
Some Interesting Questions And Answers Of Mine On Database Administrator’s Stack Exchange About SQL Server

Assurance, Assurance

Here’s a quick roundup on some of the more interesting Q&A I’ve taken part in on over the past few months.

Whew. That’s not even all of it. I should get out more.

Thanks for reading!

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How Microsoft Could Make Problems In Execution Plans Easier To Understand

Round Up

Execution plans have come a long way over the years, gradually adding more and more details as computing power becomes less of a hurdle to collecting metrics.

The thing is, it’s not always obvious where to look or dig deeper into a query plan to figure out where problems are.

Right now, there are some warnings:

  • At the root operator for a few different things
  • For memory consuming operators when they spill

But there are some other things in query plans that should be loud and clear, because they’re not going to be obvious to folks just getting started out reading query plans.

Non-SARGable Predicates:

These can cause a lot of issues:

  • Unnecessary scans
  • Poor cardinality estimates

It’s primarily caused by:

  • function(column) = something
  • column + column = something
  • column + value = something
  • value + column = something
  • column = @something or @something IS NULL
  • column like ‘%something’
  • column = case when …
  • value = case when column…
  • Mismatching data types (implicit conversion)

The thing is, it’s hard to see where this stuff happens in a plan, unless the plan is very small, or you’re looking directly at the query text, which is often truncated when pulled from a query plan. It would be nice if we got a warning of some sort on operators where this happened.

Predicates That Result In Scans

If you write a where clause, but don’t have an index with a key that matches that where clause, sometimes you’ll get a missing index request and sometimes you won’t. It’s a bit of a gamble of course.

For large tables, this can be painful, burn a lot of CPU, and result in a parallel plan where you could get by without one if you had a better index in place.

SQL Server Query Plan

Of course, not every scan has a predicate: think joins without a where clause, or where only one table has a predicate against it. You don’t have much choice but to scan an index.

Eager Index Spools

Sometimes SQL Server wants an index so badly that it creates one on its own for you. When this happens on a large enough table, you can spend an awful lot of time waiting for it.

You know like when you put something in the microwave and you’re standing there staring at the timer and even though you set it for two minutes it seems to hang out at 1:30 forever? That’s what an Eager Index Spool is like. A Hungry Man Dinner that you microwave for an hour but still comes out with ice around the edges of your Salisbury Steak.

SQL Server Query Plan

Okay, I stretched that one a bit. But here’s the thing: If SQL Server is gonna spend all that time creating a temporary index for you, it should tell you. Maybe a missing index request, maybe a warning on the spool itself. Just… anything that would help alert more casual execution plan observers to the fact that an index might not be the worst idea, here.

Why Indexes Weren’t Used

I know you. You create indexes all the time, then for some strange reason your queries don’t use them, or stop using them.

When SQL Server optimizes a query, part of the flow chart is a pit stop called index matching. At this point, SQL Server looks at available indexes and then chooses to use or not use them based on various pieces of feedback.

Sometimes it’s obvious why an index wasn’t used, like if it only covers a portion of the query, or if the key columns weren’t in the best order. Other times, it’s really unclear.

It would be nice if we had reasons for that available, even if it’s only in actual plans.

Louder Warnings For Deeper Problems

Right now, SQL Server buries some information that can be really important to why a query didn’t perform well:

  • When estimated and actual rows or executions are way off
  • When something forces a query to run serially
  • When operators execute more than once (including rebinds and rewinds)
  • When rows are badly skewed across parallel threads

The thing is, like a lot of these other items on this list, it takes real digging to figure out if any of them apply to you, and if they’re why your query slowed down. They just need some basic visual indicators to draw attention to them at the right times.

Different Per-Operator Details

When you look at each individual operator in an actual execution plan, you get sort of a confusing story:

  • Estimated cost
  • Wall clock time
  • Actual rows
  • Estimated rows
  • Percent of actual to estimated rows

I’d throw out some of that, and show:

  • CPU time
  • Wall clock time
  • Actual Rows
  • Actual Executions
  • Percent of actual to estimated

It would also be nice to have per-operator wait stats at this juncture, since we’d need to know why there’s a discrepancy between CPU and wall clock time, e.g. because of blocking or waiting on some other resource.

