The Art Of The SQL Server Stored Procedure: Conditional Logic

Other Thing

There are two forms of conditional logic that I often have to fix in stored procedures:

  1. Branching to run different queries at different times
  2. Complicated join and where clause logic

The problems with both are similar in terms of performance. You see, when smart people tell you that SQL is a declarative language, and not a procedural language, they’re usually trying to get you to stop using cursors.

And that’s not always wrong or bad advice, trust me. But it also applies here.

When you’re developing stored procedures, the thing you need to understand is that SQL Server builds query plans for everything in them first time on the first compile, and then after any causes of a recompile.

It does not compile for just the branch of logic that gets explored on compilation. No no. That would be too procedural. Procedural we are not.

There are two exceptions to this rule:

  1. When the branches execute dynamic SQL
  2. When the branches execute stored procedures

If this sounds familiar to you, you’ve probably hear me talk about parameter sniffing, local variables, SARGability, and… well, more things dealing with SQL Server performance.


Problem 1: IF Branching

Like I mentioned above, the only way to get if branching to only compile plans for explored branches, is to tuck them away.

Probably the easiest way to demonstrate this is to create a stored procedure with logical branching that accesses an object that doesn’t even pretend to exist.

    @decider bit = NULL
    IF @decider = 'true'
        FROM dbo.DinnerPlans AS dp;
    IF @decider = 'false'
        FROM dbo.DinnerPlans AS dp WITH(INDEX = 2);
    IF @decider IS NULL
            result = 'please make a decision.'

EXEC dbo.i_live 
    @decider = 'true';

If you run this, you’ll get an error saying the index doesn’t exist, even though the code branch doesn’t run.

Where things get even weirder, but is well besides the point of the post, if you execute a store procedure that references a table that doesn’t exist, but not in the branch that executes, no plan will be cached for it.

You can see a stupid demo of that here. It’s probably not something you’ll run into a whole lot, but it’s probably worth noting.

If you’d like to read more about the performance problems IF branching doesn’t solve, you click on these links:

Problem 2: Conditional Logic In Your Predicates

You may love a big, messy, sloppy, join or where clause, but SQL Server’s query optimizer hates it. This may be disappointing to hear, but query optimization is a really hard job.

Feeding in a bunch of runtime complexity and expecting consistently good results is a shamefully naive approach to query writing.

The query optimizer is quite good at applying its craft to a variety of queries. At the base of things, though, it is a computer program written by people. When you think carefully about the goal of a generalized query optimizer, it has to:

  • Come up very quickly with a good enough execution plan
  • Regardless of the surrounding hardware
  • Respecting the logic of the query
  • Within the confines of available indexes, constraints, hints, and settings

As you add complexity to queries, various things become far harder to forecast and plan for in a generalized way.

Think of it like planning a car trip. The more stops you add, the harder it is to find the fastest route. Then throw in all the unexpecteds — traffic, construction, weather, people randomly gluing themselves to the road, breakdowns — and what have you got?

Chaos. Pure chaos.

While the idealism of writing everything in one big query seems attractive to SQL developers — stacking common table expressions, nesting view upon view and subquery upon subquery, and adding in all the OR logic one can possible surmise — it only opens the optimizer up to error, mis-estimates, and even missed opportunities.

The reality is that query optimizers across all database platforms have plenty of issues, blind spots, and shortcomings. Sometimes you need to write queries in a way that is less convenient to you in order to avoid them.

Thanks for reading!

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The Art Of The SQL Server Stored Procedure: Data Types

Mix And Match

There are only a few data types that make me nervous when I see them:

  • MAX strings, or approaching the upper byte limit (except for dynamic SQL)
  • XML
  • sql_variant

It doesn’t matter if they’re stored procedure parameters, or if they’re declared as local variables. When they show up, I expect something bad to happen.

One thing that makes me really nervous about string data specifically, is that many developers don’t pay close attention to varchar vs. nvarchar.

This doesn’t just apply to stored procedures. Many ORMs suffer the same issue with data types not being strongly typed, so you sometimes end up with all varchar(8000) or nvarchar(4000) input parameters, and other times end up with n/varchar strings with lengths inferred at compile-time based on the length of the string passed in. That means that if you have an ORM query that takes, let’s say a name as input, it might the infer the string as unicode when it shouldn’t, and if you were to pass in different names for different executions, you’d get all different plans, too.

