
Comparing Query CPU And Logical Reads Using The Plan Cache In SQL Server

Let’s Not Kid Ourselves

There are lots of things that can go wrong with SQL Server, performance-wise. Just about anything can fly off the handle.

Recently, I was handing out a passing thought on Twitter that caught the attention of the beloved and venerable Michael J Swart (b|t):

We got to Twalking a little bit about why I said that, too, and he found what I usually find when I start comparing things.

Scripty Kid

I decided to expand on some scripts to look at how queries use CPU and perform reads, and found some really interesting stuff. I’ll talk through some results and how I’d approach tuning them afterwards.

Here are the queries:

/*Queries that do no logical reads, but lots of CPU work*/
    total_logical_reads = 
        FORMAT(qs.total_logical_reads, 'N0'), 
    total_worker_time_ms = 
        FORMAT(qs.total_worker_time / 1000., 'N0'),
    execution_count = 
        FORMAT(qs.execution_count, 'N0'),
    query_text = 
            qs.statement_start_offset / 2 + 1,
            CASE qs.statement_start_offset
                 WHEN -1 
                 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)
                 ELSE qs.statement_end_offset
            END - qs.statement_start_offset / 2 + 1
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle) AS qp
WHERE qs.total_logical_reads = 0
AND   qs.total_worker_time > 5000
ORDER BY qs.total_worker_time DESC;

/*Queries that do 2x more reads than CPU work*/
    total_logical_reads = 
        FORMAT(qs.total_logical_reads, 'N0'), 
    total_worker_time_ms = 
        FORMAT(qs.total_worker_time / 1000., 'N0'),
    execution_count = 
        FORMAT(qs.execution_count, 'N0'),
    query_text = 
            qs.statement_start_offset / 2 + 1,
            CASE qs.statement_start_offset
                 WHEN -1 
                 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)
                 ELSE qs.statement_end_offset
            END - qs.statement_start_offset / 2 + 1
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle) AS qp
WHERE qs.total_logical_reads > (qs.total_worker_time * 2)
ORDER BY qs.total_logical_reads DESC;

/*Queries that do 4x more CPU work than reads*/
    total_logical_reads = 
        FORMAT(qs.total_logical_reads, 'N0'), 
    total_worker_time_ms = 
        FORMAT(qs.total_worker_time / 1000., 'N0'),
    execution_count = 
        FORMAT(qs.execution_count, 'N0'),
    query_text = 
            qs.statement_start_offset / 2 + 1,
            CASE qs.statement_start_offset
                 WHEN -1 
                 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)
                 ELSE qs.statement_end_offset
            END - qs.statement_start_offset / 2 + 1
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle) AS qp
WHERE qs.total_worker_time > (qs.total_logical_reads * 4)
ORDER BY qs.total_worker_time DESC;


A quick note about these is that the comparison between CPU and logical reads happens in the where clause, and I convert CPU time to milliseconds in the select list.

That might make the number look a little funny, but it makes them somewhat more easy to understand than microseconds in the grand scheme of things.

First, queries that do no logical reads but use CPU time:

SQL Server Query Results

A lot of these were functions that processed input but didn’t touch data. Assembling and splitting string lists, XML, other variable assignment tasks, and occasionally DMV queries.

The “easy” button here is to stop using scalar and multi-statement functions so much. Those execution counts are hideous.

Second, queries that do 2x more reads than CPU work:

SQL Server Query Results
telling myself

I only found six of these, while the other two categories easily found the 100 row goal.

The queries in here largely seemed to either be:

  • Insert queries to temporary objects
  • Queries with parameter sniffing issues

Looking at these, the problem was largely the optimizer choosing Nested Loops joins when it really shouldn’t have. The worst part was that it wasn’t an indexing issue — every single one of these queries was doing seeks across the board — they were just happening in a serial plan, and happening way more than the optimizer estimated they would. Perhaps this is something that Adaptive Joins or Batch Mode more generally could have intervened in.

Third, queries that do 2x more CPU work than reads:

SQL Server Query Results
we are something

These queries were far more interesting from a tuning perspective, because there were obvious ineffiencies:

  • No good indexes to use
  • Large scans because of non-SARGable predicates
  • Predicate Key Lookups

But the important thing here is that these queries were able to do a lot of logical reads quickly — data they needed was already in memory — and just push the hell out of CPUs.

These are the queries you can have a field day fixing and making people happy.


This selection of query results is why I tend to ignore logical reads and focus on CPU. I do still look at things like physical reads, and select queries that do suspicious amounts of writes.

  • Physical reads means going to disk, and disk is your mortal enemy
  • Select queries doing writes often indicate spools and spills, which can also be pretty bad

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance tuner looks like.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

How SQL Server 2019 Helps You Find Queries That Have Missing Index Requests


In the quest for me trying to get people to upgrade to a not-old-and-busted version of SQL Server, this is one that I talk about a lot because it really helps folks who don’t have all the time in the world to tune queries and indexes.

Here’s a quick helper query to get you started:

    query_text = 
            qs.statement_start_offset / 2 + 1,
            CASE qs.statement_start_offset
                 WHEN -1 
                 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)
                 ELSE qs.statement_end_offset
            END - qs.statement_start_offset / 2 + 1
    avg_worker_time = 
        (qs.total_worker_time / qs.execution_count),
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle) AS qp
    SELECT TOP (1)
    FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats_query AS gqs
    WHERE qs.query_hash = gqs.query_hash
    AND   qs.query_plan_hash = gqs.query_plan_hash
    AND   qs.sql_handle = gqs.last_sql_handle
        gqs.last_user_seek DESC,
        gqs.last_user_scan DESC
) AS gqs
ORDER BY qs.max_worker_time DESC

This should help you find queries that use a lot of CPU and might could oughtta use an index.

Note that this script does not assemble the missing index definition for you. That stuff is all readily available in the query plans that get returned here, and of course the missing index feature has many caveats and limitations to it.

You should, as often as possible, execute the query and collect the actual execution plan to see where the time is spent before adding anything in.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

What Do Missing Index Requests Really Mean In SQL Server?

Scripts Ahoy

There are a million scripts out there that will give you all of the missing index requests for a database (or even a whole server).

Some will even try to prioritize based on the metrics logged along with each request.

Right now, most of you get:

  • Uses: How many times a query compiled that could have used the index
  • Average Query Cost: A unit-less cost used by the optimizer for choosing a plan
  • Impact: A metric relative to the unit-less cost of the operator the index will help

Breaking each of those down, the only one that has a concrete meaning is Uses, but that of course doesn’t mean that a query took a long time or is even terribly inefficient.

That leaves us with Average Query Cost, which is the sum of each operator’s estimated cost in the query plan, and Impact.

But where does Impact come from?


Let’s look at a query plan with a missing index request to figure out what the Impact metric is tied to.

Here’s the relevant part of the plan:

SQL Server Query Plan
sticky kid

And here’s the missing index request:

The Query Processor estimates that implementing the following index could improve the query cost by 16.9141%.

USE [StackOverflow2013]
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>]
ON [dbo].[Comments] ([Score])
INCLUDE ([PostId])

Here’s the breakdown:

  • The optimizer estimates that hitting the Comments table will cost 762 query bucks, which is 17% of the total plan cost
  • The optimizer further estimates that hitting the Comments table with the suggested index will reduce the total plan cost by 16.9%

Here’s the relevant properties from the scan of the Comments table:

SQL Server Query Plan

What I want you to take away from this is that, while hitting the Comments table may be 17% of the plan’s total estimated cost, the time spent scanning that index is not 17% of the plan’s total execution time, either in CPU or duration.

You can see in the screenshot above that it takes around 450ms to perform the full scan of 24,534,730 rows.


In full, this query runs for around 23 seconds:

SQL Server Query Plan
outta here

The estimated cost of hitting the Comments tables is not 17% of the execution time. That time lives elsewhere, which we’ll get to.

In the meantime, there are two more egregious problems to deal with:

  1. The optimizer severely miscalculates the cost of scanning the Posts table at 70% (note the 860ms time here):
SQL Server Query Plan
oh no no no

2. It buries other missing index requests in the properties of the root operator:

SQL Server Missing Index Request
train tracks

Now, there are two other missing index requests listed here that are a) of higher “impact” b) not ordered by that impact number and c) even if both a and b were true, we know that adding those indexes would not substantially reduce the overall runtime of the stored procedure.

Assuming that we added every single missing index here, at best we would reduce the estimated cost of the plan by 87%, while only reducing the actual execution time of the plan by about 1.3 seconds out of 23 seconds.

Not a big win, here.


Examining where time is spent in this plan, this branch will stick out as the dominating factor:

SQL Server Query Plan
baby don’t do it

Some interesting things to note here, while we’re talking about interesting things:

  • The scan of the Badges table takes 1.4 seconds, and has an estimated cost of 1%
  • The estimated cost of the eager index spool is 11%, but accounts for 20 seconds of elapsed time (less the 1.4 seconds for the scan of Badges)
  • There was no missing index request generated for the Badges table, despite the optimizer creating one on the fly

This is a bit of the danger in creating missing index requests without first validating which queries generated them, and where the benefit in having them would be.

In tomorrow’s post, we’ll look at how SQL Server 2019 makes figuring this stuff out easier.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Proving That SQL Server T-SQL Scalar UDFs Execute Once Per Row

Scripted Content

If you use this script, you can follow along with the results.

The sys.dm_exec_function_stats DMV is only available in SQL Server 2016+, so if you’re on an earlier version than that, you should focus your energies on upgrading.

I’m sure you’ve just been busy for the last five years.

/*Context is everything*/
USE master;

/*Piece of crap function*/
    dbo.useless_function(@dbid int)
RETURNS sysname
    DECLARE /*This is to ruin scalar UDF inlining*/
        @gd datetime = GETDATE();

    RETURN DB_NAME(@dbid);

/*Just in the select list*/
    database_name = 
    total_databases = 
        (SELECT c = COUNT_BIG(*) FROM sys.databases AS d2)
FROM sys.databases AS d;

/*Executions here should match the count above*/
    object_name =
FROM sys.dm_exec_function_stats AS defs
WHERE defs.object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.useless_function');

/*Reset the counters*/

/*Now in the where clause*/
    total_database_files = 
        (SELECT c = COUNT_BIG(*) FROM sys.master_files AS mf2)
FROM sys.master_files AS mf
WHERE = dbo.useless_function(mf.database_id)

/*Executions here should match the count above*/
    object_name =
FROM sys.dm_exec_function_stats AS defs
WHERE defs.object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.useless_function');

Data Driven

On my server, I have 9 total databases and 42 total database files.

