Fast 1
After blogging recently (maybe?) about filters, there was a Stack Exchange question about a performance issue when a variable was declared with a max type.
After looking at it for a minute, I realized that I had never actually checked to see if a recompile hint would allow the optimizer more freedom when dealing with them.
CREATE INDEX u ON dbo.Users(DisplayName); DECLARE @d nvarchar(MAX) = N'Jon Skeet'; SELECT COUNT_BIG(*) AS records FROM dbo.Users AS u WHERE u.DisplayName = @d; SELECT COUNT_BIG(*) AS records FROM dbo.Users AS u WHERE u.DisplayName = @d OPTION(RECOMPILE);
Turns out that it won’t, which is surprising.

Even though both plans have sort of a weird seek, the filter operator remains as a weird sort of residual predicate.

Thanks for reading!
Going Further
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…And … what is Expr10004?
Is there any way the XML plan could help?