spot it.

I’m going to assume you have a vague understanding of parameter sniffing with stored procedures going into this. If you don’t, the post may not make a lot of sense.

Or, heck, maybe it’ll give you a vague understanding of parameter sniffing in stored procedures.

One For The Money

Say I have a stored procedure that accepts a parameter called @Reputation.

The body of the procedure looks like this:

    SELECT TOP (1000) 
    FROM dbo.Users AS u
    WHERE u.Reputation = @Reputation
    ORDER BY u.CreationDate DESC;

In the users table, there are a lot of people with a Reputation of 1.

There are not so many with a Reputation of 2.

| Reputation | records |
|          1 | 1090043 |
|          2 |    1854 |

Two For The Slow

Data distributions like this matter. They change how SQL Server approaches coming up with an execution plan for a query.

Which indexes to use, what kind of joins to use, how to aggregate data, if the plan should be serial or parallel…

The list goes on and on.

In this case, we have a narrow-ish nonclustered index:

    CREATE INDEX whatever 
        ON dbo.Users (Reputation, Age, CreationDate);

When I run my stored procedure and look for Reputation = 2, the plan is very fast.

EXEC dbo.WORLDSTAR @Reputation = 2;
SQL Server Query Plan
Getting to know you.

This is a great plan for a small number of rows.

When I run it for a large number of rows, it’s not nearly as fast.

EXEC dbo.WORLDSTAR @Reputation = 1;
SQL Server Query Plan
Stuck on you.

We go from a fraction of a second to over three seconds.

This is bad parameter sniffing.

If we run it for Reputation = 1 first, we don’t have the same problem.

That’s good(ish) parameter sniffing.

Better For Everyone

Many things that prevent parameter sniffing will only give you a so-so plan. It may be better than the alternative, but it’s certainly not a “fix”.

It’s possible to get a better plan for everyone in this situation by re-writing the Key Lookup as a self join

    SELECT TOP (1000) 
    FROM dbo.Users AS u
    JOIN dbo.Users AS u2
        ON u.Id = u2.Id
    WHERE u.Reputation = @Reputation
    ORDER BY u.CreationDate DESC;

The reason why is slightly complicated, but I’ll do my best to explain it simply.

Here’s what the bad parameter sniffing plan looks like for each query.

Note that the Key Lookup plan still runs for ~3 seconds, while the self-join plan runs for around half a second.

SQL Server Query Plan

While it’s possible for Key Lookups to have Sorts introduced to optimize I/O… That doesn’t happen here.

The main difference between the two plans (aside from run time), is the position of the Sort.

In the Key Lookup plan (top), the Key Lookup between the nonclustered and clustered indexes runs to completion.

In other words, for everyone with a Reputation of 1, we go to the clustered index to retrieve the columns that aren’t part of the nonclustered index.

In the self-join plan (bottom), all rows go into the Sort, but only the 1000 come out.

Different World

The difference is more obvious when viewed with Plan Explorer.

SQL Server Query Plan
Get’Em High

In the Key Lookup plan, rows aren’t narrowed until the end so a seek occurs ~1mm times.

In the self-join plan, they’re eliminated directly after the Index Seek, so the join only runs for 1000 rows and produces 1000 seeks.

This doesn’t mean that Top N Sorts are bad, it just means that they may not produce the most optimal plans for Key Lookups.

When This Doesn’t Work

Without a TOP, the self-join pattern isn’t as dramatically faster, but it is about half a second better (4.3s vs. 3.8s) for the bad parameter sniffing scenario, and far less for the others.

Of course, an index change to put CreationDate as the second key column fixes the issue by removing the need to sort data at all.

    CREATE INDEX whatever --Current Index
        ON dbo.Users (Reputation, Age, CreationDate);
    CREATE INDEX apathy --Better Index For This Query
	    ON dbo.Users (Reputation, CreationDate, Age);

But, you know, not everyone is able to make index changes easily, and changing the key column order can cause problems for other queries.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Underused sp_WhoIsActive Capabilities For Troubleshooting SQL Server: @get_avg_time


Look, it’s impressive enough that sp_WhoIsActive works as well as it does. Most people who’ve been using it for a while are familiar with using @get_plans to retrieve query plans, or @get_locks to see locking information. I’m gonna spend a couple posts talking about less well known flags that I really like.

We’re gonna start off with one that can help you figure out if a particular query is misbehaving, or if things are just cruising along normally.


I’ve got a stored procedure. What it does is unimportant. What’s important is that it’s sensitive to parameter sniffing.

We may not know this walking into an emergency, but we can figure it out pretty quickly using sp_WhoIsActive.

EXEC sp_WhoIsActive @get_avg_time = 1;
sp_WhoIsActive Results
Breathe Easy

This’ll give us back the usual information about how long our query has been running, but now right next to it is another column that ends in (avg).

When you use this switch, sp_WhoIsActive goes into the plan cache and looks at how long a particular query runs for on average.

If that number is much lower than how long the query has been running for, and it isn’t being blocked, you just might have a case of parameter sniffing on your hands.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Does sp_executesql WITH RECOMPILE Actually Recompile Query Plans In SQL Server?

No, No It Doesn’t

But it’s fun to prove this stuff out.

Let’s take this index, and these queries.

CREATE INDEX ix_fraud ON dbo.Votes ( CreationDate );

FROM   dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE  v.CreationDate >= '20101230';

FROM   dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE  v.CreationDate >= '20101231';

What a difference a day makes to a query plan!

SQL Server Query Plan
Curse the head

Hard To Digest

Let’s paramaterize that!

DECLARE @creation_date DATETIME = '20101231';

SET @sql = @sql + N'
FROM   dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE  v.CreationDate >= @i_creation_date;

EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, 
                       N'@i_creation_date DATETIME', 
                       @i_creation_date = @creation_date;

This’ll give us the key lookup plan you see above. If I re-run the query and use the 2010-12-30 date, we’ll re-use the key lookup plan.

That’s an example of how parameters are sniffed.

Sometimes, that’s not a good thing. Like, if I passed in 2008-12-30, we probably wouldn’t like a lookup too much.

One common “solution” to parameter sniffing is to tack a recompile hint somewhere.

Recently, I saw someone use it like this:

DECLARE @creation_date DATETIME = '20101230';

SET @sql = @sql + N'
FROM   dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE  v.CreationDate >= @i_creation_date;

EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, 
                       N'@i_creation_date DATETIME', 
                       @i_creation_date = @creation_date
                       WITH RECOMPILE;

Which… gives us the same plan. That doesn’t recompile the query that sp_executesql runs.

You can only do that by adding OPTION(RECOMPILE) to the query, like this:

SET @sql = @sql + N'
FROM   dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE  v.CreationDate >= @i_creation_date

A Dog Is A Cat

Chalk this one up to “maybe it wasn’t parameter sniffing” in the first place.

I don’t usually advocate for jumping right to recompile, mostly because it wipes the forensic trail from the plan cache.

There are some other potential issues, like plan compilation overhead, and there have been bugs around it in the past.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.