
Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Thinking Index Rebuilds Solve Every Problem

Salt Flats

It’s hard to believe that this is still a lively debate, given how far technology has come since the original conversations around if and when fragmentation is a problem were a thing, but here we are in 2020 for the third year straight.

I will give people some credit where it’s due, I’ve seen index maintenance habits change a bit over the years:

  • Reducing frequency to once a week or once a month from every night
  • Bumping the thresholds that they reorg and rebuild way higher than 5% and 30%, like 50% and 80%
  • Abandoning it all together when using AGs or other data synchronization technologies
  • Realizing how powerful and flexible statistics updates are, especially when using Ola’s scripts

It’s a good start, but people still ascribe far too many benefits to doing it. Rather than rehash everything I’ve ever said about it, I’m gonna post a video of Erin Stellato (b|t) and I discussing the pros, cons, whens, wheres, whys, and hows in this video:

Thanks for reading (and watching)!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Lowering Fill Factor For Every Index

Times And Places

I can’t remember the last time I saw someone lower fill factor for a good reason. Perhaps those just aren’t the type of folks who need my help, or perhaps no one has done it for a good reason since Windows 2003 dropped and part of Any Good Consultationā„¢ was checking to make sure disks were aligned properly.

What a bad time for disks, that was. Thank the Magnetic Fields that SSD and Flash came along to sit at the other end of a SAN with a shoestring and some Dixie cups between them.

But anyway, the story used to go something like this:

We have a lot of page splits

Are they good or bad?

Aren’t they all bad?

No, but we should look more closely at page density to figure out…



I set Fill Factor to 70 for everything. We’re cool.

This is, of course, wrong-headed in the same way that applying anything that works to fix a specific thing across the board is.

What Fill Factor Does

When you change Fill Factor, whether it’s at the database level, or index level, is leave your chosen percent as free space. on each data page at the leaf level of an index. But only when you rebuild or reorganize them. At no point in-between does SQL Server care about that percentage.

At the very best, you’re only buying yourself some time until you have “page splits” again. Depending on how busy a bottom your table is, you might need to do index maintenance quite frequently in order to get that fill factor back.

And you know what? That’s a real bad time. It’s what I refer to as spinning disk mentality.

I can’t imagine how anyone would track bad page splits in a meaningful way, and apply fill factor in a way that would permanently keep them at bay.

The worst part about Fill Factor is that it gets applied to all pages — even ones that are in no danger of facing a split — and every time you apply it, your indexes get bigger as you add free space back to new pages.

Since people always seem to want to shrink the ever lovin’ beet juice out of their databases, I assume they hate big databases that take up a lot of disk space. One way to get a big database really fast is to add a bunch of empty space to all of your tables and indexes.

What Fill Factor Doesn’t Do

Fill Factor doesn’t make read queries faster, especially if you’ve designed them mostly to accommodate Seeks in an OLTP environment. Seeks do not fall victim to these things the way scans do, because they navigate to individual rows.

They do just about the same amount of work no matter what, unless you add more levels to your indexes, but that tends to happen as they get larger, anyway.

And, good news, lowering Fill Factor will make Big Scans way slower. Why? They have to read more pages, because you decided to add a bunch of empty space to them. You’re really racking up the wins here, boss.

Not only is your database artificially huge, but all those reporting queries you’re worried about bringing your transactional queries to a halt take longer and do the dreaded “more reads” šŸ˜± šŸ˜± šŸ˜±

I often call Fill Factor “silent fragmentation”, because it reduces the density of your data pages dramatically, depending on what you lower it to. And it’s the actualĀ bad kind of fragmentation — physical fragmentation — not the stuff your index maintenance scripts look at.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

TRY_CAST and TRY_PARSE Can Return Different Results

There’s a lot of guidance out there that states that TRY_CAST is a faster, more modern version of TRY_PARSE and that TRY_PARSE should only be used if you need to set the optional culture parameter. However, the two functions can return different results in some cases, even without the culture parameter.


First I’ll throw a million rows into a single varchar column temp table:

CREATE TABLE #number_as_string (why_tho VARCHAR(100));

INSERT INTO #number_as_string (why_tho)
	FROM master..spt_values t1
	CROSS JOIN master..spt_values t2
) q;

Let’s suppose that I want to count the rows that are numbers that fit within the limits of the TINYINT data type. The following code takes 36937 ms of CPU time on my machine and returns a value of 7935:

FROM #number_as_string

The poor performance of the query isn’t unexpected. The documentation mentions the following about TRY_PARSE:

Keep in mind that there is a certain performance overhead in parsing the string value.