The results, therefore, look precisely and consistently like so:

SQL Server Query Results
You Probably Won’t Like This About Functions


For the select list, T-SQL scalar UDFs will execute once per row projected by the query, e.g. the final resulting row count, under… Every circumstance I’ve ever seen.

In SQL server. Of course.

As a couple easy-to-digest examples. Let’s say you execute a query that returns 100 rows:

  • Your T-SQL scalar UDF is referenced once in the select list, so it’ll run 100 times
  • Your T-SQL scalar UDF is referenced twice in the select list, so it’ll run 200 times

For T-SQL scalar UDFs in other parts of a query, like:

  • Where Clause
  • Join Clause

They will execute for as many rows need to be filtered when these parts of the query are executed, for as many individual references to the function as there are in the query.

The results here may vary, depending on if there are any other predicates involved that may filter out other rows.

As a couple easy-to-digest examples:

  • If you use a T-SQL scalar UDF as a predicate on a million row table, it’ll execute a million times to produce a result and apply the predicate
  • If you do the same thing as above, but there’s another part of the where clause that filters out 500k rows, the function will only execute 500k times

All sorts of other things might change this, like if the other predicate(s) can be pushed to when the data is accessed, and if there are multiple invocations of the function.

You can see an edge case where that’s not true in this post:

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Putting Spinlocks In Perspective In SQL Server

Get Around

The more people want to avoid fixing what’s really wrong with their server, the more they go out and find all the weird stuff that they can blame on something else (usually the product), or keep doing the same things that aren’t fixing the problem.

Spinlocks are one of those things. People will measure them, stare at them, Google them, and have no idea what to make of them, all while being sure there’s something going on with them.

I don’t want to discount when spinlocks can actually cause a problem, but you shouldn’t treat every performance problem like it’s a bridge too far from what you can solve.

Before you go ignoring all the other things that are going wrong, here’s a simple script to give you some idea if you need to follow the spinlock trail any further. Note that it might also be worth replacing the s.spins sort order with s.spins_per_collision, too.

Which sort order you choose long-term will depend on which yields numbers of interest on your system, which I can’t predict. Sorry about that.

    days_uptime = 
        CONVERT(decimal(38,2), d.seconds_uptime / 86400.),
    rundate = 
    collisions_per_second = 
        CONVERT(bigint, s.collisions / d.seconds_uptime),
    spins_per_second = 
        CONVERT(bigint, s.spins / d.seconds_uptime),
    spins_per_collision_per_second = 
        CONVERT(decimal(38,6), s.spins_per_collision / d.seconds_uptime),
    sleep_time_per_second = 
        CONVERT(bigint, s.sleep_time / d.seconds_uptime),
    backoffs_per_second = 
        CONVERT(bigint, s.backoffs / d.seconds_uptime)
FROM sys.dm_os_spinlock_stats AS s 
        seconds_uptime = 
    FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info AS d
) AS d
ORDER BY s.spins DESC;


I understand that some spinlocks tend to happen in storms, and that this isn’t going to help to illuminate many situations when run in isolation. Bursty workloads, or workloads that only hit some crazy amount of spinlocks during shorter periods of high activity might escape it.

It can help you put the number of spinlocks you’re hitting in perspective compared to uptime, though.

If you see any numbers in the results that still make you say the big wow at your screen, you can easily log the output to a table every X minutes to gather more detail on when it’s happening.

Once you figure out when any potentially large spikes in spinlocks are occurring, you can match that up with:

  • Any independent query logging you’re doing
  • The plan cache, if it’s reliable
  • Query Store, if you’re smart enough to turn it on
  • Your monitoring tool data

Which should tell you which queries were executing at the time. I’d probably look for any high CPU effort queries, since those tend to be the spinlockiest in my experience.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

Speaking At PASS This Year: Precon And Regular Session


I’ve had it with presenting online, especially full-day precons. Talking to yourself for eight hours while standing in front of a camera is about as enjoyable as it sounds.

  • It’s a lot harder to build up rapport with the audience
  • There’s no social break where you get to talk to people
  • You can’t do fun things like give away t-shirts

And there will be more MAXDOP shirts. I can’t leave my dear American friends behind.

Right On Time

This November 15-18, I’ll be presenting live and in person in Seattle at the PASS Data Community Summit. It’s available online for folks who can’t make it there in-person, too.

For a precon, I’ll be doing my world famous Blueprint Performance Tuning:

The Professional Performance Tuning Blueprint

Searching the internet for every problem isn’t cutting it. You need to be more proactive and efficient when it comes to finding and solving database performance fires.

I work with consulting customers around the world to put out SQL Server performance fires. In this day of learning, I will teach you how to find and fix your worst SQL Server problems using the same modern tools and techniques which I use every week.

You’ll learn tons of new and effective approaches to common performance problems, how to figure out what’s going on in your query plans, and how indexes really work to make your queries faster. Together, we’ll tackle query rewrites, batch mode, how to design indexes, and how to gather all the information you need to analyze performance.

This day of learning will teach you cutting edge techniques which you can’t find in training by folks who don’t spend time in the real world tuning performance. Performance tuning mysteries can easily leave you stumbling through your work week, unsure if you’re focusing on the right things. You’ll walk out of this class confident in your abilities to fix performance issues once and for all.

If you want to put out SQL Server performance fires, this is the precon you need to attend. Anyone can have a plan, it takes a professional to have a blueprint.

Regular sessions haven’t been announced yet, so keep your eyes peeled!

Hope to see you there, one way or another!

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server IF Branches And Query Performance Part 5: Does Dynamic SQL Work?


If we want to start this post in the right place, we have to go back to 2009. That was the first time a (much) young(er) Erik Darling wrote dynamic SQL that didn’t suck.

There was a terrible piece of SSRS report code that used the standard catch-all pattern repeated over most of a dozen columns: (a.col = @a_parameter OR @a_parameter IS NULL)

I neither pioneered the non-sucky dynamic SQL approach, nor did I end up solving the problem entirely just by implementing non-sucky dynamic SQL. I did get things most of the way there, but every so often something bad would still happen:

At no point did I stop, take a deep breath, and just use a recompile hint on this piece of code that would run every 6-8 hours at most.

I was obsessed. I was possessed.  I had to do things the right way.

But the right way didn’t always give me the best results, and I had a bad case of Egg-On-Face syndrome from swearing that I did things the right way but still ended up with a bad result.

Not all the time, but when it happened I’d get just as much guff as when things were always bad.

Goodie Howser

Good dynamic SQL and good stored procedures can suffer from the same issue: Parameter Sensitivity.

  • Plan A works great for Parameter A
  • Plan A does not work great for Parameter B
  • Plan B works great for Parameter B
  • Plan B does not work great for Parameter A

And so on. Forever. Until the dragons return. Which, you know, any day now would be great 🤌

In our quest to solve the problems with IF branching, we’ve tried a lot of things. Most of them didn’t work. Stored procedures worked for the most part, but we’ve still got a problem.

A parameter sensitivity problem.

The problem within stored procedures is a lot like the problems we saw with IF branches in general: the optimizer can’t ever pause to take a breath and make better decisions.

It would be nice if the concept of deferred name resolution had a deeper place in plan creation that would allow for deferred query optimization when IF branch boundaries are involved.

Instead, we’ll probably just keep getting different ways to work with JSON.

Looking forward to FOR YAML PATH queries, too.


The lovely part about dynamic SQL is that you get to construct your own query, and you can take what you know about data distributions to construct different queries.

You know all the Intelligent Query Processing and Adaptive doodads and gizmos galore that the optimizer is getting added to it? You could have been the optimizer all along.

But you were too busy rebuilding indexes and other memes that don’t bear mentioning at this late date.

We still need to write dynamic SQL the right way, but we also need to offer the optimizer a way to understand that while every parameter is created equally, not all data distributions are.

In other words, we need to give it some room to breathe.

But here I am meandering again. Let’s get on to the SQL.


I’m going to use the example from yesterday’s post to show you what you can do to further optimize queries like this.

To make the code fit in the post a little better, I’m going to skip the IF branch for the Posts table and go straight to Votes. Using dynamic SQL here will get you the same behavior at stored procedures, though.

    @PostTypeId int = NULL,
    @VoteTypeId int = NULL,
    @CreationDate datetime = NULL

    @sql nvarchar(4000) = N'',
    @posts_parameters nvarchar(4000) = N'@PostTypeId int, @CreationDate datetime',
    @votes_parameters nvarchar(4000) = N'@VoteTypeId int, @CreationDate datetime';

    Cutting out the Posts query for brevity.
    This will behave similarly to stored procedures
    in separating the execution plan creation out.


    @sql += N'
        c = COUNT_BIG(*)
    FROM dbo.Posts AS p
    JOIN dbo.Votes AS v
        ON p.Id = v.PostId
    WHERE v.VoteTypeId = @VoteTypeId
    AND   v.CreationDate >= @CreationDate
IF @VoteTypeId IN 
    (2, 1, 3, 5, 10, 6, 16, 15, 11, 8)
        @sql += 
      N'AND   1 = (SELECT 1);'
        @sql += 
      N'AND   2 = (SELECT 2);'

EXEC sys.sp_executesql



I determined which values to assign to each branch by grabbing a count from the Votes table. You could theoretically automate this a bit by dumping the count into a helper table, and updating it every so often to reflect current row counts.

You’re essentially building your own histogram by doing that, which for this case makes sense because:

  • There’s a limited range of values to store and evaluate for an equality predicate
  • Getting the count is very fast, especially if you get Batch Mode involved

I basically ran the procedure with recompile hints to see at which row threshold for the VoteTypeId filter I’d tip between Nested Loops and Hash Joins, which is what bit us yesterday.

Running Wild

Let’s compare these two runs!

EXEC dbo.counter_if_dynamic
    @PostTypeId = NULL, 
    @VoteTypeId = 7,
    @CreationDate = '20080101';

EXEC dbo.counter_if_dynamic
    @PostTypeId = NULL, 
    @VoteTypeId = 2,
    @CreationDate = '20080101';

Here’s what happens:


For this example, we can consider this separation good enough.


Perhaps the larger point behind this series would be that multi-purpose stored procedures are a pretty bad idea. In many cases they’re completely avoidable, but in others the queries are similar-enough that grouping them into one procedure makes sense at first glance.

