
SQL Server Community Tools: Changing The Output Of sp_WhoIsActive In Different Ways

But Why?

As a procedure, sp_WhoIsActive is pretty perfect. It’s not all things to all people, but it does what it’s supposed to do really well.

One thing I really like about it is that you can change a couple things about the way it returns data to you (or to a logging table) in different ways:

  • The set of columns
  • The sorting of columns

There are definitely good uses for these options, especially when you’re beyond the “what the hell is going on here?” phase and on to the “troubleshooting a specific problem” phase.

Just as a couple examples, if you were specifically troubleshooting:

  • tempdb issues, you’d wanna sort and focus on tempdb related columns
  • blocking issues, you’d wanna sort and focus on blocking related columns

Let’s take a look at how to do that.

Focus On tempdb

If you want to focus on just what’s using a lot of tempdb without any other noise, and you want to find out what’s using the most tempdb right at the top, you can do this:

EXEC sp_WhoIsActive
    @sort_order = '[tempdb_current] DESC',
    @get_plans = 1,
    @output_column_list = '[start_time][session_id][sql_text][query_plan][wait_info][temp%]';

It will:

  • Sort the results by what currently has the most stuff in tempdb
  • Only output columns related to tempdb use with some other identifying details

What’s nice about this is that not only does it help you totally focus right in on what you care about.

And if you’re taking screenshots to document what hellish things are happening, you don’t have to spend a bunch of time editing them to cut distractions out.

Focus On Blocking

This is one I use a whole bunch when clients are hitting blocking issues.

EXEC sp_WhoIsActive
    @sort_order = '[blocked_session_count] DESC',
    @find_block_leaders = 1,  
    @get_plans = 1,
    @get_task_info = 2,
    @get_additional_info = 1,
    @output_column_list = '[start_time][session_id][sql_text][query_plan][wait_info][block%][additional_info]';

Here’s what it does:

  • Finds which queries have the most blocked sessions under them
  • Sort the results by which sessions are doing the most blocking
  • Gets additional information about the session, like isolation level, locks, etc.
  • Only outputs columns you need to see relevant blocking details

If you don’t have an extended event session set up to capture blocking and stuff like that, this is a great way to get a lot of the same information on the fly.

What You Do

There are probably other variations on this that would be useful to you at various times. These are just to get you started.

You can sort by any one of these columns:

session_id, physical_io, reads, physical_reads, writes, tempdb_allocations,

tempdb_current, CPU, context_switches, used_memory, physical_io_delta, reads_delta,

physical_reads_delta, writes_delta, tempdb_allocations_delta, tempdb_current_delta,

CPU_delta, context_switches_delta, used_memory_delta, tasks, tran_start_time,

open_tran_count, blocking_session_id, blocked_session_count, percent_complete,

host_name, login_name, database_name, start_time, login_time, program_name

Meaning, if you were troubleshooting high CPU, it might make sense to sort by that descending or something.

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SQL Server Community Tools: Using sp_WhoIsActive To Track Down Implicit Transactions

In The Annals

When people talk about bad ideas in SQL Server, implicit transactions are pretty high on the list.

I’ve talked about why in the past, but up until recently sp_WhoIsActive didn’t do much to surface queries using them.

By “not much” I mean “nothing at all”. Which isn’t to knock the procedure at all; it hasn’t quite lived long enough to become a villain.

But anyway, you should avoid implicit transactions as much as possible. They most often show up in the Microsoft JDBC driver queries that only people who hate you use.

When I first started to realize how bad they are, I wrote a bunch of checks into the Blitz scripts (I’ll cover those next week) that check for them.

I also opened an issue to add the check to sp_WhoIsActive, because it’s rather popular, I hear.

In The Actions

To see when queries are using implicit transactions, you need to do this:

EXEC sp_WhoIsActive
    @get_transaction_info = 1;

Which, I mean, seems like a rational design choice. Want information about implicit transactions? Get transaction info!

In the results, you’ll see this helpful column that will tell you if something is setting the implicit transactions property to true for a session.

SQL Server Implicit Transactions
please don’t

If you see this, burn the application down. It’s time to start fresh.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: How To Use sp_WhoIsActive To Get Memory Grant Information

Woah woah woah

Up until now, I’ve written about scripts that I wrote from scratch. But they’re far from the only tools I use in my every day life.