I can use TRY_CAST in an attempt to avoid the string parsing overhead of TRY_PARSE. The following code uses 110 ms of CPU time so it is significantly faster than the previous query:

FROM #number_as_string

However, this query returns a value of 14895, nearly double the count from before. The query results are different because TRY_PARSE returns NULL for an empty string but TRY_CAST returns 0. As a workaround (special thanks to Stephen Morris), the following query returns the expected value of 7935 and completes after using 157 ms of CPU time:

FROM #number_as_string
WHERE TRY_CAST(why_tho AS TINYINT) IS NOT NULL AND why_tho NOT IN ('', '+', '-')

Final Thoughts

It’s not that TRY_CAST is returning the wrong results. In SQL Server, an empty string converts to 0 when cast to an integer data type. It’s more so that when TRY_CAST is applied to a string, the person writing the query usually wants only the values that a human would consider to be a number. TRY_PARSE seems to follow a set of rules that is more in line with human judgment of what is and isn’t a number. Avoiding TRY_PARSE due to the performance penalty is still a good idea in many cases, but be sure to filter out empty strings if you don’t want them included in the result set. If anyone knows of any other values treated differently between TRY_CAST and TRY_PARSE kindly leave a comment on this blog post. Thanks for reading!

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Not Using Filtered Indexes Or Indexed Views

Basic Training

In yesterday’s post, we covered some of the basics of designing nonslustered indexes to make queries go faster, but sometimes those aren’t quite enough.

In today’s post, I’m going to give you more of my paid training about filtered indexes and indexed views.

What I cover here is how to use them correctly, and some of the things they just don’t work well with. Again, if you like what you see, hit the link at the end of the post for 75% off.

Filtered Indexes

Here’s the intro to filtered indexes

Here are the demos:

Indexed Views

Here’s the intro to indexed views:

Here are the demos for indexed views:

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Designing Nonclustered Indexes Poorly

Jammy Jam

There’s a bit of magic to index tuning, once you move beyond the basics. But we do have to start with the basics. In order to do that quickly, I’m putting a couple videos from my paid training in this post. If you like what you see, hit the link at the end of the post to get 75% off everything.

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Avoiding Clustered Indexes

Come Clean

Without fail, I seem to have this conversation every week:

Why is this a heap?

The vendor doesn’t like clustered indexes.

Ah, okay, why?

I don’t know.

There’s a nonclustered primary key, though…

Isn’t that the default?

No, you have to go out of your way to choose that.

Wann Ist Es

Heaps aren’t always bad, but you have to be careful when you choose to use them, because the problems that sneak up with them are tricky to detect and annoying to fix. If you never run into them, great.

But if you do, try to keep an open mind. Clustered indexes work wonderfully for a great many people, and it’s unlikely that you fall far out of that category, especially if you have anything within a horseshoe or hand grenade from an OLTP workload.

When I look at client workloadsĀ  that have problems with heaps, the main things that I call out are either:

  • Forwarded fetches that result in uneven I/O patterns
  • Captive pages from tiny deletes that don’t remove empty pages

Rather than go on and on about this stuff, here are a couple videos where I discuss the downsides and upsides of heaps. Normally they’re part of my paid training, but I’m making them available here to you for free:

To find tables that might need clustered indexes, a good, free tool is sp_BlitzIndex. It’s part of an open source project that I’ve spent a lot of time on. It’ll warn you about heaps that have forwarded records in them, and that have been deleted from. From there, it’s up to you to figure out if the table is big and critical enough to warrant adding a clustered index to.

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Not Indexing For Evolving Queries


Like many things, applications tend to evolve over time. New and improved functionality, Bug Fixed And Performance Improvementsā„¢, and ever expanding schema usually lead to new queries or tweaks to existing ones.

When designing new queries, creating or tweaking indexes to help them along is perhaps a bit more intuitive, depending on how comfortable you are with such things. If you’re starting from near-zero there, check the link at the end of my post for 75% off of my video training. I’ll teach you how to design effective indexes.

One of the more common issues I see is that someone tweaked a query to support new functionality, and it just happened to use indexes well-enough in a development environment that’s much smaller than real customer deployments.

In these cases, a better index may not be recommended by SQL Server. If it’s not obvious to the optimizer, it may also not be obvious to you, either. No offense.

All Devils

Let’s say we have this query. It’s nothing magnificent, but it’s enough to prove a couple points.