If you’re going to do this, you need to be prepared to provide some additional separation for each query, or at least each branch of the logic.

Stored procedures can provide a reasonable amount of shelter, but you can still encounter parameter sensitivity issues.

In the end, using parameterized dynamic SQL allows you to generate queries that are just different enough without changing the logic of the query so that the optimizer spits out different query plans for them.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server IF Branches And Query Performance Part 4: Do Stored Procedures Work?

Sub Sub

You know and I know and everyone knows that stored procedures are wonderful things that let you tune queries in magickal ways that stupid ORMs and ad hoc queries don’t really allow for.

Sorry about your incessant need to use lesser ways to manifest queries. They just don’t stack up.

But since we’re going to go high brow together, we need to learn how to make sure we don’t do anything to tarnish the image of our beloved stored procedures.

Like… Probably not doing most of the stuff that we talked about so far this week. We’ve seen some really bad ideas in action, which are largely only possible with stored procedures.

Giveth. Taketh.

It’s up to you.


The good news is that stored procedures help us with the problem we’ve been hitting all week, where when different IF branches are expanded, we get quality query plans for each one.

Here’s today’s setup, starting with the two procedures that we’re going to be calling from our main procedure in lieu of plain selects.

    @PostTypeId int = NULL,
    @CreationDate datetime = NULL

            c = COUNT_BIG(*)
        FROM dbo.Posts AS p
        JOIN dbo.Votes AS v
            ON p.Id = v.PostId
        WHERE p.PostTypeId = @PostTypeId
        AND   p.CreationDate >= @CreationDate;


    @VoteTypeId int = NULL,
    @CreationDate datetime = NULL

            c = COUNT_BIG(*)
        FROM dbo.Posts AS p
        JOIN dbo.Votes AS v
            ON p.Id = v.PostId
        WHERE v.VoteTypeId = @VoteTypeId
        AND   v.CreationDate >= @CreationDate;


And here’s the main calling procedure now:

    @PostTypeId int = NULL,
    @VoteTypeId int = NULL,
    @CreationDate datetime = NULL
    IF @PostTypeId IS NOT NULL
    EXEC dbo.counter_if_posts
        @PostTypeId = @PostTypeId,
        @CreationDate = @CreationDate;

    IF @VoteTypeId IS NOT NULL
    EXEC dbo.counter_if_votes
        @VoteTypeId = @VoteTypeId,
        @CreationDate = @CreationDate;


In this example, I’m letting the two procedures “share” the creation date parameter for simplicity. There is almost no good reason to have a separate one.

The Plans

The good news here is that we can run queries like this back to back and get well-optimized plans for each:


EXEC dbo.counter_if
    @PostTypeId = 2, 
    @VoteTypeId = NULL,
    @CreationDate = '20080101';

EXEC dbo.counter_if
    @PostTypeId = NULL, 
    @VoteTypeId = 2,
    @CreationDate = '20080101';
tip top

This is much happier than any of the results we’ve seen so far. The queries run quickly, have no spills, and cardinality estimation is on point.


The problem is when we do something like this, which is an actual parameter sensitivity issue. We can use this as an extreme example:

EXEC dbo.counter_if
    @PostTypeId = NULL, 
    @VoteTypeId = 4,
    @CreationDate = '20080101';

EXEC dbo.counter_if
    @PostTypeId = NULL, 
    @VoteTypeId = 2,
    @CreationDate = '20080101';

There are not many Vote Types of 4. There are quite a few manys of Type 2.


Going from 3 milliseconds to one minute and twenty seconds is what many would consider a failure.

I would agree.

More Problem Than Problem

We’ve solved the problem of getting different individual queries to optimize well in IF branches by using stored procedures.

The different execution contexts here provide optimization fences between IF branches, but we still need to worry about parameter sensitivity for each stored procedure.

Tomorrow we’re going to look at how we can use dynamic SQL to resolve some parameter sensitivity issues.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

SQL Server IF Branches And Query Performance Part 3: Local Variables Still Suck

Blip In The Wall

Parameters get a bad name. It seems everything that gets sniffed does, whether it’s a stored procedure, a piece of anatomy, or an illicit substance.

Once you stop worshipping memes, you’ll find that things aren’t always black and white. End results are important.

What never seems to get a bad name, despite numerical supremacy in producing terrible results, are local variables.

In this particular scenario, I see developers use them to try to beat “parameter sniffing” to no avail.

A chorus of “it seemed to work at the time”, “I think it made things a little better”, “it worked on my machine”, and all that will ensue.

But we know the truth.

Hush, Puppy

This general strategy is one that I see often enough to warrant a blog post to talk about how bad it is.

It’s a little different from yesterday, but equally misguided in its effect.

    @PostTypeId int = NULL,
    @VoteTypeId int = NULL,
    @CreationDate datetime = NULL
    IF @PostTypeId IS NOT NULL

            @PostTypeIdCopy int = @PostTypeId,
            @CreationDatePostCopy datetime = @CreationDate;
            c = COUNT_BIG(*)
        FROM dbo.Posts AS p
        JOIN dbo.Votes AS v
            ON p.Id = v.PostId
        WHERE p.PostTypeId = @PostTypeIdCopy
        AND   p.CreationDate >= @CreationDatePostCopy;

    IF @VoteTypeId IS NOT NULL

            @VoteTypeIdCopy int = @VoteTypeId,
            @CreationDateVoteCopy datetime = @CreationDate;
            c = COUNT_BIG(*)
        FROM dbo.Posts AS p
        JOIN dbo.Votes AS v
            ON p.Id = v.PostId
        WHERE v.VoteTypeId = @VoteTypeIdCopy
        AND   v.CreationDate >= @CreationDateVoteCopy;


In this (bad, threatening individual) display of transact SQL, we declare local copies of each parameter as a variable and then use those local copies as arguments in the queries.

There are other variations on this theme that I see from time to time, but I think that you get the point.

Cardinality Sins

What I want to show you here is related to cardinality estimation issues with the above strategy.

EXEC dbo.counter_if
    @PostTypeId = 8, 
    @VoteTypeId = NULL,
    @CreationDate = '20080101';
EXEC dbo.counter_if
    @PostTypeId = 2, 
    @VoteTypeId = NULL,
    @CreationDate = '20080101';

EXEC dbo.counter_if
    @PostTypeId = NULL, 
    @VoteTypeId = 4,
    @CreationDate = '20080101';
EXEC dbo.counter_if
    @PostTypeId = NULL, 
    @VoteTypeId = 2,
    @CreationDate = '20080101';

The point here is to execute each query with a cleared plan cache and show that cardinality estimation for both parameter values is the same value, and also completely wrong.


Here are the plans that hit the Posts table:

SQL Server Query Plan


Here are query plans for the Votes table:

SQL Server Query Plan
also nope


Regardless of how many rows may actually flow out of the table, SQL Server makes the same “density vector” guess, which sucks in these cases.

This isn’t parameter sniffing, or plan caching, because we’re wiping out the plan cache between executions. This is what happens when local variables get used, even when you copy parameter values over to them.

I’ve seen this work under rare circumstances where SQL Server’s estimates were bad regardless of the supplied parameters, but… I want to emphasize that it’s incredibly rare for this to be a good long-term solution.

You can sort of ignore the cardinality estimates on the joined tables a bit, because the Bitmaps are going to throw those off a bit.

So, we’ve seen the problem, and we’ve seen things that don’t work to fix the problem.

Tomorrow we’re going to see if stored procedures will give us better results.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that and need to solve performance problems quickly.

New Extended Events Stuff In SQL Server 2022

I am a heading

Some events:


A bunch of stuff:

package_name event_name description
qds automatic_tuning_query_check_ignored Fired when APRC decides to not track a query that is marked as ignored
qds automatic_tuning_wtest_details Fired when APRC performs Welch test based regression detection
qds ce_feedback_hints_lookup_failed Fired when error occurs during CE Feedback hints lookup.
qds query_store_clear_db_oversize_flag Fired when QDS is clearing DB oversize flag.
qds query_store_clear_message_queues Fired when query store clears the message queue
qds query_store_generate_showplan_with_replay_script_failure Fired when Query Store failed to update a query plan because the generation of showplan (which contains a Replay Script) failed.
qds query_store_hints_application_failed Fired if application of Query Store hints failed.
qds query_store_hints_application_persist_failure_failed Fired if last_failure_reason and failure_count in sys.query_store_query_hints failed to update.
qds query_store_hints_application_success Fired if application of Query Store hints succeeded.
qds query_store_hints_lookup_failed Fired if there is a failure during the lookup for whether a query has any hints set in Query Store. Query hints, if any, will not be applied.
qds query_store_messaging_failures Diagnostic information for QDS messaging components.
qds query_store_persist_feedback_quick_lock_failures This XEvent is fired when we fail to acquire quick shared db lock during feedback persistence.
qds query_store_secondary_guid_creation_failure
qds query_store_update_plan_with_replay_script Fired when the existing Showplan in QDS is updated with a Showplan with Replay Script
qds query_store_user_plan_removal Fired when plan is removed with SP sp_query_store_remove_plan.
qds query_store_user_query_removal Fired when query is removed with SP sp_query_store_remove_query.
sqlclr clr_forced_yield SQL CLR quantum punishment ocurred.
sqlos cpu_starvation_stats_ring_buffer_recorded CPU starvation stats ring buffer recorded
sqlos sos_direct_shrink_no_progress Fire if Direct Shrink does not make progress within specified timer period
sqlos sos_operate_set_target_task_list Lock acquire failure when doing insert/delete
SQLSatellite job_object_trace Fired for launchpad job object trace events.
SQLSatellite management_session_creation Fired when a new library or language management session is created.
sqlserver aad_build_federated_context Occurs when we attempt to build federated context.
sqlserver aad_signing_key_refresh Occurs when we attempt to refresh signing keys from Azure Active Directory, to update the in-memory cache.
sqlserver add_file_in_master Occurs when the file manager added file metadata in the master database segment.
sqlserver add_file_rollback Occurs when add file action is rolled back.
sqlserver adr_sweep_for_skip_pages_finished The ADR sweep for skipped pages in ADR finished.
sqlserver adr_sweep_timed_out The ADR sweep for skipped pages timed out.
sqlserver all_files_created Occurs when all database files has already been formatted on disk for an ADD FILE DDL statement.
sqlserver allocation_page_update_stats Allocation page (PFS/GAM/SGAM) statistics.
sqlserver ascending_leading_column_flipped The sort type of the leading column flipped from/to ascending?
sqlserver async_read_page_count_bucket Emit page counts map for rbio async read requests.
sqlserver attention Indicates that a cancel operation, client-interrupt request, or broken client connection has occurred. Be aware that cancel operations can also occur as the result of implementing data access driver time-outs, aborted.
sqlserver auth_fw_cache_lookup_failure This event is generated when the xodbc cache firewall lookup fails.
sqlserver auth_fw_cache_lookup_success This event is generated when the xodbc cache firewall lookup succeeds.
sqlserver autostats_update_async_low_priority_status This XEvent is fired when auto asynchronous statistics is triggered in low priority mode.
sqlserver autostats_update_blocking_readers This XEvent is fired to reproduce a blocking scenario when an auto statistics update thread waits to acquire a Sch-M lock on stats metadata object which subsequently blocks readers (select queries on that table for instance). This XEvent is used primarily for unit testing.
sqlserver azure_active_directory_service_failure Occurs when we encounter a failure in AzureActiveDirectoryService layer, when performing MSODS lookup during Login and Create Login/User workflow.
sqlserver backup_between_data_and_log Used for signaling the point in a full/diff backup after the data copy is finished but before the log copy has started.
sqlserver blob_access_pattern Blobs access pattern
sqlserver blob_trace_backtrack Search blob trace for the problem blob handle lifetime
sqlserver btree_retraversal_count In every 2 hours interval,stats data of BTree re-traversal count is emitted
sqlserver buffer_pool_flush_cache_start Fired when Buffer Pool starts flushing dirty buffers.
sqlserver buffer_pool_flush_io_throttle Fire when Buffer Pool throttles flushing dirty pages. This event is fired very frequently when IO throttling is occurring.
sqlserver buffer_pool_flush_io_throttle_status Fired when Buffer Pool is flushing dirty pages. This event reports the status of IO throttling.
sqlserver buffer_pool_scan_start Fired when Buffer Pool scan starts.
sqlserver buffer_pool_scan_stats Buffer Pool Scan Statistics.
sqlserver buffer_pool_scan_task_complete Fired when Buffer Pool scan parallel task completes.
sqlserver buffer_pool_scan_task_error Fired when Buffer Pool scan parallel task encounters an error.
sqlserver buffer_pool_scan_task_start Fired when Buffer Pool scan parallel task starts.
sqlserver cdc_cleanup_job_status Change data capture cleanup job status. Returns information every 5 minutes.
sqlserver cdc_ddl_session CDC DDL Handling Session Information
sqlserver cdc_log_throttle Occurs when primary log gets full because of CDC/Repl and needs to be throttled.
sqlserver cdc_log_throttle_manager CDC Log I/O throttling manager events (create, delete, error)
sqlserver cdc_scheduler CDC Scheduler Information
sqlserver certificate_report Certificate info.
sqlserver column_store_fast_string_equals Info about fast string search
sqlserver column_store_index_deltastore_add_column A columnstore deltastore rowgroup was rewritten from adding a column.
sqlserver column_store_index_deltastore_alter_column A columnstore deltastore rowgroup was rewritten from altering a column.
sqlserver column_store_qualified_rowgroup_stats Info about row group elimination and qualification in columnstore scan.
sqlserver columnstore_flush_as_deltastore_fido Shows column store index build information when remaining rows in the current rowgroup have been flushed into deltastore.
sqlserver columnstore_index_additional_memory_fraction Shows column store index addtional memory fraction information during columnstore index build.
sqlserver columnstore_index_adjust_required_memory Shows column store memory information when the required memory is adjusted to zero.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_cleanup_task_fail Shows column store index build information when a bucketization failed to clean up a task related objects.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_create_dataset Shows column store index build information when a bucketization insertion created a dataset.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_create_task Shows column store index build information when a bucketization process is about to finish.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_create_task_from_multiple_cells Shows column store index build information when a bucketization process has created one or more tasks from multiple cells.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_drop_worktable Shows column store index build information when a bucketization dropped a worktable.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_end_index_build Shows column store index build information when a bucketization process is about to create a task.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_enqueue_all_tables Shows column store index build information when a bucketization process has enqueued all remaining worktables.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_first_row_received Shows column store index build information when a bucketization insertion thread received the first row.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_get_or_create_worktable Shows column store index build information when a bucketization insertion created a worktable.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_init_index_build Shows column store index build information when a bucketization process is initialized.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_insert_fail Shows column store index build information when a bucketization process has failed.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_insert_into_columnstore_fail Shows column store index build information when a bucketization insertion into a columnstore segment has failed.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_insert_into_worktable_fail Shows column store index build information when a bucketization insertion into a worktable has failed.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_process_task Shows column store index build information when a bucketization process task is finished.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_process_task_about_to_flush_last_row Shows column store index build information when a bucketization task flushed the last row into columnstore index builder.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_process_task_fail Shows column store index build information when a bucketization process task has failed.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_process_task_start Shows column store index build information when a bucketization process task is started.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_reached_end_index_build Shows column store index build information when a bucketization process is reached to the end of index build, but has not finished its work yet.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bucketization_rows_received Shows column store index build information when a bucketization insertion thread received rows.
sqlserver columnstore_index_bulk_insert_acquire_memory_grant_attempt_timeout Shows column store memory information when an attempt of the memory grant request of columnstore bulk insert times out.
sqlserver columnstore_index_clear_bulk_insert_flag Shows rowset information when the columnstore bulk insert flag is cleared.
sqlserver columnstore_index_convert_bulk_insert_to_trickle_insert Shows column store memory information when the memory grant request of columnstore bulk insert times out.
sqlserver columnstore_object_manager_read_retry Retry read from azure blobk blob on sbs read failure.
sqlserver columnstore_tuple_mover_exclusion_lock_timeout The tuple mover timed out trying to acquire a lock to compress a row group.
sqlserver columnstore_tuple_mover_worker_stealing Columnstore tuple mover worker stealing.
sqlserver compute_readable_secondary_wait_for_redo_for_debugging When a query gets a page from the future, it waits for redo to catchup. Emitted without predicates
sqlserver compute_secondary_permanent_fault
sqlserver concurrent_gam_update_stats Concurrent GAM Update stats.
sqlserver connection_attempt_failure_system_error Connection attempt metrics
sqlserver connection_attempt_failure_user_error Connection attempt user error metrics
sqlserver connection_attempt_success Connection attempt success metrics
sqlserver cpu_vectorization_levels Event containing details of CPU vectorization level(s).
sqlserver create_acr_cache_store When an Access Check Result cache store is created.
sqlserver create_file_tracing Tracing during the different steps of FileCreation.
sqlserver csv_column_statistics Aggregate details of processing a column for one file.
sqlserver csv_decompression_statistics Decompression time and memory utilized if the input file is compressed.
