A Difference Between ISNULL And COALESCE You Might Care About In SQL Server

A Difference Between ISNULL And COALESCE You Might Care About In SQL Server

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6 thoughts on “A Difference Between ISNULL And COALESCE You Might Care About In SQL Server

  1. Hi Eric,

    Huge fanboy of your content! in the dark reaches of the past, in a galaxy far far away, I heard the blasphemous phrase – “IsNull” will be deprecated by Microsoft sql server. Not only that, my team believed it and stopped using it by order of our data lord

    your thoughts on this event in history

    I rebelled as much as I could with the analysis that there was too much usage to deprecate it… my logic fell on deaf ears

  2. Also, turn on Actual Execution Plan and run this.

    select coalesce((select TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME = ‘CommandLog’),’No Table Found’)

    select isnull((select TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME = ‘CommandLog’),’No Table Found’)

      1. COALESCE doesn’t hold onto the value when checking for NULL, so when it finds a non-null value that is a subquery, it has to run it again to return the value. ISNULL doesn’t have that problem.

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