Common SQL Server Consulting Advice: Enabling Forced Parameterization

Not The Bad Kind

I need to start this post off by saying something that may not be obvious to you: Not all parameter sniffing is bad.

Sure, every time you hear someone say “parameter sniffing” they want to teach you about something bad, but there’s a lot more to it than that.

Parameter sniffing is normally great. You heard me. Most of the time, you don’t want SQL Server generating new query plans all the time.

And yet I see people go to extreme measures to avoid parameter sniffing from ever happening, like:

  • Local variables
  • Recompiling

What you care about is parameter sensitivity. That’s when SQL Server comes up with totally different execution plans for the same query depending on which parameter value it gets compiled with. In those cases, there’s usually a chance that later executions with different parameter values don’t perform very well using the original query plan.

The thing is, sometimes you need to introduce potentially bad parameter sensitivity in order to fix other problems on a server.

What’s Your Problem?

The problem we’re trying to solve here is application queries being sent in with literal values, instead of parametrized values.

The result is a plan cache that looks like this:

SQL Server Plan Cache

Of course, if you can fix the application, you should do that too. But fixing all the queries in an application can take a long time, if you even have access to make those changes, or a software vendor who will listen.

The great use case for this setting is, of course, that it happens all at once, unless you’re doing weird things.

You can turn it on for a specific database by running this command:


Good or Bad?

The argument for doing this is to drastically reduce CPU from queries constantly compiling query plans, and to reduce issues around constantly caching and evicting plans, and creating an unstable plan cache.

Of course, after you turn it on, you now open your queries up to parameter sensitivity issues. The good news is that you can fix those, too.

99% of parameter sniffing problems I see come down to indexing issues.

  • Non-covering indexes that give the optimizer a choice between Seek + Lookup and Clustered Index Scan
  • Lots of single key column indexes that don’t make sense to use across different searches
  • Suboptimal indexes suggested by various tooling that got implemented without any critical oversight

And of course, if you’ve got Query Store enabled, you can pretty easily force a plan.

Speaking of which, I still have to talk a lot of folks into turning that on, too. Let’s talk about that tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

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