A big one is, and always has been, sp_WhoIsActive. It’s great. You hit F5, and it tells you everything running on your server.

What more could you ask for?

In the past, I’ve written a bit about it:

And get this! It’s still under active development. It’s slow, but it happens. I’m going to spend the first couple posts this week talking about cool new features in the most recent release that I’ve been using lately.

Get It

A recent addition to sp_WhoIsActive in version 12 is collecting a bunch of memory grant information for running queries.

To get the extra details via a nifty clickable XML column, use this:

EXEC sp_WhoIsActive
    @get_memory_info = 1;

You’ll get some new top-level columns in the results that look like this:

SQL Server Memory Grants

But you’ll also get an XML clickable column called memory_info that has much more detail in it.

When a query is running normally, the first XML fragment will look like this:


When a query is running (or not running, depending on how you look at it) abnormally, and waiting on RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE, it will look like this:


This can be really valuable information to get, similar to what sp_PressureDetector will give you.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: Why Does sp_PressureDetector Make A Big Deal About The Remote DAC?

Subject Matter

I’m gonna throw this at you fast, because it’s Friday. If you’re using sp_PressureDetector in a SQL Server performance crisis, there are two things you don’t want:

  • Slow results from running diagnostic queries
  • Diagnostic queries waiting in the same CPU and memory lines as user queries

That’s why one of the first things  does is see if the Remote DAC is enabled, and urge you to turn it on, like so:

EXEC sp_configure 
    'remote admin connections', 


Why bother? Well, the Remote DAC is sort of like a VIP entrance to Club SQL Server. You get your own little connection and set of resources that are unfettered by lowly user queries that are most-definitely-not-on-the-guest-list.

There are a couple caveats to being on the DAC list:

  • You have to use an admin account to access it
  • Only one person can use it at a time

So what is it, and how do you use it?


To use the DAC, all you have to do is add the prefix “ADMIN:” to your SSMS connection:

SQL Server DAC Connection SSSMS
i disconnect from you

Once that’s done, you just connect as normal and you’re good to go. There was a longstanding bug fixed recently in SSMS, where an error message would show up that said you’d not connected using the Remote DAC, even though you were.

This makes running diagnostic queries when your server is Having A Bad Day© much less prone to either adding to or being trampled by performance issues.

And also, uh, it’s just generally a good thing to have enabled for situations where you can’t connect to SQL Server in any of the normal ways, and you maybe want to try to see what the problem is rather that just crawl out of bed to restart the server.

So yeah. Good, that. Enable it.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: sp_PressureDetector Doesn’t Show You Irrelevant Waits

Which Wait Did They Go?

I tried to really focus sp_PressureDetector on things that really matter to overall SQL Server performance, and specifically related to CPU and memory pressure.

It seemed easier to include rather than exclude waits, since the list always seems to keep growing. I also wanted to include a little decoder ring to help you understand what each wait means.

  • CMEMTHREAD: Tasks waiting on memory objects
  • CXCONSUMER: Parallelism
  • CXPACKET: Parallelism
  • CXSYNC_CONSUMER: Parallelism
  • CXSYNC_PORT: Parallelism
  • PAGEIOLATCH_EX: Modifications reading pages from disk into memory
  • PAGEIOLATCH_SH: Selects reading pages from disk into memory
  • RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE: Queries waiting to get memory to run
  • RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE_QUERY_COMPILE: Queries waiting to get memory to compile
  • SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD: Query scheduling
  • THREADPOOL: Worker thread exhaustion

I know this seems really limited, but… Uh. What else would you want, here? I could show locking waits, but they aren’t really related to CPU or memory pressure.

Sure, if enough (probably parallel) queries get blocked, it can lead to THREADPOOL waits, but if that’s the cause then you’ll see all the blocking going on in the running queries results.

Seeing a bunch of lock waits up front is just a distraction from the CPU and memory pressure issues I’m trying to surface, and there’s really nothing specifically hardware related to fixing locking problems.

But anyway, if you feel like there are relevant waits missing from the list, feel free to leave a comment or open an issue on GitHub.

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: sp_PressureDetector Shows You Running Queries Taking Up CPU And Memory

One For The Money

This post describes a little more of the philosophy behind sp_PressureDetector more than anything technical about it. Maybe.