CREATE INDEX c ON dbo.Comments(CreationDate, UserId);

    DisplayName = 
            FROM dbo.Users AS U 
            WHERE U.Id = C.UserId
FROM dbo.Comments AS C
WHERE C.CreationDate >= '20131215'
ORDER BY C.CreationDate DESC;

Our index serves three purposes:

  • The predicate on CreationDate
  • The order by on CreationDate
  • The correlated subquery on UserId

It’s important to keep things like this in mind, that sorted data is useful for making more efficient.

Let’s Go

The query plan for this is quite simple and efficient.

SQL Server Query Plan
no problems

It’s hard to ask for anything faster, here, even if I am running on a VM. Two seeks, a small lookup, and everything done in 5 milliseconds.

Wolves At

But then one day a pull request comes along that changes the query slightly, to let us also filter and order by the Score column.

It looks like this now:

    DisplayName = 
            FROM dbo.Users AS U 
            WHERE u.Id = C.UserId
FROM dbo.Comments AS C
WHERE C.CreationDate >= '20131215'
AND   C.Score >= 8
    C.CreationDate DESC,
    C.Score DESC;

In real life, if you’re smart, your queries will be parameterized. In this blog post, these values are to show you what can happen even with small changes to a query. The query plan looks like this now:

SQL Server Query Plan

Arf Arf

We still seek into our nonclustered index to search for CreationDates that pass our predicate, but now we need to evaluate the Score predicate when we do our key lookup.

Rather than just get 1000 rows out immediately, we need to keep findings rows that pass the CreationDate predicate, but that also pass the Score predicate.

Since that’s judged by the optimizer to be a much more “expensive” task, and a parallel plan is chosen. Despite that, it still takes 231 milliseconds of duration, with 844 milliseconds of CPU time.

This could have many effects on the workload, depending on how frequently a query executes within the workload. Parallel queries use more CPU threads, which can get tricky under high concurrency, since they’re a finite resource based on CPU count.

We can save a lot of the problems here with a slightly adjusted index, like this:

CREATE INDEX c ON dbo.Comments(CreationDate, Score, UserId);


With that index in place, we get a much more efficient plan back, that doesn’t need to go parallel to stay competitively fast. It’s not quite as fast as the original query, but it’s Good Enoughā„¢.

SQL Server Query Plan
get bomb

Cheese Wants

I know you’re all smart folks out there, and you’re going to have questions about the index I created, and why the columns are in the order they’re in.

If you have a copy of the StackOverflow2013 database, you might do some poking around and find that there are 374,865 rows that pass our CreationDate predicate, and only 122,402 that pass our Score filter, making Score more selective for this version of the query.

But that’s just this one execution, and things could be a lot different depending on what users filter on. The big advantage to keeping the columns in this order is that the order by remains supported. Without that, the optimizer goes back to choosing a parallel plan, and asking for a memory grant.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Unkillable Sessions and Undetected Deadlocks

I recently experienced a blocking issue in a production environment which had been going on for hours. As a responsible DBA, I tried to kill the head of the blocking chain. Unexpectedly, killing the session seemed to have no effect. The blocking continued and the session seemed to stick around.

How to Create an Unkillable Session

It’s surprisingly easy to create a session that seemingly can’t be killed. Use good judgment in picking an environment to run this code against. First you’ll need to enable the “Ad Hoc Distributed Queries” configuration option if you haven’t done so already:

sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;

You can then run the following code after replacing the SERVER_NAME and INSTANCE_NAME placeholder values with the server name and instance name that you’re running against. In other words, you want the OPENROWSET call to point at the same server that you’re executing the query against:


SELECT TOP (1) [name]
FROM master.dbo.spt_values WITH (TABLOCKX);

SELECT TOP (1) d.[name]
FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', '{{SERVER_NAME}}\{{INSTANCE_NAME}};Trusted_Connection=yes;', master.dbo.spt_values) AS d;

This code seems to run forever. Trying to kill the session is not effective, even though there’s no error message and a line written to the error log claiming that the session was killed. Running kill with the STATUSONLY option gives us the following:

SPID 56: transaction rollback in progress. Estimated rollback completion: 0%. Estimated time remaining: 0 seconds.

Trying to cancel the query using SSMS also seems to have no effect as well.