While we’re talking about all this, it might be helpful to consider the direction plans show their work. Right to left for data and left to right for logic are… fine. I guess. But up and down might make more sense. A lot of folks I know have a tough time understanding when things happen in horizontal execution plans, where vertical plans would be far more clear.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

Why Parallel Queries are Sometimes Slow In SQL Server

You may have noticed large variations in elapsed time for parallel queries while performing query tuning or observing a production workload. This post reviews some of the possible explanations for those variations. I’m testing on SQL Server 2022 RC0 but this behavior can be observed on all currently supported versions of SQL Server.

The Setup

The test data is very simple. Insert ten million sequential integers into a single column table with a clustered index:

CREATE TABLE dbo.ParallelTest (

INSERT INTO dbo.ParallelTest (Id)
SELECT [value]

Now consider the following query:

FROM dbo.ParallelTest a
INNER JOIN dbo.ParallelTest b ON a.ID = b.ID

The query optimizer naturally picks a merge join for this query. The self-joined tables obviously have the same row count and the data is already sorted. That makes this query an ideal candidate for a serial merge join from the optimizer’s point of view . The USE HINT in the query isn’t particularly important and the example works without it, but its presence will be explained later. Here’s what the query plan looks like for me:

The query takes 2721 ms of CPU time and elapsed time to execute on my machine. It’s reasonable for CPU and elapsed time to match here because there’s nothing for the query to wait on. It’s the only user query running against the SQL instance. Next I’ll force a parallel merge join query plan by changing the query hints to the following:

FROM dbo.ParallelTest a
INNER JOIN dbo.ParallelTest b ON a.ID = b.ID

I chose MAXDOP 8 because my test machine has 8 physical CPU cores. This is an unnatural query plan with a higher parallel cost than serial cost. The query optimizer only picked it because it was forced to. Note the presence of the exchange operators with a relatively high estimated cost:

The parallel query takes 6465 ms of CPU time and 1723 ms of elapsed time to execute on my machine. It finished about 33% faster than the serial query but CPU time more than doubled. The exchange operators added a large overhead for this query. Next I’ll run the same query again but I’ll make one of my CPUs busier than before. Consider the following infinite loop coded as a stored procedure:

WHILE 1 = 1
SET @i = 0;

EXEC #p;

This code does not accomplish anything besides efficiently using CPU resources, which is exactly what I need for my test. I’m running the merge query at MAXDOP 8 on a machine with 8 CPU cores so I’m pretty much guaranteed to see scheduler contention for some of the workers of the parallel query. They will compete for CPU resources with the infinite loop.

Take a moment to predict the performance penalty that the parallel query will experience due to the busy scheduler. Will it be 2X slower? 3X slower? Worse? For a few hints, recall that hash distributed exchange operators will generally try to force an equal amount of work to each thread. Also recall that a parallel merge join requires order-preserving exchange operators. I’ve included Erik running at MAXDOP 8 to hopefully prevent you from accidentally seeing the answer before you’ve finalized your prediction.

With the busy scheduler, the query now takes 6818 ms of CPU time and 31745 ms of elapsed time to execute on my machine. The same code is over 18X slower simply due to the highly efficient stored procedure that’s running on the same SQL instance. Here are the query wait stats in case they are of interest:

<Wait WaitType=”CXPACKET” WaitTimeMs=”454673″ WaitCount=”5262″ />
<Wait WaitType=”CXSYNC_PORT” WaitTimeMs=”32539″ WaitCount=”41″ />
<Wait WaitType=”CXSYNC_CONSUMER” WaitTimeMs=”43″ WaitCount=”14″ />


This is an inappropriately brief introduction to a complex topic, but workers cooperate with each other by sharing time on schedulers. Under normal conditions, a worker will execute code on the scheduler for up to 4 milliseconds before yielding. The worker yields in case there’s another worker waiting to execute on the scheduler. When there’s not the original worker immediately starts executing code again. An example of when a worker yields early is if it needs to wait for an I/O operation.

scheduler_ring_buffer_recorded is the name of a debug extended event that you should probably never use. I often don’t follow my own advice, so I used it to get an idea of how often workers were yielding to the scheduler for the merge join queries. I only looked at action types of “SCHEDULER_NONPREEMPTIVE_RESUME” and I admit that this analysis is quite approximate. For the MAXDOP 1 query, there was a total of 705 events over 2872 milliseconds. In other words, the average time spent on the scheduler before yielding is close to the 4 ms soft maximum. This should be expected for the serial query if all of the data is in the buffer pool. There is no memory grant for the query (the reason for the USE HINT) and there’s not really any reason to yield early.