sqlserver csv_input_file Details of a CSV input file processed by OpenRowset
sqlserver csv_rejected_rows Aggregate details for a error type of rejected rows.
sqlserver csv_row_statistics Aggregate details of processing rows for one file.
sqlserver csv_shallow_parse Aggregate details for shallow parsing logic used in calculating file splits.
sqlserver customer_connection_failure Connection failure metrics
sqlserver customer_connection_failure_firewall_error Connection blocked by firewall
sqlserver customer_connection_failure_user_error Connections failed due to user error
sqlserver customer_connection_success Connection successful metrics
sqlserver dac_login_information Occurs when an internal DAC session is established/disconnected with sqlserver
sqlserver data_export_profile Reports aggregated stats about data exported to an external file. Distinct event per each file and each processing thread.
sqlserver data_retention_cleanup_completed Occurs when cleanup process of table with data retention policy ends.
sqlserver data_retention_cleanup_exception Occurs cleanup process of table with retention policy fails.
sqlserver data_retention_cleanup_started Occurs when cleanup process of table with data retention policy starts.
sqlserver data_retention_cleanup_task_exception Occurs when then background (parent) task for data retention based cleanup fails due to an exception.
sqlserver data_retention_task_completed Occurs when background task for cleanup of tables with retention policy ends.
sqlserver data_retention_task_exception Occurs when background task for cleanup of tables with retention policy fails outside of retention cleanup process specific to table.
sqlserver data_retention_task_started Occurs when background task for cleanup of tables with retention policy starts.
sqlserver data_virtualization_failed_query Fired when OPENROWSET or query against external table or external file format fails during parsing.
sqlserver data_virtualization_query Fired on compile for every query targeting external data sources.
sqlserver database_file_growing Occurs when any of the data or log files for a database is about to grow.
sqlserver database_recovery_complete Occurs when database recovery has completed.
sqlserver database_xml_deadlock_report_mdm Emit a metric when a deadlock report for a victim is produced.
sqlserver db_fw_cache_expire_begin This event is generated when the task that cleans the DB firewall cache begins.
sqlserver db_fw_cache_expire_end This event is generated when the task that cleans the DB firewall cache ends.
sqlserver db_fw_cache_lookup_failure This event is generated when the DB firewall lookup fails.
sqlserver db_fw_cache_lookup_success This event is generated when the DB firewall lookup success.
sqlserver db_fw_cache_update_begin This event is generated when the task that updates the DB firewall cache begins.
sqlserver db_fw_cache_update_end This event is generated when the task that updates the DB firewall cache ends.
sqlserver deadlock_callstack Print callstack of thread within deadlock graph.
sqlserver deferred_au_deallocation_to_next_run Dropping of allocation unti marked for deferred drop is delayed to the next run.
sqlserver delta_migration_failure Delta Migration Failure XEvents
sqlserver delta_migration_information Delta Migration Informational XEvents
sqlserver delta_migration_task_end Delta Migration Task End XEvents
sqlserver delta_migration_task_start Delta Migration Task Start XEvents
sqlserver dop_feedback_eligible_query Reports when a query plan becomes eligible for dop feedback
sqlserver dop_feedback_provided Reports DOP feedback provided data for a query
sqlserver dop_feedback_reverted This reports when a DOP feedback is reverted
sqlserver dop_feedback_validation Reports when the validation occurs for the query runtime stats against baseline or previous feedback stats
sqlserver drop_file_committed Occurs when drop file action is committed.
sqlserver drop_file_prepared Occurs when the file is prepared to be dropped.
sqlserver drop_file_rollback Occurs when drop file action is rolled back.
sqlserver dw_backup_app_lock_end DW Backup App Lock End XEvents
sqlserver dw_backup_app_lock_start DW Backup App Lock Begin XEvents
sqlserver dw_large_text_store DW large text store for fragmented text blobs.
sqlserver ests_request_attempt Occurs when an ESTS or ESTS-R request is submitted in order to acquire a token for AKV or Storage operations.
sqlserver exec_plpgsql Shows PLPGSQL statements sent to PostgreSQL server during Exec External Language statement
sqlserver ext_table_extr_operation External Table Extractor event. Should encapsulate resolving file and schema (and possible initialization).
sqlserver external_policy_pulltask_finished XEvent for policy pull finish
sqlserver external_policy_pulltask_retries XEvent for policy pull retries diagnostics
sqlserver external_policy_pulltask_started XEvent for policy pull start
sqlserver external_rest_endpoint_error_winhttp_calls Fired when a winhttp API call fails without stopping the execution
sqlserver external_rest_endpoint_summary Fired for each execution of sp_invoke_external_rest_endpoint.
sqlserver external_runtime_execution_stats Publishes consolidated stats collected during external endpoint invocation
sqlserver external_table_stats_creation Fires after computing external table stats.
sqlserver extractor_scan_memory_grant Summary of an Exteranl Extractor operation memory grant.
sqlserver extractor_scan_summary Summary of an Exteranl Extractor operation.
sqlserver failed_compilation Collect the compilation information for errored out or failed compilations.
sqlserver failure_injection_during_backup_device_restoring Used for testing restore hang if an exception is thrown on one backup stream but other streams are marked as completed
sqlserver fedauth_ddl Occurs when someone executes CREATE USER/LOGIN FROM Windows; ALTER USER/LOGIN WindowsPrincipal WITH NAME; in SAWAv2 and its not a Backslash login/user.
sqlserver fedauth_execute_as Execute as DDL events for AD Auth user.
sqlserver fedauth_ticket_service_cache_timer_activity Logged during the routine cleanup of cache containing federated contexts.
sqlserver fedauth_ticket_service_failure Occurs when we encounter a failure in FedAuthTicketService layer, when authenticating the fedauth ticket/token or when doing group expansion.
sqlserver fedauth_ticket_service_success Logged during the success of federated authentication, including group expansion if applicable.
sqlserver fedauth_webtoken Logs some important claim information found in the token.
sqlserver fedauth_webtoken_failure Occurs when we encounter a failure in FedAuthTicketService layer, when authenticating the fedauth ticket/token or when doing group expansion.
sqlserver ffv_obtained_validation_bitmap Foreign file validator obtained a copy of the validation bitmap as part of establishing a new snapshot pair.
sqlserver fido_clone_update_filter_ctx_on_dir_change FIDO clone trace during scan
sqlserver fido_fcs_md_read_ahead_perf_metric FIDO Fcs metadata read ahead perf metric.
sqlserver fido_glm_rowset_cleanup FIDO GLM ROwset cleanup
sqlserver fido_glm_rowset_operation FIDO GLM Rowset operation.
sqlserver fido_glm_rowset_serialization_error FIDO Metadata Rowset update error.
sqlserver fido_lock_manager_message FIDO LM log trace.
sqlserver fido_multi_step_ddl_operation FIDO DDL step for multi-step DDL operation.
sqlserver fido_rm_transaction_abort FIDO RM abort trace.
sqlserver fido_rm_transaction_begin FIDO RM begin trace.
sqlserver fido_rm_transaction_commit FIDO RM commit trace.
sqlserver fido_rowgroup_lineage Fido xevent to establish rowgroup lineage.
sqlserver fido_scanner_end_database Fido scanner end database scan.
sqlserver fido_scanner_percent_complete Fido scanner percent completed.
sqlserver fido_scanner_start_database Fido scanner start database scan.
sqlserver fido_scanner_trace_print Fido scanner debug trace.
sqlserver fido_temp_db_events FIDO Temp DB Trace.
sqlserver fido_temp_table_mapping FIDO temp table name mapping
sqlserver fido_tm_transaction_abort FIDO TM abort trace.
sqlserver fido_tm_transaction_begin FIDO TM begin trace.
sqlserver fido_tm_transaction_commit FIDO TM commit trace.
sqlserver fido_transaction FIDO transaction trace.
sqlserver fido_transaction_message FIDO TM log trace.
sqlserver file_added_in_database Occurs when a database file is added into the database segment.
sqlserver find_and_kill_tm_blocking_table_drop Find and kill the background tuple mover task if it blocks the drop.
sqlserver foreign_log_apply_suspended Indicates that the foreign log apply thread is suspended with a trace flag.
sqlserver foreign_redo_hash
sqlserver foreign_redo_old_bsn_corruption
sqlserver foreign_redo_rbpex_page_dirtied Fired when a page from covering RBPEX is to be dirtied during foreign redo.
sqlserver fulltext_crawl_log Reports fulltext crawl log.
sqlserver global_query_extractor_begin Global Query extractor execution start.
sqlserver global_query_extractor_cancel Global Query extractor execution canceled.
sqlserver global_query_extractor_end Global Query extractor execution completed successfully.
sqlserver global_query_extractor_fail Global Query extractor execution failed with error.
sqlserver hadr_chimera_send_request_to_MS_long_retry Alert for long retries when sending notification request to control ring
sqlserver hadr_db_manager_qds_msg QDS messages sent between replicas.
sqlserver hadr_hybrid_subscription_auth_failure Log ucs subscription authentication failure for hybrid link.
sqlserver hadr_hybrid_subscription_auth_long_retry Log ucs subscription authentication retry info for hybrid link.
sqlserver hadr_hybrid_subscription_auth_success Log ucs subscription authentication success for hybrid link.
sqlserver hadr_transport_dump_extended_recovery_forks_message Use this event to help trace HADR extended recovery forks messages.
sqlserver hadr_undo_of_redo_pages_processing_stats Pages processing stats
sqlserver hadr_undo_of_redo_parallel_page_requesting_first_missing_page First missing page id in parallel page request buffer.
sqlserver hadr_undo_of_redo_parallel_page_requesting_notification Requesting page in parallel for Undo of Redo enabled.
sqlserver hardware_error_rbpex_invalidate_page Tracks invalidating rbpex page after detecting a hardware error on the page.
sqlserver heap_access_pattern Emit statistics related to heap access patterns.
sqlserver hotpagetracker_bucket_aggregation_ended Indicates that aggregating hit counts into the snapshot bucket at given position in the bucket list ended.
sqlserver hotpagetracker_bucket_aggregation_started Indicates that aggregating hit counts into the snapshot bucket at given position in the bucket list started.
sqlserver hotpagetracker_page_list_receive_failed Indicates that the new primary compute has NOT received the list of hot pages it requested from a page server.
sqlserver hotpagetracker_page_list_receive_succeeded Indicates that the new primary compute has received the list of hot pages it requested from a page server.
sqlserver hotpagetracker_pageseed_candidate A page that the new primary compute will seed into its RBPEX for a given file.
sqlserver hotpagetracker_pageseed_failed Indicates that the new primary compute has failed to queue all the hot pages to seed onto its RBPEX for a given file.
sqlserver hotpagetracker_pageseed_queued Indicates that the new primary compute has queued all the hot pages to seed onto its RBPEX for a given file.
sqlserver hyperscale_no_pushdown QP pushdown not available.
sqlserver hyperscale_pushdown_aggregated_stats Aggregated stats for a single execution of a single QP pushdown operator.
sqlserver hyperscale_pushdown_completed QP pushdown queue completed.
sqlserver hyperscale_pushdown_memory_change QP pushdown memory reservation change.
sqlserver hyperscale_pushdown_request_completed QP pushdown request completed.
sqlserver hyperscale_pushdown_request_starting QP pushdown request starting.
sqlserver hyperscale_pushdown_resource_pool_failure Failures related to obtaining resource pool for pushdown queries