  • Erik: nvarchar(4)
  • Kendra: nvarchar(5)
  • Al: nvarchar(2)
  • Tom: nvarchar(3)

You get the picture. It’s a nutty nightmare, and it’s made worse if the name column you’re searching is a varchar data type, regardless of length. But those are ORM problems, and we wield mighty stored procedures like sane and rational people.

Let’s play a game called pattern and anti-pattern.

Anti-Pattern: One parameter for searching many columns

The sheer number of times I’ve seen something like this justifies most of the self-medicating I apply to myself.

    @SearchString nvarchar(whatever)
    SET @SearchString = N'%' + @SearchString + N'%';

    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    WHERE p.Id LIKE @SearchString
    OR    p.OwnerUserId LIKE @SearchString
    OR    p.AcceptedAnswerId LIKE @SearchString
    OR    p.CreationDate LIKE @SearchString
    OR    p.LastActivityDate LIKE @SearchString
    OR    p.Tags LIKE @SearchString
    OR    p.Title LIKE @SearchString
    OR    p.Body LIKE @SearchString
        p.ViewCount DESC;

All sorts of bad things happen when you do this. You can’t index for this in any meaningful way, and comparing non-string data types (numbers, dates, etc.) with a double wildcard string means implicit conversion hell.

You don’t want to do this. Ever.

Unless you want to hire me.

Pattern: Properly typed parameters for each column

Rather than get yourself into that mess, create your procedure with a parameter for each column, with the correct data type.

Next, don’t fall into the trap where you do something like (p.OwnerUserId = @OwnerUserId OR @OwnerUserId IS NULL), or anything resembling that.

It’s a rotten idea. Instead, watch this video to learn how to write good dynamic SQL to deal with code like this:

Anti-Pattern: Passing Lists In Parameters And…

Splitting the string directly in your join or where clause.

When you do this, SQL Server can’t make good cardinality estimates, because it has no idea what’s in the list. Worse, I usually see generic string split functions that can deal with any data type as input and output.

You might be outputting wonky data types that compare to column(s) of different data type(s), and suffering implicit conversion woes.

A cleaner option all around is to use Table Valued Parameters, backed by User Defined Table Types with the correct data types.

You may still need to follow my advice below, but it’s a bit easier to manage.

Pattern: Passing Lists In Parameters  And…

Dumping the parsed output into a #temp table with the right column data types.

When you do that, two nice things happen:

  • SQL Server builds a histogram on the values
  • You can index it for large lists

I find myself changing to this pattern quite a bit when tuning code for clients. They’re often surprised by what a difference it makes.

Even when using Table Valued Parameters, I find myself doing this. Since Table Valued parameters are read only, you don’t need to worry about the contents changing even if you pass them to other procedures.

Anti-Pattern: Using Unnecessary MAX Types

I’ve blogged before about why you shouldn’t declare parameters or variables as MAX types in the past, but the issue is mainly that they can’t be used to seek into an index.

Because of the internals of MAX parameters and variables, you’ll see a filter after data is acquired in the query plan, which is usually much less efficient than filtering out data when a table or index is initially accessed.

It’s also a bad idea for columns in tables for similar reasons. I understand that there is some necessity for them, but you should avoid them for searches as much as possible, and make them retrieve-only in your queries.

A good example is an Entity Attribute Value table, where developers allow searches on the Value column, which is either sql_variant, or nvarchar(max) so that it can accommodate any contents that need to be stored there.

Pattern: Using Reasonable Data Types

The number of times that I’ve seen MAX types used for anything involved in searches that actually needed to be MAX is relatively small compared to the number of times I’ve checked the max length of data and found it to be around 100 bytes or so.

Making significant changes like that to large tables is sometimes painful. Often, it’s easier to add computed columns in various ways to allow searching and indexes to be easier:

  • TRY_CAST or TRY_CONVERT to integers, dates, etc.
  • SUBSTRING to an appropriate string type with a reasonable length
  • Hashing the contents of the column to make binary searches possible

As long as you don’t persist the computed columns, the table isn’t locked when they’re added. However, you do need to index them to make them useful for searching. That will only be painful if you don’t pay Microsoft enough money.

Plans Within Plans

As you review stored procedure code, keep an eye out for these anti-patterns. Fixing small things can have big downstream effects.

