Using Lock Timeouts To Avoid Deadlocks In SQL Server

Try And Retry

I’ll sometimes see people implement retry logic to catch deadlocks, which isn’t a terrible idea by itself. The problem that may arise is when the deadlock monitor takes a full 5 seconds to catch a query, which can block other queries, and may generally make things feel slower.

Different Locks

An alternative is to set a lock timeout that’s shorter than five seconds.

DECLARE @lock_try INT = 0

WHILE @lock_try < 5 

        SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 5; /*five milliseconds*/

        SELECT COUNT(*) AS records FROM dbo.Users AS u;


        IF ERROR_NUMBER() <> 1222 /*Lock request time out period exceeded.*/


SET @lock_try += 1;

WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01.000' /*Wait a second and try again*/


While 5 milliseconds is maybe an unreasonably short time to wait for a lock, I’d rather you start low and go high if you’re trying this at home. The catch block is set up to break if we hit an error other than 1222, which is what gets thrown when a lock request times out.

This is a better pattern than just hitting a deadlock, or just waiting for a deadlock to retry. Normally when a deadlock occurs, one query throws an error, and there’s no attempt to try it again (unless a user is sitting there hitting submit until something works). Waiting ~5 seconds (I know I’m simplifying here, and the deadlock monitor will wake up more frequently after it detects one)

The big question is: are you better off doing this in T-SQL than in your application?

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

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Deadlock Graph Frustrations In SQL Server

Money In The Bank

Capturing deadlock graphs has come a long way since… 2008? You used to need clunky trace flags, that for some reason would dump information line by line into the error log.

Nowadays, you can get a lot of great information from the system health extended event session, or use Extended Events (to wit, probably the most value I’ve gotten from Extended Events).

But no matter what you use to collect or display them, deadlock graphs can return some confusing information.


Sure, you can have selects use lock hints that’ll make them more prone to deadlocks: serializable, repeatable read, XLOCK hints and all that. But that’s not really the point. The point is that it’s usually not just a select happening in a transaction that’s taking locks.

SQL Server Stored Procedure

With a stored procedure like this, the deadlock graph can be weird looking.

Even though it’s the updates holding locks, the select queries show up as owners.

SQL Server Deadlock Graph XML
You’re not you.

And that brings me to the next oddity!

Cut Off Text!

This is also an “issue” with the plan cache. I get it — logging the gazillion lines of text you monsters cram into a single statement would be difficult — but most of the time i’d rather have everything from the FROM on than just a bunch of selected columns.

Sometimes, though, even short text gets cut off.

SQL Server Deadlock Graph XML

Where id = what?

Why is the o in “cornholio” gone?


Unresolved Procedures

You know, with this information, you can, like… Nevermind.

SQL Server Deadlock Graph XML
Dammit, janet

As if figuring out deadlocks isn’t hard enough, we now have the additional pleasure of digging this out ourselves.

Why? I don’t know.

Monkey In The Tank

None of this stuff is fun to deal with, even for people experienced with troubleshooting deadlocks.

If you’re just starting out, it can make figuring the situation out seem impossible.

Don’t worry though, I’m sure there are robots coming.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.