sqlserver hyperscale_pushdown_skipped QP pushdown skipped at runtime.
sqlserver hyperscale_pushdown_starting QP pushdown queue created.
sqlserver hyperscale_pushdown_stats QP pushdown statistics that are periodically emitted.
sqlserver iam_page_range_cache_stats IAM Page range cache stats
sqlserver increment_paused_write_ios_count Increments the number of write IOs paused.
sqlserver index_corruption_detected Reports names,id of related database when index corruption is detected
sqlserver index_stats_inconsistency_event Indicate we did some repair logic for the index stats cache
sqlserver kerberos_to_jwt_service_failure Occurs when we encounter error in Kerberos ticket to JSON Web token conversion through ESTS AAD endpoint.
sqlserver large_non_adr_transactions The number of records and/or bytes of log for a non-ADR transaction exceeds the current threshold.
sqlserver ledger_digest_upload_failed Uploading a digest of the database ledger failed.
sqlserver ledger_digest_upload_failed_mdm Emit a metric when a ledger digest fails to be uploaded.
sqlserver ledger_digest_upload_success Uploading a digest of the database ledger succeeded.
sqlserver ledger_digest_upload_success_mdm Emit a metric when a ledger digest is successfully uploaded.
sqlserver ledger_generate_digest Ledger digest generated
sqlserver ledger_settings Ledger settings
sqlserver ledger_table_verification_completed Ledger table verification operation completed.
sqlserver ledger_table_verification_started Ledger table verification operation started.
sqlserver ledger_transaction_count Ledger transaction
sqlserver ledger_verification_completed Ledger verification operation completed.
sqlserver ledger_verification_started Ledger verification operation started.
sqlserver ledger_view_query_count Ledger view query
sqlserver lock_manager_init Stats during init of lock manager
sqlserver locking_qp_stats Emit QP statistics related to locking.
sqlserver locking_stats Emit statistics related to locking.
sqlserver log_block_header_failover_info Print failover info stored in log block header during LC flush
sqlserver log_lease_skip_same_vlf Indicates that the request to the log leasing service for the same vlf is skipped
sqlserver log_pool_cache_miss_aggregation Aggregated outout of log pool miss.
sqlserver log_production_stats_mdm Aggregated statistics about log production, emitted periodically.
sqlserver log_redo_stats
sqlserver long_compilation_progress Collect the compilation progress information for long-running compilations.
sqlserver management_service_operation_failed Management Service operation failed.
sqlserver management_service_operation_started Management service operation started.
sqlserver management_service_operation_succeeded Management service operation succeeded.
sqlserver maxdop_feedback_received
sqlserver memory_grant_feedback_percentile_grant Occurs at intervals when percentile grant is enabled
sqlserver memory_grant_feedback_persistence_invalid Occurs when persisted memory grant feedback can not be used due to inconsistency with current plan.
sqlserver memory_grant_feedback_persistence_update Occurs when memory grant feedback is persisted to QDS.
sqlserver metadata_change Tracking metadata change which may affect query performance.
sqlserver modify_file_name Occurs when the file manager started to modify a database file name.
sqlserver modify_file_operation Occurs when the file manager modified the property of a database file.
sqlserver native_shuffle_nullability_mismatch Reports a NULL value in a native shuffle QTable column declared with NOT NULL in the schema.
sqlserver oiblob_cleanup_begin_batch Occurs when cleanup for a single batch has started for online index build with LOBs.
sqlserver oiblob_cleanup_end_batch Occurs when cleanup for a single batch has finished for online index build with LOBs.
sqlserver oledb_provider_initialized Occurs when SQL Server initializes an OLEDB provider for a distributed query or remote stored procedure. Use this event to monitor OLEDB provider initialization. This event will be triggered once when a particular provider is initialized. It is also used for reporting type of mapping used for linked servers.
sqlserver online_index_ddl_tx_info Log record- and transaction-related info about the non-CTR ONLINE_INDEX_DDL transaction.
sqlserver openrowset_bulk_file_resolvement Occurs when updating resolved files within openrowset bulk statement.
sqlserver openrowset_bulk_schema_inference Occurs during schema inference in openrowset bulk statement.
sqlserver openrowset_cardinality_query Fires after executing internal sampled cardinality estimation query.
sqlserver openrowset_stats_cleanup Fires at the start and after stats table cleanup finishes.
sqlserver openrowset_stats_cleanup_all Fires at the start and after stats table truncation finishes.
sqlserver openrowset_stats_creation Fires after computing openrowset stats.
sqlserver openrowset_stats_loading Fires after loading openrowset stats.
sqlserver openrowset_stats_row_reading_failed Fires when reading of openrowset stats/cardinality row from the openrowset stats table fails.
sqlserver openrowset_stats_stale_detection Fires after algorithm for stale stats detection finishes.
sqlserver openrowset_table_level_stats Fires after computing openrowset or external table stats on table level.
sqlserver opt_replay_delete_ors_allocated_memory Fired when the memory allocated for replay script (ORS) is successfully deleted.
sqlserver opt_replay_exception_info Collect exception info about Optimization Replay’s failure.
sqlserver override_max_supported_db_version_to_1 Used for mock downgrade max supported db version to 1
sqlserver page_compression_cache_init_complete Occurs after page compression cache is initialized during decompression
sqlserver page_covering_rbpex_repair Tracks the repair of pages in covering RBPEX
sqlserver page_encryption_prewrite_complete Occurs after page has been compressed in-memory before being flushed
sqlserver parameter_sensitive_plan_optimization This event is fired when a query uses Parameter Sensitive Plan (PSP) Optimization feature.
sqlserver parameter_sensitive_plan_optimization_skipped_reason Occurs when the parameter sensitive plan feature is skipped. Use this event to monitor the reason why parameter sensitive plan optimization is skipped.
sqlserver parameter_sensitive_plan_testing Fired when parameter sensitive plan is tested.
sqlserver partition_elimination_mapping Fires when pruned data source is added to the list of reduced sources.
sqlserver partition_elimination_routine Fires when partition elimination routine gets called.
sqlserver pesto_rename_sbs_blob_fail Failed to update the sbs blob id with new GUID during the Pesto consoliate rowgroup copy blob
sqlserver pfs_file_share_stats PFS file share stats collected periodically from GetShareStats api
sqlserver pfs_observed_transition_to_secondary Emitted when observed DB replica role transition during evaluation period for PFS dynamic scaling
sqlserver pfs_rest_action PFS REST API call action.
sqlserver pfs_scaling_signal Output signal for PFS Dynamic Scaling
sqlserver polaris_background_task_exception Unexpected exceptions during execution of Polaris background task.
sqlserver polaris_billing_data_scanned Billing report – data size read through external extractors. Distinct event per each file and each processing thread.
sqlserver polaris_billing_data_scanned_csv Billing report – data size read through native CSV reader. Distinct event per each file.
sqlserver polaris_billing_data_written Billing report – Reports data written.
sqlserver polaris_billing_distributed_queries_executed Fires when VDW distributed computation was executed.
sqlserver polaris_billing_estimated_data_scanned Billing report – Estimated data scanned during query compilation phase.
sqlserver polaris_billing_exception Unexpected exceptions during data_export or distributed_move operations.
sqlserver polaris_billing_exception_managed_data Unexpected billing exception.
sqlserver polaris_billing_native_shuffle_data_moved Billing report – Reports data moved by native shuffle.
sqlserver polaris_billing_verification_distributed_queries_executed Fires when VDW distributed computation was executed. Should be used only for billing verification.
sqlserver polaris_budget_limit_exception Unexpected exceptions during SQL On-Demand budget limit related operations.
sqlserver polaris_configuration_background_task Configuration state changes for background tasks.
sqlserver polaris_configuration_budget_limit_change Configuration changes for SQL On-Demand budget limit.
sqlserver polaris_configuration_budget_limit_snapshot Daily configuration snapshot for SQL On-Demand budget limit.
sqlserver polaris_created_in_memory_resource_group Fired when Polaris background tasks resource group is initialized.
sqlserver polaris_current_state_of_data_processed Reports status about internal query that is calculating current state of data processed in SQL On Demand.
sqlserver polaris_error_classification_failed Is fired when ErrorClassificationOverrideRules setting is invalid.
sqlserver polaris_exception_query_not_billed Unexpected exceptions during billing related system operations.
sqlserver polaris_executed_requests_history
sqlserver polaris_executed_requests_history_cleanup Reports status about retention cleanup on master.sys.polaris_executed_requests_history and master.sys.polaris_executed_requests_text tables.
sqlserver polaris_executed_requests_retention_period Reports retention period used for master.sys.polaris_executed_requests_history and master.sys.polaris_executed_requests_text tables.
sqlserver polaris_failed_to_find_resource_group Fired when Polaris background tasks resource group is not initialized.
sqlserver polaris_internal_metrics_distributed_query_history_tables Fires after write to distributed query history tables fail.
sqlserver polaris_internal_tsql_query_status Reports status about Polaris internal T-SQL query.
sqlserver polaris_metrics_connections Fires after login to Polaris frontend is finished.
sqlserver polaris_metrics_data_processed Fires after data is processed.
sqlserver polaris_metrics_login_rh Fires Resource Health signal after login to Polaris frontend is finished.
sqlserver polaris_metrics_queries Fires after distributed query result is returned.
sqlserver polaris_metrics_query_rh Fires Resource Health signal after distributed query on Polaris finishes.
sqlserver polaris_rejected_rows_aggregations Reports status of rejected rows aggregation processing
sqlserver polaris_rejected_rows_exception Unexpected exceptions during rejected rows processing.
sqlserver polaris_rejected_rows_exception_details Details of overwritten query response exception
sqlserver polaris_unexpected_switch_value Is fired when unexpected switch value is encountered.
sqlserver polaris_write_distributed_query_history_exception Unexpected exceptions during data ingestion into polaris history tables
sqlserver predict_error PREDICT error
sqlserver predict_onnx_log ONNX log message
sqlserver private_vdw_client_batch_submitted Fires when query to SQL FE is submitted and log to Pii table.
sqlserver private_vdw_sql_statement_compiled Fires when a sql statement in SQL FE is compiled and log to Pii table.
sqlserver private_vdw_sql_statement_starting Fires when a sql statement is started in SQL FE and log to Pii table.
sqlserver query_abort Indicates that a cancel operation, client-interrupt request, or broken client connection was received, triggering abort.
sqlserver query_antipattern Occurs when a a query antipattern is present and can potentially affect performance.
sqlserver query_ce_feedback_telemetry Reports query feedback information
sqlserver query_feedback_analysis Reports query feedback analysis details
sqlserver query_feedback_validation Reports query feedback pre validation data
sqlserver query_optimizer_nullable_scalar_agg_iv_update Occurs when scalar indexed view with nullable aggregates is being created or updated.
sqlserver query_optimizer_optimize_insert Occurs when the query optimizer checks an optimization of insert is possible.