I write this at the outset, but who knows where it’ll end up. Might even delete the whole thing and look at expensive cheese.

ANYWAY! If you’ve been following my posts this week, you’ll be painfully aware that sp_PressureDetector looks at things in your SQL Server that could indicate CPU or memory pressure.

Of course, very few servers will experience either of those issues without queries running, and so my dear friend sp_PressureDetector will show you which queries are in the danger zone.

And since it may be different queries causing problems, I show you two different sets of queries in two different ways.

Two For The Memory

The memory grant section shows you queries ordered by highest current memory grant. It will show you stuff you’re accustomed to, like session id, database, query text, query plan, and all that stuff, but it’ll also break down important stuff about what’s going on with memory.

SQL Server Memory Grant Query

There are four queries running on my demo VM. Three of them asked for and received memory grants, but one of them didn’t!

  • The first three queries have all requested and been granted memory and are slowly using it
  • The fourth query hasn’t gotten a grant yet, but is sitting in a queue waiting for memory to free up

While that fourth query waits for memory, it’s sitting around on RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE.

You may not always see this happening, but even without hitting the global limit for memory grants, you can still get pretty valuable data about queries running asking for memory.

Three To Get CPU Ready

Just like the memory grant query output, the CPU section will show you familiar and helpful columns to identify and analyze the query, but the section that will show you which ones are chewing up CPU is here:

SQ: Server CPU Query

In this cap, there are five queries running (all of them are parallel). You can see associated waits, cpu time, elapsed time, and other resource usage.

You can also see just how parallel a query went. Because there is only one “branch” in this query plan, DOP and parallel worker count are equal. In larger plans, worker count can be a multiple of DOP.

SQL Server Parallel Query Plan
woah mama

In this query plan, there are four parallel exchanges, which means four branches, so we get four x dop 8 parallel worker threads, totaling 32. Only 8 can be active concurrently, but all 32 are reserved by the query until it completes

On really overworked servers, SQL Server will downgrade DOP to preserve worker threads. Screenshots don’t really do that justice, but I demo it at the main page for sp_PressureDetector in the video.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: Detecting Memory Pressure In SQL Server With sp_PressureDetector


People are always surprised by how SQL Server uses, and misuses, memory. First, there are misconceptions about how much memory Standard Edition can use — everyone thinks it’s 128GB — but that’s just for the buffer pool.

Sometimes they have no idea that…

  • SQL Server caches data pages in memory (buffer pool)
  • SQL Server doesn’t work with pages on disk (except to read them into memory)
  • SQL Server queries can ask for TONS of memory that gets pulled from the buffer pool
  • SQL Server uses memory to manage other things, like locks, caching query plans, compressed backups, and more

So that’s the type of stuff that I thought would be good to expose with sp_PressureDetector.

To look at just memory stuff with it, run this:

EXEC sp_PressureDetector
    @what_to_check = 'memory';

Simple as.


When SQL Server is under memory pressure, it can show up in a few different places, just like CPU pressure.

SQL Server Wait Stats
lucky strike

The arrows are pointing to two wait types that are directly related to queries waiting on memory. Read the description column for more detail ;^}

But that’s not the whole story, because like I said above, SQL Server uses memory for a bunch of stuff. If there’s memory pressure on the server, you’ll also see SQL Server having to go out to disk a whole bunch.

SQL Server Wait Stats
human mind


SQL Server surfaces what things are consuming memory, too. I show that early on in the results.

SQL Server Buffer Pool

My server isn’t very busy at the moment, so these numbers are fairly low, but this gives you a pretty good breakdown of:

  • How much memory is dedicated to the buffer pool
  • How much memory is stolen from the buffer pool
  • How much memory other consumers are taking up

You can match some of that up with other results that get returned that show more detail on query memory grants:

SQL Server Semaphores

It doesn’t match exactly because there’s a little time between when each query runs, but the granted_memory and used_memory columns are close-enough to the MEMORYCLERK_SQLQERESERVATIONS and Stolen Server Memory (KB) lines in the other results shown here.

If you’re paying really close attention, you may notice that 17GB of memory has been given to three queries, and 197 queries are waiting on memory.

In tomorrow’s post, we’ll look at how sp_PressureDetector surfaces queries that are most likely involved in CPU and memory pressure.

Thanks for reading!

