
SQL Server 2022 Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization: Does PSP Work With Dynamic SQL?

No, Really

When I talk to clients about using dynamic SQL, they’re usually under the misconception that those plans can’t get reused.

That may be true under some circumstances when:

  • It’s not properly parameterized
  • You use EXEC only and not sp_executesql

Under more favorable circumstances, dynamic SQL gets run, executed, and plans cached and reused with the same frequency as stored procedures.

Now, dynamic SQL isn’t exactly the same as stored procedures. There’s a lot you can do with those that just looks a mess in dynamic SQL, especially longer bits of code.

In today’s post, we’re going to look at how the Parameter Sensitive Plan (PSP) optimization works with dynamic SQL.

Bright, Sunshiny

I just learned how to spell “sunshiny”. Don’t let anyone ever tell you there’s nothing left to learn.

To keep up the sunshiny visage of today’s post, let’s get a TL;DR here: PSP does work with parameterized dynamic SQL.

Here’s an example, using a query with a parameter eligible for the PSP optimization.

    @sql nvarchar(MAX) = 
    @parameters nvarchar(MAX) = 
        N'@ParentId int';

    @sql += N'
    c = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.ParentId = @ParentId;

EXEC sys.sp_executesql

EXEC sys.sp_executesql

Both executions here get the option(plan per value... text at the end that indicates PSP kicked in, along with different query plans as expected.

SQL Server Query Plan
end of time

Being Dense

Writing the not-good kind of dynamic SQL, like so:

    @sql = N'
    c = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.ParentId = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(11), 0) + ';';

You will of course get different execution plans, but you’ll get a new execution plan for every different value that gets passed in. You will not get the PSP optimization.

This is not a good example of how you should be writing dynamic SQL. Please don’t do this, unless you have a good reason for it.

Anyway, this is good news, especially for parameterized ORM queries that currently plague many systems in crisis that I get to see every week.


Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server 2022 Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization: A Missed Opportunity For PSP To Make A Query Go Faster


The index and procedure creation script for this are a bit on the long side, so I’m going to stick them in a GitHub gist to keep the post concise, since we have some other ground to cover here.

I want to lead with the statistics object that gets used for the query, which has a single equality predicate on the parameter value to search the VoteTypeId column.

SQL Server Statistics Histogram

The relevant portion of the query is this:

FROM     dbo.Votes AS v
WHERE    v.VoteTypeId = @VoteTypeId

The histogram matches the row counts from the table precisely. Thanks, full scan!

So, what’s the problem?


To my eye, there’s sufficient skewness here to present parameter sensitivity issues.

SQL Server Query Results

But SQL Server disagrees!

SQL Server Extended Event
ouch dude

733 records vs. 37 million records seems appropriately skewed to me, but we get all of the typical parameter sensitivity symptoms.


Let’s get ready to rumble, etc.

EXEC dbo.VoteSniffing 
    @VoteTypeId = 4;

EXEC dbo.VoteSniffing 
    @VoteTypeId = 2;

Here are the plans:

SQL Server Query Plan
dirty thirty

Take a moment here to admire the somewhat confusing plan timing that Batch Mode operations are presenting here: The bottom query runs for around 32 seconds.

Up to the Nested Loops join, we use ~17 seconds of wall clock time with our serial execution plan. The Hash Match operator runs for 15 seconds on its own, in Batch Mode.

Parameter sensitivity still happens in SQL Server 2022.


If we run the procedure in reverse order, using 4 to cache the plan and then 2 to reuse, we get a similar regression:

SQL Server Query Plan
little things

Now, okay, let’s pause for a minute here. I need to backtrack, but I don’t want to spend a ton of blogspace on it. I’m also going to put the information in a very snooty block quote.

If we re-run the procedure from the section up above to search for VoteTypeId 2 a second time, Memory Grant Feedback will fix the spill at the Hash Join, and bring the total execution time down to about 15 seconds.

That is an improvement, but… Look at the plan here. If VoteTypeId 2 uses a plan more suited to the number of rows it has to process, the overall time is around 4 seconds, with no need for a memory grant correction.

The second plan for this execution sequence, searching for VoteTypeId 4 second in order, the overall time goes from 0 seconds and 0 milliseconds to 1.4 seconds. The big plan does not make searching for infrequent values faster.

So you see, the big plan isn’t always better.

Missed Connections

Hey, look, this is the first CTP. Maybe stuff like this is still getting ironed out. Maybe this blog post will change the course of history.