The parallel query had significantly more yields. Looking at one worker thread as an example, it had 14862 events over 1714 milliseconds. In other words, it had around 35 times the number of scheduler yields compared to the MAXDOP 1 query. The higher number of yields is a performance liability when competing with workers from other queries on the same scheduler. The infinite loop stored procedure dominates the workers from the parallel and gets around 97% of the cpu time on the scheduler. That’s a big part of why the parallel query is 18X slower than before.

Note that you can also get this information by looking at the yield_count column of the sys.dm_of_schedulers DMV, but those numbers are server wide and aren’t isolated to one query. With that said, I did get reasonably similar results when comparing that column to the extended event results.

To summarize, parallel query performance overhead isn’t as simple as just the direct overhead of the exchange operators. A query changing from serial to parallel can result in completely different interactions between the workers and the scheduler. The serial query executed its code 4 milliseconds at a time. The parallel query had to yield significantly more often. This type of change isn’t something that you can directly observe in a query plan.

Why Parallel Queries are Sometimes Slow

There are many reasons why a parallel query may not be as efficient as you hoped. I find these to be the most common:

1) There is an overhead associated with parallel exchange operators which is not present in serial queries. Moving data between worker threads requires additional CPU time which adds to the overall execution time of the query. I believe this is what is described by the following quote from the documentation:

Simple queries, frequently found in transaction processing applications, find the additional coordination required to execute a query in parallel outweigh the potential performance boost.

2) There’s some kind of additional coordination required between threads which delays query completion. For example, an order-preserving repartition streams operator is generally worse for performance than one that doesn’t need to preserve order. A different type of example can be seen in my blog post about slow parallel scans caused by cloud storage.

3) Work may be unevenly distributed between worker threads. For example, an eager index spool can only be built with one thread. Other threads may be idle while that temporary index is built. For a different example, a filtered parallel scan of a table may not output the same number of rows to all threads. All else being equal, a parallel query that cannot use all of the CPUs allowed by MAXDOP is not as efficient as one that can.

4) Work may be evenly distributed between worker threads but some of the CPUs are busier than others. Some parallel queries are as slow as their busiest CPU, even when queries are evenly sharing time on the scheduler. Of course, dramatic performance penalties can be seen when the parallel query gets an uneven amount of time on the scheduler (like in the demo in this blog post).


Individual parallel query performance can degrade due to contention on a single scheduler that’s used by one or more of its workers. You are more likely to run into problems with higher DOP or a higher number of concurrent queries. Lowering MAXDOP decreases the odds that you’ll run into the worst type of contention because the query uses fewer schedulers. Decreasing the number of queries decreases contention per scheduler which also helps.

To explain it in a different way, the simplest way to reduce problems with parallel queries is to have fewer worker threads per scheduler. This is of course a balancing act, but it’s one that you must perform for some workloads. Set Cost Threshold for Parallelism and server/database/resource governor MAXDOP appropriately. When possible, don’t run too many concurrent queries for your hardware.

For very important queries for which performance is critical, consider changing to a type of parallelism that isn’t as susceptible to scheduler contention issues. The two most common methods are a parallel apply pattern, perhaps using demand partitioning, or batch mode execution.

Batch mode is yet another complicated topic that I’m not going to explain here, but it uses a fundamentally different method of parallelism compared to row-mode execution which is generally much more robust against problems caused by busy schedulers. Below is a comparison of elapsed times with and without the infinite loop stored procedure running:

The elapsed time of the parallel batch mode query only changes slightly. This is also a nice property when considering overall server scalability.

Final Thoughts

I was going to originally blog about DOP feedback, but it’s taking a while for my feedback to kick in. Thanks for reading!

Different Ways To Parameterize Queries In SQL Server

The Importance Of Being Parameterized

Parameterization has many benefits for queries.

But first, let’s cover two things that aren’t exactly parameters!

  1. Local Variables
  2. Unsafe Dynamic SQL

Much more details at the post, but local variables are any variable that you declare inside a code block, e.g.