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If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: Detecting CPU Pressure In SQL Server With sp_PressureDetector

Playing Favorites

I absolutely adore sp_PressureDetector. It’s short, it’s sweet, and it returns so many great details about what sort of pressure a SQL Server is under.

Today, we’re going to look at various ways that CPU pressure can be exposed.

You know, those expensive things that you license from Microsoft that make your database run?

They seem important.


There are precious few parameters to sp_PressureDetector. The only one you might use is @what_to_check.

EXEC sp_PressureDetector
    @what_to_check = 'cpu';

By default, the value is “both” — meaning you check CPU and memory — but you can choose to check one or the other.

Running that is going to show you all of the following things, as long as you’re on the latest version.

First, you might see signs in wait stats:

SQL Server Query Results

My demo VM hasn’t been up terribly long, and I threw a ridiculous CPU workload at it. Basically one parallel query that exhausts worker threads.

All of the waits there can be signs that your server CPU is overworked. They’re not too bad here, but if the hours_wait_time column is much greater than the hours_uptime column, that could be a pretty good indication.

Of course, because I’m throwing a horrible parallel workload at it, some of the other sections are gonna have really obvious problems.

Take this section, for instance.

SQL Server Query Results
open world

The negative available_threads column, plus the high runnable columns. Having lots of runnable queries means you have a lot of queries waiting to get on/back on a CPU.

Long lines there can mean that your CPUs are way too busy.

When things are really bad, you might see a bunch of queries that are waiting a really long time to get a CPU, resulting in gobs of THREADPOOL waits.


These are the places that signs of CPU pressure can prop up. If you need help fixing that, young and good looking consultants are standing by.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: How To Dig Deeper With Expert Mode With sp_QuickieStore

Perfect Crime

As much as I’d love to think that the normal set of results in sp_QuickieStore is sufficient, sometimes you need a little bit more to figure out what’s going on.

That’s where Expert Mode comes in. Or, as I lovingly call it, @expert_mode.

Quality engineering, there.

Most normal people don’t like a flood of information all at once. That’s why I tend to write shorter blog posts, and I write short sentences in small paragraphs.

In case you were wondering.

More Better

To summon @expert_mode all you have to do is ask nicely.

EXEC sp_QuickieStore
    @expert_mode = 1;

What you get back is stuff that wouldn’t be useful when you’re just trying to find some queries to tune, but might be really useful when you’re trying to dig deeper into why a specific query was slow.

  • Compilation Statistics: Here you get stuff like how many times, how long, how much memory, and other details around plan compilation.
  • Resource Statistics: This data comes from the plan cache and is largely for additional memory grant details that aren’t available in Query Store, like the actual grant, and not just what was used.
  • Query Store Wait Stats By Query: Up top, you get the three most prolific waits that a query was hit with; down here you get all of them ordered from highest to lowest
  • Query Store Wait Stats Total: At the database level, all of the wait stats that queries have generated
  • Query Store Options: How you set up Query Store, because sometimes you might wanna tweak those

Like I said, you won’t always need that stuff, but it can be useful at times in some scenarios.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.

SQL Server Community Tools: Formatting sp_QuickieStore Output So It’s Easier To Understand


I am not great at numbers. Especially big numbers, or numbers that need to get converted, like going from KB to GB.

Not KGB. I don’t wanna ever end up there.

Being but a mere mortal, I always find it a whole lot easier to figure out what I’m looking at when there are some separators in there.

For me in all my American Glory, that’s properly placed commas.



Some queries can rack up some pretty impressive resource consumption numbers, especially in Query Store where historical data is held for much longer times than the plan cache.

Making matters worse is that it makes sense to scale things to precise numbers that can look really confusing when they hit anything more than eight or nine digits.

That’s why I wanted to make sure sp_QuickieStore had a way to make things easier on us numerically-challenged public school kids.

EXEC sp_QuickieStore
    @format_output = 1;

Any number that meets the prerequisites for comma insertion will get one. here’s a small example:

SQL Server Query Results

Isn’t that nice?

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

If this is the kind of SQL Server stuff you love learning about, you’ll love my training. I’m offering a 75% discount to my blog readers if you click from here. I’m also available for consulting if you just don’t have time for that, and need to solve database performance problems quickly. You can also get a quick, low cost health check with no phone time required.