I am only moderately influential in the eyes of Microsoft, though, so perhaps not.

Anyway, this seems like a situation with sufficient skew to produce the Dispatcher plan and then additional sub-plans to account for far different row counts present in the VoteTypeId column.

If this scenario (and other similar scenarios) is outside the scope of the feature, query tuning folks are still going to have a whole lot of parameter sensitivity issues to deal with.

And should that be the case, I’d like to speak to the manager.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server 2022 Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization: When PSP Can Help Your Queries Go Faster

Errant Hairs

I’ve used this procedure as an example in the past. It’s a great parameter sniffing demo.

Why is it great? Because there’s exactly one value in the Posts table that causes an issue. It causes that issue because someone hated the idea of normalization.

The better thing to do here would be to have separate tables for questions and answers. Because we don’t have those, we end up with a weird scnenario.

In the Posts table, because questions and answers are lumped in together, there are certain traits that different types of posts can’t share:

  • Answers can’t have answers
  • Questions can’t have parent questions

There are other examples, but those are the two most obvious ones. But anyway, because of that, every Question has a ParentId of zero, and every Answer has the ParentId of the question it was posted under.

With around 6 million questions in the Posts table, that means there are around 6 million rows with a ParentId of zero, and around 11 million rows with other values.

SQL Server Query Results

Current Affairs

In compat level 150, if I run this procedure like so:

EXEC dbo.OptionalRecompile 
    @ParentId = 184618;

EXEC dbo.OptionalRecompile 
    @ParentId = 0;

The query plan is shared, and the second execution eats it:

SQL Server Query Plan

From 4ms to 2 minutes is pretty bad.


In compat level 160, if I do that exact same thing, the plans are immediately different for each execution:

SQL Server Query Plan
double nostril

This is a much better situation. Each separate plan is perfectly eligible for reuse. Neat. Great.

This is exactly the kind of query plan shenanigans (plananigans?) that should be avoided.

The only difference in the query text is the QueryVariantID:

option (PLAN PER VALUE(QueryVariantID = 2, predicate_range([StackOverflow2013].[dbo].[Posts].[ParentId] = @ParentId, 100.0, 1000000.0)))
option (PLAN PER VALUE(QueryVariantID = 3, predicate_range([StackOverflow2013].[dbo].[Posts].[ParentId] = @ParentId, 100.0, 1000000.0)))

And over in Query Store, we have these little lovelies:

SELECT qspf.* FROM sys.query_store_plan_feedback AS qspf;
| plan_feedback_id | plan_id | feature_id | feature_desc |     feedback_data     | state |    state_desc     |
|                6 |       3 |          1 | CE Feedback  | {"Feedback hints":""} |     1 | NO_RECOMMENDATION |
|                7 |       2 |          1 | CE Feedback  | {"Feedback hints":""} |     1 | NO_RECOMMENDATION |

Good job, SQL Server 2022.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server 2022 Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization: Extended Events Related To PSP

Respect Wood

There isn’t a lot interesting in these Extended Events. I was pretty disappointed with them.

The ones I looked at are in this session definition:

        filename = N'psp'
    MAX_MEMORY = 4096 KB,

For the lazy, that’s:

  • parameter_sensitive_plan_optimization: This event is fired when a query uses Parameter Sensitive Plan (PSP) Optimization feature.
  • parameter_sensitive_plan_optimization_skipped_reason: Occurs when the parameter sensitive plan feature is skipped. Use this event to monitor the reason why parameter sensitive plan optimization is skipped
  • parameter_sensitive_plan_testing: Fired when parameter sensitive plan is tested.
  • query_with_parameter_sensitivity: This event is fired when a query is discovered to have parameter sensitivity. This telemetry will help us in identifying queries that are parameter sensitive and how skewed the columns involved in the query are.

The only one I haven’t gotten to fire yet in my testing is parameter_sensitive_plan_testing which does not break my heart.