    @a_local_variable some_data_type;

And unsafe dynamic SQL is when parameters or local variables are concatenated into a string like so:

@sql += N'AND H.user_name = ''' + @injectable + ''';';

Note the series of single quotes and + operators (though the same would happen if you used the CONCAT function), and that square brackets alone won’t save you.

Now let’s talk about actual parameterization.

The same concept applies to ORM queries, but I can’t write that kind of code so go to this post to learn more about that.

Stored Procedures

The most obvious way is to use a stored procedure.

    @ParameterOne int

        records = COUNT_BIG(*)
    FROM dbo.Users AS u
    WHERE u.Id = @ParameterOne;


There are millions of upsides to stored procedures, but they can get out of hand quickly.

Also, the longer they get, the harder it can become to troubleshoot individual portions for performance or logical issues.

Developers without a lot of SQL experience can make a ton of mistakes with them, but don’t worry: young, good-looking consultants are standing by to take your call.

Inline Table Valued Functions

There are other kinds of functions in SQL Server, but these are far and away the least-full of performance surprises.

    @ParameterOne int

        records = COUNT_BIG(*)
    FROM dbo.Users AS u
    WHERE u.Id = @ParameterOne;

Both scalar and multi-statement types of functions can cause lots of issues, and should generally be avoided when possible.

Inline table valued functions are only as bad as the query you put in them, but don’t worry: young, good-looking consultants are standing by to take your call.

Dynamic SQL

Dynamic SQL gets a bad rap from people who have:

  1. No idea what they’re talking about
  2. All the wrong kinds of experience with it
    @sql nvarchar(MAX) = N'',
    @ParameterOne int;

    @sql += N'
        records = COUNT_BIG(*)
    FROM dbo.Users AS u
    WHERE u.Id = @ParameterOne;	

EXEC sys.sp_executesql
  N'@ParameterOne int',

This kind of dynamic SQL is just as safe and reusable as stored procedures, but far less flexible. It’s not that you can’t cram a bunch of statements and routines into it, it’s just not advisable to get overly complicated in here.

Note that even though we declared @ParameterOne as a local variable, we pass it to the dynamic SQL block as a parameter, which makes it behave correctly. This is also true if we were to pass it to another stored procedure.

Dynamic SQL is only as bad as the query you put in it, but don’t worry: young, good-looking consultants are standing by to take your call.

Forced Parameterization

Forced parameterization is a great setting. It’s unfortunate that everything thinks they want to turn on optimize for adhoc workloads, which is a pretty useless setting.

You can turn it on like so:


Forced parameterization will take queries with literal values and replace them with parameters to promote plan reuse. It does have some limitations, but it’s usually a quick fix to constant-compiling and plan cache flushing from unparameterized queries.

Deciding whether or not to turn on this feature can be tough if you’re not sure what problem you’re trying to solve, but don’t worry: young, good-looking consultants are standing by to take your call.


SQL Server may attempt simple parameterization in some cases, but this is not a guaranteed or reliable way to get the majority of the queries in your workload parameterized.

In general, the brunt of the work falls on you to properly parameterize things. Parameters are lovely things, which can even be output and shared between code blocks. Right now, views don’t accept parameters as part of their definitions, so they won’t help you here.

Figuring out the best thing to use and when to use it can be tough, but don’t worry: young, good-looking consultants are standing by to take your call.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

Some Notes on sp_prepare And SQL Server 2022


I admit that sp_prepare is an odd bird, and thankfully one that isn’t used a ton. I still run into applications that are unfortunate enough to have been written by people who hate bloggers and continue to use it, though, so here goes.

When you use sp_prepare, parameterized queries behave differently from normal: the parameters don’t get histogram cardinality estimates, they get density vector cardinality estimates.

Here’s a quick demo to show you that in action:

ON dbo.Posts

    @handle int = 
    @parameters nvarchar(MAX) = 
        N'@ParentId int',
    @sql nvarchar(MAX) = 
            c = COUNT_BIG(*)
        FROM dbo.Posts AS p
        WHERE p.ParentId = @ParentId;

EXEC sys.sp_prepare 
    @handle OUTPUT,

EXEC sys.sp_execute 
EXEC sys.sp_execute 
EXEC sys.sp_unprepare 


The plans for the two executions have the same poor cardinality estimate. In this case, since we have an ideal index and there’s no real complexity, there’s no performance issue.