While not every change will yield many seconds or minutes of performance improvements, it helps to follow the rules as well as possible to clarify what the real issues are.

Getting a stored procedure to the point where you’re sure exactly what needs to change to improve performance can be a tough task.

Having a mental (or written) checklist of things that you know to fix makes it faster and easier.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

The Art Of The SQL Server Stored Procedure: Isolation Levels

Dread Pirate

I’ve talked about isolation levels a bit lately because I need you all to understand that no isolation level is perfect, and that most everyone is completely wrong about how they really work.

For a very high percentage of workloads, Read Committed Snapshot isolation is the best choice. Why?

Because most developers would expect:

  • Read queries to not block with write queries
  • Read queries to not deadlock with write queries
  • Read queries to return correct results from committed transactions

You only get *one* of those things from Read Committed, but you get all of those things from Read Committed Snapshot Isolation.

Sure, there’s a thing you don’t get from it, but if you want that thing, you have to put up with read queries blocking and deadlocking with write queries.

That thing is: Reading only the most current version of row values, which is the only meaningful guarantee that Read Committed will give you.

If you’ve been battling stupid locking problems for a long time, you’ve probably got NOLOCK hints everywhere, which means you’re not getting that anyway.

You’re getting back garbage.

So hear me out: If you’ve got some queries that require the most current version of row values to work correctly, you have the READCOMMITTEDLOCK table hint to save you.

What Read Committed Doesn’t Get You

To illustrate the concurrency issues that can arise under Read Committed, here are some slides I made for a thing:

read committed sucks
read committed: not great

If any of these surprise you, you’re not allowed to argue with me about Read Committed Snapshot Isolation.

Read Committed Snapshot Isolation And Dumb Queries

Queries that are susceptible to race conditions with optimistic isolation levels are queries that are written in stupid ways.

One example is a query like this:

         @name nvarchar(40) = 'Erik';
    UPDATE dp
 = @name,
          dp.is_free = 0
    FROM dbo.DinnerPlans AS dp
        FROM dbo.DinnerPlans AS dp2
        WHERE =
        AND   dp2.is_free = 1

It will behave differently under optimistic vs. pessimistic isolation levels. Let’s pretend that two people try to book the very last seat at the very last time.

  • Under Read Committed, the update to DinnerPlans would block things so that the read in the exists subquery would wait for it to complete, and find no rows.
  • Under Read Committed Snapshot Isolation, the update to DinnerPlans would generate a row version, and the read in the exists subquery would read that version where it would find a row.

This is, of course, a very stupid query. If you’re just using direct updates, you won’t have problems:

  SET = N'Erik',
    dp.is_free = 0
FROM dbo.DinnerPlans AS dp
WHERE is_free = 1;

For Every Occasion

There are likely times when each and every isolation level is appropriate, or even required, for parts of a workload to function correctly.

Just like settings for parallelism, max server memory, and many other things in SQL Server, it’s your job to set them as appropriate guardrails for the workload as a whole.

Most workloads work better using Read Committed Snapshot Isolation. If there are specific queries in your workload with different needs, you have many wonderful options to fix them.

In some cases the READCOMMITTEDLOCK hint may be the minimum effective dose. You may also read this post and realize that you need a stronger isolation level with better guarantees, like Repeatable Read or Serializable.

Many people are surprised that Repeatable Read only takes its special locks on rows as it’s reading them, and that changes ahead of where the reads have occurred can still occur, and inserts can still occur between rows that have been read.

Like I said before, no isolation level is perfect, and many developers are surprised by the details of each one.

Most people think that Read Committed works the way Serializable does, where the set of rows you’ve read and are yet to read are somehow a golden copy of the data. That is not true.

The misunderstandings usually arise from a lack of testing for expected results under high concurrency.

Tools like SQL Query Stress and ostress can be invaluable for making sure you’re getting what you want from whatever isolation level you’re using.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

The Art Of The SQL Server Stored Procedure: Locking Hints

None Other

Locking hints are funny. Normally I see them in awful products like Dynamics, on select queries, and hilarious levels of blocking and deadlocking issues ensue.

Another place where they’re common is when developers think that adding hints like ROWLOCK means you’ll always only ever lock rows, and that you’ll never have lock escalation when you use it.