Most of what gets returned by those is barely useful. The one that I thought was most promising was the skipped_reason event. I was able to track map values down for that one:

|          name           | map_key |            map_value             |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |       0 | None                             |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |       1 | QueryVariant                     |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |       2 | NoParameter                      |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |       3 | InMemoryOLTP                     |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |       4 | AutoParameterized                |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |       5 | NonCacheable                     |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |       6 | WithRecompileFlag                |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |       7 | Unrecompilable                   |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |       8 | TableVariable                    |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |       9 | DBScopedConfigOff                |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      10 | QueryHint                        |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      11 | HasLocalVar                      |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      12 | QueryTextTooLarge                |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      13 | CursorWithPopulate               |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      14 | CLRModule                        |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      15 | Tvf                              |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      16 | DistributedQuery                 |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      17 | FullText                         |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      18 | OutputOrModifiedParam            |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      19 | UsePlan                          |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      20 | PDW                              |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      21 | Polybase                         |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      22 | EDC                              |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      23 | GQ                               |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      24 | DatatypesIncompat                |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      25 | LoadStatsFailed                  |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      26 | PlanGuide                        |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      27 | ParamSniffDisabled               |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      28 | NonInlinedUDF                    |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      29 | SkewnessThresholdNotMet          |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      30 | ConjunctThresholdNotMet          |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      31 | CompatLevelBelow160              |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      32 | UnsupportedStatementType         |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      33 | UnsupportedComparisonType        |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      34 | SystemDB                         |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      35 | UnsupportedObject                |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      36 | CompilationTimeThresholdExceeded |
| psp_skipped_reason_enum |      37 | Other                            |

Reading through that list, there are some interesting points where the feature won’t kick in. These points are sort of a ghosts of query anti-patterns past.

  • TableVariable
  • HasLocalVar
  • CursorWithPopulate
  • Tvf
  • ParamSniffDisabled
  • NonInlinedUDF

And, of course, this one gave me quite the chuckle: QueryTextTooLarge.



The results from my Extended Event session, and… I’ll talk through my disappointment in a moment, was not terribly spectacular.

SQL Server Extended Events
ho hum

The skipped_reason doesn’t reliably collect query text the way the other events do. That makes identifying the query that got skipped pretty difficult. There may be another action (like the stack) that captures it, but I haven’t had time to fully investigate yet.

SQL Server Extended Events
so what?

Okay. Fine.

SQL Server Extended Events

What do you do with this? I’m not sure yet. I don’t think I see much use in these just yet.

Hey, tomorrow’s another day. We’ll look at how the feature kicks in and fixes a parameter sniffing issue with this procedure.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server 2022 Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization: How PSP Works To Solve Some Parameter Sensitivity Issues


In the bad old days, which are still your days (but at least you have better days to look forward to), SQL Server’s cost-based optimizer would take a parametrized query, come up with a query plan, and then reuse that plan until:

  • Plan cache clearing event
  • Plan evicting event

There are a bunch of reasons for those things. They’re not important here.

What is important is the future, where SQL Server will have some more options for getting out of parameter sensitive jams.

I talked about a somewhat related feature called Cardinality Estimation Feedback here. This is a different beast, though.

While Cardinality Estimation Feedback is a between-executions like Memory Grant Feedback, the Parameter Sensitive Plan feature is a heuristic runtime decision, sort of like Adaptive Joins and Batch Mode On Row Store.

Like most things, you’ll need to be in the latest compatibility level, 160, and… it hasn’t been announced yet, but traditionally things like this are Enterprise Only.

Time will tell.


The way this feature works is, rather than caching a single query plan for every other execution to use, it creates what’s called a Dispatcher plan (if your query qualifies).

You’ll see something like this in the properties of the root node of your query plan, and your query will have some additional funny business at the end of it.

SQL Server Query Plan
sticky business

And that other thing:

    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    JOIN dbo.Users AS u
        ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id
    WHERE p.ParentId = @ParentId
    ORDER BY u.Reputation DESC 
            QueryVariantID = 3, 
                [StackOverflow2013].[dbo].[Posts].[ParentId] = @ParentId, 

Note that I formatted the option part of the query a bit to make it a bit more likable (to me).

The basic message here is that for the @ParentId parameter, there are three plan variants (the limit currently), and this is the third one.

There are also a couple numbers there that indicate the upper and lower bounds for bucketizing the three plan variants.


The basic idea here is to generate small, medium, and large plans for different cardinality estimation ranges.

Most of the examples I’ve been able to come up with have only generated two plans, one for the very low end, and one for the very high end.

As far as I can tell, the limitations for this feature seem to be:

In tomorrow’s post, we’ll look at some of the Extended Events attached to this feature that give you some insights into when the feature kicks in, when it doesn’t, and what SQL Server thought about how sensitive your query is.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server 2022 Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization: The Problem With Sniffed Parameter Sensitivity

Long Time Coming

When Microsoft first started coming up with these Intelligent Query Processing features, I think everyone who cares about That Sort Of Thing© wondered when parameter sensitivity would get fixed.