But you can probably guess (at least for the second query) how being off by 201,694,000% might cause issues in queries that ask a bit more of the optimizer.

The point here is that both queries get the same incorrect estimate of 3 rows. If you add a recompile hint, or execute the same code using sp_executesql, the first query will get a histogram cardinality estimate, and the second query will reuse it.

SQL Server Query Plan
one up

Given the historical behavior of sp_prepare, I was a little surprised that the Parameter Sensitive Plan (PSP) optimization available in SQL Server 2022 kicked in.


If we change the database compatibility level to 160, the plans change a bit.


Now we see two different plans without a recompilation, as well as the plan per value option text at the end of the queries, indicating the PSP optimization kicked in.

SQL Server Query Plan
two up

The differences here are fairly obvious, but…

  • Each plan gets accurate cardinality
  • The second plan goes parallel to make processing ~6 million rows faster
  • Different aggregates more suited to the amount of data in play are chosen (the hash match aggregate is eligible for batch mode)

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

How To Convert Binary And Varbinary Strings In SQL Server


This is a short post that I wanted to write on the heels of doing a bunch of work in sp_QuickieStore.

Many times, pulling data out of odd structures like XML or JSON can lead to difficulty in correctly typing each output element. I run into this commonly with query plan XML, of course. You may run into it elsewhere.

The main issue is that I often need to compare what comes out of those odd data structures to data stored more properly in other system views. For example:

  • Query Hash: Binary 8
  • Query Plan Hash: Binary 8
  • SQL Handle: Varbinary 64
  • Plan Handle: Varbinary 64

There’s some shenanigans you can use around big ints, but I’ve run into a lot of bugs with that. I don’t want to talk about it.


As an example, this won’t match:

    c = 
            WHEN '0x1AB614B461F4D769' = 0x1AB614B461F4D769
            THEN 1
            ELSE 0

The string does not implicitly convert to the binary 8 value. The same is true when you use varbinary values.

You might think that just converting the string to binary 8 would be enough, but no! This will still return a zero.

    c = 
            WHEN CONVERT(binary(8), '0x1AB614B461F4D769') = 0x1AB614B461F4D769
            THEN 1
            ELSE 0

In this case (ha ha ha), you need to use the additional culture parameter to make this work.


Here’s why:

    no =
        CONVERT(binary(8), '0x1AB614B461F4D769'),
    yes = CONVERT(binary(8), '0x1AB614B461F4D769', 1);
no	                yes
0x3078314142363134	0x1AB614B461F4D769

The same is true with varbinary, too:

    no =
        CONVERT(varbinary(64), '0x0900F46AC89E66DF744C8A0AD4FD3D3306B90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'),
    yes = CONVERT(varbinary(64), '0x0900F46AC89E66DF744C8A0AD4FD3D3306B90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 1);


The real answer here is to not rely on conversions, implicit or otherwise, when comparing data.

But, if you ever find yourself having to deal with some wonky binary data, this is one way to get yourself out of a scrape.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Views vs Indexed Views In SQL Server

Award Winning

Imagine you have a rather complicated query that you want to abstract into a simple query for your less-than-with-it end users.

A view is probably a pretty good way of doing that, since you can shrink your preposterously-constructed tour through every table in the schema down to a simple select-from-one-object.

The problem is that now everyone expects it to perform well throughout all time, under any circumstances, come what may. It’s sort of like how your parents expect dinner to be $20 and tips to be 20% regardless of where they go or what they order.

  • Lobster? $5.
  • Steak? $5.
  • Bottle of wine? $5.
  • Any dessert you can imagine? $5.
  • Tip? Gosh, mister, another $5?

I sincerely apologize to anyone who continues to live in, or who moved to Europe to avoid tipping.

If you’d like some roommates, I have some parents you’d get along with.


Creating a view in SQL Server doesn’t do anything special for you, outside of not making people remember your [reference to joke above] query.

You can put all manner of garbage in your view, make it reference another half dozen views full of garbage, and expect sparkling clean query performance every time.

Guess what happens?


When you use views, the only value is abstraction. You still need to be concerned with how the query is written, and if the query has decent indexes to support it. In other words, you can’t just write a view and expect the optimizer to do anything special with it.