Both of those things are wrong. Here’s a video about why:

Where I most frequently do not see locking hints, or the use of an appropriate isolation level, is when developers still for some reason insist on using MERGE statements.

Perhaps I’m a bit salty because I spent a lot of today rewriting merge statements into separate actions. Perhaps I’m just salty generally.

When Do You Need Locking Hints?

Locking hints (aside from NOLOCK), have the most impact when you need to protect data beyond the scope of a single query in a transaction.

They have the second most impact when you’re doing strangeland things in the database, like processing queues. You can see my example of how to do that here: Building Reusable Queues In SQL Server Part 2

More often than not, though, you’ll want to use them if you do things like this:

    @NextUser integer;

    @NextUser = u.Id
WHERE u.LastAccessDate >=
    u.LastAccessDate DESC; 

    N'Most Recent User Award',    

Why? What if someone else logs in after you assign this variable?

  • What locking hints do you need each time you touch the Users table?
  • Do you need a transaction to protect the entire thing?

Look at the join order

  • What if someone logs in after the first scan of the Users table?

Is this great for concurrency? Well, that depends on how fast the queries are. With some Good Enough™️ indexes, this’ll be just fine.

Without them, you’ll be in a HEAP of trouble. Ahem. This is the time for laughter.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

Andy Pavlo and Erik Darling Talk Databases (@AndyPavlo @OtterTune)

Andy Pavlo and Erik Darling Talk Databases

I somehow talked database genius and actual professor Andy Pavlo to talk to me about databases, OtterTune, the future, and who has the best query optimizer.




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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

Documenting What Microsoft Won’t: The sys.sp_configure_automatic_tuning Stored Procedure

Moment Of Silence

UPDATE: As of 2024-09-19 this has finally been documented.

Automatic tuning is a half-assed feature that has a lot of problems. I wouldn’t trust it any further than I could throw Entity Framework.

Back in October, I opened an issue with Microsoft to document a new-ish stored procedure. It was closed, and to be clear, it was the PM, not the docs team, that refused the request.

Here’s why that’s a bad choice:

  • This stored procedure exists and can be executed
  • The only documentation for it is going to be this blog post
  • Many other configuration procedures that can be misused are documented and regularly executed by end users

For example, sp_configure is well-documented, and there are many changes one could make via those calls to totally hose a SQL Server.

There is documentation available to force and unforce plans in Query Store. There’s also documentation to turn automatic tuning on or off.

If there’s fear that something could be misused, the only cure is to document its proper use and warn of its improper use.

Leaving things up to the imaginations of end-users is quite a mistake.

Valid Use

Just in case Microsoft decides to wipe that issue, here are the parameters currently available for sys.sp_configure_automatic_tuning:

EXECUTE sys.sp_configure_automatic_tuning
    @option = N'???',
    @type = N'???',
    @type_value = ???,
    @option_value = N'???';

If one wanted to insert valid arguments for those parameter values, one could use these:

EXECUTE sys.sp_configure_automatic_tuning
    @option = N'FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN', /*Option*/
    @type = N'QUERY', /*Target*/
    @type_value = 1, /*query_id from Query Store*/
    @option_value = N'OFF'; /*Disable*/

What this would effectively do is turn automatic tuning off for a specific query based on its query_id in Query Store.

If there’s a plan already being forced, you’ll have to unforce the plan too. You can do that with sp_query_store_unforce_plan.

There you have it. Erik Darling cares about you more than Microsoft does.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

The Art Of The SQL Server Stored Procedure: Transactions

Sitting In A Tree

Transactions and error handling often go hand-in-glove, to make better use of XACT_ABORT, manually manage rollbacks, and try to make the best use of all those ACID properties that database people seem to care deeply about.

The main things to understand about transactions in SQL Server are:

  • There’s no respect for nested transactions
  • The default read committed isolation level can be a bad time
  • Not everything requires an outer transaction

The lack of nested transactions has been well-documented over the years. Though savepoints do exist, they’re not really the same thing.

For the remaining points, let’s talk a little bit more.

Blocking, Blocking, Blocking

This is a big enough problem with singular modification queries under the default Read Committed pessimistic isolation level.

Trust me. Roughly half of my consulting life is looking at the blocked process and deadlock reports.

