SARGable Isn’t Just For Your SQL Server Where Clause

Maybe Probably

It’s likely also obvious that your join clauses should also be SARGable. Doing something like this is surely just covering up for some daft data quality issues.

    COUNT_BIG(*) AS records
FROM dbo.Users AS u
JOIN dbo.Posts AS p
    ON ISNULL(p.OwnerUserId, 0) = u.Id;

If 0 has any real meaning here, replace the NULLs with zeroes already. Doing it at runtime is a chore for everyone.

But other things can be thought of as “SARGable” too. But perhaps we need a better word for it.

I don’t have one, but let’s define it as the ability for a query to take advantage of index ordering.

World War Three

There are no Search ARGuments here. There’s no argument at all.

But we can plainly see queries invoking functions on columns going all off the rails.

Here’s an index. Please enjoy.

CREATE INDEX c ON dbo.Comments(Score);

Now, let’s write a query. Once well, once poorly. Second verse, same as the first.

FROM dbo.Comments AS c
    c.Score DESC;

FROM dbo.Comments AS c
    ISNULL(c.Score, 0) DESC;

The plan for the first one! Yay!

SQL Server Query Plan

Look at those goose eggs. Goose Gossage. Nolan Ryan.

The plan for the second one is far less successful.

SQL Server Query Plan
trashy vampire

We’ve done our query a great disservice.

Not Okay

Grouping queries, depending on scope, can also suffer from this. This example isn’t as drastic, but it’s a simple query that still exhibits as decent comparative difference.

FROM dbo.Comments AS c
    COUNT_BIG(*) < 0;

    ISNULL(c.Score, 0) AS Score
FROM dbo.Comments AS c
    ISNULL(c.Score, 0)
    COUNT_BIG(*) < 0;

To get you back to drinking, here’s both plans.

SQL Server Query Plan
the opposite of fur

We have, once again, created more work for ourselves. Purely out of vanity.


Put yourself in SQL Server’s place here. Maybe the optimizer, maybe the storage engine. Whatever.

If you had to do this work, how would you prefer to do it? Even though I think ISNULL should have better support, it applies to every other function too.

Would you rather:

  • Process data in the order an index presents it and group/order it
  • Process data by applying some additional calculation to it and then grouping/ordering

That’s what I thought.

Thanks for reading!

Going Further

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