Let’s take a brief moment to talk about terminology here, so you don’t go getting yourself all tied up in knots:

  • Parameter Sniffing: When the optimizer creates and caches a plan based on a set of parameter(s) for reuse
  • Parameter Sensitivity: When a cached plan for one set of parameter(s) is not a good plan for other sets of parameter(s)

The first one is a usually-good thing, because your SQL Server won’t spend a lot of time compiling plans constantly. This is obviously more important for OLTP workloads than for data warehouses.

This can pose problems in either type of environment when data is skewed towards one or more values, because queries that need to process a lot of rows typically need a different execution plan strategy than queries processing a small number of rows.

This seems a good fit for the Intelligent Query Processing family of SQL Server features, because fixing it sometimes requires a certain level of dynamism.

Choice 2 Choice

The reason this sort of thing can happen often comes down to indexing. That’s obviously not the only thing. Even a perfect index won’t make nested loops more efficient than a hash join (and vice versa) under the right circumstances.

Probably the most classic parameter sensitivity issue, and why folks spend a long time trying to fix them, is the also-much-maligned Lookup.

But consider the many other things that might happen in a query plan that will hamper performance.

  • Join type
  • Join order
  • Memory grants
  • Parallelism
  • Aggregate type
  • Sort/Sort Placement
  • Batch Mode

The mind boggles at all the possibilities. This doesn’t even get into all the wacky and wild things that can mess SQL Server’s cost-based optimizer up a long the way.

  • Table variables
  • Local variables
  • Optimize for unknown
  • Non-SARGable predicates
  • Wrong cardinality estimation model
  • Row Goals
  • Out of date statistics

The mind also boggles here. Anyway, I’ve written quite a bit about parameter sensitivity in the past, so I’m going to link you to the relevant post tag for those.


With SQL Server 2022, we’ve finally got a starting point for resolving this issue.

In tomorrow’s post, we’ll talk a bit about how this new feature works to help with your parameter sensitivity issues, which are issues.

Not your parameter sniffing issues, which are not issues.

For the rest of the week, I’m going to dig deeper into some of the stuff that the documentation glosses over, where it helps, and show you a situation where it should kick in and help but doesn’t.

Keep in mind that these are early thoughts, and I expect things to evolve both as RTM season approaches, and as Cumulative Updates are released for SQL Server 2022.

Remember scalar UDF inlining? That thing morphed quite a bit.

Can’t wait for all of you to get on SQL Server 2019 and experience it.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

How To Get Answers To SQL Server Performance Questions


It doesn’t matter where you’re posting or what your problem is, there are specific things that people will need to get you an answer.

What they need is often referred to as a reproducible example, or a MCVE. For SQL Server questions, that could include:

  • The query plan (actual is better than cached/estimated)
  • The query itself (please format it nicely)
  • Indexes involved (go figure; these are important)
  • Sample data (not your actual data, just enough of a resemblance to make it work)
  • Expected results (this is more important for getting help writing a query, but can be useful for perf questions too)

What no one wants to get into when it comes to performance questions is a giant wall-of-text word problem.

You may be the most eloquent question-asker in the known universe, but having the above items is worth hundreds of millions of words.

Get That Query Plan

Getting a query plan doesn’t have to be hard. What you should aim for is the actual plan, though. Estimated plans leave too much up to the imagination.

You can do it in SSMS by hitting this button, then running your query. Don’t bother with stuff like client statistics. Ain’t no one got time for that, as they say.

SSMS query plan button
button down

The thing is, you may be dealing with a stored procedure or more complex set of queries, and you’re not sure how to just capture the plans for the ill-performers.

Good news, there. You can use my free script sp_HumanEvents and follow the instructions here to do that.

Once you’ve got the plan, DON’T POST A PICTURE OF IT. People who post pictures of query plans on Q&A sites are immediately eaten by an ethereal sinkhole.

You can:

What folks need is the plan XML, which you can get by right clicking on the plan you care about:

SQL Server Query Plan

Textual Healing

Of course, the query plan is useful for most things. It’s useful to have the query as well, though.

Sometimes you get lucky and it’s shorter than the limit imposed in the query plan XML, other times you need to get the text elsewhere.

You can capture the query text in several ways, too:

All of these things allow you to get the query, but now you need to make it readable for people. No, I don’t mean putting it in a CTE. I mean formatting, baby.

