Creating Uncacheable Stored Procedures In SQL Server
Here’s the demo script from today’s video:
/*Create a table if you need to*/ CREATE TABLE dbo.DinnerPlans ( id bigint IDENTITY, name nvarchar(40) NOT NULL, seat_number tinyint NULL, is_free bit NOT NULL, ); GO /*First example, with an object that doesn't exist*/ CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.i_live ( @decider bit = NULL ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT, XACT_ABORT ON; IF @decider = 'true' BEGIN SELECT dp.* FROM dbo.DinnerPlans AS dp; END; IF @decider = 'false' BEGIN SELECT whatever.* FROM dbo.AnObjectThatDoesntEvenPretendToExist AS whatever; --SELECT result = 'false!'; END; IF @decider IS NULL BEGIN SELECT result = 'please make a decision.' END; END; GO /*Say goodbye!*/ DBCC FREEPROCCACHE; /*This runs without an error*/ EXEC dbo.i_live @decider = 'false'; /*But there's no query plan!*/ SELECT object_name = OBJECT_NAME(deps.object_id, deps.database_id), deps.type_desc, deps.last_execution_time, deps.execution_count, dest.text, query_plan = TRY_CAST(detqp.query_plan AS xml) FROM sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats AS deps OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(deps.plan_handle) AS dest OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan(deps.plan_handle, 0, -1) AS detqp; GO
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