Why You’re Testing SQL Server Code For Performance The Wrong Way

Turning And Turning

In yesterday’s post, I showed you a function rewrite from Scalar to Inline Table Valued, and gave you a couple example calls.

Now, if this is all you’re doing with a function, there’s absolutely no need to rewrite them.

FROM dbo.CountLetters('1A1A1A1A1A') AS cl;

    CountLetters = 

If you’re doing something like this, and maybe assigning it to a variable or using it to guide some branching logic, don’t you sweat it for one single solitary second.

You may want to make sure whatever code inside the function runs well, but changing the type of function here isn’t going to improve things.

More realistically, though, you’re going to be calling functions as part of a larger query.

Second To None

Let’s say you’re doing something a bit like this:

    TotalScore = 
        SUM(p.Score * 1.),
    Thing = 
FROM dbo.Users AS u
JOIN dbo.Posts AS p
    ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id
    FROM dbo.Votes AS v
    WHERE p.Id = v.PostId
AND u.Reputation >= 100000
    TotalScore DESC;

It’s a far different scenario than just assigning the output of a Scalar UDF to a variable or using it to guide some branching logic.

Brooklyn Zoo

A few minor syntax changes to the function and to how the query calls it can make a big difference.

    TotalScore = 
        SUM(p.Score * 1.),
    Thing = 
        (SELECT * FROM dbo.CountLetters(u.DisplayName))
FROM dbo.Users AS u
JOIN dbo.Posts AS p
    ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id
    FROM dbo.Votes AS v
    WHERE p.Id = v.PostId
AND u.Reputation >= 100000
    TotalScore DESC;

Since this is a table valued function, you have to ask for results from it like you’d ask for results from a table.

HD Video

Whether you like competitive sports, good vs. evil, Great British Bake Off, or watching election results, you can appreciate the magnificence of a Flawless Victory©.

As long as someone wins who you’re rooting for. But here, no one’s rooting for scalar functions. They’re just unlovable.

I’m going to show you the very end of these plans to see the timing differences.

SQL Server Query Plan

The Scalar UDF plan takes ~23 seconds, and the inline TVF plan takes 7.5 seconds.

And this is why testing certain linguistic elements in SQL needs to be done realistically. Just testing a single value would never reveal performance issues.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

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4 thoughts on “Why You’re Testing SQL Server Code For Performance The Wrong Way

  1. Hey Erik, Yesterday’s post was the Sql Tuesday one and it didn’t have the function?

    Is there a benefit to doing “SELECT Alias = Value” instead of “SELECT Value AS Alias”, or is it just personal preference?

    1. Yeah, I rearranged things last minute to accommodate the T-SQL Tuesday post. I’ll fix it eventually.

      As for the aliasing – the main benefit is to not annoy people who write queries correctly.

  2. A bit off topic but is the 1/0 thing just for flair? or is there a reason (aside from preference/cool factor) you went that? I know the EXISTS select list isnt executed so it doesnt matter but if there is a functional reason Id love to know. Thanks

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