If you’re going to take it upon yourself to involve multiple queries in a transaction, it also falls upon you to make sure that:

  • You use the appropriate locking hints
  • You handle any errors and rollbacks
  • You make sure that thing is as short and sweet as possible

Everything you do between BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION will hold whatever locks are required or specified until the bitter end.

Think of the duration of a query, and then the duration of a transaction as a whole, as the surface area.

The larger that surface area gets, the more opportunity there is for it to interfere, or be interfered with, by another surface area with a similar trajectory.

You also need to really understand the isolation level in use, and how that can make results weird.

Let’s take this piece of pseudo code, and assume it’s running under the default Read Committed pessimistic isolation level.

        @UserToPromote integer = NULL;
    SELECT TOP (1)
        @UserToPromote = u.Id
    FROM dbo.Users AS u
    WHERE u.Reputation = 1
        FROM dbo.Posts AS p
        WHERE p.OwnerUserId = u.Id
        AND   p.PostTypeId = 1
        AND   p.Score = 0
    /*IRL you might bail here if this is NULL or something*/
        SELECT TOP (1)
        FROM dbo.Posts AS p
        WHERE p.OwnerUserId = @UserToPromote
        AND   p.PostTypeId = 1
        AND   p.Score = 0
        ORDER BY
    UPDATE utp
        SET utp.Score += 1
    FROM UserToPromote AS utp;

Leaving aside some of the obvious stuff that a professional performance tuner would avoid (like local variables), and ignoring the fact that I haven’t done any error handling, what’s wrong with this code?

  • We only get the first user whose data was currently committed in the Users table
  • … And who has a question in the Posts table
  • Then we try to update a row in Posts for that user

What that leaves out is:

  • The user could delete their profile after we find them
  • Someone could vote on their question after we find them
  • They could delete their question after we find them

Read Committed is not a consistent snapshot of your data during a transaction. In a highly transaction environment, all sorts of things can change right underneath you.

All Read Committed guarantees is that the data you read was committed at the time it is read. Quite flimsy once you think about it for a moment.

If you want to avoid those changes, you’d need to add hints like UPDLOCK and SERIALIZABLE to your select query (and exists subquery) to prevent those changes until the update completes.

Even if you were to do all that work in a single query rather than two, you could run into the exact same issues without those locking hints.

Once those read cursors find the row(s) they want, anything goes until the exclusive locks start being taken.

Don’t Transact Me, Bro

Let’s look at some more psuedo code. It’s a pattern I’ve noticed with more than a few clients now.

    FROM dbo.Users AS u
            Score = 
        FROM dbo.Posts AS p
        WHERE p.OwnerUserId = u.Id
        AND   p.PostTypeId = 1
    ) AS p
        FROM dbo.HighQuestionScores AS hqs
        WHERE hqs.Id = u.Id
    UPDATE hqs
        SET hqs.LastQuestionBadge = b.Name
    FROM dbo.HighQuestionScores AS hqs
        SELECT TOP (1)
        FROM dbo.Badges AS b
        WHERE b.Id = hqs.Id
        AND   b.Name LIKE N'%Question%'
        ORDER BY
            b.Date DESC
    ) AS b;
    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0

    /*Do some error stuff maybe*/

The idea of the code is to insert any new users to the HighQuestionScores table. For the sake of completeness, let’s say there’s another query in the mix that would update the high score for existing users too.

It’s just invisible 👻

The problem here is also fairly obvious. There’s absolutely no reason to ROLLBACK new users inserted into the table just because the ensuing update query fails for some reason.

Let’s say that the Badges table was recently modified to accommodate a new, longer, badge name, but the HighQuestionScores table wasn’t.

We would get a truncation error, obviously. But that truncation error should not invalidate the new users inserted at all.

Likewise, if our invisible Score update query produced a bigger integer and failed trying to insert it into an integer column, it should not invalidate new users inserted.

It’s not their fault.

The bottom line: Transactions should only encapsulate queries where correctness would be effected by one failing.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

The Art Of The SQL Server Stored Procedure: Batching Modifications


The goal of batching modifications is to accomplish large numbers of row modifications with exacerbating locking problems, and being kinder to your server’s transaction log.

There is generally an appreciable difference in transaction time in modifying 1,000 rows and modifying 10,000,000 rows. Go try it, if you don’t believe me.

