Profiling Query Performance In SQL Server With Extended Events The Easy Way

Profiling Query Performance In SQL Server With Extended Events The Easy Way

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4 thoughts on “Profiling Query Performance In SQL Server With Extended Events The Easy Way

  1. I always forget that these scripts are out there. We hand-built an EE session the other day but this would have been much easier to get the same information.

    Also appreciated the “CTE’s are not your friend” line. 🙂

  2. What if the performance goes mostly to blocking? What are the clues inside the keeper_HumanEvents_query session?

    Correlation with blocked_process_report is useless for delays under 5s. Running “waits” event type at the same time could help.

    1. The obvious clue is one that I’ve talked about quite a bit: if you compare CPU and duration, and duration is much higher than CPU, then it’s likely because of blocking. You can validate this by looking at wait stats at the query plan level to see what shows up in there.

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