I’m No Expert
I will leave the finer points of the problems with MERGE statements to the Michaels and Aarons of the SQL Server world.
This is just a… But why? post about them, because I’m honestly a bit puzzled by this missing implementation detail.
To get us to the point, I’m going to use a code snippet (with embellishments) from Aaron’s post here.
We’ll be starting with this table and trigger from the linked post, with a couple small tweaks to satisfy my OCD:
CREATE TABLE dbo.MyTable ( id integer ); INSERT dbo.MyTable VALUES (1), (4); CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER dbo.MyTable_All ON dbo.MyTable FOR INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; IF ROWCOUNT_BIG() = 0 RETURN; IF TRIGGER_NESTLEVEL() > 1 RETURN; PRINT 'Executing trigger. Rows affected: ' + RTRIM(@@ROWCOUNT); IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM inserted) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM deleted) BEGIN PRINT ' I am an insert...'; END; IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM inserted) AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM deleted) BEGIN PRINT ' I am an update...'; END; IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM inserted) AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM deleted) BEGIN PRINT ' I am a delete...'; END; END;
After all, one of the best ways to make sure you get code right is to copy and paste it from the internet.
Quiet On The Set
As much as we all love to dunk on MERGE, like cursors, heaps, and UDFs of various types, they did give you some neat options with the OUTPUT clause, like the $action
column, and the ability to get columns from other tables involved in the query. You can’t do that with a normal insert, update, or delete when using the OUTPUT clause, though I think it would be cool if we could.
Working a bit with the code linked above, here’s an expansion on it showing the additional OUTPUT capability, but this is also where my annoyance begins.
BEGIN TRANSACTION DECLARE @t table ( action varchar(6), i_id integer, d_id integer, s_word varchar(5) ); SELECT mt.* FROM dbo.MyTable AS mt; MERGE dbo.MyTable WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS Target USING ( VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ) AS Source (id, word) ON Target.id = Source.id WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Target.id = Source.id WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (id) VALUES (Source.id) WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE OUTPUT $action, Inserted.id, Deleted.id, Source.word INTO @t ( action, i_id, d_id, s_word ); SELECT t.* FROM @t AS t; SELECT mt.* FROM dbo.MyTable AS mt; ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;
You likely can’t guess what I’m sore about just looking at this, because this isn’t what annoys me.
This is all fine, and rather a nice showing of capabilities for an oft-maligned (by myself included) bit of syntax.
The problem is really in the trigger.
What’s Wrong With Triggers?
If you work with trigger code enough, you’ll get used to seeing:
- Catch all triggers that do a lot of gymnastics to differentiate insert from update from delete
- A few separate triggers to catch each modification type separately, and still do some checking to verify
The problem is that in any trigger, the $action
column is not directly exposed for use to determine the action of a MERGE statement.
Sure, you can add a column to a table to track it, or some other hacky workaround, but I consider it a quite poor design choice to not have the $action
column as a part of the Inserted and Deleted virtual tables.
Having it there would also benefit generic modifications that are captured by triggers in some manner to make the absolute type of modification quite clear to query writers.
Thanks for reading!
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