SQL Server doesn’t cache results, it only caches raw data. If you want the results of a view to be saved, you need to index it.

Take these two dummy queries, one against a created view, and the other an ad hoc query identical to what’s in the view:

    TotalScore = 
    TotalPosts = 
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
          FROM dbo.Votes AS v
              v.PostId = p.Id      

    TotalScore = 
    TotalPosts = 
FROM dbo.Posts AS p
          FROM dbo.Votes AS v
              v.PostId = p.Id      
    p.OwnerUserId = 22656

FROM dbo.just_a_query AS jaq
    jaq.OwnerUserId = 22656;

The plans are identical, and identically bad. Why? Because I didn’t try very hard, and there’s no good indexes for them.

Remember when I said that’s important?

SQL Server Query Plan
avenues lined with trees

Keep in mind this is a query with some batch mode involved, so it could be a lot worse. But both instances complete within a second or so of each other.

So much for view performance.


The rules around indexed views are pretty strict, and the use cases are fairly narrow. I do find them quite useful on SQL Server Standard Edition where batch mode is terribly hobbled.

The horrible thing is that indexed views are so strict in SQL Server that we can’t even create one on the view in question. That really sucks. We get this error.

    ON dbo.not_just_a_query

Msg 10127, Level 16, State 1, Line 95

Cannot create index on view “StackOverflow2013.dbo.not_just_a_query” because it contains one or more subqueries. 

Consider changing the view to use only joins instead of subqueries. Alternatively, consider not indexing this view.

Alternatively, go screw yourself. Allowing joins but not exists is somewhat baffling, since they’re quite different in that joins allow for multiple matches but exists does not. We’d have to do a lot of fancy grouping footwork to get equivalent results with a join, since distinct isn’t allowed in an indexed view in SQL Server either.

We could also pull the exists out of the view, add the Id column to the select list, group by that and OwnerUserId, index both of them, and… yeah nah.

I have no idea who’s in charge of indexed views in the product at this point, but a sufficiently lubricated republic would likely come calling with tar and feathers in the face of this injustice.

This is basic query syntax. It’s not like uh… min, max, sum, avg, except, intersect, union, union all, cross apply, outer apply, outer joins, or um, hey, is it too late for me to change careers?

The Pain In Pain Falls Painly On The Pain

You may have ended up here looking to learn all the minute differences between views and indexed views in SQL Server.

You may be disappointed in reading this post, but I can assure you that you’re not nearly as disappointed in this post as I am with indexed views in SQL Server.

They’re like one of those articles about flying cars where you read the headline and you’re like “woah, I’m living in the future”, but then three paragraphs in you find out the cars don’t really fly or drive and they might actually just be igloos that are only big enough for an Italian Greyhound or a paper plane that the author’s kid glued wheels to.

If you actually have a use case for indexed views, you’ll have to be really careful about making sure their maintenance doesn’t kill performance.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

Why MAX Data Types Are Usually A Bad Choice For SQL Server Columns

Easy Rider

When you’re trying to figure out how to store string data, it often seems easiest to just choose an extra long — even MAX — data type to avoid future truncation errors.

Even if you’re storing strings with a known, absolute length, developers may choose to not enforce that in the application, either via a drop down menu or other form of validation.

And so to avoid errors when users try to put their oh-so-important data in their oh-so-expensive database, we get columns added to tables that can fit a galaxy of data in them, when we only need to store an ashtray worth of data.

While getting data into those columns is relatively easy — most application inserts are single rows — getting data out of those columns can be quite painful, whether it’s searching or just presenting in the select portion of a query.

Let’s look at a couple simple examples of how that happens.

Search Engine

Let’s take a query like this one:

FROM dbo.Posts AS p
WHERE p.Body LIKE N'SQL Server%';

The Body column in the Posts table is nvarchar and MAX, but the same thing would happen with a varchar column.

If you need a simple way to remember how to pronounce those data types, just remember to Pahk yah (n)vahcah in Hahvahd Yahd.

Moving on – while much has been written about leading wildcard searches (that start with a % sign), we don’t do that here. Also, in general, using charindex or patindex instead of leading wildcard like searching won’t buy you all that much (if anything at all).