Generate Table And Index

The first two items above should be enough to get you some advice on why your query is slow, but some folks might also want to see what’s going on underneath.

It’s relatively easy to script out a table definition and also get any indexes attached via SSMS.


SQL Server SSMS Script Table

Often, column data types and current indexing tell a part of the story that isn’t captured in just the plan or the text.


I’m not going to talk about anonymizing stuff here. I know that Plan Explorer claims to do it, but it does not fully anonymize things.

You’ll still find things like statistics names, and linked server details remain intact.

If you need to generate test data, here are some ways to do it:

One other thing I want to make sure is included here, is don’t say things like “I have a problem with this query”. Be specific. If you’re getting an error message, post the error message. if you’re getting incorrect results, post those and the correct results and explain why they’re wrong.

No one can see what’s on your screen. If you want help for free, you’re gonna have to do the work.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server 2022: Cardinality Estimation Feedback

Quiet As Kept

I’ve been trying to take the general temperature when it comes to SQL Server 2022. At least from a performance perspective, some interesting things have been introduced so far.

There have been a few neat things:

  • Parameter Sensitive Plan optimizations
  • Query Store Hints
  • Memory Grant Feedback improvements
  • DOP Feedback
  • Cardinality Estimation Feedback

I’m not seeing a whole lot out there. I’m not sure why. I follow quite a few SQL bloggers via Feedly.

Perhaps it’s just too new. Maybe everyone is waiting for CTP SP1.

Well, anyway. In this post I want to talk a little bit about what Cardinality Estimation Feedback can do, and what it can’t do.

What It Do

First, you need Query Store enabled to get this to work. It relies on the Query Store Plan hints also introduced for SQL Server 2022.

For queries that execute frequently and retain cached plans, the optimizer will look at some of the assumptions that get made under different Cardinality Estimation models.

Things like:

  • Row Goals
  • Predicate independence/correlation
  • Join containment being simple or base

What each of those things means isn’t terribly important to the post, but all of them are things that are influenced by using the legacy or default cardinality estimators.

As I understand it, this is a bit like Memory Grant Feedback. If estimation issues are detected, a different plan will be attempted. If that plan corrects a performance issue, then the hint will get persisted in Query Store.

Pretty cool, but…

What It Don’t Do

It doesn’t fix things while they’re running, like Adaptive Joins can do. That’s sort of unfortunate! Hear me out on why.

Often, when model errors are incorrect, queries run for a long time. Particularly when row goals are introduced, query plans are quite sensitive to those goals not being met quickly.

It’d be really unfortunate for you to sit around waiting for 15-16 executions of a poor performing query to finish executing before an intervention happens.

I would have either:

  • Reduced, or made this threshold configurable
  • Been more aggressive about introducing Adaptive Joins when CE models influence plan choices

After all, Adaptive Joins help queries at runtime rather than waiting for an arbitrary number of executions and then stepping in.

Perhaps there was a good reason for not doing this, but those were the first two things to cross my mind when looking into the feature.

How It Do

I was able to get the feature to kick in using a familiar query.

Here’s the setup script:


    CREATE INDEX whatever 
        ON dbo.Votes(CreationDate, VoteTypeId, PostId);
    CREATE INDEX apathy
        ON dbo.Posts (PostTypeId)
            INCLUDE (OwnerUserId, Score, Title);

    SELECT TOP (2500) 
        ISNULL(v.BountyAmount, 0) AS BountyAmount
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    JOIN dbo.Votes AS v
        ON  p.Id = v.PostId
    WHERE v.VoteTypeId = 1
    AND   p.PostTypeId = 1
    ORDER BY v.CreationDate DESC;
    GO 17

SELECT qspf.* FROM sys.query_store_plan_feedback AS qspf;

SELECT qsqh.* FROM sys.query_store_query_hints AS qsqh;

For the first 16 runs, we get the same query plan that takes about 2 seconds.

SQL Server Query Plan
if you got a problem

Then, magically, on run #17, we get a different query plan!

SQL Server Query Plan
yo i’ll solve it

Pretty cool! The plan totally changed, and clearly got better. I am happy about this. Not so happy that it would have taken 16 executions of a Potentially Painful© query to get here, but you know.

Here we are.

