SQL Server Performance Office Hours Episode 5

SQL Server Performance Office Hours Episode 5

Hi Erik! I recently read a post stating that not de-fragmenting your indexes lead to more expensive plans, therefore ignoring index fragmentation Is a bad idea.” What do you think about this? This Is the post I’m referring to: https://sqlperformance.com/2017/12/sql-indexes/impact-fragmentation-plans
How can I get more out of SolarWinds DPA? People like it so much that I really don’t know what I’m missing. What is it great for?
When tables get large and the default sample rate inflates estimates do you generally recommend increasing the sample rate to lower the estimates or doing a full scan and disabling stats updates, or something else?
When viewing a long-running query in sp_whoisactive, how can I retrieve the parameter values of the query? I thought I could get them with @get_plans = 1 and then examining the ParameterCompiledValue in the execution plan, but that is unfortunately the param value for the cached plan that it is using, not the current param value that is causing it to run slow. I’m on SQL Server 2019 and have query store enabled. This would be a huge help, thanks!
If you could only have one watch from your current collection, what would it be? Also, what’s a grail watch that you think about a lot but can’t afford/justify/get ahold of? PS, if you can only answer one, please answer my serious SQL related question. Cheers

To ask your questions, head over here.

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