Probably the canonical post about batching modifications is written by my dear friend Michael J. Swart.

In many cases, that code is good to go right out of the box. Just replace the table and column names.

But you may have other requirements, too.


One post I had an enjoyable time writing was this one, about how to track before and after values when batching updates.

I also talk a little bit at the end about how to retry modifications when they hit deadlocks, but anyway!

This is something most developers don’t think about at the outset of writing batching code: Should I keep all the prior changes if one set of changes produces an error?

Another thing you may need to think about is this: What if data changes in the course of your code?

Lemme give you a couple examples.


If you do this, which is a subset of my code from the above post:

    @NextBatchMax  = 
    SELECT TOP (1000)
    FROM dbo.as_i_am AS aia
    WHERE >= @LargestKeyProcessed
) AS x;

    SET aia.some_date = 
            DATEADD(YEAR, 1, aia.some_date),
        aia.some_string = 
            aia.some_string + LEFT(aia.some_string, 1)
    OUTPUT, Deleted.some_date, Deleted.some_string
        dbo.as_i_was (id, some_date, some_string)
FROM dbo.as_i_am AS aia
WHERE >= @LargestKeyProcessed
AND <= @NextBatchMax;

Or even this:

    SET aia.some_date = 
            DATEADD(YEAR, 1, aia.some_date),
        aia.some_string = 
            aia.some_string + LEFT(aia.some_string, 1)
    OUTPUT, Deleted.some_date, Deleted.some_string
        dbo.as_i_was (id, some_date, some_string)
FROM dbo.as_i_am AS aia
          SELECT TOP (1000) 
          FROM dbo.as_i_am AS aia
          WHERE >= @LargestKeyProcessed
          AND <= @NextBatchMax
          ORDER BY

There’s a problem, isn’t there?

Isolation Levels

If you’re using:

  • Read Committed (Pessimistic)
  • Read Uncommitted (Anarchy)

Only the table that is either only locked when the update runs (first example), or only the instance referenced by the update (second example) will ever have exclusive locks taken against it.

The part of the operation in both examples that only reads from the table will take normal shared locks on rows or pages as the reads happen.

Even under Read Committed (Pessimistic), some lousy things can happen:

  • You can miss rows that are updated by other processes
  • You can see rows twice that are updated by other processes
  • You can include rows that have been deleted by other processes

Read Committed is not a point in time read of all the data your query needs.

Heck, even Repeatable Read (Quite Pessimistic) only locks rows as it needs them. That means rows can change ahead of your seek/scan position freely.

For really interesting cases, you might need to use Serializable (Perfectly Pessimistic) to do your batching.

And Stay Out

I ran into a client process recently that actually had to do this.

    aia /* You could also do this WITH (SERIALIZABLE) */
    SET aia.some_date = 
            DATEADD(YEAR, 1, aia.some_date),
        aia.some_string = 
            aia.some_string + LEFT(aia.some_string, 1)
    OUTPUT, Deleted.some_date, Deleted.some_string
        dbo.as_i_was (id, some_date, some_string)
FROM dbo.as_i_am AS aia
          SELECT TOP (1000) 
          FROM dbo.as_i_am AS aia /* You could also do this WITH (SERIALIZABLE) */
          WHERE >= @LargestKeyProcessed
          AND <= @NextBatchMax
          ORDER BY

If you’re deleting a small number of rows, and you have appropriate indexes in place to support your queries finding the data they need to modify, this isn’t painful.

Just be wary of:

  • Triggers
  • Foreign keys
  • Indexed views

Which can make life more interesting than most people care to deal with.

Now I know, a couple posts ago I told you that there’s very little benefit to error/transaction handling if you’re not going to do anything with them — and that I’ve left that out of this pseudo code — you’ll just have to forgive me my transgression here.

I had to save something for tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

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The Art Of The SQL Server Stored Procedure: Debugging


Debugging, like error handling, is a design choice that is fairly easy to make at the outset of writing a stored procedure, and is usually a lot easier to get in there if you do it from the get-go.

The number of times I’ve had to go back and add debugging into something only to introduce debugging bugs is actually a bit tragic.

One of the first things I added debugging to is sp_Blitz, because sometimes queries would fail, and we’d have no idea which one was failing.

Sure, there would be an error message, and a line number, but that all goes pear shaped when you’re dealing with dynamic SQL and nested dynamic SQL and whatnot.