sqlserver query_post_execution_stats Occurs after a SQL statement is executed. This event contains stats on query execution and uses lightweight profiling infrastructure but does not have showplan xml. This event is fired only when Query Store is enabled and Query Store is tracking the query.
sqlserver query_store_hadron_transport_failures When QDS cannot process a message correctly this XEvent is emitted with diagnostic information.
sqlserver query_with_parameter_sensitivity This event is fired when a query is discovered to have parameter sensitivity. This telemetry will help us in identifying queries that are parameter sensitive and how skewed the columns involved in the query are. This is for internal analysis only.
sqlserver rbpex_compute_zone_hotness
sqlserver rbpex_deferring_remote_io RBPEX deferred remote I/O due to pending file growth.
sqlserver rbpex_eviction_run_profile
sqlserver rbpex_force_copy_pages_failure Event to force copy pages failure during RBPEX seeding.
sqlserver rbpex_grow_fail_reporting_max_size RBPEX grow has been failing continuously and now we are reporting max RBPEX file size as part of IDSU.
sqlserver rbpex_incremental_grow Tracks rbpex grow when utilization exceeds threshold.
sqlserver rbpex_is_file_growth_supported Occurs when RBPEX/WB checks if file growth can be deferred
sqlserver rbpex_parallel_seeding_timing Rbpex parallel seeding timing info.
sqlserver rbpex_pause_exclusive_phase Rbpex pause segment functionality test, exclusive phase wait.
sqlserver rbpex_peer_seed Records RBPEX peer seed activity.
sqlserver rbpex_physical_grow Rbpex physical growth succeeded
sqlserver rbpex_physical_shrink Rbpex Physical shrink not allowed to proceed
sqlserver rbpex_seed_thread_start Event to report start of seed thread.
sqlserver rbpex_seeding_catchup_retry Fired before attempting to retry segment catchup operation from blob during rbpex seeding.
sqlserver rbpex_seeding_segment_copy_retry Fired before attempting to retry segment copy operation from snapshot during rbpex seeding.
sqlserver rbpex_seeding_snapshot_created Fired when a snapshot is created for page server seeding.
sqlserver rbpex_seg_seed_copy_page Event to report dirty pages being copied during seeding.
sqlserver rbpex_shrinkmgr_grow Records RBPEX growth activity.
sqlserver rbpex_shrinkmgr_shrink Rbpex shrink info.
sqlserver rbpex_shrinkmgr_shrink_assert_error Rbpex shrink assertions errors
sqlserver rbpex_shrinkmgr_shrink_started
sqlserver reclaim_dropped_column_space_begin Occurs when reclaim space for dropped LOB columns has started.
sqlserver reclaim_dropped_column_space_end Occurs when reclaim space for dropped LOB columns has finished.
sqlserver recovery_catch_checkpoint Dirty pages will be written to advance the oldest page LSN and catch up with the current LSN. This event is only applicable to databases where indirect checkpoint is enabled.
sqlserver recovery_force_flush_checkpoint Dirty pages will be written to advance the oldest page LSN and catch up with the target log distance. This event is only applicable to databases where indirect checkpoint is enabled.
sqlserver recovery_indirect_checkpoint_end Checkpoint has ended. This event is only applicable to databases where indirect checkpoint is enabled.
sqlserver recovery_simple_log_truncate Dirty pages will be written to help log truncation of the simple-recovery database. This event is only applicable to databases where indirect checkpoint is enabled.
sqlserver remove_remote_file_redo_operation_completed RemoveFileFromRemoteReplicas Operation Completed
sqlserver remove_remote_file_redo_operation_failed RemoveFileFromRemoteReplicas Operation Failed
sqlserver remove_remote_file_redo_operation_started RemoveFileFromRemoteReplicas Operation Started
sqlserver repl_error This event will be fired from replication code when an error occurs.
sqlserver repl_logscan_session This event captures log scan operations telemetry through Replication and Change Data Capture (CDC) phases 1 through 7.Returns session transactions as they are processed.
sqlserver repl_metadata_change This event will be fired from replication code on changes related to replication metadata.
sqlserver repldone_session ReplDone Information
sqlserver required_memory_grant_too_big Keep the related data when the requested memory is greater than the available memory (right before throwing an exception)
sqlserver resource_governor_classifier_changed Occurs when Resource Governor classifier function is changed.
sqlserver resource_governor_reconfigure_classifier_details Shows classifier data before and after rg reconfigure.
sqlserver resource_governor_resource_pool_definition_changed Occurs when resource pool definition changes.
sqlserver resource_governor_workload_group_definition_changed Occurs when workload group definition changes.
sqlserver restore_rollfoward_complete RestoreRedoMachine::Rollforward function telemetry details.
sqlserver resumable_index_auto_abort Occurs when the resumable index has been paused for longer than the auto abort threshold.
sqlserver rowgroup_consolidation_append_blob Append columnstore data to existing rowgroup blob
sqlserver rowgroup_consolidation_copy_blob Copy the existing Roco file to another blob, update columnstore metadata and cache entries with new blob id
sqlserver rowgroup_consolidation_create_and_write_rowgroup_blob Flush a consolidated rowgroup blob
sqlserver rowgroup_consolidation_flush_rowgroup_blob_fail Attempted to flush a chunk of columnstore rowgroup data to block blob and failed.
sqlserver rpc_completed Occurs when a remote procedure call has completed.
sqlserver security_cache_recreate_login_token Recreate a login token and cache it(for existing sessions) after the security token caches have been invalidated.
sqlserver security_cache_ring_buffer Security Cache ring buffer telemetry.
sqlserver security_context_token_cleanup When a security context token is deleted.
sqlserver send_segment_io_data send segment access information
sqlserver send_segment_io_data_v2 # of IOs on a segment (simulated).
sqlserver send_segment_io_data_v2_heartbeat Whether segment IOs are being tracked (simulated).
sqlserver session_fedauth_failure Occurs when a session is attempting to set a fed auth token in an unsupported scenario.
sqlserver set_partial_log_backup_checkpoint_lsn_to_null Used for setting the partialLogBackupCkptLsn to NullLSN
sqlserver shallow_scan_in_view_enabled Indicates that shallow metadata checks are enabled early during view binding, for earlier failure detection.
sqlserver socket_dup_event This event is for Socket Duplication steps at SQL or Xlog side.
sqlserver sp_cloud_update_sys_databases_post_termination_completed Spec procedure sp_cloud_update_sys_databases_post_termination completed (with or without error).
sqlserver sp_statement_completed Occurs when a statement inside a stored procedure has completed.
sqlserver sp_statement_starting Occurs when a statement inside a stored procedure has started.
sqlserver spexec_batch_compilation_serialization This event will be emitted when the spexec batch compilation serialization occurs
sqlserver spills_to_tempdb Spills to tempdb, which were caused by any query. Only fires off when spills exceeds (predefined threshold * MaxTempdbDbMaxSizeinMB)
sqlserver sql_statement_completed Occurs when a Transact-SQL statement has completed.
sqlserver sql_syms_publishing Fires during metadata publishing to SyMS.
sqlserver sql_syms_publishing_exception Fires when metadata publishing to SyMS hits exception.
sqlserver sql_syms_publishing_http_request Fires on metadata publishing HTTP requests to SyMS.
sqlserver sr_tx_count XEvent that indicates a Serializable Transaction info
sqlserver srb_backup_sync_message Backup Sync messages sent during backup on secondary replica.
sqlserver srb_clear_diff_map_succeeded Backup Info message sent from primary to secondary to signal that diff map was cleared and provide a new checkpoint LSN.
sqlserver srb_commit_diff_backup Backup Info message sent from secondary to primary to signal that diff backup finished and that lock should be released on primary.
sqlserver srb_commit_full_backup Backup Info message sent from secondary to primary to signal that full backup finished and to provide neccessary information.
sqlserver srb_database_diff_backup_start_ack Backup Info message sent from primary to secondary to acknowledge diff backup request.
sqlserver srb_database_full_backup_start_ack Backup Info message sent from primary to secondary to acknowledge full backup request.
sqlserver srb_force_checkpoint_succeeded Backup Info message sent from primary to secondary to signal that checkpoint was executed and provide a new checkpoint LSN.
sqlserver srb_log_backup_info Backup Info messages sent during log backup on secondary replica.
sqlserver stale_user_tx_page_cleanup_element_removal Telemetry regarding how many stale elements were removed from the user transaction page cleanup hash table by version cleaner.
sqlserver startup_phase_telemetry Startup phase telemetry details .
sqlserver storage_engine_performance_counters Performance counter data produced by StoragePerfCountersRecord function
sqlserver summarized_oom_snapshot Out-of-memory (OOM) summary snapshot
sqlserver suppress_errors Alter statement execution
sqlserver synapse_link_addfilesnapshotendentry Called after a data export file is added to snapshot_end manifest entry
sqlserver synapse_link_buffering_row_data Synapse Link Buffering Row Data
sqlserver synapse_link_capture_throttling Synapse Link Capture Cycles Throttling
sqlserver synapse_link_db_enable Synapse Link enable events
sqlserver synapse_link_end_data_snapshot Called in LandingZoneParquetExporter at the end of successful data snapshot functionality
sqlserver synapse_link_error Error events from Synapse Link components
sqlserver synapse_link_info Synapse Link info
sqlserver synapse_link_library Synapse Link Call Back Events
sqlserver synapse_link_perf Synapse Link performance
sqlserver synapse_link_scheduler Synapse Link Scheduler Information
sqlserver synapse_link_start_data_snapshot Called in LandingZoneParquetExporter at the beginning of data snapshot functionality
sqlserver synapse_link_totalsnapshotcount Called when all files have been added a snapshot end entry
sqlserver synapse_link_trace Synapse Link trace
sqlserver synapse_sql_pool_metrics_login Fires after login to Synapse SQL Pool frontend completes.
sqlserver synapse_sql_pool_metrics_query Fires after Synapse SQL Pool query finishes.
sqlserver tail_log_cache_buffer_refcounter_change Occurs along with a tail log cache buffer’s reference counter being incremented or decremented.
sqlserver tail_log_cache_miss Occurs when a log consumer attempts to lookup a block from the tail log cache but fails to find it.
sqlserver toad_cell_tuning_metrics Toad cell tuning metrics event.
sqlserver toad_delete_bitmap_tuning_metrics Toad delete bitmap tuning metrics event.
sqlserver toad_delta_force_tuning_metrics Toad delta force tuning metrics event.
sqlserver toad_discovery Toad work discovery event.
sqlserver toad_exception Exception channel for the background toad tasks.
sqlserver toad_memory_pressure_notification Toad memory pressure notification event.
sqlserver toad_memory_semaphore_request Toad memory semaphore request event.
sqlserver toad_occi_tuning_metrics Toad OCCI tuning metrics event.
sqlserver toad_star_cell_tuning_metrics Toad star cell tuning metrics event.
sqlserver toad_tuning_zone_circuit_breaker Toad tuning zone circuit breaker event.
sqlserver toad_work_execution Toad work execution event.
sqlserver tsql_feature_usage_tracking Track usage of t-sql features in queries for the database
sqlserver user_token_cache_hit Successfully retrieved a user token from the cache.
sqlserver user_token_cache_miss When unable to retrieve a user token from the cache.
sqlserver user_token_cleanup When a user token is deleted.
sqlserver user_tx_page_cleanup_progress Emit various data about user transaction page cleanup progress.
sqlserver user_tx_page_cleanup_stats Emit statistics related to user transaction page cleanup hash table.
sqlserver vdw_annotations Collect annotations from queries.