The Undetected Deadlock

Running sp_whoisactive reveals a pretty alarming state:

Session 56 (the one that I can see in SSMS) is waiting on an OLEDB wait. Based on the documentation, I assume that you’ll get this wait type while waiting for the OPENROWSET call to complete:

Includes all connection information that is required to access remote data from an OLE DB data source. This method is an alternative to accessing tables in a linked server and is a one-time, ad hoc method of connecting and accessing remote data by using OLE DB.

I did get callstacks for the OLEDB wait using the wait_info_external extended event, but there were two problems. The first problem is that wait_info_external fires after the wait is complete and the OLEDB wait won’t finish. The second problem is that the callstacks that I did get weren’t very interesting.

Getting back on topic, I believe that the OLEDB wait for session 56 can only end once session 66 completes its work. Session 66 is the session that was created by the OPENROWSET call. However, session 66 needs an IS lock on the spt_values table. That is not compatible with the exclusive lock held on that object by session 56. So session 56 is waiting on session 66 but session 66 is waiting on session 56. This is an undetected deadlock. The deadlock can be resolved by killing session 66 (the OPENROWSET query).

Note that if you are crazy enough to try this on your own, you may see a MEMORY_ALLOCATION_EXT wait instead of an OLEDB wait. I don’t believe that there’s any meaningful distinction there, but don’t assume that a long running OLEDB wait is required for this problem to occur.

Final Thoughts

This blocking issue was unusual in that killing the blocking session doesn’t resolve the issue. I had to kill the session getting blocked instead. Thanks for reading!

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Not Deduplicating Overlapping Indexes

Pete And Repeat

Building on yesterday’s post about cleaning up old indexes: Once you’ve gotten rid of indexes that aren’t used anymore, you’re gonna have some more work to do. I know, it sucks, but hopefully it won’t be too difficult or confusing. If it is, hit the link at the end of the post to drop me a line for some consulting help.

The next thing I usually do is look for nonclustered indexes that have overlapping columns in the key to merge together.

Here are two basic patterns to look at, in order of how useful they are to us currently:

  • Key columns are an exact match
  • Key columns are super/sub-sets of other indexes
  • Key columns match to a point, but then differ
  • Key columns are the same, but in a different order

For the second two, I put those aside at first. Remember that we already got rid of indexes that aren’t used at all to make queries go faster, so now we’re left with indexes that do get used (though how much will vary dramatically from database to database).

Order Is Everything

Key column order matters to us, because it defines how queries can access data in the index. Let’s take an imaginary index keyed on columns (A, B, C).

If you want to search on:

  • A: Fast
  • A, B: Fast:
  • A, B, C: Fast
  • B: Slower
  • B, C: Slower
  • C: Slower

Column A being theĀ leading key column in the index means that index data is sorterĀ first by column A. If there are any duplicates in there, then column B will be sortedĀ within that group.

One way to visualize that is like this:

toughen up

Finding any value(s) in column A is easy, because they’re in sorted order. But finding values in any combination of B/C means we have to scan through all the values to find ones we care about, if we’re not also searching on A.

If we have indexes on

  • A, B, C
  • B, A C

Are they identical? Maybe sorta kinda. This is where domain knowledge about your application comes into play, and knowing if queries most often filter on A or B, and which queries are more important to the workload. If you’re not sure, leave’em both alone for now.


Let’s say you have a bunch of indexes from the first two categories, where the key columns might look something like this:


  • Key: A, B Includes (D, E)
  • Key: A, B Includes (D, E, F, G)


  • Key: D, E Includes (A, B)
  • Key: D, E, F Includes (A, B, C)

There are some other things we need to consider about the indexes:

  • Included columns: Can be merged safely; order doesn’t mater
    • Only stored at the leaf level, not ordered
  • Uniqueness: Can only be preserved for exact key matches
    • Unique D, E is different from D, E, F
  • Filters: Look at usage metrics to figure out these
    • A filtered may not be useful to all queries, especially when parameterized


In theory, wider indexes are better indexes, because they’re more useful to more queries.

With indexes that fully cover all the columns our queries reference, we don’t need to worry about the optimizer sometimes choosing our index and sometimes choosing the clustered index depending on how many rows it thinks it’s going to have to deal with.

That’s generally a positive, but there are some caveats:

  • Indexing columns that are updated frequently can exacerbate locking and deadlocking
  • Indexing max columns over and over again can really bloat out our database
  • Indexing to include every column in the table creates whole copies of the table

That being said, you can run into certain locking problems if you’re using a garbage isolation level like Read Committed:

You have to strike a careful balance with indexes. Enough, but not too many. Covering, but not in a counterproductive way.