My bright idea was to add lines like this to know which check was starting:

IF @Debug IN (1, 2) RAISERROR('Running CheckId [%d].', 0, 1, 185) WITH NOWAIT;

They’ve changed a little over the years, but it took a few tries to get all the substitution numbers right, and to get them in the right place so they didn’t prevent checks from running.

But now if you @Debug, everything is cool. And if a check fails, you can figure out which one and be a top notch open source contributor by reporting (and even fixing) issues.


I blogged fairly recently about how and why you should do this. I even recorded a video about it:

Where I’m making a really pleasant face in the thumbnail, apparently.

You should check those out if you haven’t already.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

The Art Of The SQL Server Stored Procedure: Error Handling

To Be Or Not To Be

Okay, look, the best post about this is, of course, by Erland Sommarskog: Error and Transaction Handling in SQL Server

Just like Erland, it has three parts and three appendices. If you want to learn how to do a whole lot of things right, give yourself a couple days to read through and digest all that.

What I’m here to talk about is some of the stuff you should think about before implementing any error handling at all.

Namely, what do you hope to do with certain errors and conditions?

As far as I’m concerned, there are four outcomes:

  • Print an informational message and keep chugging along
  • Raise and log the error somewhere and stop everything (maybe rollback, maybe don’t)
  • Raise and log the error somewhere and keep going
  • Use the type of error to retry the thing you’re trying to do

If you’re not going to do one of those things, there’s no point in even considering error handling (and to a large extent, transactions) in your procedures.

Let’s talk through some examples of each one.

Is This Right?

Here’s a simple example: You have a stored procedure that accepts start and end date parameters.

What do you want to do if someone passes in a start date that’s after the end date?

  • Throw an error and call someone a bonehead
  • Be nice and swap them around
  • Be psychic and change them to dates that they probably meant
  • Add or subtract time from one or both of the parameters

But let me ask you: if this is coming from a a front end application, why would you wait until the query gets to SQL Server to figure out that the start date is after the end date?

The application should tell you that. The application is capable of telling you that. The application server is a lot cheaper than the SQL Server.

You don’t need error handling in SQL Server for that.

Is This Permanent?

There may be times when it’s sensible to halt a stored procedure when it hits an error.

Let’s say a critical step is to populate a temporary object. If that step fails, all further effort is wasted because no results will be returned.

You could also have a check to look at the ROWCOUNT_BIG() after the insert to have it bail if zero rows end up in the temporary object, too. But that’s not an error, really, that’s just pure human kindness.

Other times, like if your query is just returning a bunch of selects (or if a minor snag somewhere only has a minor impact on the overall results), an error in one place might not be enough of an issue to stop everything.

  • If you want everything to stop and rollback, use SET XACT_ABORT ON; at the beginning of your stored procedure.
  • If you want to accept small errors as long as you get the larger result set, don’t do anything.
  • If you want to log and swallow transient errors, use an empty TRY/CATCH block around queries that may not matter to the outcome.

There are situations where all of those things make sense. Make sure you choose the right one for your arrangement.

A good example of this is in sp_BlitzLock. Sometimes part of the script will fail to get Agent job names depending on permissions and stuff, but that doesn’t impact the overall analysis much.

Try And Retry

There are plenty of good uses for retrying things. Like the start/end date example above, this is usually more wisely done in application code.

But if your stored procedure isn’t being called by an application, doing it in T-SQL isn’t a horrible alternative.

In my life, I’ve used retry logic in stored procedures to:

  • Catch deadlock errors and attempt the modification again
  • Wait for a lock timeout and try again
  • Check in sp_getapplock locks and try again
  • Look for available records in a queue and try again

I’m sure there are more, but these are some simple examples where writing retry logic into T-SQL was the best available option.

You Don’t Always Need Error Handling

Some processes require a certain amount of robustness in terms of a few things:

  • Error handling and logging
  • Retrying certain types of transactions
  • Self-healing in the event of certain failures

I didn’t talk much about the self-healing part, because it’s pretty complicated depending on what you’re doing.

But as a small preview, let’s say you’re building a process to move data from one big table to a more normalized schema.

You have to anticipate failures, and be able to pick back up from any point when the process is re-executed.

Exciting times we live in, no?

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.