sqlserver vdw_backend_cancel_query_feedback Fired by the VDW backend when query feedback submission is canceled.
sqlserver vdw_backend_prepare_query_feedback Fired by the VDW backend when preparing query feedback submission.
sqlserver vdw_backend_query_feedback_rpc Fired by the VDW backend to report query feedback status.
sqlserver vdw_backend_submit_query_feedback Fired by the VDW backend when query feedback submission occures.
sqlserver vdw_cancel_query_completion Fired by the VDW SQL FE when query completed notification submission is canceled.
sqlserver vdw_cetas_drop_ext_table_metadata Fires if the DML part of a CETAS fails in pre-Gen3 Polaris.
sqlserver vdw_client_batch_cancelled Fires when query to SQL FE is cancelled.
sqlserver vdw_client_batch_completed Fires when query to SQL FE is completed.
sqlserver vdw_client_batch_submitted Fires when query to SQL FE is submitted.
sqlserver vdw_distributed_computation_error Fires when returning error or warning reported by code related to VDW distributed computation.
sqlserver vdw_distributed_computation_rpc Fires when RPC for VDW distributed computation was requested.
sqlserver vdw_distributed_query_cleanup_exception Unexpected exception during cleanup of VDW distributed operator.
sqlserver vdw_distributed_query_metrics Fired by the VDW backend to report collected metrics when going out of sp_executesql_metrics scope.
sqlserver vdw_file_format_parser_version_usage Fired by the VDW frontend during resolve operation of parser version for provided format.
sqlserver vdw_file_level_sampling Fired by the VDW backend instance for OPENROWSET(BULK) queries that use TABLESAMPLE clause.
sqlserver vdw_logical_file_splits Emits information related to logical file splits.
sqlserver vdw_logical_file_splits_memo_generation Emits information related to logical file splits after memo generation.
sqlserver vdw_prepare_query_completion Fired by the VDW SQL FE when preparing query completed notification submission.
sqlserver vdw_query_completion_rpc Fired by the VDW SQL FE to notify ES FE that the query is completed.
sqlserver vdw_sp_drop_storage_location Fired by the VDW frontend from stored procedure sp_drop_storage_location.
sqlserver vdw_sql_statement_compiled Fires when a sql statement in SQL FE is compiled.
sqlserver vdw_sql_statement_completed Fires when a sql statement is completed in SQL FE.
sqlserver vdw_sql_statement_fido_transaction SQL FE statement and fido transaction trace.
sqlserver vdw_sql_statement_starting Fires when a sql statement is started in SQL FE.
sqlserver vdw_statement_execution Fires when VDW query execution starts or completed.
sqlserver vdw_submit_query_completion Fired by the VDW SQL FE when query completed notification submission occures.
sqlserver vdw_wildcard_expansion Fired by the VDW frontend when wildcard expansion was requested.
sqlserver vdw_wildcard_list_directory_stats Fired by the VDW frontend when wildcard expansion was requested. Contains information about each list directory call in WCE.
sqlserver version_cleaner_worker_stealing Version cleaner worker stealing.
sqlserver vldb_geodr_applied_throttling
sqlserver vldb_geodr_throttling_stat
sqlserver vm_msi_access_token_retrieval Request access token for Azure virutal machine MSI.
sqlserver volume_entity_stats latency histogram for volume entity.
sqlserver volume_traffic_policer_stats Reports stats on conforming and non-conforming IOs in terms of IOPS and Bandwidth governances
sqlserver wait_for_redo_lsn_to_catchup_pagestats In every 5 minutes interval,stats data of RedoPageType and RedoLocation is emitted
sqlserver wait_for_redo_lsn_to_catchup_stats In every 5 minutes interval,stats data of waitforlsn is emitted
sqlserver wb_checkpoint_failed_ios Logs failed ios during WB checkpoint.
sqlserver wb_checkpoint_metadata Traces foreign log state for write behind checkpoint progress.
sqlserver wb_checkpoint_progress Monitors progress of write behind checkpoint.
sqlserver wb_checkpoint_report_file_size This xevent is fired when rbpex write behind checkpoint handle physical file growth.
sqlserver wb_checkpoint_skip_file_growth This xevent is fired when rbpex write behind checkpoint abort deferred physical file growth.
sqlserver wb_recovery_progress Write behind recovery stats.
sqlserver wb_throttle_info Monitors info determining write behind throttling.
sqlserver webtoken_generator_failure Occurs when we encounter a failure during JWT creation with JSONWebTokenGenerator class.
sqlserver wildcard_expansion Fired by the SQL frontend when wildcard expansion was requested.
sqlserver worker_migration_stats Shows the number of worker migrations for a particular task.
sqlserver xact_outcome_list_cleanup_completed XEvent used to indicate that outcome list cleanup (via specproc) has completed.
sqlserver xact_outcome_list_cleanup_performed XEvent used to indicate that outcome list cleanup was performed on a database.
sqlserver xact_outcome_list_cleanup_starting XEvent used to indicate that outcome list cleanup (via specproc) is starting.
sqlserver xact_outcome_status Periodically fired XEvent to indicate current count of xact outcomes in the outcome list.
sqlserver xfile_storage_file_operation_metrics Storage file operation metrics.
sqlserver xfile_stream_reader_operation_metrics Stream reader operation metrics.
sqlserver xio_lease_action Lease request to Windows Azure Storage.
sqlserver xio_lease_action_sensitive Lease request to Windows Azure Storage. Contains PII data.
sqlserver xio_read_complete_sensitive Read complete from Windows Azure Storage response. Sensitive data.
sqlserver xio_request_reissue_finished_first Event fired when request which was reissued finishes before original request.
sqlserver xio_request_reissue_read_stats Contains information about data read with reissuing of long requests.
sqlserver xio_request_retry_finished_first Request that was part of parallel retry due to long request duration time finished first.
sqlserver xio_request_retry_finished_first_sensitive Request that was part of parallel retry due to long request duration time finished first. Contains PII data.
sqlserver xml_compression_telemetry Xml Compression telemetry collected per query
sqlserver xodbc_cache_get_federated_user_info_cache_bypass Occurs when a federated user cache lookup request bypasses the cache and executes a DB query.
sqlserver xodbc_cache_get_federated_user_info_failure Occurs when a remote authentication request to logical master failed to query for federated user info.
sqlserver xodbc_cache_update_federated_user_info_cache_entry Occurs when a federated user, has a name that matches object ID, and the name is updated with the correct value during login.
sqlserver xstore_aad_token_failure Occurs when we encounter a failure in XStoreAADTokenCache layer, when performing refresh to the AAD token
sqlserver xstore_create_physical_file Creating physical XStore file has been attempted with the options below.
sqlserver xstore_create_physical_file_sensitive Creating physical XStore file has been attempted with the options below. Contains sensitive data
sqlserver xstore_io_throttling_storage_account_removed XStore I/O throttling handler has removed storage account.
sqlserver xtp_db_page_allocation_state_change Indicates that the state of page allocations for the database is changed, from allowed to disallowed or vice versa.
sqlserver xtp_open_existing_database Indicates the XTP open existing database progress.
ucs ucs_connection_stats UCS transport connection periodic statistics
ucs ucs_task_count UCS task manager task count number
ucs ucs_transmitter_block_send_transport_not_ready UCS transmitter block send if transport not in ready state
ucs ucs_transmitter_destination_init UCS transmitter destination initiation
ucs ucs_transmitter_notify_destination_status_change_event UCS transmitter destination notifed of stream status change
ucs ucs_transmitter_send_backoff_to_be_added UCS transmitter service failed send enough times that a backoff will be added
ucs ucs_transmitter_send_stats UCS transmitter service stats on send for each index
ucs ucs_transmitter_skip_transport_reconnection_check UCS transmitter destination skipping check for transport reconnects
ucs ucs_transmitter_skip_transport_stream_reconnection UCS transmitter destination skipping transport reconnect due to recheck
ucs ucs_transmitter_transport_reconnect UCS transmitter destination submitted a transport stream reconnect request due to the transport stream being disconnected
ucs ucs_transmitter_transport_reconnect_all_check UCS transmitter destination check to see if we need to reconnect all transport streams due to ip/port or dns names of connection targets being different
XeSqlFido fido_catalog_get_buckets FIDO Physical Catalog Get Buckets.
XeSqlFido fido_catalog_get_cache_version FIDO Physical Catalog Cache Get.
XeSqlFido fido_catalog_sync FIDO Physical Catalog Sync Event.
XeSqlFido fido_catalog_update_cache_version FIDO Physical Catalog Cache Update.
XeSqlFido fido_catalog_update_version FIDO Physical Catalog Update Server version.
XeSqlFido fido_catalog_version FIDO Physical Catalog Get Server version.
XeSqlFido fido_clone_inherited_directory_info FIDO clone inherited directory info.
XeSqlFido fido_clone_reference_info FIDO clone reference info.
XeSqlFido fido_fork_entries FIDO fork entries
XeSqlFido fido_garbage_collection_drop_blob_info FIDO Garbage Collection dropped blob info
XeSqlFido fido_garbage_collection_task FIDO Garbage Collection task
XeSqlFido fido_garbage_collection_task_end FIDO Garbage Collection Task End XEvents
XeSqlFido fido_garbage_collection_task_failure FIDO Garbage Collection task failed
XeSqlFido fido_garbage_collection_task_start FIDO Garbage Collection Task Start XEvents
XeSqlFido fido_glm_alter_txn_operation FIDO GLM Alter Txn operation.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_backup FIDO GLM Server Backup.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_client_sync FIDO GLM Client Sync.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_execute_ddl_cached FIDO GLM Execute DDL from Cache.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_glog_truncate FIDO GLog truncation.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_pit_db_create FIDO PIT DB Create.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_pit_db_create_failed FIDO GLM PIT DB create failed.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_pit_db_drop FIDO PIT DB destroyed.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_pit_db_drop_fail FIDO PIT DB drop failed.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_restore FIDO GLM Client Restore.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_send_ucs_request FIDO GLM Send UCS request.
XeSqlFido fido_glm_send_ucs_response FIDO GLM Send UCS response.
XeSqlFido fido_indexstore_stats FIDO index store stats message.
XeSqlFido fido_lock_manager_trace FIDO LM message.
XeSqlFido fido_log_trace FIDO log trace.
XeSqlFido fido_log_trace_sensitive FIDO PII log trace.
XeSqlFido fido_metadata_cleanup FIDO GLMS cleanup
XeSqlFido fido_perf_metric FIDO perf metric.
XeSqlFido fido_rowgroup_visibility_info FIDO Is Rowgroup visible.
XeSqlFido fido_rowset_blob_directory FIDO rowset blob directory.
XeSqlFido fido_rsc_version_tracking_task FIDO RSC Version Tracking Task
XeSqlFido fido_rsc_version_tracking_task_end FIDO RSC Version Tracking Task End XEvents
XeSqlFido fido_rsc_version_tracking_task_failure FIDO RSC Version Tracking Task failed
XeSqlFido fido_rsc_version_tracking_task_start FIDO RSC Version Tracking Task Start XEvents
XeSqlFido fido_sequence_info FIDO sequence message
XeSqlFido fido_spaceused_info FIDO spaceused message
XeSqlFido fido_t_sql_exception FIDO T-SQL execution failed.
XeSqlFido fido_transport_message_trace FIDO transport message traces
XtpEngine xtp_shutdown_close_hk_ckpt_ctrl Indicates the XTP checkpoint uninitialize progress.
XtpEngine xtp_shutdown_free_hk_internal_database Indicates the XTP shutdown progress.
XtpRuntime xtp_create_database Indicates the XTP create or open database progress.

Thanks for reading!

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