To find indexes that can be removed because they’re overlapping, a good, free tool is sp_BlitzIndex. It’s part of an open source project that I’ve spent a lot of time on. It’ll warn you about indexes that are exact and borderline duplicates, so that you can start looking at which are safe to merge together.

In some posts to follow, we’ll cover index design strategies that work, and how you can improve on SQL Server’s missing index requests.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Software Vendor Mistakes With SQL Server: Not Cleaning Up Old Indexes


The longer your application has been around, the more developers and queries it has seen. There are a lot of ways the indexes could look, depending on how you approach performance issues with customers.

If you’re the type of shop that:

  • Creates specific indexes for clients experiencing problems or
  • Packages indexes into patches that everyone gets or
  • Allows clients to manage indexes on their own

You could be dealing with a lot of stray indexes depending on which path you’ve chosen. If no one is going back and looking at how all those indexes get used, you could be missing a lot of performance optimizations.

Three Ways

Let’s talk about the three ways that not cleaning up indexes can hurt performance that I see most often while working with clients:

Buffer Pool Pollution

SQL Server doesn’t work with pages while they’re stored on disk. It’s architected to work with pages that are stored in RAM, called the buffer pool, and that’s that. The more data you have by way of rows stored in tables, and indexes that make copies of data (except the clustered index, which is the base copy of your table), the more objects you have contending for space in the buffer pool.

There are other things that need space in memory too, like query memory grants we talked about earlier in the series. Between the buffer pool and query memory, there are three main types of memory contention you can see. In this post, though, what I want to get across is that all those index objects vie for space in the buffer pool when queries need to access them.

It doesn’t matter if an index hasn’t been used in 10 years to help a query go faster, if you need to load or modify data in the base table, the relevant index pages need to be read into memory for those to occur. If your data is larger than memory, or if you’re on a version of SQL Server with a cap on the buffer pool, you could be hitting serious performance problems going out to disk all the time to fetch data into memory.

How to tell if this is a problem you’re having: Lots of waiting on PAGEIOLATCH_XXĀ 

Transaction Logging

The transaction log is SQL Server’s primitive blockchain. It keeps track of all the changes that happen in your database so they can be rolled back or committed during a transaction. It doesn’t keep track of things like who did it, or other things that Change Tracking, Change Data Capture, or Auditing get for you.

It also doesn’t matter (for the most part) which recovery model you’re in. Aside from a narrow scope of minimally logged activities like inserts and index rebuilds, everything gets fully logged. The big difference is who takes a log backup. Under FULL and BULK LOGGED, it’s you. Under SIMPLE, it’s SQL Server.

Just like with the buffer pool needing to read objects in from disk to make changes, the changes to those various objects need to be written to the transaction log, too. The larger those changes are, and the more objects get involved in those changes, the more you have to write to the log file.

There’s a whole layer of complication here that is way more than I can cover in this post — entire books are written about it — but the idea I want you to understand is that SQL Server is a good dog, and it’ll keep all your indexes up to date, whether queries use them to go faster or not.

How to tell if this is a problem you’re having: Lots of waiting on WRITELOGĀ 

Lock Escalation

The more indexes you have, the more locking you’ll likely have to do in order to complete a write. For inserts and deletes, you’ll have to hit every index (unless they’re filtered to not include the data you’re modifying). For updates, you’ll only have to lock indexes that have columns being changed in them. The story gets a little more complicated under other circumstances where things like foreign keys, indexed views, and key lookups get involved, but for now let’s get the basics under control.

When you start making changes to a table, SQL Server has a few different strategies:

  • Row locks, with a Seek plan
  • Page locks, with a Scan plan
  • Object locks with a Scan plan

Because SQL Server has a set amount of memory set for managing locks, it’ll attempt to make the most of it by taking a bunch of row or page locks and converting them to object locks. That number is around the 5000 mark. The number of indexes you have, and if the plan is parallel, will contribute to that threshold.

How to tell if this is a problem you’re having: Lots of waiting on LCK_XXĀ 

Sprung Cleaner

In this video, which is normally part of my paid training, I discuss how over-indexing can hurt you:

To find indexes that can be removed because they’re not used, a good, free tool is sp_BlitzIndex. It’s part of an open source project that I’ve spent a lot of time on. It’ll warn you about indexes that are unused by read queries, and even ones that have a really lopsided ratio of writes to reads.

Those are a great place to start your clean up efforts, because they’re relatively low-risk changes. If you have indexes that are sitting around taking hits from modifications queries and not helping read queries go faster, they’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.