Anyway, since you can’t put a MAX datatype in the key of an index, part of the problem with them is that there’s no way to efficiently organize the data for searching. Included columns don’t do that, and so we end up with a query plan that looks some-such like this:

SQL Server Query Plan
ouch in effect

We spend ~13.5 seconds scanning the clustered index on the Posts table, then about two minutes and twenty seven seconds (minus the original 13.5) applying the predicate looking for posts that start with SQL Server.

That’s a pretty long time to track down and return 19 rows.

Let’s change the query a little bit and look at how else big string columns can cause problems.

Memory Bank

Rather than search on the Body column, let’s select some values from it ordered by the Score column.

Since Score isn’t indexed, it’s not sorted in the database. That means SQL Server needs to ask for memory to put the data we’re selecting in the order we’re asking for.

FROM dbo.Posts AS p

The plan for this query asks for a 5GB memory grant:

SQL Server Query Pla

I know what you’re thinking: the Body column probably has some pretty big data in it, and you’re right. In this case, it’s the right data type to use.

The bad news is that SQL Server will makes the same memory grant estimation based on the size of the data we need to sort whether or not it’s a good choice.

I talk more about that in this Q&A on Stack Exchange.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

Stop Making SQL Server Weird, Microsoft.

Ledgers And Tridents And Toads, Fido-hmy

With every release of SQL Server, Microsoft adds in a bunch of tadpole features. It’s up to those tadpoles to survive long enough to turn into beautiful uh… Frogs Toads.

The way they do that is by having enough paying customers use them — usually prodded by #MVPBuzz chasers — to get continued support and development.

All of this is subject to internal whims (like Microsoft rebranding, renaming, or rebasing a feature, take Mirroring >> Availability Groups), and external customer fancies (Tableau vs PowerBI, etc).

I feel bad for folks who latch onto these things with any sort of seriousness, like Big Data Clusters, or any of the dozens of other features that died before they could bump their butts on a log.

One marvels at the sheer number of “you better get on board” style session titles that have been molded around features where absolutely no one got on board.

Even Kubernetes (which I know isn’t a SQL Server feature) is sort of like K-Pop: Apparently millions of people like it, but I’ve never met a single person who actually uses it.

Maybe it’s more like a bot net. K-Bot? Not sure, here. I’m bad at creative writing.

They Don’t Like You Anyway

Microsoft has this weird perceived popularity issue.  Perhaps it’s the diminishing self-esteem that comes with age, with SQL Server turning 30-something and all. Microsoft keeps trying to make SQL Server appeal to swaths of people who will never like it, because it’s not the shiny new thing on the block.

They won’t love you like I do.

Adding in every passing fad to the product to try to stay young and hip does a great disservice to the product as a whole, which has many addressable flaws. Microsoft dedicates countless development cycles to goofy memes that will wither on the vine shortly after the first version.

Imagine if cars still came with cassette players, but not ones that can do anything cool like play both sides without flipping the tape over, or being able to fast forward or rewind to the start or end of a track.

You’d basically have Spatial Data And The Graph Nodes in your car trying to play Garage Days Re-Re-Revisited.


I do wish the Microsoft bean counters would dance with who they brung a bit more. You know, people who need a relational database with as few bugs and preventable performance issues as possible, with useful development features, and a coherent toolset?

Clearing the minefield of pitfalls that developers fall int0 (hello, MERGE!) would allow less effort to be spent on chasing down oddball problems and more time spent developing quality features.

It’s sort of like if I had a keyboard that fixed all my typos immediately, I’d have more time to write quality blog posts that don’t need several editorial passes.

Maybe someday.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server 2022 CTP 2.1 Improvements To Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization

Hop On Your Good Foot

Several weeks back, I blogged about a missed opportunity with the new parameter sensitive plan feature. At the time, I thought that there was indeed sufficient skewness available to trigger the additional plan variants, and apparently some nice folks at Microsoft agreed.

If we step back through the old demo, we’ll get different results.

EXEC dbo.VoteSniffing 
    @VoteTypeId = 4;

EXEC dbo.VoteSniffing 
    @VoteTypeId = 2;

I’m not gonna go into a lot of depth here, because I’m writing this while traveling, but we get the (mostly) desired outcome of two different plans being generated. Each plan is more suitable to the amount of data that the query has to process.

SQL Server Query Plan
home improvement

I’d consider this a success, even if it adds more queries to the unidentifiable corpse-pile.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.