In Query Store

There are a couple views that will detail where hints came from and which were applied:

SQL Server Query Results
clowny clown clown

Since I just cleared out query store prior to this running, we can infer some things:

  • CE Feedback kicked in and gave us a new plan with a hint to disable row goals
  • The second plan generated was identified by the engine as needing memory grant feedback

I suppose this is a good reason to do some work on sp_QuickieStore so y’all can see this stuff in action.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Advanced T-SQL String Searching And Parsing Techniques In SQL Server


First, I want to advise you to avoid doing things as much as possible like this in T-SQL. Use CLR, if you can. Or do it outside of your really expensive database server.

You know, rational choices.

Recently, I had an interesting client problem where they had a variety of string formats, and different potential start and end points to get a substring from.

Normally, I love computed columns for this, but there was no way to get exactly what they wanted without using a whole bunch of them. It was sort of annoying.

Because it was easier to get across in T-SQL, we ended up using a trigger.

Don’t look at me like that.


First, let’s load up a small temp table with some different string values.

    string varchar(4)

SELECT '1234' 
SELECT '2341' 
SELECT '3412'    
SELECT '4123';

Now, let’s say that there was a need to figure out which number came first in the string. You can use the CHARINDEX function to do that, but it’s a little difficult to make it “dynamic”.

To make things easy, let’s create a helper table of search patterns.

    search varchar(1)

SELECT '3'    


Now we can use a little bit of apply and derived table magic to figure out which of our search values appear first in our strings.

FROM #strings AS s
    SELECT TOP (1),
            search_position = 
                CHARINDEX(, s.string)
        FROM #searches AS s2
     ) AS x0 
     ORDER BY x0.search_position
) AS x1;

The results look like this:

SQL Server Query Results


Now we can add in the LEN and SUBSTRING functions in order to parse out the part of the column we’re interested in.

    sub = 
FROM #strings AS s
    SELECT TOP (1),
            search_position = 
                CHARINDEX(, s.string),
            search_length = 
        FROM #searches AS s2
     ) AS x0 
     ORDER BY x0.search_position
) AS x1;

Now the results look like this:

SQL Server Query Results
Smart E. Pants

This is an admittedly pretty rudimentary example, but it’s tough to make this complicated without making it overly so.

From here, you can use a second APPLY with CHARINDEX ordered descending to find an end position, and use more advanced SUBSTRING techniques to locate the text between two positions.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

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What’s The Point Of DOP Feedback In SQL Server 2022?

Loud Engine

If you’re ever on a long flight and want something to fall asleep to, ask a DBA how to set MAXDOP.

Sometimes I even ask myself that question when I’m tossing and turning at night.

There are a lot of things to consider when fixing settings globally across a workload. For parallelism, it’s less about individual query performance, and more about overall server/workload performance

After all, letting every query go as absolutely parallel as possible is only good up to a point; that point is usually when you start regularly running out of worker threads, or your CPUs could double as crematoriums.

Setting MAXDOP is about limiting the damage that a parallel workload can do to a server. The expectation is that a query running at DOP 8 will run 8x faster than a query running at DOP 1.

But setting MAXDOP for every query isn’t something you catch even the most persnickety performance tuners doing. Perhaps some of the more critical ones, but you know…

Let Me Rust

I’m not going to demo DOP feedback in this post, I’m just going to show you the situation that it hopes to improve upon.

To do that, I’m going to run a simple aggregation query at different degrees of parallelism, and show you the changes in query timing.

At DOP 1:

The query runs for 1.1 seconds, with 886ms consumed while scanning the Posts table.

SQL Server Query Plan

At DOP 2:

The query runs just about twice as fast, starting with the scan of the Posts table taking about half as long. This is good scaling. Add one CPU, go twice as fast as you did with one CPU.

SQL Server Query Plan
Rip Van Winkle

At DOP 4:

The gets about twice as fast again! The scan of the Posts table is now down to 263ms, and the query in total is at 330ms. Adding in two more cores seems a good choice, here.

SQL Server Query Plan
Bed Rock

At DOP 8:

The query no longer continues to get 2x faster. This isn’t a knock against DOP 8 in general; my query just happens to hit a wall around DOP 4. With 4 additional CPUs, we only save ~130ms at the end of the day.

SQL Server Query Plan

Why This Is Cool

This new feature will help DBAs have to worry less about getting MAXDOP absolutely right across the board. Who knows, we may even see a day where MAXDOP is left at zero.

But you’d never skip that installer step, would you?

Anyway, for anyone out there who is paranoid about setting DOP too high, this should help your queries find a more approximately-good middle ground.

Hopefully it works as advertised.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.